rll_local_solutions.F90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculation of the local regular solutions
!> Author: 
!> Calculation of the local regular solutions
!> 1. Prepare `VJLR`, `VNL`, `VHLR`, which appear in the integrands `TAU(K,IPAN)` 
!> is used instead of `TAU(K,IPAN)**2`, which directly gives `RLL(r)` and `SLL(r)` 
!> multiplied with `r`. `TAU` is the radial mesh.
!> 2. Prepare the source terms `YR`, `ZR`, `YI`, `ZI` because of the conventions used
!> by Gonzalez et al, Journal of Computational Physics 134, 134-149 (1997)
!> a factor \(\sqrt(E)\) is included in the source terms this factor is removed by 
!> the definition of `ZSLC1SUM` given below
!> \begin{equation}
!> vjlr = \kappa J V = \kappa r j V
!> \end{equation}
!> \begin{equation}
!> vhlr = \kappa H V = \kappa r h V
!> \end{equation}
!> i.e. prepare terms \(\kappa JDV\), \(\kappa HDV\) appearing in 5.11, 5.12.
!> Then determine the local solutions solve the equations 
!> \begin{equation}
!> SLV \times YRLL=S
!> \end{equation}
!> and 
!> \begin{equation}
!> SLV \times ZRLL=C
!> \end{equation}
!> and
!> \begin{equation}
!> SRV \times YILL=C
!> \end{equation}
!> and
!> \begin{equation}
!> SRV \times ZILL=S
!> \end{equation}
!> i.e., solve system \(A U=J\), see eq. 5.68.
module mod_rll_local_solutions


  !> Summary: Calculation of the local regular solutions
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: single-site, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculation of the local regular solutions
  !> 1. Prepare `VJLR`, `VNL`, `VHLR`, which appear in the integrands `TAU(K,IPAN)` 
  !> is used instead of `TAU(K,IPAN)**2`, which directly gives `RLL(r)` and `SLL(r)` 
  !> multiplied with `r`. `TAU` is the radial mesh.
  !> 2. Prepare the source terms `YR`, `ZR`, `YI`, `ZI` because of the conventions used
  !> by Gonzalez et al, Journal of Computational Physics 134, 134-149 (1997)
  !> a factor \(\sqrt(E)\) is included in the source terms this factor is removed by 
  !> the definition of `ZSLC1SUM` given below
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> vjlr = \kappa J V = \kappa r j V
  !> \end{equation}
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> vhlr = \kappa H V = \kappa r h V
  !> \end{equation}
  !> i.e. prepare terms \(\kappa JDV\), \(\kappa HDV\) appearing in 5.11, 5.12.
  !> Then determine the local solutions solve the equations 
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> SLV \times YRLL=S
  !> \end{equation}
  !> and 
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> SLV \times ZRLL=C
  !> \end{equation}
  !> and
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> SRV \times YILL=C
  !> \end{equation}
  !> and
  !> \begin{equation}
  !> SRV \times ZILL=S
  !> \end{equation}
  !> i.e., solve system \(A U=J\), see eq. 5.68.
  subroutine rll_local_solutions(vll,tau,drpan2,cslc1,slc1sum,mrnvy,mrnvz,mrjvy,    &
    mrjvz,yrf,zrf,ncheb,ipan,lmsize,lmsize2,nrmax,nvec,jlk_index,hlk,jlk,hlk2,jlk2, &

    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: mod_sll_local_solutions, only: svpart
    use :: mod_constants, only: cone,czero

    implicit none
    integer :: ncheb               ! number of chebyshev nodes
    integer :: lmsize              ! lm-components * nspin
    integer :: lmsize2             ! lmsize * nvec
    integer :: nvec                ! spinor integer
    ! nvec=1 non-rel, nvec=2 for sra and dirac
    integer :: nrmax               ! total number of rad. mesh points

    integer :: lbessel, use_sratrick1 ! dimensions etc., needed only for host code interface

    ! running indices
    integer :: ivec, ivec2
    integer :: l1, l2, lm1, lm2, lm3
    integer :: info, icheb2, icheb, ipan, mn, nplm

