rllsll.F90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

! #define test_run
! #define test_prep

!> Summary: Wrapper module for the calculation of the regular and irregular solutions 
!> Author: 
!> Wrapper module for the calculation of the regular and irregular solutions 
!> @note preprocessor options: 
!> * **test_runs**: **uncomment** the line `#define test_run` to prepare for test
!> * **test_prep**: **uncomment** the line `#define test_prep` to write out the solutions to file
!> @endnote
module mod_rllsll

  public :: rllsll


  !> Summary: Calculation of the regular and irregular solutions for the impurity code
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: single-site, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculation o radial wave functions by the integral equation method of
  !> Gonzalez et al, Journal of Computational Physics 134, 134-149 (1997)
  !> which has been extended for KKR using non-sperical potentials.
  !> Further information can be found in David Bauer,
  !> [Development of a relativistic full-potential first-principles multiple scattering
  !> Green function method applied to complex magnetic textures of nano structures
  !> at surfaces](http://darwin.bth.rwth-aachen.de/opus3/volltexte/2014/4925/), PhD Thesis, 2014
  !> This routine solves the following two equations:
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> ULL(r) = J(r) - PRE J(r) \int_0^r\left( dr' r'^2 H2(r') op(V(r')) ULL(r') \right) +PRE H(r) \int_0^r\left( dr' r'^2 J2(r') op(V(r')) ULL(r') \right)
  !> \end{equation}
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> SLL(r) = H(r) - PRE H(r) \int_0^r\left( dr' r'^2 H2(r') * op(V(r')) * RLL(r') \right)+ PRE J(r) \int_0^r\left( dr' r'^2 H2(r') op(V(r')) SLL(r') \right)
  !> \end{equation}
  !> where the integral \(\int_0^r()\) runs from 0 to \(r\)
  !> *
  !> Green function prefacor \(PRE=GMATPREFACTOR\) (scalar value) tipically \(\kappa\) 
  !> for non-relativistic and \(M_0\) \(\kappa\) for SRA
  !> The discretization of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation results in a matrix
  !> equation which is solved in this routine. Further information is given
  !> in section 5.2.3, page 90 of Bauer, PhD
  !> Source terms :
  !> right solution:  \(J\), \(H\) `(nvec*lmsize,lmsize)` or `(lmsize,nvec*lmsize)`
  !> left solution:  \(J2\), \(H2\) `(lmsize,nvec*lmsize)` or `(nvec*lmsize,lmsize)`
  !> Example:
  !> The source term \(J\) is for `LMSIZE=3` and `NVEC=2` given by:
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> J=
  !> \begin{bmatrix} jlk(jlk_index(1)) & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & jlk(jlk_index(2)) & 0 \\0 & 0 & jlk(jlk_index(3)) \\ jlk(jlk_index(4)) & 0 & 0 \\0 & jlk(jlk_index(5)) & 0 \\0 & 0 & jlk(jlk_index(6)) \end{bmatrix}
  !> \end{equation}
  !> first 3 rows are for the large and the last 3 rows for the small component
  !> Operator \(op()\) can be chosen to be a unity or a transpose operation
  !> The unity operation is used to calculate the right solution
  !> The transpose operation is used to calculate the left solutionf the regular and irregular solutions
  subroutine rllsll(rpanbound,rmesh,vll,rll,sll,tllp,ncheb,npan,lmsize,lmsize2,     &
    lbessel,nrmax,nvec,jlk_index,hlk,jlk,hlk2,jlk2,gmatprefactor,cmoderll,cmodesll, &
    cmodetest,use_sratrick1,alphaget) ! LLY
      ! RMESH      - radial mesh
      ! RPANBOUND  - panel bounds RPANBOUND(0) left  panel border of panel 1
      ! RPANBOUND(1) right panel border of panel 1
      ! NCHEB      - highes chebyshev polynomial
      ! number of points per panel = NCHEB + 1
      ! NPAN       - number of panels
      ! LMSIZE     - number of colums for the source matrix J etc...
      ! LMSIZE2    - number of rows   for the source matrix J etc...
      ! NRMAX      - total number of radial points (NPAN*(NCHEB+1))
      ! NVEC       - number of LMSIZE*LMSIZE blocks in J (LMSIZE2=NVEC*LMSIZE)
    use :: mod_chebint, only: chebint
    use :: mod_timing, only: timing_start, timing_pause, timing_stop ! timing routine
    use :: omp_lib ! omp functions
    use :: mod_constants, only: czero, cone
    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    implicit none

    integer :: ncheb             !! number of chebyshev nodes
    integer :: npan              !! number of panels
    integer :: lmsize            !! lm-components * nspin
    integer :: lmsize2           !! lmsize * nvec
    integer :: nvec              !! spinor integer: nvec=1 non-rel, nvec=2 for sra and dirac
    integer :: nrmax             !! total number of rad. mesh points
    integer :: lbessel, use_sratrick1 ! dimensions etc.

