wmatldausoc.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculation of Coulomb interaction potential in LDA+U relativistic + SOC (new solver)
!> Author: N. Long
!> Calculation of Coulomb interaction potential in LDA+U relativistic
!> + SOC (new solver)
module mod_wmatldausoc
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Calculation of Coulomb interaction potential in LDA+U relativistic + SOC (new solver)
  !> Author: N. Long 
  !> Category: total-energy, potential, lda+u, spin-orbit-coupling, KKRhost 
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculation of Coulomb interaction potential in LDA+U relativistic
  !> + SOC (new solver)
  !> The expression evaluated (array VLDAU) is:
  !> $$V_{m1,s,m2,s'} =\delta_{ss'} \sum_{s'',m3,m4} U_{m1,m2,m3,m4}n_{m3,s'',m4,s''}-\sum_{m3,m4} U_{m1,m4,m3,m2} n_{m3,s',m4,s} - \left[Ueff(dentot-1/2) - Jeff n_s - 1/2)\right] \delta_{ss'} \delta_{m1,m2}\$$
  !> @note For details see H. Ebert at al., Sol. Stat. Comm. 127 (2003) 443
  !> @endnote
  subroutine wmatldausoc(ntldau,itldau,nspin,denmatn,lopt,ueff,jeff,uldau,wldau,eu, &

    use :: mod_constants
    use :: mod_datatypes
    use :: mod_rclm
    use :: mod_wmatldau, only: rwrite
    use :: mod_cinit
    use :: mod_rinit
    use :: mod_cmatstr

    implicit none

    ! .. Input variables
    integer, intent (in) :: lmax   !! Maximum l component in wave function expansion
    integer, intent (in) :: natyp  !! Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell
    integer, intent (in) :: nspin  !! Counter for spin directions
    integer, intent (in) :: mmaxd  !! 2*LMAX+1
    integer, intent (in) :: nspind !! KREL+(1-KREL)*(NSPIN+1)
    integer, intent (in) :: ntldau !! number of atoms on which LDA+U is applied
    integer, dimension (natyp), intent (in) :: lopt !! angular momentum QNUM for the atoms on which LDA+U should be applied (-1 to switch it OFF)
    integer, dimension (natyp), intent (in) :: itldau !! integer pointer connecting the NTLDAU atoms to their corresponding index in the unit cell
    real (kind=dp), dimension (natyp), intent (in) :: ueff !! input U parameter for each atom
    real (kind=dp), dimension (natyp), intent (in) :: jeff !! input J parameter for each atom
    ! .. Input/Output variables
    real (kind=dp), dimension (natyp), intent (inout) :: eu !! Total energy corrections
    real (kind=dp), dimension (natyp), intent (inout) :: edc !! Double-counting correction
    real (kind=dp), dimension (mmaxd, mmaxd, nspind, natyp), intent (inout) :: wldau !! potential matrix
    real (kind=dp), dimension (mmaxd, mmaxd, mmaxd, mmaxd, natyp), intent (in) :: uldau !! calculated Coulomb matrix elements (EREFLDAU)
    complex (kind=dp), dimension (mmaxd, mmaxd, 2, 2, natyp), intent (inout) :: denmatn

    ! .. Local variables
    integer :: iprint
    integer :: i1, it, is, js, m1, m2, m3, m4, mm, mmax
    real (kind=dp) :: dentot
    real (kind=dp) :: factor
    complex (kind=dp) :: csum, csum2
    character (len=15) :: str15
    real (kind=dp), dimension (nspind) :: dentots
    real (kind=dp), dimension (mmaxd, mmaxd, 2, 2) :: denmat
    complex (kind=dp), dimension (mmaxd, mmaxd, 2, 2) :: vldau
    ! ..
    data iprint/1/
    data factor/1.e0_dp/           ! if this is 1. then: n*(n-1) in Edc and
    ! potential
    ! if this is 0. then: n**2 in Edc and potential

