scfchrdns.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Wrapper for the calculation of the charge, spin and orbital density within an atomic cell
!> Author:
!> Wrapper for the calculation of the charge, spin and orbital density within an atomic cell
module mod_scfchrdns


   !> Summary: Wrapper for the calculation of the charge, spin and orbital density within an atomic cell
   !> Author: 
   !> Category: physical-observables, input-output, KKRhost
   !> Deprecated: False 
   !> Wrapper for the calculation of the charge, spin and orbital density within an atomic cell
  subroutine scfchrdns(nfilcbwf,r2drdi,jws,imt,shftef,totdos,muespn,mueorb,irel,    &
    iprint,nt,nl,nkm,eryd,we,efermi,iecurr,netab,dos,smt,omt,hff,dosi,smti,omti,    &
    hffi,dosm,dosl0,dosint,smtm,smtl0,smtint,omtm,omtl0,omtint,hffm,hffl0,hffint,   &
    bcor,bcors,dzz,dzj,szz,szj,ozz,ozj,bzz,bzj,ozzs,ozjs,omtls0,tautlin,nvaltot,    &
    txtt,conc,nat,rhochr,rhospn,rhoorb,qel,gdia,gmdia,goff,ntmax,nlmax,nmuemax,     &

    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: mod_ssite, only: readwfun
    use :: mod_rintsimp
    use :: mod_ikapmue
    use :: mod_rinit
    use :: mod_constants, only: czero,pi
    implicit none

    ! PARAMETER definitions
    integer :: ntmaxchk
    parameter (ntmaxchk=10)

    ! Dummy arguments
    complex (kind=dp) :: eband, eryd, we
    real (kind=dp) :: efermi, mueorb, muespn, shftef, totdos, nvaltot
    integer :: iecurr, iprint, irel, linmax, netab, nfilcbwf, nkm, nkmmax, nl, nlmax, nmmax, nmuemax, nrmax, nt, ntmax
    real (kind=dp) :: bcor(ntmax), bcors(ntmax), conc(ntmax), dos(ntmax), dosi(ntmax), gdia(nkmmax), gmdia(nkmmax), goff(nkmmax), hff(ntmax), hffi(ntmax), omt(ntmax), omti(ntmax), &
      qel(ntmax), r2drdi(nrmax, nmmax), rhochr(nrmax, ntmax), rhoorb(nrmax, ntmax), rhospn(nrmax, ntmax), smt(ntmax), smti(ntmax)
    complex (kind=dp) :: bzj(linmax, ntmax), bzz(linmax, ntmax), dosint(nlmax, ntmax), dosl0(nlmax, ntmax), dosm(nmuemax), dzj(linmax, ntmax), dzz(linmax, ntmax), ebandt(ntmax), &
      hffint(nlmax, ntmax), hffl0(nlmax, ntmax), hffm(nmuemax), omtint(nlmax, ntmax), omtl0(nlmax, ntmax), omtm(nmuemax), ozj(linmax, ntmax), ozz(linmax, ntmax), &
      smtint(nlmax, ntmax), smtl0(nlmax, ntmax), smtm(nmuemax), szj(linmax, ntmax), szz(linmax, ntmax), tautlin(linmax, ntmax)
    complex (kind=dp) :: ozzs(linmax, ntmax, 2), ozjs(linmax, ntmax, 2), omtls0(nlmax, ntmax, 2)
    integer :: imt(ntmax), jws(nmmax), nat(ntmax)
    character (len=4) :: txtt(ntmax)

    ! Local variables
    real (kind=dp) :: aux, bdum(3), cff(2, 2), cfg(2, 2), cgf(2, 2), cgg(2, 2), chko(ntmaxchk), chkq(ntmaxchk), chks(ntmaxchk), defermi, dq, mj, mjmax, mjmin, r1m(2, 2), &
      rint(nrmax), totnos
    complex (kind=dp) :: dosl, hffl, jf(nrmax, 2, 2), jg(nrmax, 2, 2), omtl, smtl, wds, wof, wog, wsf, wsg, wt, zf(nrmax, 2, 2), zfjf, zfzf, zg(nrmax, 2, 2), zgjg, zgzg
    complex (kind=dp) :: omtls(2), omtms(nmuemax, 2)
    integer :: i, iflag, ikm1, ikm2, il, im, is, it, jj, jtop, k1, k2, ka, kap1, kap2, kb, l, lin, lmax, mm, mue, nsol

    save :: chko, chkq, chks

    data r1m/1.0e0_dp, 0.0e0_dp, 0.0e0_dp, 1.0e0_dp/

    if (iecurr==1) then

      do it = 1, nt
        do il = 1, nl
          dosint(il, it) = czero
          smtint(il, it) = czero
          omtint(il, it) = czero
          hffint(il, it) = czero
        end do
        ebandt(it) = czero
      end do