    ! source terms
    complex (kind=dp) :: gmatprefactor ! prefactor of green function
    ! non-rel: = kappa = sqrt e

    complex (kind=dp) :: hlk(lbessel, nrmax), jlk(lbessel, nrmax), hlk2(lbessel, nrmax), jlk2(lbessel, nrmax)

    integer :: jlk_index(2*lmsize)

    character (len=1) :: cmoderll
    ! cmoderll ="1" : op( )=identity       for reg. solution
    ! cmoderll ="T" : op( )=transpose in L for reg. solution

    complex (kind=dp) :: vll(lmsize*nvec, lmsize*nvec, nrmax) ! potential term in 5.7

    complex (kind=dp) :: mrnvy(lmsize, lmsize), mrnvz(lmsize, lmsize), mrjvy(lmsize, lmsize), mrjvz(lmsize, lmsize), yrf(lmsize2, lmsize, 0:ncheb), zrf(lmsize2, lmsize, 0:ncheb)
    complex (kind=dp) :: slv(0:ncheb, lmsize2, 0:ncheb, lmsize2), slv1(0:ncheb, lmsize, 0:ncheb, lmsize), yrll1(0:ncheb, lmsize, lmsize), zrll1(0:ncheb, lmsize, lmsize), &
      yrll2(0:ncheb, lmsize, lmsize), zrll2(0:ncheb, lmsize, lmsize), yrll(0:ncheb, lmsize2, lmsize), zrll(0:ncheb, lmsize2, lmsize), vjlr(lmsize, lmsize2, 0:ncheb), &
      vhlr(lmsize, lmsize2, 0:ncheb), vjlr_yrll1(lmsize, lmsize), vhlr_yrll1(lmsize, lmsize), vjlr_zrll1(lmsize, lmsize), vhlr_zrll1(lmsize, lmsize), yrll1temp(lmsize, lmsize), &
      zrll1temp(lmsize, lmsize)

    complex (kind=dp) :: jlmkmn(0:ncheb, lmsize2, 0:ncheb), hlmkmn(0:ncheb, lmsize2, 0:ncheb)

    ! chebyshev arrays
    complex (kind=dp) :: zslc1sum(0:ncheb)
    real (kind=dp) :: drpan2
    real (kind=dp) :: cslc1(0:ncheb, 0:ncheb), & ! Integration matrix from left ( C*S_L*C^-1 in eq. 5.53)
      tau(0:ncheb), &              ! Radial mesh point
      slc1sum(0:ncheb), taucslcr, tau_icheb
    complex (kind=dp) :: gf_tau_icheb

    integer :: ipiv(0:ncheb, lmsize2)
    integer :: use_sratrick

    if (lmsize==1) then
      use_sratrick = 0
      use_sratrick = use_sratrick1
    end if

    ! initialization

    vhlr = czero
    vjlr = czero

    if (use_sratrick==0) then
      yrll = czero
      zrll = czero
      yrll1 = czero
      zrll1 = czero
      yrll2 = czero
      zrll2 = czero
    end if

    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! 1. prepare VJLR, VNL, VHLR, which appear in the integrands
    ! TAU(K,IPAN) is used instead of TAU(K,IPAN)**2, which directly gives
    ! RLL(r) and SLL(r) multiplied with r. TAU is the radial mesh.

    ! 2. prepare the source terms YR, ZR, YI, ZI
    ! because of the conventions used by
    ! Gonzalez et al, Journal of Computational Physics 134, 134-149 (1997)
    ! a factor sqrt(E) is included in the source terms
    ! this factor is removed by the definition of ZSLC1SUM given below

    ! vjlr = \kappa * J * V = \kappa * r * j *V
    ! vhlr = \kappa * H * V = \kappa * r * h *V

    ! i.e. prepare terms kappa*J*DV, kappa*H*DV appearing in 5.11, 5.12.

