gmat_type Derived Type

type, public :: gmat_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
double complex, public, allocatable :: gmathost(:,:)

host Green function matrix of size (ntotatomlmsizehost, ntotatomlmsizehost)

integer, public :: gmathostdim

dimension of the host Green function

integer, public :: gmathost_lmmax

maximal angular momentum lmmax of the host

integer, public :: kgrefsoc

spin-orbit coupling in the host

double complex, public, allocatable :: gmat(:,:)

Green function matrix

integer, public :: gmatdim

dimension of the Green funtion matrix

integer, public, allocatable :: iatom2nlmindex(:,:)

some pointer array

integer, public, allocatable :: iatom2nlmindexhost(:,:)

some pointer array

integer, public, allocatable :: nlmindex2iatom(:)

some pointer array