      ! ----------------------------- account for spin degeneracy for IREL <=1
      if (irel<=1) then
        do it = 1, nt
          im = imt(it)
          jtop = jws(im)
          do i = 1, jtop
            rhochr(i, it) = rhochr(i, it)/2.0e0_dp
            rhospn(i, it) = 0.0e0_dp
            rhoorb(i, it) = 0.0e0_dp
          end do
        end do
      end if

      if (iprint>0) then
        if (nt>ntmaxchk) stop '<SCFCHRDNS> NT > NTMAXCHK'
        do it = 1, nt
          im = imt(it)
          jtop = jws(im)
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhochr(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, chkq(it))
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhospn(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, chks(it))
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhoorb(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, chko(it))
        end do
      end if
    end if

100 continue
    totnos = 0.0e0_dp
    totdos = 0.0e0_dp
    muespn = 0.0e0_dp
    mueorb = 0.0e0_dp

    do it = 1, nt
      im = imt(it)
      jtop = jws(im)

      lmax = nl - 1
      lin = 0

      dos(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      smt(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      omt(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      hff(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      dosi(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      smti(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      omti(it) = 0.0e0_dp
      hffi(it) = 0.0e0_dp

      do l = 0, lmax
        il = l + 1
        ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        kap1 = -l - 1
        kap2 = l
        if (l==0) kap2 = kap1
        ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        dosl = 0.0e0_dp
        smtl = 0.0e0_dp
        omtl = 0.0e0_dp
        hffl = 0.0e0_dp
        omtls(1) = omtl
        omtls(2) = omtl

        if (irel>1) then
          mjmax = real(l, kind=dp) + 0.5e0_dp
          mjmax = real(l, kind=dp)
        end if
        mjmin = -mjmax
        mue = 0

        do mj = mjmin, mjmax, 1.0_dp
          mue = mue + 1
          dosm(mue) = 0.0e0_dp
          smtm(mue) = 0.0e0_dp
          omtm(mue) = 0.0e0_dp
          hffm(mue) = 0.0e0_dp

          do is = 1, 2
            omtms(mue, is) = 0.0e0_dp
          end do

          if (irel<=1) then
            nsol = 1
            ! no coupling for:  abs(mue)= j   +  j=l+1/2 == kap=-l-1
          else if (abs(mj)>real(l,kind=dp)) then
            nsol = 1
            nsol = 2
          end if
          ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
          ikm1 = ikapmue(kap1, nint(mj-0.5e0_dp))
          ikm2 = ikapmue(kap2, nint(mj-0.5e0_dp))
          ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
          if (irel<=1) then
            ikm1 = il
            ikm2 = il
            if (nkm/=nl**2) write (1337, 110) nkm
          end if

          cgg(1, 1) = gdia(ikm1)
          cgg(1, 2) = goff(ikm1)
          cgg(2, 1) = goff(ikm1)
          cgg(2, 2) = gdia(ikm2)
          call rinit(4, cgf)
          cgf(1, 1) = gmdia(ikm1)
          cgf(2, 2) = gmdia(ikm2)

          cfg(1, 1) = mj*(kap1+1.0e0_dp)/(kap1+0.5e0_dp)
          cfg(2, 2) = mj*(kap2+1.0e0_dp)/(kap2+0.5e0_dp)
          cfg(1, 2) = 0.5e0_dp*sqrt(1.0e0_dp-(mj/(kap1+0.5e0_dp))**2)
          cfg(2, 1) = cfg(1, 2)
          call rinit(4, cff)
          cff(1, 1) = mj*(-kap1+1.0e0_dp)/(-kap1+0.5e0_dp)
          cff(2, 2) = mj*(-kap2+1.0e0_dp)/(-kap2+0.5e0_dp)

