type_corestate.f90 Source File

Source Code

!> Summary: Corestate type
!> Author: 
!> Category: KKRimp, core-electrons
!> Deprecated: False 
!> Contains information about the core states
module type_corestate
use nrtype
type                                ::  corestate_type
   integer                          ::  ncorestated                !! maximum number of core states (for allocating)
   integer                          ::  ncore                      !! number of core states for atom iatom
   integer                          ::  lcoremax                   !! maximum angular momentum of core state
   integer,allocatable              ::  lcore(:,:)          	   !! angular momentum of core state
   real(kind=dp),allocatable        ::  ecore(:,:)          	   !! energy of core state
end type corestate_type

end module type_corestate