rotgll.F90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: It calculates all the elements of the Green Function of the impurity cluster
!> Author: 
!> It calculates all the elements of the Green Function of the impurity cluster
!> using the GF calculated for the representative pairs. The representative pair 
!> and the symmetry operation `D` are given through the arrays `IJTABSH` and `IJTABSYM` 
!> set up in `SHELLGEN2K()`
!> \begin{equation}
!> G^{nm,n'm'}_{L,L'}(E)=\sum_{L_1,L_2} D_{L,L_1}^T G_{L_1,L_2}^{nm,n'm'}(E) D_{L_2,L'}
!> \end{equation}
!> where
!> \begin{equation}
!> DR^n_m=R^n_m
!> \end{equation}
!> and
!> \begin{equation}
!> DR^{n'}_m=R^{n'}_m
!> \end{equation}
module mod_rotgll


  !> Summary: It calculates all the elements of the Green Function of the impurity cluster
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False
  !> It calculates all the elements of the Green Function of the impurity cluster
  !> using the GF calculated for the representative pairs. The representative pair 
  !> and the symmetry operation `D` are given through the arrays `IJTABSH` and `IJTABSYM` 
  !> set up in `SHELLGEN2K()`
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> G^{nm,n'm'}_{L,L'}(E)=\sum_{L_1,L_2} D_{L,L_1}^T G_{L_1,L_2}^{nm,n'm'}(E) D_{L_2,L'}
  !> \end{equation}
  !> where
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> DR^n_m=R^n_m
  !> \end{equation}
  !> and
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> DR^{n'}_m=R^{n'}_m
  !> \end{equation}
  subroutine rotgll(gmatll,natomimp,ijtabsym,ijtabsh,dsymll,symunitary,igf,rc,crel, &

    use :: mod_mympi, only: myrank, master
    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp, sp
    use :: mod_runoptions, only: print_Gij, write_gmat_plain, write_green_host, write_kkrimp_input, write_double_precision
    use :: mod_changerep
    use :: mod_cmatstr
    use :: mod_constants, only: czero, cone

    implicit none
    ! ..
    ! .. Scalar arguments
    integer :: ngclus, lmmaxd, irec
    integer :: igf, krel, natomimp
    ! ..
    ! .. Array arguments
    integer :: ijtabsym(*), ijtabsh(*)
    complex (kind=dp) :: gmatll(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, *), dsymll(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, *)
    complex (kind=dp) :: crel(lmmaxd, lmmaxd), rc(lmmaxd, lmmaxd), rrel(lmmaxd, lmmaxd)
    logical :: symunitary(*)
    ! ..
    ! .. Local arrays
    complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: gll(:, :, :, :), tpg(:, :)
    complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: gclust(:)
    ! ..
    ! .. Local scalars
    integer :: ilin, iq, icall, ish, isym, jq
    integer :: lm1, lm2, nlin, ilm, jlm
    character (len=1) :: cnt
    character (len=4) :: str4i, str4j
    character (len=18) :: str18
    ! ..
    ! .. External Functions
    ! ..
    ! .. Data statement
    data icall/1/
    ! ..
    ! .. Save statement
    save :: icall
    ! ..
    allocate (gll(lmmaxd,lmmaxd,natomimp,natomimp), tpg(lmmaxd,lmmaxd), stat=lm1)
    if (lm1/=0) then
      write (6, 100) ' GLL/TPG'
      stop '           < ROTGLL > '
    end if
100 format (6x, 'ERROR: failed to allocate array(s) :', a, /)
    ! **********************************************************************
    if (icall==1) then
      if (myrank==master) write (1337, '(79("="))')
      if (myrank==master) write (1337, '(6X,2A)') 'ROTGLL : Expand GF for all pairs by rotation', ' and write out (all E-points)'
      if (myrank==master) write (1337, '(79("="))')
      if (myrank==master) write (1337, *)
    end if
    ! ***********************************************************************
    do iq = 1, natomimp
      do jq = 1, natomimp
        ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ilin = (iq-1)*natomimp + jq
        ish = ijtabsh(ilin)
        isym = ijtabsym(ilin)
        ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ! for REL CASE look if it is a unitary / ANTI - unitary rotation
        ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        cnt = 'N'
        if (.not. symunitary(isym)) cnt = 'T'