          ! -------------------------------------------------- read wave
          ! functions

          call readwfun(nfilcbwf,it,l,mj,nsol,'REG','IRR',ikm1,kap1,ikm2,kap2,nt,   &

          do k1 = 1, nsol
            do k2 = 1, nsol
              lin = lin + 1
              wt = -tautlin(lin, it)/pi
              dosm(mue) = dosm(mue) + wt*dzz(lin, it)
              smtm(mue) = smtm(mue) + wt*szz(lin, it)
              omtm(mue) = omtm(mue) + wt*ozz(lin, it)
              hffm(mue) = hffm(mue) + wt*bzz(lin, it)

              do is = 1, 2
                omtms(mue, is) = omtms(mue, is) + wt*ozzs(lin, it, is)
              end do

              do ka = 1, nsol
                do kb = 1, nsol
                  wds = we*wt*r1m(ka, kb)
                  wsg = we*wt*cgg(ka, kb)
                  wsf = we*wt*cgf(ka, kb)
                  wog = we*wt*cfg(ka, kb)
                  wof = we*wt*cff(ka, kb)
                  do i = 1, jtop
                    zgzg = zg(i, ka, k1)*zg(i, kb, k2)
                    zfzf = zf(i, ka, k1)*zf(i, kb, k2)
                    rhochr(i, it) = rhochr(i, it) + aimag(wds*zgzg+wds*zfzf)
                    rhospn(i, it) = rhospn(i, it) + aimag(wsg*zgzg-wsf*zfzf)
                    rhoorb(i, it) = rhoorb(i, it) + aimag(wog*zgzg-wof*zfzf)
                  end do
                end do
              end do

              if (k1==k2) then
                dosm(mue) = dosm(mue) + dzj(lin, it)/pi
                smtm(mue) = smtm(mue) + szj(lin, it)/pi
                omtm(mue) = omtm(mue) + ozj(lin, it)/pi
                hffm(mue) = hffm(mue) + bzj(lin, it)/pi

                do is = 1, 2
                  omtms(mue, is) = omtms(mue, is) + ozjs(lin, it, is)/pi
                end do

                do ka = 1, nsol
                  do kb = 1, nsol
                    wds = we*r1m(ka, kb)/pi
                    wsg = we*cgg(ka, kb)/pi
                    wsf = we*cgf(ka, kb)/pi
                    wog = we*cfg(ka, kb)/pi
                    wof = we*cff(ka, kb)/pi
                    do i = 1, jtop
                      zgjg = zg(i, ka, k1)*jg(i, kb, k2)
                      zfjf = zf(i, ka, k1)*jf(i, kb, k2)
                      rhochr(i, it) = rhochr(i, it) + aimag(wds*zgjg+wds*zfjf)
                      rhospn(i, it) = rhospn(i, it) + aimag(wsg*zgjg-wsf*zfjf)
                      rhoorb(i, it) = rhoorb(i, it) + aimag(wog*zgjg-wof*zfjf)
                    end do
                  end do
                end do
              end if
            end do
          end do

          dosl = dosl + dosm(mue)
          smtl = smtl + smtm(mue)
          omtl = omtl + omtm(mue)
          hffl = hffl + hffm(mue)

          do is = 1, 2
            omtls(is) = omtls(is) + omtms(mue, is)
          end do

        end do

        ebandt(it) = ebandt(it) + we*dosl*eryd

        dosint(il, it) = dosint(il, it) + we*dosl
        smtint(il, it) = smtint(il, it) + we*smtl
        omtint(il, it) = omtint(il, it) + we*omtl
        hffint(il, it) = hffint(il, it) + we*hffl

        dosl0(il, it) = dosl
        smtl0(il, it) = smtl
        omtl0(il, it) = omtl
        hffl0(il, it) = hffl

        do is = 1, 2
          omtls0(il, it, is) = omtls(is)
        end do
        ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((iprint>0) .and. (iecurr==netab)) then

          if (irel>1) then
            jj = 2*l + 2

            write (1337, 150) iecurr, eryd, l, it, txtt(it), 'CRYSTAL TERMS       ', dosint(il, it), smtint(il, it), omtint(il, it), (hffint(il,it)*1e-3_dp), dosl, smtl, omtl, &
              (hffl*1e-6_dp), ((-jj-1+2*mue), dosm(mue), smtm(mue), omtm(mue), (hffm(mue)*1e-6_dp), mue=1, jj)