    do icheb = 0, ncheb
      mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
      tau_icheb = tau(icheb)
      gf_tau_icheb = gmatprefactor*tau_icheb
      if (cmoderll=='1') then
        do ivec2 = 1, nvec
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do ivec = 1, nvec
              do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) + gf_tau_icheb*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) + gf_tau_icheb*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do
      else if (cmoderll=='T') then ! transposed matrix (might not be needed anymore)
        do ivec2 = 1, nvec
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do ivec = 1, nvec
              do lm1 = 1, lmsize
                l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
                vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vjlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) + gf_tau_icheb*jlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
                vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) = vhlr(lm1, lm2+lmsize*(ivec2-1), icheb) + gf_tau_icheb*hlk2(l1, mn)*vll(lm2+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1+lmsize*(ivec2-1), mn)
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do                     ! nvec
        stop '[rll-loc] mode not known'
      end if

      ! calculation of the J (and H) matrix according to equation 5.69 (2nd eq.)
      if (use_sratrick==0) then
        do ivec = 1, nvec          ! index for large/small component
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize
            l1 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1))
            yrll(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau_icheb*jlk(l1, mn)
            zrll(icheb, lm1+lmsize*(ivec-1), lm1) = tau_icheb*hlk(l1, mn)
          end do
        end do                     ! ivec=1,nvec
      else if (use_sratrick==1) then
        do lm1 = 1, lmsize
          l1 = jlk_index(lm1)
          l2 = jlk_index(lm1+lmsize)
          yrll1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau_icheb*jlk(l1, mn)
          zrll1(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau_icheb*hlk(l1, mn)
          yrll2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau_icheb*jlk(l2, mn)
          zrll2(icheb, lm1, lm1) = tau_icheb*hlk(l2, mn)
        end do
      end if
    end do                         ! icheb

    ! calculation of A in 5.68
    if (use_sratrick==0) then
      do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          taucslcr = tau(icheb)*cslc1(icheb, icheb2)*drpan2
          mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize2
            do ivec = 1, nvec
              do lm3 = 1, lmsize
                lm1 = lm3 + (ivec-1)*lmsize
                l1 = jlk_index(lm1)
                slv(icheb, lm1, icheb2, lm2) = taucslcr*(jlk(l1,mn)*vhlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2)-hlk(l1,mn)*vjlr(lm3,lm2,icheb2))
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do
      end do
      do lm1 = 1, lmsize2
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          slv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = slv(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1.0_dp
        end do
      end do
    else if (use_sratrick==1) then
      do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          taucslcr = tau(icheb)*cslc1(icheb, icheb2)*drpan2
          mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize
            l1 = jlk_index(lm1)
            jlmkmn(icheb, lm1, icheb2) = -taucslcr*jlk(l1, mn)
            hlmkmn(icheb, lm1, icheb2) = -taucslcr*hlk(l1, mn)
          end do
        end do
      end do

      do lm2 = 1, lmsize
        do icheb2 = 0, ncheb
          call svpart(slv1(0,1,icheb2,lm2), jlmkmn(0,1,icheb2), hlmkmn(0,1,icheb2), vhlr(1,lm2,icheb2), vjlr(1,lm2,icheb2), ncheb, lmsize)
        end do
      end do
      do lm1 = 1, lmsize
        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          slv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) = slv1(icheb, lm1, icheb, lm1) + 1.0_dp
        end do
      end do

      stop '[rll-loc] error in inversion'
    end if

    ! -------------------------------------------------------
    ! determine the local solutions
    ! solve the equations SLV*YRLL=S and SLV*ZRLL=C
    ! and SRV*YILL=C and SRV*ZILL=S
    ! i.e., solve system A*U=J, see eq. 5.68.

