rinput13.F90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Routine to read the information from the input file
!> Author: Phivos Mavropoulos
!> Routine to read the information from the input file
!> @note VP: there should be some crosscheck of competing options e.g., `XCPL` and 
!> `CONDUCT` cannot be done simultaneously neither `SOC1` and `SOC2` manipulation etc.
!> @endnote
module rinput

  implicit none


  !> Summary: Routine to read the information from the input file
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: input-output, KKRhost 
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Routine to read the information from the input file
  !> @note VP: there should be some crosscheck of competing options e.g., `XCPL` and 
  !> `CONDUCT` cannot be done simultaneously neither `SOC1` and `SOC2` manipulation etc.
  !> @endnote
  subroutine rinput13(kte, igf, kxc, lly, icc, ins, kws, ipe, ipf, ipfe, icst, imix, lpot, naez, nemb, nref, ncls, npol, lmax, kcor, kefg, &
    khyp, kpre, kvmad, lmmax0d, lmpot, ncheb, nleft, ifile, kvrel, nspin, natyp, nineq, npnt1, npnt2, npnt3, kfrozn, ishift, n1semi, n2semi, &
    n3semi, nsteps, insref, kshape, itdbry, nright, kforce, ivshift, khfield, nlbasis, nrbasis, intervx, intervy, intervz, npan_eq, npan_log, &
    npolsemi, tk, fcm, emin, emax, rmax, gmax, alat, r_log, rcutz, rcutxy, eshift, qbound, hfield, mixing, abasis, bbasis, cbasis, vconst, &
    tksemi, tolrdif, emusemi, ebotsemi, fsemicore, lambda_xc, deltae, lrhosym, linipol, lcartesian, imt, cls, lmxc, irns, irws, ntcell, refpot, &
    inipol, ixipol, hostimp, kfg, vbc, zperleft, zperight, bravais, rmt, zat, rws, mtfac, rmtref, rmtnew, rmtrefat, fpradius, tleft, tright, &
    rbasis, socscale, cscl, socscl, solver, i12, i13, i19, i25, i40, txc, drotq, ncpa, itcpamax, cpatol, noq, iqat, icpa, kaoez, conc, kmrot, &
    qmtet, qmphi, kreadldau, lopt, ueff, jeff, erefldau, invmod, verbosity, MPI_scheme, special_straight_mixing,lbfield,lbfield_constr, &

    use mod_profiling, only: memocc
    use mod_runoptions, only: read_runoptions, print_runoptions, calc_DOS_Efermi, calc_GF_Efermi, calc_exchange_couplings, &
      dirac_scale_SpeefOfLight, disable_charge_neutrality, disable_print_serialnumber, modify_soc_Dirac, relax_SpinAngle_Dirac, search_Efermi, &
    set_kmesh_large, stop_1b, stop_1c, use_BdG, use_Chebychev_solver, use_cond_LB, use_decimation, use_lloyd, use_qdos, &
    use_rigid_Efermi, use_semicore, use_virtual_atoms, write_green_host, write_green_imp, write_kkrimp_input, &
    write_pkkr_input, write_pkkr_operators, use_ldau, set_cheby_nospeedup, decouple_spin_cheby, write_tb_coupling, set_cheby_nosoc
    use mod_constants, only: cvlight, ryd
    use mod_wunfiles, only: t_params
    use memoryhandling, only: allocate_semi_inf_host, allocate_magnetization, allocate_cell, allocate_cpa, allocate_soc, allocate_ldau
    use mod_types, only: t_inc
    use mod_save_wavefun, only: t_wavefunctions
    use mod_version_info, only: version_print_header, serialnr
    use mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use godfrin, only: t_godfrin ! GODFRIN Flaviano
    use mod_rcstop, only: rcstop
    use mod_idreals, only: idreals
    use mod_ioinput, only: ioinput
    use global_variables, only: linterface, korbit, krel, irmd, irnsd, nsheld, knosph, iemxd, nrd, knoco, kpoibz, ntrefd, natomimpd, &
      nprincd, ipand, nfund, irid, ngshd, nmaxd, ishld, wlength, naclsd, ntotd, ncleb, nspind, nspindd, npotd, lmmaxd, lmgf0d, &
      lassld, nembd1, irmind, nofgij, ntperd, nsatypd, nspotd, lnc, lmxspd, lm2d, nclsd, mmaxd, ncleb, kBdG, delta_BdG, pot_ns_cutoff, &
      mixfac_broydenspin, ninit_broydenspin, memlen_broydenspin, qbound_spin, angles_cutoff, nsimplemixfirst

