taustruc.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Find the structure of the site-diagonal TAU - matrices  TAUQ
!> Author: 
!> Find the structure of the site-diagonal TAU - matrices  TAUQ
module mod_taustruct
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Find the structure of the site-diagonal TAU - matrices  TAUQ
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: single-site, k-points, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Find the structure of the site-diagonal TAU - matrices  TAUQ
  subroutine taustruct(drot, nsym, symunitary, nkm, nq, nqmax, nkmmax, iprint, irel)

    use :: mod_datatypes
    use :: mod_cmatstr
    use :: mod_cinit
    implicit none

    ! Dummy arguments
    integer :: iprint, irel, nkm, nkmmax, nq, nqmax, nsym
    complex (kind=dp) :: drot(nkmmax, nkmmax, 48)
    logical :: symunitary(48)

    ! Local variables
    real (kind=dp) :: abst, x
    integer :: i, i0, imweight, iq, isym, iw, iwr, j, k, l, lin, nelmt, nkmq(nqmax), nkmtop, nlin, non0(nqmax)
    complex (kind=dp) :: st(nkmmax, nkmmax), tauk(nkmmax, nkmmax, nqmax)

    do iq = 1, nq
      nkmq(iq) = nkm
    end do

    imweight = 0
    nelmt = 0
    nlin = 0
    iw = 6

    do iq = 1, nq
      non0(iq) = 0
      nkmtop = nkmq(iq)

      if (iprint>0) write (1337, 120) iq
      do i = 1, nkmtop
        do j = 1, nkmtop
          st(i, j) = 0.0e0_dp

          call cinit(nkmmax*nkmmax*nqmax, tauk)

          do isym = 1, nsym
            i0 = iq

            if (symunitary(isym)) then
              do l = 1, nkmtop
                do k = 1, nkmtop
                  tauk(k, l, i0) = tauk(k, l, i0) + drot(i, k, isym)*conjg(drot(j,l,isym))
                end do
              end do
              do l = 1, nkmtop
                do k = 1, nkmtop
                  tauk(l, k, i0) = tauk(l, k, i0) + drot(i, k, isym)*conjg(drot(j,l,isym))
                end do
              end do
            end if
          end do

          lin = 0
          iwr = 0
          do k = 1, nkmq(iq)
            do l = 1, nkmq(iq)
              abst = abs(tauk(k,l,iq))
              st(i, j) = st(i, j) + abst
              if (abst>1e-8_dp) then
                if (aimag(tauk(k,l,iq))>1e-5_dp) then
                  if (iprint>0) write (1337, *) ' Im(Weight) > 1D-5 ', i, j, k, l
                  imweight = 1
                end if
                x = real(tauk(k,l,iq))/real(nsym, kind=dp)

                if (iprint>1) then
                  if (iwr==0) then
                    iwr = 1
                    write (iw, 100) i, j, iq, x, k + (iq-1)*nkm, l + (iq-1)*nkm
                    write (iw, 110) x, k + (iq-1)*nkm, l + (iq-1)*nkm
                  end if
                end if
                lin = lin + 1
              end if

            end do
          end do

          if (lin>0) then
            nlin = nlin + lin
            nelmt = nelmt + 1
            non0(iq) = non0(iq) + 1
          end if

          if (abs(st(i,j))>1e-5_dp) st(i, j) = 2

        end do
      end do

      if (iprint>1) call cmatstr('TAU-MAT', 7, st, nkmtop, nkmmax, irel, irel, 0, 1e-8_dp, 6)
    end do

    write (1337, 130) nelmt, (non0(iq), iq=1, nq)
    write (1337, 140) nlin

    if (imweight/=0) write (1337, 150)

    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

100 format ('     TAUQ(', i2, ',', i2, ',', i2, ') =  ', '   ', f10.4, ' * <', i3, '|T(K)|', i3, '>')
110 format (23x, ' + ', f10.4, ' * <', i3, '|T(K)|', i3, '>')
120 format (/, /, ' ===========================================================', /, '   structure of  TAU-matrix   INT <i|t(k)|j>     IQ=', i3, /, &
      ' ===========================================================', /)
130 format (/, 5x, 'non-0 TAU-elements          ', i5, '   Q:', 80i4)
140 format (5x, 'terms to sum up             ', i5, /)
150 format (/, 5x, 50('#'), /, 5x, 'WARNING: complex TAU weights found', /, 5x, 'this may occur for rotated magnetic moments', /, 5x, &
      'relevant only for tetrahedron BZ-integration', /, 5x, 50('#'), /)
  end subroutine taustruct

end module mod_taustruct