regsol.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculates the regular solution of the schroedinger equation or in semi relativistic approximation for a spherically averaged potential and given energy
!> Author: B. Drittler
!> Calculates the regular solution of the schroedinger equation or in semi relativistic 
!> approximation for a spherically averaged potential and given energy.
!> To archieve greater presion the leading power \(r^s\) (in schroedinger case s = l,
!> in case of sra \(s = \sqrt{ (l^2+l-1) - \frac{4z^2}{c^2} } )\) is analytically separated
!> from the wavefunction.
!> The t-matrix has to be determined at the mt radius in case of a mt calculation 
!> or at the ws radius in case of a ws calculation. Therefore the logarithmic 
!> derivative is calculated at that point (`=ircut(ipan)` )
!> @note Ph. Mavropoulos March 2003 - Dec 2004, Munich/Juelich: LDA+U included
!> @endnote
module mod_regsol
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Calculates the regular solution of the schroedinger equation or in semi relativistic approximation for a spherically averaged potential and given energy
  !> Author: B. Drittler
  !> Category: lda+u, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculates the regular solution of the schroedinger equation or in semi relativistic 
  !> approximation for a spherically averaged potential and given energy.
  !> To archieve greater presion the leading power \(r^s\) (in schroedinger case s = l,
  !> in case of sra \(s = \sqrt{ (l^2+l-1) - \frac{4z^2}{c^2} } )\) is analytically separated
  !> from the wavefunction.
  !> The t-matrix has to be determined at the mt radius in case of a mt calculation 
  !> or at the ws radius in case of a ws calculation. Therefore the logarithmic 
  !> derivative is calculated at that point (`=ircut(ipan)` )
  !> @note Ph. Mavropoulos March 2003 - Dec 2004, Munich/Juelich: LDA+U included
  !> @endnote
  subroutine regsol(cvlight,e,nsra,dlogdp,fz,hamf,mass,pz,dror,r,s,vm2z,z,ipan,     &

    use :: mod_datatypes
    implicit none
    ! .. Scalar Arguments ..
    complex (kind=dp) :: e
    real (kind=dp) :: cvlight, z, wldauav
    integer :: ipan, ipand, irmd, lmaxd, nsra, idoldau, lopt
    ! ..
    ! .. Array Arguments ..
    complex (kind=dp) :: dlogdp(0:lmaxd), fz(irmd, 0:lmaxd), hamf(irmd, 0:lmaxd)
    complex (kind=dp) :: mass(irmd), pz(irmd, 0:lmaxd)
    real (kind=dp) :: dror(irmd), r(irmd), s(0:lmaxd), vm2z(irmd)
    real (kind=dp) :: cutoff(irmd)
    integer :: ircut(0:ipand)
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Scalars ..
    complex (kind=dp) :: dfd0, dpd0, fip0, fip1, hamf1, k1f, k1p, k2f, k2p, k3f, k3p
    complex (kind=dp) :: k4f, k4p, mass1, pip0, pip1, vme, vmefac, vmetr1
    real (kind=dp) :: dror1, drsm1, drsp1, s1, sm1, sp1, srafac
    integer :: ip, ir, irc, ire, irs, irsp1, j, k, l
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Arrays ..
    complex (kind=dp) :: a(-1:4), b(0:4), dfdi(-4:0), dpdi(-4:0)
    complex (kind=dp) :: hamfldau(irmd)
    ! ..
    ! .. Intrinsic Functions ..
    intrinsic :: cmplx, real
    ! ..
    if (nsra==2) then

      ! ---> in case of sra  srafac = 1/c - otherwise srafac = 0

      srafac = 1.0e0_dp/cvlight
      srafac = 0.0e0_dp
    end if

    irc = ircut(ipan)

    do ir = 2, irc
      vmetr1 = (vm2z(ir)-e)*r(ir) - 2.0e0_dp*z
      hamf(ir, 0) = vmetr1*dror(ir)
      mass(ir) = r(ir) - srafac*srafac*vmetr1
    end do

    do l = 1, lmaxd
      do ir = 7, irc
        hamf(ir, l) = real(l*l+l, kind=dp)/mass(ir)*dror(ir) + hamf(ir, 0)
      end do
    end do

    ! ======================================================================
    ! LDA+U

    ! Account for potential shift in case of LDA+U (averaged over m)
    ! by adding the average WLDAUAV to the spherical part of the
    ! potential.