    implicit none
    ! ..
    ! .. Scalar Arguments ..
    integer, intent (inout) :: kte !! Calculation of the total energy On/Off (1/0)
    integer, intent (inout) :: igf !! Do not print or print (0/1) the `KKRFLEX_*` files
    integer, intent (inout) :: kxc !! Type of xc-potential 0=vBH 1=MJW 2=VWN 3=PW91
    integer, intent (inout) :: lly !! LLY <> 0 : apply Lloyds formula
    integer, intent (inout) :: icc !! Enables the calculation of off-diagonal elements of the GF.(0=SCF/DOS; 1=cluster; -1=custom)
    integer, intent (inout) :: ins !! 0 (MT), 1(ASA), 2(Full Potential)
    integer, intent (inout) :: kws !! 0 (MT), 1(ASA)
    integer, intent (inout) :: ipe !! Not real used, IPFE should be 0
    integer, intent (inout) :: ipf !! Not real used, IPFE should be 0
    integer, intent (inout) :: ipfe !! Not real used, IPFE should be 0
    integer, intent (inout) :: icst !! Number of Born approximation
    integer, intent (inout) :: imix !! Type of mixing scheme used (0=straight, 4=Broyden 2nd, 5=Anderson)
    integer, intent (inout) :: lpot !! Maximum l component in potential expansion
    integer, intent (inout) :: naez !! Number of atoms in unit cell
    integer, intent (inout) :: nemb !! Number of 'embedding' positions
    integer, intent (inout) :: nref !! Number of diff. ref. potentials
    integer, intent (inout) :: ncls !! Number of reference clusters
    integer, intent (inout) :: npol !! Number of Matsubara Pols (EMESHT)
    integer, intent (inout) :: lmax !! Maximum l component in wave function expansion
    integer, intent (inout) :: kcor
    integer, intent (inout) :: kefg
    integer, intent (inout) :: khyp
    integer, intent (inout) :: kpre
    integer, intent (inout) :: kvmad
    integer, intent (inout) :: lmmax0d !! (lmax+1)**2 without spin doubling
    integer, intent (inout) :: lmpot
    integer, intent (inout) :: ncheb !! Number of Chebychev pannels for the new solver
    integer, intent (inout) :: nleft !! Number of repeated basis for left host to get converged  electrostatic potentials
    integer, intent (inout) :: ifile !! Unit specifier for potential card
    integer, intent (inout) :: kvrel !! 0,1 : non / scalar relat. calculation
    integer, intent (inout) :: nspin !! Counter for spin directions
    integer, intent (inout) :: natyp !! Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell
    integer, intent (inout) :: nineq !! Number of ineq. positions in unit cell
    integer, intent (inout) :: npnt1 !! number of E points (EMESHT) for the contour integration
    integer, intent (inout) :: npnt2 !! number of E points (EMESHT) for the contour integration
    integer, intent (inout) :: npnt3 !! number of E points (EMESHT) for the contour integration
    integer, intent (inout) :: kfrozn
    integer, intent (inout) :: ishift !! Parameter controling the potential shift after mixing
    integer, intent (inout) :: n1semi !! Number of energy points for the semicore contour
    integer, intent (inout) :: n2semi !! Number of energy points for the semicore contour
    integer, intent (inout) :: n3semi !! Number of energy points for the semicore contour
    integer, intent (inout) :: nsteps !! number of iterations
    integer, intent (inout) :: insref !! INS for reference pot. (usual 0)
    integer, intent (inout) :: kshape !! Exact treatment of WS cell
    integer, intent (inout) :: itdbry !! Number of SCF steps to remember for the Broyden mixing
    integer, intent (inout) :: nright !! Number of repeated basis for right host to get converged  electrostatic potentials
    integer, intent (inout) :: kforce !! Calculation of the forces
    integer, intent (inout) :: ivshift !! for selected potential shift: atom index of potentials to be shifted by VCONST
    integer, intent (inout) :: khfield !! 0,1: no / yes external magnetic field
    integer, intent (inout) :: nlbasis !! Number of basis layers of left host (repeated units)
    integer, intent (inout) :: nrbasis !! Number of basis layers of right host (repeated units)
    integer, intent (inout) :: intervx !! Number of intervals in x-direction for k-net in IB of the BZ
    integer, intent (inout) :: intervy !! Number of intervals in y-direction for k-net in IB of the BZ
    integer, intent (inout) :: intervz !! Number of intervals in z-direction for k-net in IB of the BZ
    integer, intent (inout) :: npan_eq !! Number of intervals from [R_LOG] to muffin-tin radius Used in conjunction with runopt NEWSOSOL
    integer, intent (inout) :: npan_log !! Number of intervals from nucleus to [R_LOG] Used in conjunction with runopt NEWSOSOL
    integer, intent (inout) :: npolsemi !! Number of poles for the semicore contour
    integer, intent (inout) :: invmod   !! inversion mode, 0=full inversion, 1= banded matrix, 2= supercell, 3=godfrin
    integer, intent (inout) :: verbosity  !! verbosity level for timings and output: 0=old default, 1,2,3 = timing and ouput verbosity level the same (low,medium,high)
    integer, intent (inout) :: MPI_scheme !! scheme for MPI parallelization: 0 = automatic (default), 1 = atoms, 2 = energies, 3 = select best of (1,2)
    integer, intent (inout) :: special_straight_mixing !! id to specify modified straight mixing scheme: 0=normal, 1=alternating mixing factor (i.e. reduced mixing factor in every odd iteration), 2=charge-neurality based mixing factor (former: 'alt mix' and 'spec mix')
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: tk !! Temperature
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: fcm !! Factor for increased linear mixing of magnetic part of potential compared to non-magnetic part.
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: emin !! Lower value (in Ryd) for the energy contour
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: emax !! Maximum value (in Ryd) for the DOS calculation Controls also [NPT2] in some cases
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: rmax !! Ewald summation cutoff parameter for real space summation
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: gmax !! Ewald summation cutoff parameter for reciprocal space summation
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: alat !! Lattice constant (in a.u.)
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: r_log !! Radius up to which log-rule is used for interval width. Used in conjunction with runopt NEWSOSOL
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: rcutz !! Parameter for the screening cluster along the z-direction
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: rcutxy !! Parameter for the screening cluster along the x-y plane
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: eshift
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: qbound !! Convergence parameter for the potential
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: hfield !! External magnetic field, for initial potential shift in spin polarised case
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: mixing !! Magnitude of the mixing parameter
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: abasis !! Scaling factors for rbasis
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: bbasis !! Scaling factors for rbasis
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: cbasis !! Scaling factors for rbasis
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: vconst !! Potential shift in the first iteration
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: tksemi !! Temperature for semi-core contour
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: tolrdif !! For distance between scattering-centers smaller than [<TOLRDIF>], free GF is set to zero. Units are Bohr radii.
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: emusemi !! Top of semicore contour in Ryd.
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: ebotsemi !! Bottom of semicore contour in Ryd
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: fsemicore !! Initial normalization factor for semicore states (approx. 1.)
    complex (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: deltae !! LLY Energy difference for numerical derivative
    logical, intent (inout) :: lrhosym
    logical, intent (inout) :: linipol !! True: Initial spin polarization; false: no initial spin polarization
