rmatstr.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Writes structure of `real(kind=dp)` \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\)
!> Author:
!> Writes structure of `real(kind=dp)` \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\)
module mod_rmatstr
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Writes structure of `real(kind=dp)` \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\)
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: numerical-tools, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Writes structure of `real(kind=dp)` \(N\times N\) matrix \(A\)
  subroutine rmatstr(str, lstr, a, n, m, mlin, mcol, tolp, nfil)
    ! ********************************************************************
    ! *                                                                  *
    ! *   writes structure of REAL      NxN   matrix   A                 *
    ! *                                                                  *
    ! *   M           is the actual array - size used for   A            *
    ! *   MLIN/COL    MODE for line and comlun indexing                  *
    ! *               0: plain, 1: (l,ml), 2: (l,ml,ms), 3: (kap,mue)    *
    ! *   TOL         tolerance for difference                           *
    ! *                                                                  *
    ! *                                                         03/01/96 *
    ! ********************************************************************
    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: ndifmax = 250
    integer, intent (in) :: lstr, m, n, mlin, mcol, nfil
    real (kind=dp), intent (in) :: tolp

    character (len=lstr) :: str
    character (len=150) :: fmt1, fmt2, fmt3, fmt4
    character (len=1) :: ctab(0:ndifmax), vz(-1:+1)
    integer :: iw(m), ilsep(20)
    integer :: icauc, iczuc, natoz, icalc, icilc, k, nk, nm, nm2, nm1, nm3, ic0, n3, n2, n1, lf, l3, mm, nsl, il, i, nnon0, nd, nalf, j, id, icnd, isl
    real (kind=dp) :: tol
    real (kind=dp) :: a(m, m), cnum, ca, cb, dtab(0:ndifmax)
    logical :: csmall, csame

    save :: vz
    data vz/'-', ' ', ' '/

    csmall(cnum) = abs(cnum*tol) < 1.0e0_dp

    csame(ca, cb) = csmall(1.0e0_dp-ca/cb)

    tol = 1.0e0_dp/tolp

    icauc = ichar('A')
    iczuc = ichar('Z')
    natoz = iczuc - icauc + 1
    icalc = ichar('a')
    icilc = ichar('i')

    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- header
    ic0 = ichar('0')
    n3 = n/100
    n2 = n/10 - n3*10
    n1 = n - n2*10 - n3*100

    fmt1 = '(8X,I3,''|'','
    fmt2 = '( 9X,''--|'','
    fmt3 = '( 9X,'' #|'','
    fmt4 = '( 9X,''  |'','

    lf = 11
    l3 = 11
    if (mcol==0) then
      fmt1 = fmt1(1:lf) // char(ic0+n3) // char(ic0+n2) // char(ic0+n1) // '( 2A1),''|'',I3)'
      fmt2 = fmt2(1:lf) // char(ic0+n3) // char(ic0+n2) // char(ic0+n1) // '(''--''),''|'',I3)'
      fmt3 = fmt3(1:lf) // '60(2X,I2))'
      fmt4 = fmt4(1:lf) // '60(I2,2X))'
      lf = 21
      if (mcol==1) then
        nk = nint(sqrt(real(n,kind=dp)))
      else if (mcol==2) then
        nk = nint(sqrt(real(n/2,kind=dp)))
      else if (mcol==3) then
        nk = 2*nint(sqrt(real(n/2,kind=dp))) - 1
      end if
      do k = 1, nk
        if (mcol<=2) then
          nm = 2*k - 1
          nm = 2*((k+1)/2)
        end if
        nm2 = nm/10
        nm1 = nm - nm2*10
        nm3 = nm/2
        fmt1 = fmt1(1:lf) // char(ic0+nm2) // char(ic0+nm1) // '( 2A1),''|'','
        fmt2 = fmt2(1:lf) // char(ic0+nm2) // char(ic0+nm1) // '(''--''),''|'','