    write (1337, '(/,79("#"),/,16X,A,/,79("#"))') 'LDA+U: Calculating interaction potential VLDAU'
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    do it = 1, ntldau
      i1 = itldau(it)
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      if (lopt(i1)>=0) then
        call rinit(mmaxd*mmaxd*2*2, denmat(1,1,1,1))
        mmax = 2*lopt(i1) + 1
        write (1337, 100) i1, lopt(i1)
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! Result is in real Ylm basis.
        ! It must be converted to complex Ylm basis:
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (iprint>1) write (1337, 110) 'Occupation matrix in REAL basis:'
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        do is = 1, nspin
          if (iprint>1) then
            write (str15, '(4X,"> ",A,I1)') 'ISPIN = ', is
            call cmatstr(str15, 15, denmatn(1,1,is,is,i1), mmaxd, mmax, 0, 0, 0, 1e-8_dp, 1337)
          end if
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! Convert DENMATC and DENMAT to complex spherical harmonics.
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do js = 1, nspin
            call rclm(1, lopt(i1), lmax, denmatn(1,1,js,is,i1))
          end do                   ! js
        end do                     ! is
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (iprint>1) write (1337, 110) 'Occupation matrix in COMPLEX basis:'
        dentot = 0.e0_dp
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        do is = 1, nspin
          if (iprint>1) then
            write (str15, '(4X,"> ",A,I1)') 'ISPIN = ', is
            call cmatstr(str15, 15, denmatn(1,1,is,is,i1), mmaxd, mmax, 0, 0, 0, 1e-8_dp, 1337)
          end if
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! DENMAT is real: (imag(denmatc))
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do js = 1, nspin
            do m2 = 1, mmax
              do m1 = 1, mmax
                denmat(m1, m2, js, is) = (denmatn(m1,m2,js,is,i1))
              end do
            end do
          end do                   ! js
        end do                     ! is
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! 2.  Calculate total occupation numbers:
        ! ntot_s = Sum_m n_{m,s,m,s}, ntot = n_1 + n_2
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        do is = 1, nspin
          dentots(is) = 0.e0_dp
          do js = 1, nspin
            do mm = 1, mmax
              dentots(is) = dentots(is) + denmat(mm, mm, js, is)
            end do
          end do                   ! JS
          dentot = dentot + dentots(is)
        end do                     ! IS
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (iprint>0) then
          write (1337, 110) 'Occupation matrix (real):'
          do is = 1, nspin
            write (1337, 120) is
            call rwrite(denmat(1,1,is,is), mmaxd, mmax, 1337)
            write (1337, 130) 'Trace     =', dentots(is)
          end do
          write (1337, 140) 'Spins sum =', dentot
        end if
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        call cinit(mmaxd*mmaxd*2*2, vldau(1,1,1,1))
        do is = 1, nspin
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! 3.  Use density matrix and Coulomb matrix ULDAU to calculate the
          ! interaction potential VLDAU
          ! 3a. First part (always diagonal in spin).
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do m2 = 1, mmax
            do m1 = 1, mmax
              csum = czero
              do m4 = 1, mmax
                do m3 = 1, mmax
                  csum2 = czero
                  do js = 1, nspin
                    csum2 = csum2 + denmat(m3, m4, js, js)
                  end do
                  csum = csum + uldau(m1, m2, m3, m4, i1)*csum2
                end do
              end do
              vldau(m1, m2, is, is) = vldau(m1, m2, is, is) + csum
            end do
          end do
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! 3b. Second part
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do js = 1, nspin
            do m2 = 1, mmax
              do m1 = 1, mmax
                csum = czero
                do m4 = 1, mmax
                  do m3 = 1, mmax
                    csum = csum - uldau(m1, m4, m3, m2, i1)*denmat(m3, m4, js, is)
                  end do
                end do
                vldau(m1, m2, js, is) = vldau(m1, m2, js, is) + csum
              end do
            end do
          end do                   ! js
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! 3c. Third part (always spin- and m-diagonal).
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do m1 = 1, mmax
            vldau(m1, m1, is, is) = vldau(m1, m1, is, is) - ueff(i1)*(dentot-0.5e0_dp*factor) + jeff(i1)*(dentots(is)-0.5e0_dp*factor)
          end do
        end do                     ! IS
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! 4. Calculate total-energy corrections EU and EDC (double-counting).
        ! Then the correction is EU - EDC.
        ! L[LDA+U]=E[LDA]+E[U]-E[DC]
        !> @note: EU,EDC initialised outside the routine
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! Calculate EDC
        do is = 1, nspin
          edc(i1) = edc(i1) + jeff(i1)*dentots(is)*(dentots(is)-factor)
        end do