    ! running indices
    integer :: ivec, ivec2
    integer :: l1, l2, lm1, lm2, lm3
    integer :: info, icheb2, icheb, ipan, mn, nm, nplm

    ! source terms
    complex (kind=dp) :: gmatprefactor !! prefactor of green function (non-rel: = kappa = sqrt e, rel: including mass correction)
    complex (kind=dp) :: hlk(lbessel, nrmax), jlk(lbessel, nrmax), hlk2(lbessel, nrmax), jlk2(lbessel, nrmax)
    integer :: jlk_index(nvec*lmsize)

    character (len=1) :: cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest  !! These define the op(V(r)) in the eqs. above
                                                        !! (comment in the beginning of this subroutine)
                                                        !! cmoderll ="1" : op( )=identity       for reg. solution
                                                        !! cmoderll ="T" : op( )=transpose in L for reg. solution
                                                        !! cmodesll: same for irregular

    complex (kind=dp) :: sll(lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax), & !! irr. volterra sol.
      rll(lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax), &                    !! reg. fredholm sol.
      tllp(lmsize, lmsize), &                           !! t-matrix
      vll(lmsize*nvec, lmsize*nvec, nrmax) !! potential term in 5.7 Bauer, PhD
    complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: ull(:, :, :) !! reg. volterra sol.

    complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: work(:, :), work2(:, :), allp(:, :, :), bllp(:, :, :), & !! eq. 5.9, 5.10 for reg. sol
      cllp(:, :, :), dllp(:, :, :), &       !! same for the irr. sol
      slv(:, :, :, :), srv(:, :, :, :), &   !! a in eq 5.68
      slv1(:, :, :, :), srv1(:, :, :, :), & !! used for sra trick
      slv2(:, :, :, :), srv2(:, :, :, :), & !! used for sra trick
      slv3(:, :, :, :), srv3(:, :, :, :), & !! used for sra trick
      mrnvy(:, :, :), mrnvz(:, :, :), &     !! eq. 5.19-5.22
      mrjvy(:, :, :), mrjvz(:, :, :), &     !! eq. 5.19-5.22
      mihvy(:, :, :), mihvz(:, :, :), &     !! eq. 5.19-5.22
      mijvy(:, :, :), mijvz(:, :, :), &     !! eq. 5.19-5.22
      yill(:, :, :), zill(:, :, :), &       !! source terms  (i:irreg., r: regular)
      yrll(:, :, :), zrll(:, :, :), yrlltmp(:, :, :), &
      yill1(:, :, :), zill1(:, :, :), & !! source terms in case of sratrick
      yrll1(:, :, :), zrll1(:, :, :), yill2(:, :, :), zill2(:, :, :), yrll2(:, :, :), zrll2(:, :, :), vhlr(:, :, :), & !! vhlr = h * v (regular sol.)
      vjlr(:, :, :), &           !! vjlr = j * v (regular sol.)
      vhli(:, :, :), &           !! vhli = h * v (irregular sol.)
      vjli(:, :, :)              !! vjli = j * v (irregular sol.)
    complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: yif(:, :, :, :), & !! source terms (different array ordering)
      yrf(:, :, :, :), &                                 !! source terms (different array ordering)
      zif(:, :, :, :), zrf(:, :, :, :)                   !! source terms (different array ordering)
    ! chebyshev arrays
    complex (kind=dp) :: zslc1sum(0:ncheb)
    real (kind=dp) :: c1(0:ncheb, 0:ncheb), rpanbound(0:npan)
    real (kind=dp) :: cslc1(0:ncheb, 0:ncheb), & !! Integration matrix from left ( C*S_L*C^-1 in eq. 5.53)
      csrc1(0:ncheb, 0:ncheb), & !! Same from right ( C*S_R*C^-1 in eq. 5.54)
      tau(0:ncheb, 0:npan), &    !! Radial mesh point
      slc1sum(0:ncheb), rmesh(nrmax)

    integer :: ipiv(0:ncheb, lmsize2)
    integer, allocatable :: ipiv2(:)
    integer :: ierror, use_sratrick
    integer :: idotime
    integer, parameter :: directsolv = 1
    complex (kind=dp) :: alphaget(lmsize, lmsize) ! LLY

