gauntcoeff_type Derived Type

type, public :: gauntcoeff_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, allocatable :: icleb(:,:)

pointer array, first index loops over all gaunt coefficients, second index 1:3 gives access to $L$,$L'$ and $L''$

integer, public, allocatable :: loflm(:)

l of lm=(l,m) (gaunt)

real(kind=dp), public, allocatable :: cleb(:,:)

gaunt coefficients (gaunt) (1:iend,??), what is the second index?

integer, public :: iend

number of non-zero gaunt coefficients

integer, public, allocatable :: jend(:,:,:)

pointer array for icleb()

integer, public :: ncleb

maximal number of gaunt coefficents (also the non-zero ones)

real(kind=dp), public, allocatable :: wg(:)
real(kind=dp), public, allocatable :: yrg(:,:,:)