vosko.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculate the spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential and the spin-polarized exchange-correlation energy from ceperley-alder ( parametrization of vosko, wilk and nusair ) ( m. manninen )
!> Author: B. Drittler
!> Calculate the spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential and the spin-polarized 
!> exchange-correlation energy from ceperley-alder 
!> ( parametrization of vosko, wilk and nusair ) ( m. manninen )
!> Use as input the density generated on an angular mesh (see subroutine `vxclm`). 
!> `fpirho(.,1)` contains the charge density times \(4\pi\) and `fpirho(.,2)` the 
!> spin density times \(4\pi\). Then the ex.-cor. potential and the ex.-cor. energy on those
!> mesh points is calculated .
!> The spin-down potential is stored in `vxc(.,1)`.
module mod_vosko
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Calculate the spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential and the spin-polarized exchange-correlation energy from ceperley-alder ( parametrization of vosko, wilk and nusair ) ( m. manninen )
  !> Author: B. Drittler
  !> Category: xc-potential, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculate the spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential and the spin-polarized 
  !> exchange-correlation energy from ceperley-alder 
  !> ( parametrization of vosko, wilk and nusair ) ( m. manninen )
  !> Use as input the density generated on an angular mesh (see subroutine `vxclm`). 
  !> `fpirho(.,1)` contains the charge density times \(4\pi\) and `fpirho(.,2)` the 
  !> spin density times \(4\pi\). Then the ex.-cor. potential and the ex.-cor. energy on those
  !> mesh points is calculated .
  !> The spin-down potential is stored in `vxc(.,1)`.
  subroutine vosko(exc, fpirho, vxc, ijend, ijd)
    implicit none
    ! ..
    ! .. Scalar Arguments ..
    integer, intent(in) :: ijd
    integer, intent(in) :: ijend
    ! ..
    ! .. Array Arguments ..
    real (kind=dp), dimension(*) :: exc !! xc-energy
    real (kind=dp), dimension(ijd, 2), intent(out) :: vxc   !! spin dependent xc-poteantial
    real (kind=dp), dimension(ijd, 2), intent(inout) :: fpirho !! Charge and spin density times \(4\pi\)
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Scalars ..
    real (kind=dp) :: af, ap, atnf, atnp, beta, bf, bp, cbrt1, cbrt2, cf
    real (kind=dp) :: cf1, cf2, cf3, cp, cp1, cp2, cp3, dbeta, dfs, duc, duc1, duc2 
    real (kind=dp) :: ec, ecf, ecp, fs, onthrd, qf, qp, rs, s, s4, smag, tf1, tp1
    real (kind=dp) :: uc0, uc1, uc10, uc2, uc20, ucf, ucp, x, xf0, xfx, xp0, xpx
    integer :: ij
    ! ..
    ! .. Intrinsic Functions ..
    intrinsic :: abs, atan, log, max, min, sign, sqrt
    ! ..
    ! .. Save statement ..
    save :: ap, xp0, bp, cp, qp, cp1, cp2, cp3, af, xf0, bf, cf, qf, cf1, cf2, cf3
    ! ..
    ! .. Data statements ..
    data ap, xp0, bp, cp, qp, cp1, cp2, cp3/0.0621814e0_dp, -0.10498e0_dp, 3.72744e0_dp, 12.9352e0_dp, 6.1519908e0_dp, 1.2117833e0_dp, 1.1435257e0_dp, -0.031167608e0_dp/
    data af, xf0, bf, cf, qf, cf1, cf2, cf3/0.0310907e0_dp, -0.32500e0_dp, 7.06042e0_dp, 18.0578e0_dp, 4.7309269e0_dp, 2.9847935e0_dp, 2.7100059e0_dp, -0.1446006e0_dp/
    ! ..

    onthrd = 1.0e0_dp/3.0e0_dp

    ! ---> loop over the angular mesh points

    do ij = 1, ijend
      fpirho(ij, 1) = max(1.0e-10_dp, fpirho(ij,1))
      smag = sign(1.0e0_dp, fpirho(ij,2))
      fpirho(ij, 2) = smag*min(fpirho(ij,1)-1.0e-10_dp, abs(fpirho(ij,2)))
      rs = (3.e0_dp/fpirho(ij,1))**onthrd
      s = fpirho(ij, 2)/fpirho(ij, 1)
      x = sqrt(rs)
      xpx = x*x + bp*x + cp
      xfx = x*x + bf*x + cf
      s4 = s**4 - 1.e0_dp
      cbrt1 = (1.e0_dp+s)**(1.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)
      cbrt2 = (1.e0_dp-s)**(1.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)
      fs = ((1.e0_dp+s)**(4.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)+(1.e0_dp-s)**(4.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)-2.e0_dp)/(2.e0_dp**(4.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)-2.e0_dp)
      beta = 1.e0_dp/(2.74208e0_dp+3.182e0_dp*x+0.09873e0_dp*x*x+0.18268e0_dp*x**3)
      dfs = 4.e0_dp/3.e0_dp*(cbrt1-cbrt2)/(2.e0_dp**(4.e0_dp/3.e0_dp)-2.e0_dp)
      dbeta = -(0.27402e0_dp*x+0.09873e0_dp+1.591e0_dp/x)*beta**2
      atnp = atan(qp/(2.e0_dp*x+bp))
      atnf = atan(qf/(2.e0_dp*x+bf))
      ecp = ap*(log(x*x/xpx)+cp1*atnp-cp3*(log((x-xp0)**2/xpx)+cp2*atnp))
      ecf = af*(log(x*x/xfx)+cf1*atnf-cf3*(log((x-xf0)**2/xfx)+cf2*atnf))
      ec = ecp + fs*(ecf-ecp)*(1.e0_dp+s4*beta)

      ! ---> calculate ex.-cor. energy

      exc(ij) = ec - 0.9163306e0_dp/rs - 0.2381735e0_dp/rs*fs
      tp1 = (x*x+bp*x)/xpx
      tf1 = (x*x+bf*x)/xfx
      ucp = ecp - ap/3.e0_dp*(1.e0_dp-tp1-cp3*(x/(x-xp0)-tp1-xp0*x/xpx))
      ucf = ecf - af/3.e0_dp*(1.e0_dp-tf1-cf3*(x/(x-xf0)-tf1-xf0*x/xfx))
      uc0 = ucp + (ucf-ucp)*fs
      uc10 = uc0 - (ecf-ecp)*(s-1.e0_dp)*dfs
      uc20 = uc0 - (ecf-ecp)*(s+1.e0_dp)*dfs
      duc = (ucf-ucp)*beta*s4*fs + (ecf-ecp)*(-rs/3.e0_dp)*dbeta*s4*fs
      duc1 = duc - (ecf-ecp)*beta*(s-1.e0_dp)*(4.e0_dp*s**3*fs+s4*dfs)
      duc2 = duc - (ecf-ecp)*beta*(s+1.e0_dp)*(4.e0_dp*s**3*fs+s4*dfs)
      uc1 = uc10 + duc1
      uc2 = uc20 + duc2

      ! ---> calculate exc.-cor. potential

      vxc(ij, 2) = uc1 - 1.221774e0_dp/rs*cbrt1
      vxc(ij, 1) = uc2 - 1.221774e0_dp/rs*cbrt2
      if (abs(fpirho(ij,1))<=1.0e-10_dp) then
        vxc(ij, 1) = 0.0e0_dp
        vxc(ij, 2) = 0.0e0_dp
      end if

    end do
  end subroutine vosko

end module mod_vosko