    ! openMP variable -- Sachin 23/04/2015
    integer :: thread_id

    ! for rllsll-unit test preparation
#ifdef test_prep
    if (lmsize>1) then
      call write_rllsll_test_input(ncheb, npan, lmsize, nvec, nrmax, lbessel, use_sratrick1, gmatprefactor, cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, jlk_index, &
        rpanbound, rmesh, sll, rll, tllp, vll, alphaget)
      stop 'done with writeout, stop here'
    end if

    ! initialization

    ! determine if SRA-trick is used or not
    if (lmsize==1) then
      use_sratrick = 0
      use_sratrick = use_sratrick1
    end if

    ! turn timing output off if in the host code
    idotime = 0
    if (idotime==1) call timing_start('rllsll')

    do ipan = 1, npan
      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
        tau(icheb, ipan) = rmesh(mn)
      end do
    end do

    call chebint(cslc1, csrc1, slc1sum, c1, ncheb)

    allocate (mrnvy(lmsize,lmsize,npan), mrnvz(lmsize,lmsize,npan))
    allocate (mrjvy(lmsize,lmsize,npan), mrjvz(lmsize,lmsize,npan))
    allocate (mihvy(lmsize,lmsize,npan), mihvz(lmsize,lmsize,npan))
    allocate (mijvy(lmsize,lmsize,npan), mijvz(lmsize,lmsize,npan))
    allocate (yif(lmsize2,lmsize,0:ncheb,npan))
    allocate (yrf(lmsize2,lmsize,0:ncheb,npan))
    allocate (zif(lmsize2,lmsize,0:ncheb,npan))
    allocate (zrf(lmsize2,lmsize,0:ncheb,npan))
    allocate (allp(lmsize,lmsize,0:npan), bllp(lmsize,lmsize,0:npan))
    allocate (cllp(lmsize,lmsize,0:npan), dllp(lmsize,lmsize,0:npan))
    allocate (ull(lmsize2,lmsize,nrmax))
    allocate (work(lmsize,lmsize))

    !$omp parallel default (private) &
    !$omp&  shared(tau,npan,rpanbound,mrnvy,mrnvz,mrjvy,mrjvz,mihvy,mihvz,mijvy,mijvz,yif,yrf, &
    !$omp&  zif,zrf,nvec,lmsize,lmsize2,ncheb,jlk,jlk2,jlk_index,vll,gmatprefactor,hlk,hlk2,cslc1,csrc1,slc1sum, &
    !$omp&  cmoderll,cmodesll,cmodetest,use_sratrick, rmesh)

    thread_id = omp_get_thread_num()

    if (use_sratrick==0) then
      allocate (slv(0:ncheb,lmsize2,0:ncheb,lmsize2), srv(0:ncheb,lmsize2,0:ncheb,lmsize2))
    else if (use_sratrick==1) then
      allocate (work2((ncheb+1)*lmsize,(ncheb+1)*lmsize), ipiv2((ncheb+1)*lmsize))
      allocate (slv1(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize), srv1(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize))
      allocate (slv2(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize), srv2(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize))
      allocate (slv3(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize), srv3(0:ncheb,lmsize,0:ncheb,lmsize))
      allocate (yill1(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize), zill1(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize))
      allocate (yrll1(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize), zrll1(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize))
      allocate (yill2(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize), zill2(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize))
      allocate (yrll2(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize), zrll2(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize))
      allocate (yrlltmp(0:ncheb,lmsize,lmsize))
      stop '[rllsll] error with testflag sph'
    end if

    allocate (yill(0:ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize), zill(0:ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize))
    allocate (yrll(0:ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize), zrll(0:ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize))
    allocate (vjlr(lmsize,lmsize2,0:ncheb), vhlr(lmsize,lmsize2,0:ncheb))
    allocate (vjli(lmsize,lmsize2,0:ncheb), vhli(lmsize,lmsize2,0:ncheb))

    yrll = czero
    zill = czero
    yrll = czero
    zill = czero

    if (idotime==1) call timing_start('local')

    ! end initialization

    ! loop over subintervals
    ! openMP pragmas added sachin, parallel region starts earlier to get allocations of arrays right
    !$omp do
    do ipan = 1, npan

      if (idotime==1) call timing_start('local1')

      ! initialization of work arrays

      vhlr = czero
      vjlr = czero
      vhli = czero
      vjli = czero

      if (use_sratrick==0) then

        yrll = czero
        zrll = czero
        yill = czero
        zill = czero
        yrll1 = czero
        zrll1 = czero
        yill1 = czero
        zill1 = czero
        yrll2 = czero
        zrll2 = czero
        yill2 = czero
        zill2 = czero
      end if

      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! 1. prepare VJLR, VNL, VHLR, which appear in the integrands
      ! TAU(K,IPAN) is used instead of TAU(K,IPAN)**2, which directly gives
      ! RLL(r) and SLL(r) multiplied with r. TAU is the radial mesh.