    if (idoldau==1 .and. lopt>=0) then
      s1 = real(lopt*lopt+lopt, kind=dp)
      do ir = 2, irc
        vmetr1 = (vm2z(ir)-e+wldauav*cutoff(ir))*r(ir)
        hamfldau(ir) = (vmetr1-2.0e0_dp*z)*dror(ir)
      end do

      do ir = 7, irc
        hamf(ir, lopt) = s1/mass(ir)*dror(ir) + hamfldau(ir)
      end do
    end if

    ! LDA+U
    ! ======================================================================
    do ir = 2, irc
      mass(ir) = mass(ir)*dror(ir)
    end do

    do l = 0, lmaxd

      s1 = s(l)
      sm1 = s1 - 1.0e0_dp
      sp1 = s1 + 1.0e0_dp

      ! ---> loop over the number of kinks
      do ip = 1, ipan
        if (ip==1) then
          irs = 2
          ire = ircut(1)
          ! ---> initial values
          vme = vm2z(2) - e
          vmefac = 1.0e0_dp - vme*srafac*srafac
          if (nsra==2 .and. z>0.0e0_dp) then
            a(-1) = 0.0e0_dp
            a(0) = 1.0e0_dp
            b(0) = cmplx(sm1*cvlight*cvlight/(2*z), 0.0e0_dp, kind=dp)
            do j = 1, 3
              a(j) = (0.0e0_dp, 0.e0_dp)
              b(j) = (0.0e0_dp, 0.e0_dp)
            end do
            a(0) = 0.0e0_dp
            b(0) = real(l, kind=dp)/vmefac
            a(1) = 1.0e0_dp
            do j = 2, 4
              a(j) = (vme*vmefac*a(j-2)-2.0e0_dp*z*a(j-1))/real((j-1)*(j+2*l), kind=dp)
              b(j-1) = real(l+j-1, kind=dp)*a(j)/vmefac
            end do
          end if
          k = -4
          ! ---> power series near origin
          do ir = 2, 6
            pip0 = a(3)
            dpd0 = 3.0e0_dp*a(3)
            fip0 = b(3)
            dfd0 = 3.0e0_dp*b(3)
            do j = 2, 0, -1
              pip0 = a(j) + pip0*r(ir)
              dpd0 = real(j, kind=dp)*a(j) + dpd0*r(ir)
              fip0 = b(j) + fip0*r(ir)
              dfd0 = real(j, kind=dp)*b(j) + dfd0*r(ir)
            end do
            pz(ir, l) = pip0
            fz(ir, l) = fip0
            dpdi(k) = dpd0*dror(ir)
            dfdi(k) = dfd0*dror(ir)
            k = k + 1
          end do
          ! ---> runge kutta step to restart algorithm
          irs = ircut(ip-1) + 1
          ire = ircut(ip)
          irsp1 = irs + 1
          pip0 = pz(irs, l)
          fip0 = fz(irs, l)
          drsp1 = dror(irs)*sp1
          drsm1 = dror(irs)*sm1
          dpdi(-4) = mass(irs)*fip0 - drsm1*pip0
          dfdi(-4) = hamf(irs, l)*pip0 - drsp1*fip0
          ! ---> first step - 4 point runge kutta with interpolation
          k1p = dpdi(-4)
          k1f = dfdi(-4)
          dror1 = (3.0e0_dp*dror(irs+3)-15.0e0_dp*dror(irs+2)+45.0e0_dp*dror(irsp1)+&
          drsp1 = dror1*sp1
          drsm1 = dror1*sm1
          mass1 = (3.0e0_dp*mass(irs+3)-15.0e0_dp*mass(irs+2)+45.0e0_dp*mass(irsp1)+&
          hamf1 = (3.0e0_dp*hamf(irs+3,l)-15.0e0_dp*hamf(irs+2,l)+                  &
          k2p = mass1*(fip0+0.5e0_dp*k1f) - drsm1*(pip0+0.5e0_dp*k1p)
          k2f = hamf1*(pip0+0.5e0_dp*k1p) - drsp1*(fip0+0.5e0_dp*k1f)
          k3p = mass1*(fip0+0.5e0_dp*k2f) - drsm1*(pip0+0.5e0_dp*k2p)
          k3f = hamf1*(pip0+0.5e0_dp*k2p) - drsp1*(fip0+0.5e0_dp*k2f)

