symlat.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Supplies the point symmetry operations of the lattice
!> Author: 
!> Supplies the point symmetry operations of the lattice.
!> `symlat` analyzes the primitive translations of the bravais lattice in order to 
!> supply the symmetry operations of the lattice.
!> It gives the number `nsymop` of allowed operations as well as these operations themselves.
!> * Inputs:
!>    - `platcp`: lattice vectors of most compact primitive unit cell
!> * Outputs:
!>    - `nsymop`: number of allowed symmetry operations
!>    - `symopm`: symmetry operation matrix
!> @note Jonathan Chico: Seems to not be called anywhere
!> @endnote
module mod_symlat


  !> Summary: Supplies the point symmetry operations of the lattice
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: geometry, deprecated, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: True
  !> Supplies the point symmetry operations of the lattice.
  !> `symlat` analyzes the primitive translations of the bravais lattice in order to 
  !> supply the symmetry operations of the lattice.
  !> It gives the number `nsymop` of allowed operations as well as these operations themselves.
  !> * Inputs:
  !>    - `platcp`: lattice vectors of most compact primitive unit cell
  !> * Outputs:
  !>    - `nsymop`: number of allowed symmetry operations
  !>    - `symopm`: symmetry operation matrix
  !> @note Jonathan Chico: Seems to not be called anywhere
  !> @endnote
  subroutine symlat(nsymop, platcp, symopm)

    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: mod_dinv33
    use :: mod_dmpy
    use :: mod_latvec
    use :: mod_rotmat
    implicit none
    ! Passed parameters:
    integer :: nsymop
    real (kind=dp) :: platcp(3, 3), symopm(9, *)
    ! Local parameters:
    integer :: i, iprint, ltmax, ll1, m, m1, m2, m3, mm, nrot(4)
    parameter (ltmax=3, ll1=ltmax*2+1, iprint=20)
    real (kind=dp) :: platt(9), qlatcp(3, 3), mat(9), vecg(3), vol
    logical :: lirr

    data nrot/2, 3, 4, 6/

    mm(i, m) = ltmax - (mod(i,ll1**m)-mod(i,ll1**(m-1)))/ll1**(m-1)

    call dinv33(platcp, 1, qlatcp, vol)
    call rotmat(-1, .false., 1, symopm(1,1), [0.0_dp,0.0_dp,0.0_dp] )
    call rotmat(-1, .true., 1, symopm(1,2), [0.0_dp,0.0_dp,0.0_dp] )
    nsymop = 2
    ! --- find all possible rotation axis
    do i = 0, (ll1**3-1)/2 - 1
      m1 = mm(i, 1)
      m2 = mm(i, 2)
      m3 = mm(i, 3)
      lirr = .true.
      do m = 2, ll1
        lirr = lirr .and. (mod(m1,m)/=0 .or. mod(m2,m)/=0 .or. mod(m3,m)/=0)
      end do
      if (lirr) then
        do m = 1, 3
          vecg(m) = m1*platcp(m, 1) + m2*platcp(m, 2) + m3*platcp(m, 3)
        end do
        do m = 1, 4
          ! --------- create the matrix of the symmetry operation
          call rotmat(-1, .false., nrot(m), mat, vecg)
          call dmpy(mat, 3, 1, platcp, 3, 1, platt, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3)
          ! --------- check the primitive translations for the symmetry
          ! operations
          if (latvec(3,qlatcp,platt)) then
            call rotmat(-1, .false., nrot(m), symopm(1,nsymop+1), vecg)
            call rotmat(-1, .true., nrot(m), symopm(1,nsymop+2), vecg)
            nsymop = nsymop + 2
            if (m/=1) then
              call rotmat(-1, .false., -nrot(m), symopm(1,nsymop+1), vecg)
              call rotmat(-1, .true., -nrot(m), symopm(1,nsymop+2), vecg)
              nsymop = nsymop + 2
            end if
          end if
        end do
      end if
    end do
    if (iprint>=30) write (1337, 100) nsymop
100 format (/, ' SYMLAT: lattice invariant under ', i2, ' symmetry operations.')
  end subroutine symlat

end module mod_symlat