    logical, intent (inout) :: lcartesian !! True: Basis in cartesian coords; false: in internal coords
    ! .. Array Arguments ..
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: imt !! R point at MT radius
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: cls !! Cluster around atomic sites
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: lmxc
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: irns !! Position of atoms in the unit cell in units of bravais vectors
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: irws !! R point at WS radius
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: ntcell !! Index for WS cell
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: refpot !! Ref. pot. card  at position
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: inipol !! Initial spin polarisation
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: ixipol !! Constraint of spin pol.
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: hostimp
    integer, dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: kfg
    real (kind=dp), dimension (2), intent (inout) :: vbc !! Potential constants
    real (kind=dp), dimension (3), intent (inout) :: zperleft !! Vector to define how to repeat the basis of the left host
    real (kind=dp), dimension (3), intent (inout) :: zperight !! Vector to define how to repeat the basis of the right host
    real (kind=dp), dimension (3, 3), intent (inout) :: bravais !! Bravais lattice vectors
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: rmt !! Muffin-tin radius of true system
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: zat !! Nuclear charge
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: rws !! Wigner Seitz radius
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: mtfac !! Scaling factor for radius MT
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: rmtref !! Muffin-tin radius of reference system
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: rmtnew !! Adapted muffin-tin radius
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: rmtrefat
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: fpradius !! R point at which full-potential treatment starts
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: tleft !! Vectors of the basis for the left host
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: tright !! vectors of the basis for the right host
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: rbasis !! Position of atoms in the unit cell in units of bravais vectors
    ! variables for spin-orbit/speed of light scaling
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: socscale !! Spin-orbit scaling
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: lambda_xc !! Scale magnetic moment (0 < Lambda_XC < 1, 0=zero moment, 1= full moment)
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: cscl !! Speed of light scaling
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: socscl
    character (len=10), intent (inout) :: solver !! Type of solver
    character (len=40), intent (inout) :: i12 !! File identifiers
    character (len=40), intent (inout) :: i13 !! Potential file name
    character (len=40), intent (inout) :: i19 !! Shape function file name
    character (len=40), intent (inout) :: i25 !! Scoef file name
    character (len=40), intent (inout) :: i40 !! File identifiers
    character (len=124), dimension (6), intent (inout) :: txc
    complex (kind=dp), dimension (:, :, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: drotq !! Rotation matrices to change between LOCAL/GLOBAL frame of reference for magnetisation <> Oz or noncollinearity
    !! @note CPA variables. Routine has been modified to look for
    !! the token `ATOMINFOC` and only afterwards, if not found, for the
    !! old token `ATOMINFO`. The only necessary extra information
    !! required is the site `IQAT(IATOM)` on which the atom `IATOM`
    !! is located and the occupancy (concentration) `CONC(IATOM)`.
    !! The rest of CPA variables are deduced from these two.
    !! The tolerance for the CPA-cycle and the number of CPA iterations
    !! can be modified adding the token `<CPAINFO>` in the input file.
    integer, intent (inout) :: ncpa !! ncpa = 0/1 CPA flag
    integer, intent (inout) :: itcpamax !! max. number of CPA iterations
    real (kind=dp), intent (inout) :: cpatol !! convergency tolerance for CPA-cycle
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: noq !! number of diff. atom types located
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: iqat !! the site on which an atom is located on a given site
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: icpa !! icpa = 0/1 site-dependent CPA flag
    integer, dimension (:, :), allocatable, intent (out) :: kaoez !! atom types located at a given site
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: conc !! concentration of a given atom
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !! @note Variables storing the magnetization direction information.
    !! `QMTET/QMPHI(NAEZ)` give the angles to which the magnetic moment
    !! on a given site is rotated against the z-axis. Default values
    !! 0.0 and 0.0, i.e., magnetic moment parallel to the z-axis.
    !! The angles are read in after the token RBASISANG is found
    !! (sought in input file prior to RBASIS token)
    !! `KMROT`
    !!* 0: no rotation of the magnetisation
    !!* 1: individual rotation of the magnetisation for every site
    !!( see also the routine `< FINDGROUP >` and ff)
    !! @endnote
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer, intent (inout) :: kmrot !! 0: no rotation of the magnetisation; 1: individual rotation of the magnetisation for every site
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: qmtet !! \(\theta\) angle of the magnetization with respect to the z-axis
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: qmphi !! \(\phi\) angle of the magnetization with respect to the z-axis
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! LDA+U
    integer, intent (inout) :: kreadldau !! LDA+U arrays available
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (inout) :: lopt !! angular momentum QNUM for the atoms on which LDA+U should be applied (-1 to switch it OFF)
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: ueff !! input U parameter for each atom
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: jeff !! input J parameter for each atom
    real (kind=dp), dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: erefldau !! the energies of the projector's wave functions (REAL) LDA+U
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    logical , intent(out) :: lbfield ! external magnetic field (turned on via runoption <noncobfield>) non-collinear magnetic field
    logical , intent(out) :: lbfield_constr ! constraining fields (turned on via runoption <noncobfield>) non-collinear magnetic field
    logical , intent(out) :: lbfield_all ! apply same field to all atoms (True) or individual fields to each atom
    logical , intent(out) :: lbfield_trans ! apply only transversal bfield
    logical , intent(out) :: lbfield_mt  ! apply magnetic field only in the muffin-tin
    logical , intent(out) :: ltorque ! calculate magnetic torque
    integer , intent(out) :: ibfield  ! spin (0), orbital (1), spin+orbial (2) fields
    integer , intent(out) :: ibfield_constr  ! type of contraint (0 = torque, 1 = magnetic moment)
    integer , intent(out) :: ibfield_itscf0  ! start magnetic field at iteration itscf0
    integer , intent(out) :: ibfield_itscf1  ! stop applying magnetic field after iteration itscf1
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Local variables
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! for OPERATOR option
    logical :: lexist, operator_imp, oldstyle
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Scalars ..
    real (kind=dp), parameter :: eps = 10.0e-13_dp
    integer :: ndim  !! Dimension for the Bravais lattice for slab or bulk (2/3)
    integer :: nasoc
    integer :: i, il, j, ier, ier2, i1, ii, ir, idosemicore, i_stat, i_all
    real (kind=dp) :: soscale, ctlscale, lambda_xc_all
    real (kind=dp) :: brymix, strmix, tx, ty, tz
    character (len=43) :: tshape
    character (len=:), allocatable :: uio  ! NCOLIO=256