      ! 2. prepare the source terms YR, ZR, YI, ZI
      ! because of the conventions used by
      ! Gonzalez et al, Journal of Computational Physics 134, 134-149 (1997)
      ! a factor sqrt(E) is included in the source terms
      ! this factor is removed by the definition of ZSLC1SUM given below

      ! vjlr = \kappa * J * V = \kappa * r * j *V
      ! vhlr = \kappa * H * V = \kappa * r * h *V

      ! i.e. prepare terms kappa*J*DV, kappa*H*DV appearing in 5.11, 5.12.

      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
        if (cmoderll=='1') then
          do ivec2 = 1, nvec
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 1, nvec
                do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                  vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                  vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        else if (cmoderll=='T') then ! transposed matrix (might not be needed anymore)
          do ivec2 = 1, nvec
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 1, nvec
                do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                  vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb)  &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                  vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb)  &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do                 ! nvec
        else if (cmoderll=='0') then ! as a test option
          vjlr(:, :, icheb) = czero
          vhlr(:, :, icheb) = czero
          stop '[rllsll] mode not known'
        end if

        if (cmodesll=='1') then
          do ivec2 = 1, nvec
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 1, nvec
                do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                  vjli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) &
                     + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                  vhli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) &
                     + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do                 ! nvec
        else if (cmodesll=='T') then
          do ivec2 = 1, nvec
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 1, nvec
                do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                  vjli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb)  &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                  vhli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhli(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb)  &
                    + gmatprefactor*tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do                 ! nvec
        else if (cmodesll=='0') then
          vjli(:, :, icheb) = czero
          vhli(:, :, icheb) = czero
          stop '[rllsll] mode not known'
        end if

        ! calculation of the J (and H) matrix according to equation 5.69 (2nd eq.)
        if (use_sratrick==0) then
          do ivec = 1, nvec      ! index for large/small component
            do lm1 = 1, lmsize
              l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
              yrll(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l1, mn)
              zrll(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l1, mn)
              yill(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l1, mn)
              zill(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l1, mn)
            end do
          end do                 ! ivec=1,nvec
        else if (use_sratrick==1) then
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize
            l1 = jlk_index(lm1)
            l2 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize)
            yrll1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l1, mn)
            zrll1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l1, mn)
            yill1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l1, mn)
            zill1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l1, mn)
            yrll2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l2, mn)
            zrll2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l2, mn)
            yill2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*hlk(l2, mn)
            zill2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau(icheb, ipan)*jlk(l2, mn)
          end do
        end if
      end do                     ! icheb

      ! calculation of A in 5.68
      if (use_sratrick==0) then
        do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
          do icheb = 0, ncheb
            mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize2
              do ivec = 1, nvec
                do lm3 = 1, lmsize
                  lm1 = lm3 + (ivec-1)*lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1)
                  slv(icheb, lm1, icheb2, lm2) = (tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                    - tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp ! *(b-a)/2 in eq. 5.53, 5.54
                  srv(icheb, lm1, icheb2, lm2) = (-tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhli(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                    + tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjli(lm3,lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do
        do lm1 = 1, lmsize2
          do icheb = 0, ncheb
            slv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = slv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1._dp
            srv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = srv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1._dp
          end do
        end do
      else if (use_sratrick==1) then
        do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
          do icheb = 0, ncheb
            mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 1, 1
                do lm3 = 1, lmsize
                  lm1 = lm3 + (ivec-1)*lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1)

                  ! this is the block to be inverted in SRAtrick. (named C in comment above):
                  slv1(icheb, lm1, icheb2, lm2) = (tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                    - tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp
                  srv1(icheb, lm1, icheb2, lm2) = (-tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhli(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                     + tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjli(lm3, lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do
        do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
          do icheb = 0, ncheb
            mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
            do lm2 = 1, lmsize
              do ivec = 2, 2
                do lm3 = 1, lmsize
                  lm1 = lm3 + (ivec-1)*lmsize
                  l1 = jlk_index(lm1)

                  slv2(icheb, lm3, icheb2, lm2) = (tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                    - tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*cslc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp
                  srv2(icheb, lm3, icheb2, lm2) = (-tau(icheb,ipan)*jlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vhli(lm3,lm2,icheb2) &
                    + tau(icheb,ipan)*hlk(l1,mn)*csrc1(icheb,icheb2)*vjli(lm3, lm2,icheb2))*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/2._dp

                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do
        do lm1 = 1, lmsize
          do icheb = 0, ncheb
            slv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = slv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1._dp
            srv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = srv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1._dp
          end do
        end do

        stop '[rllsll] error in inversion'
      end if

      if (idotime==1) call timing_pause('local1')
      if (idotime==1) call timing_start('local2')

