mod_amn2010 Module

For details see vinters2010; also used to construct the intercell potential of the host


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=8), public, allocatable :: CLEB(:,:)
integer, public, allocatable :: ICLEB(:,:)
integer, public :: iend
integer, public :: ncleb
integer, public :: first = 1
integer, public :: amnlmaxpot


public subroutine amn2010(jatom, amat, bmat, alat, gauntcoeff, lpotmax, ntotatom, ratom)

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electrostatics, potential, KKRimp

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: jatom
real(kind=8) :: amat(ntotatom,(lpotmax+1)**2,(lpotmax+1)**2)
real(kind=8) :: bmat(ntotatom,(lpotmax+1)**2)
real(kind=8) :: alat
type(gauntcoeff_type), intent(in) :: gauntcoeff
integer :: lpotmax
integer :: ntotatom
real(kind=8) :: ratom(3,ntotatom)