    logical :: lnew !! Logical variable for old/new treatment of left and right host
    logical :: mansoc
    logical :: manctl
    logical :: latominfo !! Logical variable for old/new treatment of the ATOMINFO
    ! .. Local CPA variables
    integer :: io, iq, iprint
    real (kind=dp) :: sum1
    character (len=3), dimension (0:1) :: cpaflag

    ! .. Local Arrays ..
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable :: isp
    integer, dimension (:), allocatable :: imansoc
    real (kind=dp), dimension (10) :: dvec
    character (len=4), dimension (3) :: tspin
    character (len=8), dimension (3) :: tkws
    character (len=2), dimension (-2:-1) :: socii
    character (len=43), dimension (0:3) :: tins
    character (len=43), dimension (0:3) :: tkcor
    character (len=43), dimension (0:2) :: tvrel
    ! ..
    ! .. Data statements ..
    data tspin/'non-', '    ', '    '/
    data tshape/' exact cell treatment (shape correction)  '/
    data tvrel/' non relativistic calculation              ', ' s.r.a. calculation                        ', ' fully relativistic calculation            '/
    data tkcor/' frozen core approximation                 ', ' core relaxation s.r.a.                    ', ' core relaxation nonsra                    ', ' core relaxation                           '/
    data tins/' spherical averaged input potential        ', ' non spherical input potential for cluster ', ' non spherical input potential for cluster ', ' non spherical input potential             '/
    data tkws/' full mt', '   ws   ', ' full ws'/

    data cpaflag/' NO', 'YES'/
    data socii/'xy', 'zz'/
    ! ..