      ! -------------------------------------------------------
      ! determine the local solutions
      ! solve the equations SLV*YRLL=S and SLV*ZRLL=C
      ! and SRV*YILL=C and SRV*ZILL=S
      ! i.e., solve system A*U=J, see eq. 5.68.

      if (use_sratrick==0) then
        nplm = (ncheb+1)*lmsize2

        if (cmoderll/='0') then
          if (idotime==1) call timing_start('inversion')
          call zgetrf(nplm, nplm, slv, nplm, ipiv, info)
          if (info/=0) stop 'rllsll: zgetrf'
          call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv, nplm, ipiv, yrll, nplm, info)
          call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv, nplm, ipiv, zrll, nplm, info)
        end if
        if (cmodesll/='0') then
          if (directsolv==1) then
            call zgetrf(nplm, nplm, srv, nplm, ipiv, info)
            if (info/=0) stop 'rllsll: zgetrf'
            call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, srv, nplm, ipiv, yill, nplm, info)
            call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, srv, nplm, ipiv, zill, nplm, info)
            stop 'iterative solver not implemented'
            ! call iterativesol (ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize,srv,yill)
            ! call iterativesol (ncheb,lmsize2,lmsize,srv,zill)
          end if
        end if
      else if (use_sratrick==1) then
        nplm = (ncheb+1)*lmsize
        call inverse(nplm, slv1)
        call inverse(nplm, srv1)

        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, cone, slv1, nplm, yrll1, nplm, czero, yrlltmp, nplm)
        yrll1 = yrlltmp
        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, -cone, slv2, nplm, yrll1, nplm, cone, yrll2, nplm)

        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, cone, slv1, nplm, zrll1, nplm, czero, yrlltmp, nplm)
        zrll1 = yrlltmp
        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, -cone, slv2, nplm, zrll1, nplm, cone, zrll2, nplm)

        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, cone, srv1, nplm, yill1, nplm, czero, yrlltmp, nplm)
        yill1 = yrlltmp
        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, -cone, srv2, nplm, yill1, nplm, cone, yill2, nplm)

        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, cone, srv1, nplm, zill1, nplm, czero, yrlltmp, nplm)
        zill1 = yrlltmp
        call zgemm('n', 'n', nplm, lmsize, nplm, -cone, srv2, nplm, zill1, nplm, cone, zill2, nplm)

        stop '[rllsll] error in inversion'
      end if

      ! Reorient indices for later use
      if (use_sratrick==0) then
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do lm1 = 1, lmsize2
              yrf(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yrll(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zrf(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zrll(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              yif(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yill(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zif(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zill(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            end do
          end do
        end do

      else if (use_sratrick==1) then
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do lm1 = 1, lmsize
              yrf(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yrll1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zrf(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zrll1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              yif(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yill1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zif(lm1, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zill1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            end do
          end do
        end do

        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do lm1 = 1, lmsize
              yrf(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yrll2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zrf(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zrll2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              yif(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb, ipan) = yill2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
              zif(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb, ipan) = zill2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            end do
          end do
        end do

      end if

      if (idotime==1) call timing_pause('local2')
      if (idotime==1) call timing_start('local3')

      ! Calculation of eq. 5.19-5.22

      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        zslc1sum(icheb) = slc1sum(icheb)*(rpanbound(ipan)-rpanbound(ipan-1))/(2._dp)
      end do
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhlr(1,1,0), lmsize, yrf(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mrnvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjlr(1,1,0), lmsize, yrf(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mrjvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhlr(1,1,0), lmsize, zrf(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mrnvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjlr(1,1,0), lmsize, zrf(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mrjvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhli(1,1,0), lmsize, yif(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mihvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjli(1,1,0), lmsize, yif(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mijvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhli(1,1,0), lmsize, zif(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mihvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjli(1,1,0), lmsize, zif(1,1,0,ipan), lmsize2, czero, mijvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      do icheb = 1, ncheb
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mrnvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mrjvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mrnvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mrjvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhli(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mihvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjli(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mijvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhli(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mihvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjli(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cone, mijvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      end do
      if (idotime==1) call timing_pause('local3')

    end do                       ! ipan
    !$omp end do

    if (use_sratrick==0) then
      deallocate (slv, srv)
    else if (use_sratrick==1) then
      deallocate (work2, ipiv2, slv1, srv1, slv2, srv2, slv3, srv3, yill1, zill1, yrll1, zrll1, yill2, zill2, yrll2, zrll2, yrlltmp)
    end if

    deallocate (yill, zill, yrll, zrll, vjlr, vhlr, vjli, vhli)
    !$omp end parallel
    ! end the big loop over the subintervals