            jj = 2*l + 1

            write (1337, 240) iecurr, eryd, l, it, txtt(it), 'CRYSTAL TERMS       ', dosint(il, it), smtint(il, it), omtint(il, it), (hffint(il,it)*1e-3_dp), dosl, smtl, omtl, &
              (hffl*1e-6_dp), ((-l-1+mm), dosm(mm), smtm(mm), omtm(mm), (hffm(mm)*1e-6_dp), mm=1, jj)

          end if
        end if
        ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        dos(it) = dos(it) + aimag(dosl)
        smt(it) = smt(it) + aimag(smtl)
        omt(it) = omt(it) + aimag(omtl)
        hff(it) = hff(it) + aimag(hffl)
        dosi(it) = dosi(it) + aimag(dosint(il,it))
        smti(it) = smti(it) + aimag(smtint(il,it))
        omti(it) = omti(it) + aimag(omtint(il,it))
        hffi(it) = hffi(it) + aimag(hffint(il,it))
      end do

      totnos = totnos + dosi(it)*conc(it)*nat(it)
      totdos = totdos + dos(it)*conc(it)*nat(it)
      muespn = muespn + smti(it)*conc(it)*nat(it)
      mueorb = mueorb + omti(it)*conc(it)*nat(it)

      if (iprint>0) then

        write (1337, 160) iecurr, eryd, it, txtt(it), dosi(it), smti(it), omti(it), (hffi(it)*1e-3_dp), dos(it), smt(it), omt(it), (hff(it)*1e-3_dp)

        if (it<nt) then
          write (1337, '(1X,79(''-''))')
        else if ((iprint>0) .or. (iecurr==netab)) then
          write (1337, 200) totdos, totnos, muespn, mueorb
          write (1337, '('' '',79(''=''))')
        end if
      end if

    end do

    if (iecurr==netab) then

      eband = czero
      do it = 1, nt
        eband = eband + ebandt(it)*conc(it)*nat(it)
      end do

      if (irel>1) then
        dq = nvaltot - totnos
        dq = nvaltot/2.0e0_dp - totnos
      end if

      defermi = dq/totdos

      if (abs(dq)>1e-06_dp) then
        we = defermi
        efermi = efermi + defermi
        shftef = defermi

        write (1337, '(/)')
        write (1337, 220)(txtt(it), conc(it), it=1, nt)
        write (1337, 230) dq, defermi, efermi

        go to 100
      end if

      if (iprint>0) then
        iflag = 0
        do it = 1, nt
          im = imt(it)
          jtop = jws(im)
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhochr(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, aux)
          chkq(it) = aux - chkq(it)
          if (abs(chkq(it)-dosi(it))>1.0e-8_dp) then
            iflag = 1
            write (1337, 140) it, 'Q', dosi(it), chkq(it), dosi(it)/chkq(it)
          end if
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhospn(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, aux)
          chks(it) = aux - chks(it)
          if (abs(chks(it)-smti(it))>1.0e-8_dp) then
            iflag = 1
            write (1337, 140) it, 'S', smti(it), chks(it), smti(it)/chks(it)
          end if
          do i = 1, jtop
            rint(i) = rhoorb(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
          end do
          call rintsimp(rint, jtop, aux)
          chko(it) = aux - chko(it)
          if (abs(chko(it)-omti(it))>1.0e-8_dp) then
            iflag = 1
            write (1337, 140) it, 'O', omti(it), chko(it), omti(it)/chko(it)
          end if
        end do

        if (iflag==0) then
          write (1337, 120)
          write (1337, 130)
        end if
      end if

      do it = 1, nt

        write (1337, 160)(iecurr+1), efermi, 0.0e0_dp, it, txtt(it)

        bdum(1) = bcors(it)*1e-3_dp
        bdum(2) = (bcor(it)-bcors(it))*1e-3_dp
        bdum(3) = bcor(it)*1e-3_dp

        write (1337, 170)(aimag(dosl0(il,it)), aimag(dosint(il,it)), aimag(smtl0(il,it)), aimag(smtint(il,it)), aimag(omtl0(il,it)), aimag(omtint(il,it)), aimag(hffint(il, &
          it))*1e-3_dp, bdum(il), il=1, min(3,nl))
        if (nl>3) write (1337, 180)(aimag(dosl0(il,it)), aimag(dosint(il,it)), aimag(smtl0(il,it)), aimag(smtint(il,it)), aimag(omtl0(il,it)), aimag(omtint(il, &
          it)), aimag(hffint(il,it))*1e-3_dp, il=4, nl)

        write (1337, 190) dos(it), dosi(it), smt(it), smti(it), omt(it), omti(it), (hffi(it)*1e-3_dp), ((hffi(it)+bcor(it))*1e-3_dp)

        if (it<nt) then
          write (1337, '(1X,79(''-''))')
          write (1337, 210) totdos, totnos, muespn, mueorb, aimag(eband)
        end if

        im = imt(it)
        jtop = jws(im)

        do i = 1, jtop
          rint(i) = rhochr(i, it)*r2drdi(i, im)
        end do

        call rintsimp(rint, jtop, qel(it))