    ! ------------ array set up and definition of input parameter -----------

    ! concatenate name & serial number
    txc(1) = ' Morruzi,Janak,Williams #serial: ' // serialnr
    txc(2) = ' von Barth,Hedin        #serial: ' // serialnr
    txc(3) = ' Vosko,Wilk,Nusair      #serial: ' // serialnr
    txc(4) = ' GGA PW91               #serial: ' // serialnr
    txc(5) = ' GGA PBE                #serial: ' // serialnr
    txc(6) = ' GGA PBEsol             #serial: ' // serialnr

    ! choose if output of idreals is shown or not (if iprint >4 print output)
    iprint = 0

    open (111, file='inputcard_generated.txt') ! Write out found or assumed values
    call version_print_header(111, disable_print=disable_print_serialnumber)

    nemb = 0

    ! Read in runoptions
    write (1337, 310) 
    write (1337, '(A)' ) '*** Inspecting run- and test-options ***'

    call read_old_runtestoptions(invmod,verbosity,MPI_scheme,oldstyle)
    write (1337, *) '  <<< Reading in new style of run-options. >>>'
    if (oldstyle) write (1337, *) '  WARNING: this may overwrite old-style run-options'
    call read_runoptions()
    ! write all runoptions
    call print_runoptions(1337)! write to output.0.txt

    ! Begin lattice structure definition
    call ioinput('ALATBASIS       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) alat
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ALATBASIS`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ALATBASIS=', alat
      write (111, *) 'ALATBASIS not found in inputcard'
      write (*, *) 'rinput13: ALATBASIS not found in inputcard'
      stop 'rinput13: ALATBASIS not found in inputcard'
    end if

    ! Set 2-d or 3-d geometry
    linterface = .false.
    call ioinput('INTERFACE       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) linterface
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `INTERFACE`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'INTERFACE=', linterface
      write (111, *) 'Default INTERFACE= ', linterface
    end if

    call ioinput('<INVMODE>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) invmod
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<INVMODE>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<INVMODE>=', invmod
    else if(invmod==-1) then!invmod was not forced by old runoptions
      if (linterface) then
        invmod = 1
        invmod = 0
      end if!linterface
      write (111, *) 'Default <INVMODE>= ', invmod
    end if    

    call ioinput('<VERBOSITY>     ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) verbosity
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<VERBOSITY>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<VERBOSITY>=', verbosity
      write (111, *) 'Default <VERBOSITY>= ', verbosity
    end if

    call ioinput('<MPI_SCHEME>    ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) MPI_scheme
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<MPI_SCHEME>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<MPI_SCHEME>=', MPI_scheme
      write (111, *) 'Default <MPI_SCHEME>= ', MPI_scheme
    end if   

    ndim = 3
    if (linterface) ndim = 2

    if (write_green_host) then
      write (1337, *) 'WRTGREEN option found'
      write (1337, *) 'setting <INVMODE>=0 for full inversion.'
      write (1337, *) 'adding run-opt <set_kmesh_large>'
      invmod = 0
      set_kmesh_large = .true.
    end if

    write (111, *) 'Bravais vectors in units of ALAT'
    bravais(1:3, 1:3) = 0.0_dp
    do i = 1, ndim
      call ioinput('BRAVAIS         ', uio, i, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'RINPUT: BRAVAIS NOT FOUND'
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(bravais(j,i), j=1, ndim)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `BRAVAIS`: check your inputcard'
    end do
    write (111, fmt='(A7)') 'BRAVAIS'
    do i = 1, ndim
      write (111, *)(bravais(j,i), j=1, ndim)
    end do

    ! Read the number of atoms in the unit cell
    call ioinput('NAEZ            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) naez
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NAEZ`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NAEZ=', naez
      write (111, *) 'NAEZ not found'
      stop 'NAEZ not found in <RINPUT13>'
    end if
    ! if (NAEZ.GT.NAEZD) then
    ! write(6,*) ' set NAEZD to at least ',NAEZ
    ! stop ' in < RINPUT13 > '
    ! end if

    ! Read the atom types, if no CPA NATYP=NAEZ
    natyp = naez
    call ioinput('NATYP           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) natyp
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NATYP`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NATYP=', natyp
      write (111, *) 'Default NATYP= ', naez
    end if
    ! if (NATYP.GT.NATYPD) then
    ! write(6,*) 'RINPUT13: NATYP > NATYPD',NATYP,NATYPD
    ! stop ' IN < RINPUT13 > '
    ! end if
    if (natyp<naez) then
      write (6, *) 'RINPUT13: NATYP < NAEZ ', natyp, naez
      stop ' IN < RINPUT13 > '
    end if

    allocate (isp(natyp), stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(isp))*kind(isp), 'ISP', 'rinput13')
    isp = 0

    lcartesian = .false.
    ier = 0
    call ioinput('CARTESIAN       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lcartesian
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `CARTESIAN`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'CARTESIAN= ', lcartesian
      write (111, *) 'Default CARTESIAN= ', lcartesian
    end if