    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('local')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_start('afterlocal')

    ! ***********************************************************************
    ! calculate A(M), B(M), C(M), D(M)
    ! according to 5.17-5.18 (regular solution) of Bauer PhD
    ! C,D are calculated accordingly for the irregular solution
    ! (starting condition: A(0) = 1, B(0) = 0, C(MMAX) = 0 and D(MMAX) = 1)
    ! ***********************************************************************

    ! regular
    do lm2 = 1, lmsize
      do lm1 = 1, lmsize
        bllp(lm1, lm2, 0) = czero
        allp(lm1, lm2, 0) = czero
      end do
    end do

    do lm1 = 1, lmsize
      allp(lm1, lm1, 0) = cone
    end do

    do ipan = 1, npan
      call zcopy(lmsize*lmsize, allp(1,1,ipan-1), 1, allp(1,1,ipan), 1)
      call zcopy(lmsize*lmsize, bllp(1,1,ipan-1), 1, bllp(1,1,ipan), 1)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, -cone, mrnvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize, allp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, cone, allp(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, -cone, mrnvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize, bllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, cone, allp(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, mrjvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize, allp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, cone, bllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, mrjvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize, bllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, cone, bllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize)
    end do

    ! irregular
    do lm2 = 1, lmsize
      do lm1 = 1, lmsize
        dllp(lm1, lm2, npan) = 0._dp
        cllp(lm1, lm2, npan) = 0._dp
      end do
    end do
    do lm1 = 1, lmsize
      dllp(lm1, lm1, npan) = 1._dp
    end do
    do ipan = npan, 1, -1
      call zcopy(lmsize*lmsize, cllp(1,1,ipan), 1, cllp(1,1,ipan-1), 1)
      call zcopy(lmsize*lmsize, dllp(1,1,ipan), 1, dllp(1,1,ipan-1), 1)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, mihvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cone, cllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, mihvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize, dllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cone, cllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, -cone, mijvz(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cone, dllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, -cone, mijvy(1,1,ipan), lmsize, dllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cone, dllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize)
    end do

    ! ***********************************************************************
    ! determine the regular solution ull by using 5.14
    ! and the irregular solution sll accordingly
    ! ***********************************************************************
    do ipan = 1, npan
      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize2, lmsize, lmsize, cone, yrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, allp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, czero, ull(1,1,mn), lmsize2)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize2, lmsize, lmsize, cone, zrf(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, bllp(1,1,ipan-1), lmsize, cone, ull(1,1,mn), lmsize2)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize2, lmsize, lmsize, cone, zif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, cllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, czero, sll(1,1,mn), lmsize2)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize2, lmsize, lmsize, cone, yif(1,1,icheb,ipan), lmsize2, dllp(1,1,ipan), lmsize, cone, sll(1,1,mn), lmsize2)
      end do
    end do

    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('afterlocal')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_start('endstuff')

    ! ***********************************************************************
    ! next part converts the volterra solution u of equation (5.7) to
    ! the fredholm solution r by employing eq. 4.122 and 4.120 of bauer, phd
    ! and the t-matrix is calculated
    ! ***********************************************************************

    call zgetrf(lmsize, lmsize, allp(1,1,npan), lmsize, ipiv, info) ! invert alpha
    call zgetri(lmsize, allp(1,1,npan), lmsize, ipiv, work, lmsize*lmsize, info) ! invert alpha -> transformation matrix rll=alpha^-1*rll
    ! get alpha matrix
    do lm1 = 1, lmsize           ! LLY
      do lm2 = 1, lmsize         ! LLY
        alphaget(lm1, lm2) = allp(lm1, lm2, npan) ! LLY
      end do                     ! LLY
    end do                       ! LLY
    ! calculation of the t-matrix
    call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone/gmatprefactor, bllp(1,1,npan), & ! calc t-matrix tll = bll*alpha^-1
      lmsize, allp(1,1,npan), lmsize, czero, tllp, lmsize)

    do nm = 1, nrmax
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize2, lmsize, lmsize, cone, ull(1,1,nm), lmsize2, allp(1,1,npan), lmsize, czero, rll(1,1,nm), lmsize2)
    end do

    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('endstuff')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_start('checknan')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('checknan')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('local1')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('local2')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('local3')
    if (idotime==1) call timing_stop('rllsll')

    deallocate (work, allp, bllp, cllp, dllp, mrnvy, mrnvz, mrjvy, mrjvz, mihvy, mihvz, mijvy, mijvz, yif, yrf, zif, zrf, stat=ierror)
    if (ierror/=0) stop '[rllsll] ERROR in deallocating arrays'
  end subroutine rllsll

