mod_rllsllsourceterms Module

Calculates the source terms for the right , and the left solutions , for caculations in the following approaches:

  • non-relativistic
  • scalar-relativistic
  • full-relativistic


public subroutine rllsllsourceterms(nsra, nvec, eryd, rmesh, nrmax, nrmaxd, lmax, lmmaxd, use_fullgmat, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor)

Creative Commons License
single-site, KKRhost

C a l c u l a t e s

t h e

s o u r c e

t e r m s

f o r

t h e

r i g h t

\ ( J \ ) ,

\ ( H \ )

a n d

t h e

l e f t

s o l u t i o n s

\ ( J 2 \ ) ,

\ ( H 2 \ )

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nsra
integer, intent(out) :: nvec
complex(kind=dp), intent(in) :: eryd
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (nrmaxd) :: rmesh
integer, intent(in) :: nrmax
integer, intent(in) :: nrmaxd
integer, intent(in) :: lmax
integer, intent(in) :: lmmaxd

lms-size [ = (1+korbit)(lmax+1)*2 ]

integer, intent(in) :: use_fullgmat
integer, intent(out), dimension (nsra*lmmaxd) :: jlk_index

index array mapping entries of hlk, jlk (bing/small components one after the other) to L=(l,m,s)

complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax) :: hlk

right hankel and bessel source functions

complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax) :: jlk

right hankel and bessel source functions

complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax) :: hlk2

left hankel and bessel source functions

complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension (1:nsra*(1+korbit)*(lmax+1), nrmax) :: jlk2

left hankel and bessel source functions

complex(kind=dp), intent(out) :: gmatprefactor

prefactor of the Green function (2M_0\kappa in PhD Bauer, p. 63)