    ! Jonathan Chico: This call needs to be done before the rest as one needs to
    ! find out the value of NEMB to be able to allocate several arrays
    if (linterface) then
      write (1337, 770)

      nright = 10
      call ioinput('NRIGHTHO        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nright
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NRIGHTHO`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) 'NRIGHTHO=', nright
        write (111, *) 'Default NRIGHTHO=', nright
      end if

      nleft = 10
      call ioinput('NLEFTHOS        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nleft
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NLEFTHOS`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) 'NLEFTHOS=', nleft
        write (111, *) 'Default NLEFTHOS=', nleft
      end if

      call ioinput('<NLBASIS>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (1337, *) 'rinput13: <NLBASIS> not found in inputcard'
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('NLBASIS         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
        if (ier/=0) then
          write (*, *) 'rinput13: NLBASIS also not found in inputcard'
          stop 'rinput13: NLBASIS not found in inputcard'
        end if
      end if
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nlbasis
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NLBASIS`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) '<NLBASIS>=', nlbasis
      end if

      call ioinput('<NRBASIS>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (1337, *) 'rinput13: <NRBASIS> not found in inputcard'
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('NRBASIS         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
        if (ier/=0) then
          write (*, *) 'rinput13: NRBASIS also not found in inputcard'
          stop 'rinput13: NRBASIS not found in inputcard'
        end if
      end if
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nrbasis
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NRBASIS`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) '<NRBASIS>=', nrbasis
      end if

      nemb = nlbasis + nrbasis
      write (1337, *) 'Number of embedded atoms NEMB=NLBASIS + NRBASIS=', nemb
      ! if(NEMB.GT.NEMBD) then
      ! write(6,*) 'Please, increase the parameter nembd (',nembd,') in inc.p
      ! to',nemb
      ! stop 'ERROR in NEMBD.'
      ! endif

      ier = 0
      ! Check if the keywords exist for old/new treatment of left and right
      ! host
      call ioinput('LEFTBASIS       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        lnew = .false.
        lnew = .true.
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('<RBLEFT>        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      end if
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (*, *) 'rinput13: LEFTBASIS or <RBLEFT> not found in inputcard'
        stop 'rinput13: LEFTBASIS or <RBLEFT> not found in inputcard'
      end if
      ier = 0
      call ioinput('RIGHBASIS       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        lnew = .false.
        lnew = .true.
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('<RBRIGHT>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      end if
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (*, *) 'rinput13: RIGHBASIS or <RBRIGHT> not found in inputcard'
        stop 'rinput13: RIGHBASIS or <RBRIGHT> not found in inputcard'
      end if
    end if

    ! Allocate the unit cell arrays
    call allocate_cell(1,naez,nemb,natyp,cls,imt,irws,irns,ntcell,refpot,kfg,kaoez, &
    ! End of allocation of the unit cell arrays
    ! Allocate the right and left hosts for slab calculation
    call allocate_semi_inf_host(1, nemb, tleft, tright)
    ! End of allocation of the right and left hosts for slab calculation

    ! Basis atoms
    write (111, fmt='(A16)') '<RBASIS>        '
    do i = 1, naez
      call ioinput('<RBASIS>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RBASIS>`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, fmt='(3E24.12)')(rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3)
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('RBASIS          ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RBASIS`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(3E24.12)')(rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3)
          write (*, *) 'RINPUT13: Keyword <RBASIS> or RBASIS not found. Stopping.'
          stop 'RINPUT13: RBASIS'
        end if
      end if
    end do                         ! I=1,NAEZ
    call idreals(rbasis(1,1), 3*naez, iprint)

    dvec(1:3) = 1.0_dp
    call ioinput('BASISCALE       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(dvec(i), i=1, 3)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `BASISCALE`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, fmt='(A10,3E12.4)') 'BASISCALE=', dvec(1:3)
      write (111, fmt='(A18,3E12.4)') 'Default BASISCALE=', dvec(1:3)
    end if

    call idreals(dvec(1), 3, iprint)
    abasis = dvec(1)
    bbasis = dvec(2)
    cbasis = dvec(3)

    write (1337, 220) abasis, bbasis, cbasis
    write (1337, 360)
    write (1337, 180) alat

    ! Begin read left- and right-host information in 2d-case.
    ! Set up the embeding positions

    if (linterface) then
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      !! @note In leftbasis and rightbasis, kaoez is used only in decimation case.
      !! Then it indicates the correspondence of the atom-coordinate given
      !! by leftbasis and rightbasis to the left- and right-host t-matrix read in
      !! by decimaread. For the slab case, kaoez is not used in the embedded positions.
      !! @endnote
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      if (lnew) then