  !> Summary: Helper routine here only for host since `mod_rllsllutils` does not exsist in the host code
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: sanity-check, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Helper routine here only for host since `mod_rllsllutils` does not exsist in the host code
  subroutine inverse(nmat, mat)
    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    implicit none
    ! interface
    integer :: nmat
    complex (kind=dp) :: mat(nmat, nmat)
    complex (kind=dp) :: work(nmat, nmat)
    ! local
    integer :: ipiv(nmat)
    integer :: info

    call zgetrf(nmat, nmat, mat, nmat, ipiv, info)
    if (info/=0) stop '[inverse] error INFO'
    call zgetri(nmat, mat, nmat, ipiv, work, nmat*nmat, info)
    if (info/=0) stop '[inverse] error INFO'
  end subroutine inverse

  ! subroutine iterativesol (NCHEB,LMSIZE2,LMSIZE,MMAT,BMAT)
  ! implicit none
  ! integer, intent(in) :: NCHEB
  ! integer, intent(in) :: LMSIZE,LMSIZE2
  ! complex (kind=dp) :: MMAT(0:NCHEB,LMSIZE2,0:NCHEB,LMSIZE2)
  ! complex (kind=dp) :: BMAT(0:NCHEB,LMSIZE2,LMSIZE)
  ! complex (kind=dp) :: XMAT(0:NCHEB,LMSIZE2,LMSIZE)
  ! !########################################################
  ! ! solves the system of linear equations
  ! !########################################################


  ! end subroutine iterativesol

end module mod_rllsll

#ifdef test_run
!> Summary: Run rllsll-standalone version
!> Author: P. Rüßmann
!> Category: KKRhost, single-site, unit-test
!> Deprecated: False ! This needs to be set to True for deprecated subroutines
!> @note Needs previous run of rllsll with test_prep to generate necessary input 
!> files. @endnote
program test_rllsll

  use omp_lib, only: omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
  use :: mod_timing, only: timing_start, timing_init, timing_stop
  use :: mod_constants, only: czero 
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  use :: mod_rllsll, only: rllsll

  implicit none

  integer :: ir
  logical :: output = .true.

  integer :: ncheb, npan, lmsize, lmsize2, nvec, nrmax, lbessel, use_sratrick1, write_output
  complex (kind=dp) :: gmatprefactor
  character (len=1) :: cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest

  complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: hlk(:, :), jlk(:, :), hlk2(:, :), jlk2(:, :)
  integer, allocatable :: jlk_index(:)
  real (kind=dp), allocatable :: rpanbound(:), rmesh(:)
  complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: sll(:, :, :), rll(:, :, :), tllp(:, :), vll(:, :, :)
  complex (kind=dp), allocatable :: alphaget(:, :) ! lly

  call timing_init(0)
  call timing_start('read-in')

  write (*, '(A)') '  === starting test routine for rllsll ==='
  write (*, '(A)') '  start reading data from file data_rllsll.txt'

  open (1234, file='data_rllsll.txt')
  read (1234, *) write_output
  if (write_output==0) output = .false.
  read (1234, '(7i9)') lbessel, nrmax, lmsize, nvec, npan, ncheb, use_sratrick1
  read (1234, '(3a5)') cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest

  lmsize2 = nvec*lmsize

  write (*, '(A)') '  read in parameters:'
  write (*, '(A,4I9)') '  lbessel, nrmax, lmsize, nvec = ', lbessel, nrmax, lmsize, nvec
  write (*, '(A,2I9)') '  npan, ncheb = ', npan, ncheb
  write (*, '(A,I9)') '  use_sratrick1 = ', use_sratrick1
  write (*, '(A,3A9)') '  cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest = ', cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest

  write (*, '(A)') '  reading in arrays ...'

  allocate (hlk(lbessel,nrmax), jlk(lbessel,nrmax), hlk2(lbessel,nrmax), jlk2(lbessel,nrmax))
  allocate (jlk_index(nvec*lmsize))
  allocate (sll(lmsize2,lmsize,nrmax), rll(lmsize2,lmsize,nrmax), tllp(lmsize,lmsize), vll(lmsize*nvec,lmsize*nvec,nrmax))
  allocate (rpanbound(0:npan), rmesh(nrmax))
  allocate (alphaget(lmsize,lmsize))

