mod_regsol Module

Calculates the regular solution of the schroedinger equation or in semi relativistic approximation for a spherically averaged potential and given energy. To archieve greater presion the leading power (in schroedinger case s = l, in case of sra is analytically separated from the wavefunction. The t-matrix has to be determined at the mt radius in case of a mt calculation or at the ws radius in case of a ws calculation. Therefore the logarithmic derivative is calculated at that point (=ircut(ipan) )


Ph. Mavropoulos March 2003 - Dec 2004, Munich/Juelich: LDA+U included


    • mod_datatypes


public subroutine regsol(cvlight, e, nsra, dlogdp, fz, hamf, mass, pz, dror, r, s, vm2z, z, ipan, ircut, idoldau, lopt, wldauav, cutoff, irmd, ipand, lmaxd)

B. Drittler
Creative Commons License
lda+u, KKRhost

C a l c u l a t e s

t h e

r e g u l a r

s o l u t i o n

o f

t h e

s c h r o e d i n g e r

e q u a t i o n

o r

i n

s e m i

r e l a t i v i s t i c

a p p r o x i m a t i o n

f o r


s p h e r i c a l l y

a v e r a g e d

p o t e n t i a l

a n d

g i v e n

e n e r g y

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp) :: cvlight
complex(kind=dp) :: e
integer :: nsra
complex(kind=dp) :: dlogdp(0:lmaxd)
complex(kind=dp) :: fz(irmd,0:lmaxd)
complex(kind=dp) :: hamf(irmd,0:lmaxd)
complex(kind=dp) :: mass(irmd)
complex(kind=dp) :: pz(irmd,0:lmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dror(irmd)
real(kind=dp) :: r(irmd)
real(kind=dp) :: s(0:lmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: vm2z(irmd)
real(kind=dp) :: z
integer :: ipan
integer :: ircut(0:ipand)
integer :: idoldau
integer :: lopt
real(kind=dp) :: wldauav
real(kind=dp) :: cutoff(irmd)
integer :: irmd
integer :: ipand
integer :: lmaxd