        write (111, fmt='(A82)') '<RBLEFT>                                                      <RMTREFL>   <KAOEZL>'
        do i = 1, nlbasis
          call ioinput('<RBLEFT>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(tleft(i1,i), i1=1, 3)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RBLEFT>`: check your inputcard'
          kaoez(1, naez+i) = i     ! Default
          call ioinput('<KAOEZL>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          ier2 = 0
          if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) kaoez(1, naez+i)
          if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `<KAOEZL>`: check your inputcard'
          call ioinput('<RMTREFL>       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          ier2 = 0
          if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) rmtrefat(naez+i)
          if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RMTREFL>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(3E20.12,3X,F9.6,3X,I5)')(tleft(i1,i), i1=1, 3), rmtrefat(naez+i), kaoez(1, naez+i)
        end do
        write (111, fmt='(A82)') '<RBRIGHT>                                                     <RMTREFR>   <KAOEZL>'
        do i = 1, nrbasis
          call ioinput('<RBRIGHT>       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(tright(i1,i), i1=1, 3)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RBRIGHT>`: check your inputcard'
          kaoez(1, naez+nlbasis+i) = i ! Default
          call ioinput('<KAOEZR>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          ier2 = 0
          if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) kaoez(1, naez+nlbasis+i)
          if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `<KAOEZR>`: check your inputcard'
          call ioinput('<RMTREFR>       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          ier2 = 0
          if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) rmtrefat(naez+nlbasis+i)
          if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RMTREFR>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(3E20.12,3X,F9.6,3X,I5)')(tright(i1,i), i1=1, 3), rmtrefat(naez+nlbasis+i), kaoez(1, naez+nlbasis+i)
        end do

      else                         ! (LNEW) now old-style input

        do i = 1, nlbasis
          call ioinput('LEFTBASIS       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(tleft(i1,i), i1=1, 3), ii, ir
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LEFTBASIS`: check your inputcard'
          kaoez(1, naez+i) = ii    ! changed 1.11.99
          refpot(naez+i) = ir
        end do
        do i = 1, nrbasis
          call ioinput('RIGHBASIS       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(tright(i1,i), i1=1, 3), ii, ir
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RIGHBASIS`: check your inputcard'
          kaoez(1, naez+nlbasis+i) = ii ! changed 1.11.99
          refpot(naez+nlbasis+i) = ir
        end do
      end if

      call idreals(tleft, 3*(nemb+1), iprint)
      call idreals(tright, 3*(nemb+1), iprint)

      ! Put The additional atoms in the "embeding" positions

      do i = 1, nlbasis
        rbasis(1:3, naez+i) = tleft(1:3, i)
      end do
      do i = 1, nrbasis
        rbasis(1:3, naez+nlbasis+i) = tright(1:3, i)
      end do
      ! In RBASIS we have first the basis atoms or the interface
      ! atoms then the left host then the right host the host
      ! goes in the NEMB positions
      ! IN CASE OF CPA the host is treated as an effective
      ! CPA medium, that is, there is only one kind of atom
      ! occupying a crystallographic site.
      call ioinput('ZPERIODL        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (*, *) 'rimput13: ZPERIODL not found in inputcard'
        stop 'rimput13: ZPERIODL not found in inputcard'
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(zperleft(i1), i1=1, 3)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ZPERIODL`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, fmt='(A9,3E20.12)') 'ZPERIODL=', (zperleft(i1), i1=1, 3)
      end if
      call idreals(zperleft(1), 3, iprint)

      call ioinput('ZPERIODR        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) then
        write (*, *) 'rimput13: ZPERIODR not found in inputcard'
        stop 'rinput13: ZPERIODR not found in inputcard'
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(zperight(i1), i1=1, 3)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ZPERIODR`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, fmt='(A9,3E20.12)') 'ZPERIODR=', (zperight(i1), i1=1, 3)
      end if
      call idreals(zperight(1), 3, iprint)

      write (1337, 790) nleft, nlbasis
      write (1337, 800) nright, nrbasis
      write (1337, 810)(zperleft(i1), i1=1, 3)
      write (1337, 820)(zperight(i1), i1=1, 3)
      write (1337, 830)
      write (1337, 840)
      do i = nleft, 1, -1
        do i1 = nlbasis, 1, -1
          tx = tleft(1, i1) + (i-1)*zperleft(1)
          ty = tleft(2, i1) + (i-1)*zperleft(2)
          tz = tleft(3, i1) + (i-1)*zperleft(3)
          write (1337, 780)(i-1)*nlbasis + i1, tx, ty, tz, kaoez(1, i1)
        end do
      end do
      write (1337, 850)
      do i = 1, naez
        write (1337, 780) i, (rbasis(i1,i), i1=1, 3)
      end do
      write (1337, 860)
      do i = 1, nright
        do i1 = 1, nrbasis
          tx = tright(1, i1) + (i-1)*zperight(1)
          ty = tright(2, i1) + (i-1)*zperight(2)
          tz = tright(3, i1) + (i-1)*zperight(3)
          write (1337, 780)(i-1)*nrbasis + i1, tx, ty, tz, kaoez(1, i1)
        end do
      end do

    end if                         ! LINTERFACE
    ! End read left- and right-host information in 2d-case.

