rllsllsourceterms.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculates the source terms for the right \(J\), \(H\) and the left solutions \(J2\), \(H2\)
!> Author: 
!> Calculates the source terms for the right \(J\), \(H\) and the left solutions \(J2\), \(H2\)
!> for caculations in the following approaches:
!> * non-relativistic
!> * scalar-relativistic
!> * full-relativistic
module mod_rllsllsourceterms
  public :: rllsllsourceterms


  !> Summary: Calculates the source terms for the right \(J\), \(H\) and the left solutions \(J2\), \(H2\)
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: single-site, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculates the source terms for the right \(J\), \(H\) and the left solutions \(J2\), \(H2\)
  !> for caculations in the following approaches:
  !> * non-relativistic
  !> * scalar-relativistic
  !> * full-relativistic
  subroutine rllsllsourceterms(nsra, nvec, eryd, rmesh, nrmax, nrmaxd, lmax, lmmaxd, use_fullgmat, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor)

    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: mod_constants, only: cvlight, ci
    use :: mod_beshank, only: beshank, beshank_smallcomp
    use :: global_variables, only: korbit

    implicit none

    ! inputs
    integer, intent (in) :: nsra, lmax, nrmax, nrmaxd
    integer, intent (in) :: lmmaxd !! lms-size [ = (1+korbit)*(lmax+1)**2 ]
    complex (kind=dp), intent (in) :: eryd
    real (kind=dp), dimension (nrmaxd), intent (in) :: rmesh
    integer, intent (in) :: use_fullgmat

    ! outputs
    integer, intent (out) :: nvec
    integer, dimension (nsra*lmmaxd), intent (out) :: jlk_index !! index array mapping entries of hlk, jlk (bing/small components one after the other) to L=(l,m,s)
    complex (kind=dp), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax), intent (out) :: hlk, jlk !! right hankel and bessel source functions
    complex (kind=dp), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax), intent (out) :: hlk2, jlk2 !! left hankel and bessel source functions
    complex (kind=dp), intent (out) :: gmatprefactor !! prefactor of the Green function (2M_0\kappa in PhD Bauer, p. 63)

    ! locals
    integer :: l1, lm1, m1, ivec, ispinfullgmat, ir
    complex (kind=dp) :: ek, ek2

    ! just copies value of nsra to nvec
    if (nsra==2) then
      nvec = 2
    else if (nsra==1) then
      nvec = 1
      stop 'error in rllsllsourceterms: nsra is neither 1 nor 2!'
    end if

    lm1 = 1
    do ivec = 1, nvec
      do ispinfullgmat = 0, use_fullgmat
        do l1 = 0, lmax
          do m1 = -l1, l1
            jlk_index(lm1) = l1 + (ivec-1)*(lmax+1) + 1
            lm1 = lm1 + 1
          end do ! m1
        end do ! l1
      end do ! ispinfullgmat
    end do ! nvec

    ! for BdG: here ek, ek2 have to be modified to get source terms for e/h parts that use different kappa=sqrt(E +/- E_F) instead of sqrt(E) (+ some relativistic corrections)
    ! then benhank and beshank_smallcomp should work the same way
    ! add additional loop ofer e/h index and take care of nsra cases below

    if (nsra==1) then
      ek = sqrt(eryd)
      ek2 = sqrt(eryd)
    else if (nsra==2) then
      ek = sqrt(eryd+(eryd/cvlight)**2)
      ek2 = sqrt(eryd+(eryd/cvlight)**2)*(1.0e0_dp+eryd/cvlight**2)
    end if

    do ir = 1, nrmax

      call beshank(hlk(:,ir), jlk(:,ir), ek*rmesh(ir), lmax)
      if (nsra==2) then
        call beshank_smallcomp(hlk(:,ir), jlk(:,ir), ek*rmesh(ir), rmesh(ir), eryd, lmax)
      end if

      ! Attention: here the different definition of Drittler (see Drittler PhD p. 18) for the sperical hankel function is used which gives the additional factor -i
      ! this factor is added here
      hlk(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir) = -ci*hlk(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir)

      ! use symmetries to get left solutions (minus sign only for NSRA==2 and l1>lmax+1)
      if (nsra==1) then
        jlk2(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir) = jlk(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir)
        hlk2(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir) = hlk(1:nvec*(lmax+1), ir)
      else if (nsra==2) then
        jlk2(1:lmax+1, ir) = jlk(1:lmax+1, ir)
        hlk2(1:lmax+1, ir) = hlk(1:lmax+1, ir)
        jlk2(lmax+2:nsra*(lmax+1), ir) = -jlk(lmax+2:nsra*(lmax+1), ir)
        hlk2(lmax+2:nsra*(lmax+1), ir) = -hlk(lmax+2:nsra*(lmax+1), ir)
      end if

    end do

    ! store prefactor for Green function, used later on (e.g. equation 3.34 on page 21 of PhD Drittler)
    gmatprefactor = ek2

  end subroutine rllsllsourceterms

end module mod_rllsllsourceterms