  ! initialize to 0
  rll = czero
  sll = czero
  tllp = czero

  read (1234, '(1ES25.15)') gmatprefactor
  read (1234, '(1000ES25.15)') hlk(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), jlk(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), hlk2(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), jlk2(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax)
  read (1234, '(1000i9)') jlk_index(1:nvec*lmsize)
  read (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') rmesh(1:nrmax)
  read (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') rpanbound(0:npan)

  do ir = 1, nrmax
    read (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') vll(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize2, ir)
  end do
  close (1234)

  call timing_stop('read-in')

  write (*, '(A)')
  write (*, '(A)') '  starting rllsll ...'
  if(omp_get_thread_num()==0) then
    write (*, '(A,i5,A)') ' use', omp_get_num_threads(), ' OpenMP threads'
  end if
  write (*, '(A)')

  call timing_start('total rllsll')
  call rllsll(rpanbound, rmesh, vll, rll, sll, tllp, ncheb, npan, lmsize, lmsize2, lbessel, nrmax, nvec, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor, cmoderll, &
    cmodesll, cmodetest, use_sratrick1, alphaget) ! lly
  call timing_stop('total rllsll')

  write (*, '(A)')
  write (*, '(A)') '  finished rllsll run'
  write (*, '(A)')

  if (output) then

    call timing_start('output')

    write (*, '(A)') '  writing output files'
    open (1234, file='output_sll.txt')
    write (1234, '(A)') '# output of rllsll test rountine: sll(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize, ir) for ir in range(1, nrmax)'
    write (1234, '(A,3I9)') '# lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax = ', lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax
    do ir = 1, nrmax
      write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') sll(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize, ir)
    end do
    close (1234)

    open (1234, file='output_rll.txt')
    write (1234, '(A)') '# output of rllsll test rountine: rll(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize, ir) for ir in range(1, nrmax)'
    write (1234, '(A,3I9)') '# lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax = ', lmsize2, lmsize, nrmax
    do ir = 1, nrmax
      write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') rll(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize, ir)
    end do
    close (1234)

    open (1234, file='output_tllp.txt')
    write (1234, '(A)') '# tllp(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize) '
    write (1234, '(A,3I9)') '# lmsize2, lmsize = ', lmsize2, lmsize
    write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') tllp(1:lmsize2, 1:lmsize2)
    close (1234)

    write (*, *)
    write (*, '(A)') '  === finished ==='

    call timing_stop('output')

  end if

end program test_rllsll

#ifdef test_prep
!> Summary: Helper routine to write the regular and irregular solutions to file
!> Author: 
!> Author: P. Rüßmann
!> Category: input-output, KKRhost, single-site, unit-test
!> Deprecated: False 
!>  Helper routine to write the regular and irregular solutions to file
subroutine write_rllsll_test_input(ncheb,npan,lmsize,nvec,nrmax,lbessel,          &
  use_sratrick1,gmatprefactor,cmoderll,cmodesll,cmodetest,hlk,jlk,hlk2,jlk2,      &

  use mod_datatypes, only: dp
  implicit none

  integer :: ir

  integer, intent (in) :: ncheb, npan, lmsize, nvec, nrmax, lbessel, use_sratrick1
  complex (kind=dp), intent (in) :: gmatprefactor
  character (len=1), intent (in) :: cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest

  complex (kind=dp), intent (in) :: hlk(lbessel, nrmax), jlk(lbessel, nrmax), hlk2(lbessel, nrmax), jlk2(lbessel, nrmax)
  integer, intent (in) :: jlk_index(nvec*lmsize)
  real (kind=dp), intent (in) :: rpanbound(0:npan), rmesh(nrmax)
  complex (kind=dp), intent (in) :: sll(nvec*lmsize, lmsize, nrmax), rll(nvec*lmsize, lmsize, nrmax), tllp(lmsize, lmsize), vll(lmsize*nvec, lmsize*nvec, nrmax)
  complex (kind=dp), intent (in) :: alphaget(lmsize, lmsize)

  write (*, '(A)') '  === starting writeout routine for rllsll ==='

  open (1234, file='data_rllsll.txt')
  write (1234, '(i9)') 1 ! first number says whether or not output files are written, can be set manually to 0 if no output files are desired
  write (1234, '(7i9)') lbessel, nrmax, lmsize, nvec, npan, ncheb, use_sratrick1
  write (1234, '(3a5)') cmoderll, cmodesll, cmodetest

  write (*, '(A)') '  writing arrays ...'

  write (1234, '(1ES25.15)') gmatprefactor
  write (1234, '(1000ES25.15)') hlk(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), jlk(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), hlk2(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax), jlk2(1:lbessel, 1:nrmax)
  write (1234, '(1000i9)') jlk_index(1:nvec*lmsize)
  write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') rmesh(1:nrmax)
  write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') rpanbound(0:npan)

  do ir = 1, nrmax
    write (1234, '(10000ES25.15)') vll(1:nvec*lmsize, 1:nvec*lmsize, ir)
  end do
  close (1234)

end subroutine write_rllsll_test_input