          drsp1 = dror(irsp1)*sp1
          drsm1 = dror(irsp1)*sm1
          k4p = mass(irsp1)*(fip0+k3f) - drsm1*(pip0+k3p)
          k4f = hamf(irsp1, l)*(pip0+k3p) - drsp1*(fip0+k3f)
          pip0 = pip0 + (k1p+2.0e0_dp*(k2p+k3p)+k4p)/6.0e0_dp
          fip0 = fip0 + (k1f+2.0e0_dp*(k2f+k3f)+k4f)/6.0e0_dp

          pz(irsp1, l) = pip0
          fz(irsp1, l) = fip0
          dpdi(-3) = mass(irsp1)*fip0 - drsm1*pip0
          dfdi(-3) = hamf(irsp1, l)*pip0 - drsp1*fip0

          k = -2
          ! ---> 4 point runge kutta with h = i+2 - i
          do ir = irs + 2, irs + 4
            pip0 = pz(ir-2, l)
            fip0 = fz(ir-2, l)
            k1p = dpdi(k-2)
            k1f = dfdi(k-2)
            k2p = mass(ir-1)*(fip0+k1f) - drsm1*(pip0+k1p)
            k2f = hamf(ir-1, l)*(pip0+k1p) - drsp1*(fip0+k1f)
            k3p = mass(ir-1)*(fip0+k2f) - drsm1*(pip0+k2p)
            k3f = hamf(ir-1, l)*(pip0+k2p) - drsp1*(fip0+k2f)

            drsp1 = dror(ir)*sp1
            drsm1 = dror(ir)*sm1

            k4p = mass(ir)*(fip0+2.0e0_dp*k3f) - drsm1*(pip0+2.0e0_dp*k3p)
            k4f = hamf(ir, l)*(pip0+2.0e0_dp*k3p) - drsp1*(fip0+2.0e0_dp*k3f)
            pip0 = pip0 + (k1p+2.0e0_dp*(k2p+k3p)+k4p)/3.0e0_dp
            fip0 = fip0 + (k1f+2.0e0_dp*(k2f+k3f)+k4f)/3.0e0_dp

            pz(ir, l) = pip0
            fz(ir, l) = fip0
            dpdi(k) = mass(ir)*fip0 - drsm1*pip0
            dfdi(k) = hamf(ir, l)*pip0 - drsp1*fip0
            k = k + 1
          end do
        end if
        do ir = irs + 5, ire
          drsp1 = dror(ir)*sp1
          drsm1 = dror(ir)*sm1
          ! ---> predictor : 5 point adams - bashforth
          pip1 = pip0 + (1901.0e0_dp*dpdi(0)-2774.0e0_dp*dpdi(-1)+                  &
          fip1 = fip0 + (1901.0e0_dp*dfdi(0)-2774.0e0_dp*dfdi(-1)+                  &

          dpdi(-4) = dpdi(-3)
          dpdi(-3) = dpdi(-2)
          dpdi(-2) = dpdi(-1)
          dpdi(-1) = dpdi(0)
          dfdi(-4) = dfdi(-3)
          dfdi(-3) = dfdi(-2)
          dfdi(-2) = dfdi(-1)
          dfdi(-1) = dfdi(0)

          dpdi(0) = mass(ir)*fip1 - drsm1*pip1
          dfdi(0) = hamf(ir, l)*pip1 - drsp1*fip1
          ! ---> corrector : 5 point adams - moulton
          pip0 = pip0 + (251.0e0_dp*dpdi(0)+646.0e0_dp*dpdi(-1)                     &
          fip0 = fip0 + (251.0e0_dp*dfdi(0)+646.0e0_dp*dfdi(-1)                     &

          pz(ir, l) = pip0
          fz(ir, l) = fip0
          dpdi(0) = mass(ir)*fip0 - drsm1*pip0
          dfdi(0) = hamf(ir, l)*pip0 - drsp1*fip0
        end do
        ! ---> remember that the r - mesh contains the kinks two times
        ! store the values of pz and fz to restart the algorithm
        if (ip/=ipan) then
          pz(ire+1, l) = pip0
          fz(ire+1, l) = fip0
        end if
      end do
      ! ---> logarithmic derivate of real wavefunction ( r**s *pz / r)
      dlogdp(l) = (dpdi(0)/(pip0*dror(irc))+sm1)/r(irc)
    end do

  end subroutine regsol

end module mod_regsol