        call zgemm('C', cnt, lmmaxd, lmmaxd, lmmaxd, cone, dsymll(1,1,isym), lmmaxd, gmatll(1,1,ish), lmmaxd, czero, tpg, lmmaxd)

        call zgemm('N', 'N', lmmaxd, lmmaxd, lmmaxd, cone, tpg, lmmaxd, dsymll(1,1,isym), lmmaxd, czero, gll(1,1,iq,jq), lmmaxd)
        ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      end do
    end do
    ! ***********************************************************************

    ! visualise Gij
    if (print_Gij) then
      write (1337, '(/,4X,70("+"),/,4X,A,I4)') 'cluster G_ij matrices for i,j = 1,', natomimp

      do iq = 1, natomimp
        write (1337, '(/,8X,66("="))')
        do jq = 1, natomimp

          write (str4i, '(I4)') iq
          write (str4j, '(I4)') jq
          str18 = '   i =' // str4i(1:4) // ' j =' // str4j(1:4)
          if (krel==0) then
            call cmatstr(str18, 18, gll(1,1,iq,jq), lmmaxd, lmmaxd, 0, 0, 0, 1.0e-8_dp, 6)
            call changerep(gll(1,1,iq,jq), 'REL>RLM', tpg, lmmaxd, lmmaxd, rc, crel, rrel, str18, 18)
          end if
          if (jq<natomimp) write (1337, '(/,9X,65("-"))')
        end do
        if (iq==natomimp) write (1337, '(/,8X,66("="),/)')
      end do
      write (1337, '(4X,70("+"))')
    end if

    ! ***********************************************************************

    ! --> output of GF

    ngclus = lmmaxd*natomimp
    if (igf/=0) then
      icall = icall + 1
      nlin = 0

      allocate (gclust(ngclus*ngclus), stat=lm1)
      if (lm1/=0) then
        write (6, 100) ' GCLUST'
        stop '           < ROTGLL > '
      end if
      do jq = 1, natomimp
        do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd
          jlm = (jq-1)*lmmaxd + lm2
          do iq = 1, natomimp
            do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
              nlin = nlin + 1
              if (nlin>ngclus*ngclus) stop '<ROTGLL>: NLIN.GT.(NATOMIMP*LMMAXD)**2'
              gclust(nlin) = gll(lm1, lm2, iq, jq)
              ! test
              ! WRITE(214321,'(4i,2E)') LM1,LM2,IQ,JQ,GCLUST(NLIN)
              ! writeout of green_host for WRTGREEN option
              if (write_green_host .and. myrank==master) then
                ilm = (iq-1)*lmmaxd + lm1
                write (58, '((2I5),(2e17.9))') jlm, ilm, gll(lm1, lm2, iq, jq)
              end if
            end do
          end do
        end do
      end do

      if ((write_kkrimp_input)) then
#ifdef CPP_MPI
        irec = irec
        irec = icall
        ! force single precision complex writeout to minimize file size etc.
        ! maybe this can be removed in the future
        if ( write_double_precision ) then
          write (888, rec=irec) gclust
          write (888, rec=irec) cmplx(gclust, kind=sp)
        end if

        if ((write_gmat_plain)) then
          write (8888, '(50000E25.16)') gclust
        end if
      end if

      ! ==== the following write-out has been disabled, because it was assumed to be     !no-green
      ! ====  obsolete with the implementation of the MPI-communicated arrays. If I am   !no-green
      ! ====  wrong and the write-out is needed in subsequent parts, construct a         !no-green
      ! ====  test-option around it so that it is only written out in this case.         !no-green
      ! IF ( .not. write_kkrimp_input ) THEN                                        !no-green
      ! WRITE(88,REC=ICALL) GCLUST                                             !no-green
      ! endif                                                                   !no-green

      deallocate (gclust)
    end if                         ! IGF/=0
    ! ***********************************************************************
    deallocate (gll, tpg)
  end subroutine rotgll

end module mod_rotgll