        if (mcol<=2) then
          do mm = 1, nm
            if (mod(mm,2)==mod(k,2)) then
              fmt3 = fmt3(1:l3) // '2X,'
              fmt4 = fmt4(1:l3) // 'I2,'
              fmt3 = fmt3(1:l3) // 'I2,'
              fmt4 = fmt4(1:l3) // '2X,'
            end if
            l3 = l3 + 3
          end do
          fmt3 = fmt3(1:l3) // '''|'','
          fmt4 = fmt4(1:l3) // '''|'','
          l3 = l3 + 4
          fmt3 = fmt3(1:lf) // char(ic0+nm3) // '(2X,I2),''|'','
          fmt4 = fmt4(1:lf) // char(ic0+nm3) // '(I2,2X),''|'','
          l3 = l3 + 13
        end if
        lf = lf + 13
      end do
      if (mcol==2) then
        fmt1 = fmt1(1:lf) // fmt1(12:lf)
        fmt2 = fmt2(1:lf) // fmt2(12:lf)
        fmt3 = fmt3(1:l3) // fmt4(12:l3)
        fmt4 = fmt4(1:l3) // fmt3(12:l3)
        lf = 2*lf - 11
      end if
      fmt1 = fmt1(1:lf) // 'I3)'
      fmt2 = fmt2(1:lf) // 'I3)'
      fmt3 = fmt3(1:l3) // 'I3)'
      fmt4 = fmt4(1:l3) // 'I3)'
    end if
    if (mlin==0) then
      nsl = 1
      ilsep(1) = n
    else if (mlin==1) then
      nsl = nint(sqrt(real(n,kind=dp)))
      do il = 1, nsl
        ilsep(il) = il**2
      end do
    else if (mlin==2) then
      nsl = nint(sqrt(real(n/2,kind=dp)))
      do il = 1, nsl
        ilsep(il) = il**2
      end do
      do il = 1, nsl
        ilsep(nsl+il) = ilsep(nsl) + il**2
      end do
      nsl = 2*nsl
    else if (mlin==3) then
      nsl = 2*nint(sqrt(real(n/2,kind=dp))) - 1
      ilsep(1) = 2
      do k = 2, nsl
        ilsep(k) = ilsep(k-1) + 2*((k+1)/2)
      end do
    end if

    write (nfil, 110) str(1:lstr)
    write (nfil, fmt3)(i, i=2, n, 2)
    write (nfil, fmt4)(i, i=1, n, 2)
    write (nfil, fmt=fmt2)
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------ header end
    nnon0 = 0
    nd = 0
    nalf = 0
    ctab(0) = ' '
    dtab(0) = 9999e0_dp

    do i = 1, n
      do j = 1, n
        if (.not. csmall(a(i,j))) then
          nnon0 = nnon0 + 1
          do id = 1, nd
            if (csame(a(i,j),+dtab(id))) then
              iw(j) = +id
              go to 100
            end if
            if (csame(a(i,j),-dtab(id))) then
              iw(j) = -id
              go to 100
            end if
          end do
          ! ----------------------------------------------------------- new
          ! element
          nd = nd + 1
          if (nd>ndifmax) then
            write (nfil, '(''nd>array size ndifmax='', i3)') ndifmax
          end if
          iw(j) = nd
          dtab(nd) = a(i, j)
          if (abs(dtab(nd)-1.0e0_dp)*tol<1.0e0_dp) then
            ctab(nd) = '1'
          else if (abs(dtab(nd)+1.0e0_dp)*tol<1.0e0_dp) then
            dtab(nd) = +1.0e0_dp
            ctab(nd) = '1'
            iw(j) = -nd
            nalf = nalf + 1
            if (nalf<=natoz) then
              ctab(nd) = char(icauc+nalf-1)
              icnd = icalc + nalf - natoz - 1
              if (icnd<icilc) then
                ctab(nd) = char(icnd)
                ctab(nd) = char(icnd+1)
              end if
            end if
          end if
100       continue
          iw(j) = 0
        end if
      end do
      ! ------------------------------------------------------------ write line
      write (nfil, fmt=fmt1) i, (vz(sign(1,iw(j))), ctab(abs(iw(j))), j=1, n), i

      do isl = 1, nsl
        if (i==ilsep(isl)) write (nfil, fmt=fmt2)
      end do
    end do

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ foot

    write (nfil, fmt4)(i, i=1, n, 2)
    write (nfil, fmt3)(i, i=2, n, 2)

    write (nfil, 120)(id, ctab(id), dtab(id), id=1, nd)
    write (nfil, 130) nnon0, n*n - nnon0

110 format (/, 8x, a, /)
120 format (/, 8x, 'symbols used:', /, (8x,i3,3x,a1,2x,f20.12))
130 format (/, 8x, 'elements <> 0:', i4, /, 8x, 'elements  = 0:', i4)
  end subroutine rmatstr

end module mod_rmatstr