        edc(i1) = 0.5e0_dp*(ueff(i1)*dentot*(dentot-1.e0_dp)-edc(i1))

        ! Calculate EU
        do is = 1, nspin
          do js = 1, nspin
            do m4 = 1, mmax
              do m3 = 1, mmax
                do m2 = 1, mmax
                  do m1 = 1, mmax
                    eu(i1) = eu(i1) + denmat(m1, m2, is, is)*uldau(m1, m2, m3, m4, i1)*denmat(m3, m4, js, js)
                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do

        do is = 1, nspin
          do js = 1, nspin
            do m4 = 1, mmax
              do m3 = 1, mmax
                do m2 = 1, mmax
                  do m1 = 1, mmax
                    eu(i1) = eu(i1) - denmat(m1, m2, is, js)*uldau(m1, m4, m3, m2, i1)*denmat(m3, m4, js, is)
                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do

        eu(i1) = 0.5e0_dp*eu(i1)
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (iprint>0) write (1337, 110) 'Interaction potential in COMPLEX basis:'
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        do is = 1, nspin
          wldau(:, :, is, i1) = 0e0_dp
          if (iprint>0) then
            write (str15, '(4X,"> ",A,I1)') 'ISPIN = ', is
            call cmatstr(str15, 15, vldau(1,1,is,is), mmaxd, mmax, 0, 0, 0, 1e-8_dp, 1337)
          end if
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! 5.  Transform VLDAU into real spherical harmonics basis
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          do js = 1, nspin
            call rclm(2, lopt(i1), lmax, vldau(1,1,js,is))
            ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
            ! Copy transformed VLDAU to real WLDAU
            ! Apply damping to the interaction matrix WLDAU ? Here not.
            ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
            do m2 = 1, mmax
              do m1 = 1, mmax
                wldau(m1, m2, is, i1) = wldau(m1, m2, is, i1) + real(vldau(m1,m2,js,is))
              end do
            end do
          end do                   ! js
        end do                     ! is
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (iprint>0) then
          write (1337, 110) 'Interaction potential in REAL basis:'
          do is = 1, nspin
            write (str15, '(4X,"> ",A,I1)') 'ISPIN = ', is
            call cmatstr(str15, 15, vldau(1,1,is,is), mmaxd, mmax, 0, 0, 0, 1e-8_dp, 1337)
          end do
        end if
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        write (1337, 110) 'Interaction potential (real):'
        do is = 1, nspin
          write (1337, 120) is
          call rwrite(wldau(1,1,is,i1), mmaxd, mmax, 1337)
        end do
        write (1337, *)
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! Corrections in total energy:
        ! Write out corrections on energy:
        ! E[LDA+U] = E[LDA] + EU - EDC
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        write (1337, 110) 'Corrections to the total energy:'
        write (1337, *)
        write (1337, 130) 'EU  =', eu(i1)
        write (1337, 130) 'Edc =', edc(i1)
        write (1337, 150) 'E[LDA+U] = E[LDA] + EU - Edc'
      end if
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    end do                         ! I1 = 1,NTLDAU
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 format (/, 6x, 65('='), /, 6x, 'Atom :', i3, ' (l =', i2, ')', /, 6x, 18('='))
110 format (8x, '* ', a)
120 format (/, 15x, '> ISPIN =', i1)
130 format (10x, a, f10.6)
140 format (10x, 21('-'), /, 10x, a, f10.6, /, 10x, 60('-'), /)
150 format (27x, a, /)
  end subroutine wmatldausoc

end module mod_wmatldausoc