    if (use_sratrick==0) then

      nplm = (ncheb+1)*lmsize2

      if (cmoderll/='0') then
        call zgetrf(nplm, nplm, slv, nplm, ipiv, info)
        if (info/=0) stop 'rll-loc: zgetrf'
        call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv, nplm, ipiv, yrll, nplm, info)
        call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv, nplm, ipiv, zrll, nplm, info)
      end if

    else if (use_sratrick==1) then

      nplm = (ncheb+1)*lmsize

      call zgetrf(nplm, nplm, slv1, nplm, ipiv, info)
      call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv1, nplm, ipiv, yrll1, nplm, info)
      call zgetrs('n', nplm, lmsize, slv1, nplm, ipiv, zrll1, nplm, info)

      do icheb2 = 0, ncheb

        do lm2 = 1, lmsize
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize
            yrll1temp(lm1, lm2) = yrll1(icheb2, lm1, lm2)
            zrll1temp(lm1, lm2) = zrll1(icheb2, lm1, lm2)
          end do
        end do

        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, vhlr(1,1,icheb2), lmsize, yrll1temp, lmsize, czero, vhlr_yrll1, lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, vhlr(1,1,icheb2), lmsize, zrll1temp, lmsize, czero, vhlr_zrll1, lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, vjlr(1,1,icheb2), lmsize, yrll1temp, lmsize, czero, vjlr_yrll1, lmsize)
        call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize, cone, vjlr(1,1,icheb2), lmsize, zrll1temp, lmsize, czero, vjlr_zrll1, lmsize)

        do icheb = 0, ncheb
          taucslcr = -tau(icheb)*cslc1(icheb, icheb2)*drpan2
          mn = ipan*ncheb + ipan - icheb
          do lm2 = 1, lmsize
            do lm3 = 1, lmsize
              lm1 = lm3 + lmsize
              l1 = jlk_index(lm1)

              yrll2(icheb, lm3, lm2) = yrll2(icheb, lm3, lm2) + taucslcr*(jlk(l1,mn)*vhlr_yrll1(lm3,lm2)-hlk(l1,mn)*vjlr_yrll1(lm3,lm2))

              zrll2(icheb, lm3, lm2) = zrll2(icheb, lm3, lm2) + taucslcr*(jlk(l1,mn)*vhlr_zrll1(lm3,lm2)-hlk(l1,mn)*vjlr_zrll1(lm3,lm2))
            end do
          end do
        end do                     ! icheb

      end do                       ! icheb2

      stop '[rll-loc] error in inversion'
    end if

    ! Reorient indices for later use
    if (use_sratrick==0) then
      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        do lm2 = 1, lmsize
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize2
            yrf(lm1, lm2, icheb) = yrll(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            zrf(lm1, lm2, icheb) = zrll(icheb, lm1, lm2)
          end do
        end do
      end do

    else if (use_sratrick==1) then

      do icheb = 0, ncheb
        do lm2 = 1, lmsize
          do lm1 = 1, lmsize
            yrf(lm1, lm2, icheb) = yrll1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            zrf(lm1, lm2, icheb) = zrll1(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            yrf(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb) = yrll2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
            zrf(lm1+lmsize, lm2, icheb) = zrll2(icheb, lm1, lm2)
          end do
        end do
      end do

    end if

    ! Calculation of eq. 5.19-5.22

    do icheb = 0, ncheb
      zslc1sum(icheb) = slc1sum(icheb)*drpan2
    end do
    call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhlr(1,1,0), lmsize, yrf(1,1,0), lmsize2, czero, mrnvy, lmsize)
    call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjlr(1,1,0), lmsize, yrf(1,1,0), lmsize2, czero, mrjvy, lmsize)
    call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vhlr(1,1,0), lmsize, zrf(1,1,0), lmsize2, czero, mrnvz, lmsize)
    call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(0), vjlr(1,1,0), lmsize, zrf(1,1,0), lmsize2, czero, mrjvz, lmsize)
    do icheb = 1, ncheb
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yrf(1,1,icheb), lmsize2, cone, mrnvy, lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, yrf(1,1,icheb), lmsize2, cone, mrjvy, lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vhlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zrf(1,1,icheb), lmsize2, cone, mrnvz, lmsize)
      call zgemm('n', 'n', lmsize, lmsize, lmsize2, zslc1sum(icheb), vjlr(1,1,icheb), lmsize, zrf(1,1,icheb), lmsize2, cone, mrjvz, lmsize)
    end do

  end subroutine rll_local_solutions

end module mod_rll_local_solutions