        ! ----------------------------- account for spin degeneracy for IREL <=1
        if (irel<=1) then
          qel(it) = qel(it)*2.0e0_dp
          do i = 1, jtop
            rhochr(i, it) = rhochr(i, it)*2.0e0_dp
            rhospn(i, it) = 0.0e0_dp
            rhoorb(i, it) = 0.0e0_dp
          end do
        end if

      end do

    end if

110 format ('warning in <SCFCHRDNS>:  IREL<=1 and  NL**2 <> NKM=', i5)
120 format (/, 10x, 'integrals in <SCFCHRDNS> agree within 1D-8', /)
130 format (/, 10x, '... integrals in <SCFCHRDNS>  NOT OK')
140 format (' IT ', i3, 2x, a, 2x, f20.10, /, 12x, 4f20.10)
150 format (/, i4, ' E=', 2f7.4, 3x, 'L=', i2, 3x, 'IT=', i2, 2x, a, 2x, a20, /, 15x, 'DOS  [1/Ry]  |  m_spin  [m_B]  |  m_orb   [m_B]  |', '   B_tot   [kG]', /, ' INT(DE)  ', &
      2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, f10.1, f8.1, /, ' SUM(MJ)  ', 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, f10.1, f8.1, 20(:,/,' MJ= ',i2,'/2 ',2f8.3,2x,2f8.3,2x,2f8.3,f10.1,f8.1))
160 format (/, i4, ' E=', 2f7.4, 10x, 'IT=', i2, 2x, a, :, /, 15x, 'DOS  [1/Ry]  |  m_spin  [m_B]  |  m_orb   [m_B]  |', '   B_tot   [kG]', /, ' INT(DE) crystal  ', f8.3, 10x, &
      f8.3, 10x, f8.3, 10x, f8.1, /, ' TOTAL   crystal  ', f8.3, 10x, f8.3, 10x, f8.3, 10x, f8.1)
170 format ('         DOS      NOS     P_spin   m_spin', '    P_orb    m_orb    B_val      B_core', /, '  s ', 2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2, ' s  ', f8.2, :, /, '  p ', &
      2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2, ' ns ', f8.2, :, /, '  d ', 2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2, ' cor', f8.2)
180 format ('  f ', 2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2, :, /, '  g ', 2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2)
190 format (' sum', 2f9.4, f10.4, f9.4, f10.5, f9.5, f8.2, ' v+c', f8.2)
200 format (' ', 79('-'), /, ' TDOS/NOS ', 2f8.3, ' MUE-SPIN:', f8.3, '  MUE-ORB:', f8.3)
210 format (' ', 79('-'), /, ' TOT', 2f9.4, 10x, f9.4, 10x, f9.5, /, ' E_band', f17.6, ' [Ry]', /, ' ', 79('='))
220 format ((' ',79('*'),/), /, ' KKR-run for: ', 15(a,f5.2))
230 format (/, ' results extrapolated to corrected FERMI - ENERGY:', /, ' CHARGE MISFIT     ', f9.5, /, ' E_F CORRECTION    ', f9.5, /, ' NEW FERMI ENERGY  ', f9.5, /)
240 format (/, i4, ' E=', 2f7.4, 3x, 'L=', i2, 3x, 'IT=', i2, 2x, a, 2x, a20, /, 15x, 'DOS  [1/Ry]  |  m_spin  [m_B]  |  m_orb   [m_B]  |', '   B_tot   [kG]', /, ' INT(DE)  ', &
      2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, f10.1, f8.1, /, ' SUM(ML)  ', 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, 2x, 2f8.3, f10.1, f8.1, 20(:,/,' ML= ',i2,'   ',2f8.3,2x,2f8.3,2x,2f8.3,f10.1,f8.1))
  end subroutine scfchrdns

end module mod_scfchrdns