    ! Although NSPIN is fixed to 1 in REL mode,
    ! NSPIN should be used as 1 or 2 at this stage
    ! to indicate a non- or spin-polarised potential
    ! that has to be read in. NSPIN is set to 1 before
    ! being passed to the subsequent programs.
    ! TESTDIM > has been accordingly modified
    call ioinput('NSPIN           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier/=0) then
      write (111, *) 'NSPIN not found'
      stop 'NSPIN not found'
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nspin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NSPIN`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NSPIN=', nspin
    end if

    write (1337, 150) nspin
    write (1337, 350)

    ! Atomic number
    call ioinput('<ZATOM>         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      write (111, '(A10)') '<ZATOM>   '
      do i = 1, natyp
        call ioinput('<ZATOM>         ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) zat(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<ZATOM>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(F6.3)') zat(i)
        end if
      end do
      write (111, *) 'zatom will be read in from pot-file'
    end if

    ! Angular momentum cutoff
    call ioinput('LMAX', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lmax
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LMAX`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'LMAX=', lmax
      stop 'LMAX not found'
    end if

    ! Allocation of CPA arrays
    call allocate_cpa(1, naez, natyp, noq, icpa, iqat, hostimp, conc)
    ! End of allocation of CPA arrays
    do i = 1, naez
      icpa(i) = 0
      noq(i) = 1
    end do
    ncpa = 0

    do i = 1, naez
      kaoez(1, i) = i              ! default
      iqat(i) = i                  ! Basis-Site of atom I
    end do
    if (natyp==naez) conc(1:natyp) = 1.0_dp

    ! CPA calculation, read concentrations
    if (natyp>naez) then

      ncpa = 1
      noq(1:naez) = 0              ! re-initialize

      ier = 0
      ier2 = 0
      call ioinput('<SITE>          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      call ioinput('<CPA-CONC>      ', uio, 1, 7, ier2)
      if (ier/=0 .or. ier2/=0) then
        write (1337, *) '<SITE> or <CPA-CONC> not found, will search for ATOMINFOC'

        write (111, fmt='(A18)') '<SITE>  <CPA-CONC>'
        do i = 1, natyp
          call ioinput('<SITE>          ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) iqat(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<SITE>`: check your inputcard'
          call ioinput('<CPA-CONC>      ', uio, i, 7, ier)
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) conc(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<CPA-CONC>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(I5,4X,E16.8)') iqat(i), conc(i)
        end do

        do i = 1, natyp
          iq = iqat(i)
          noq(iq) = noq(iq) + 1
          if (noq(iq)>1) icpa(iq) = 1
          kaoez(noq(iq), iq) = i
        end do

        do iq = 1, naez
          sum1 = 0.0_dp
          if (noq(iq)<1) then
            write (6, *) 'RINPUT13: CPA: SITE', iq, 'HAS NO ASSIGNED ATOM'
            stop 'RINPUT13: CPA'
          end if
          do io = 1, noq(iq)
            sum1 = sum1 + conc(kaoez(io,iq))
          end do
          if (abs(sum1-1.0_dp)>1.0e-6_dp) then
            write (6, *) ' SITE ', iq, ' CONCENTRATION <> 1.0 !'
            write (6, *) ' CHECK YOUR <ATOMINFO-CPA> INPUT '
            stop ' IN <RINPUT99>'
          end if
        end do

      end if
    end if                         ! (NATYP.GT.NAEZ)
    ! End atom type information

    ! Begin relativistic treatment information
    kcor = 2
    ! call IoInput('KCOR      ',UIO,1,7,IER)
    ! read (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) kcor

    kvrel = 1                      ! 0=Schroedinger / 1=SRA / 2=Dirac
    call ioinput('KVREL           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kvrel
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KVREL`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KVREL= ', kvrel
      write (111, *) 'Default KVREL= ', kvrel
    end if
    ! store KVREL to be used later on
    t_inc%kvrel = kvrel

    if (use_Chebychev_solver) korbit = 1

    if (use_Chebychev_solver .and. decouple_spin_cheby) then
      write (*, '(A)') 'Warning: detected test option <decouple_spin_cheby>: use spin-decoupled radial equations with new solver'
      write (1337, *)  'Warning: detected test option <decouple_spin_cheby>: reset KORBIT to zero but use NEWSOSOL for spin-decoupled matrices with explicit spin-loop'
      korbit = 0
    end if

    call ioinput('KORBIT          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) korbit
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KORBIT`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KORBIT= ', korbit
      write (111, *) 'Default KORBIT= ', korbit
    end if

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Readin Options for Bogoliubov-de-Gennes Formalism
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call ioinput('KBDG            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kBdG
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KBDG`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KBDG= ', kBdG
      write (111, *) 'Default KBDG= ', kBdG
    end if
    if (kBdG/=0) use_BdG = .true.
    if (use_BdG) kBdG = 1

    ! read in starting value of Delta
    if (kBdG/=0) then
      call ioinput('delta_BdG       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) delta_BdG
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `delta_BdG`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) 'delta_BdG= ', delta_BdG
        write (111, *) 'Default delta_BdG= ', delta_BdG
      end if
      write (1337, *) 'Use Bogoliubov-de-Gennes formalism with initial value of Delta set to ', delta_BdG, 'Ry = ', delta_BdG*ryd*1000, 'meV' 
    end if

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Reading options for non-collinear magnetic fields and constraining fields
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call ioinput('<NONCOBFIELD>   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lbfield
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<NONCOBFIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<NONCOBFIELD>= ', lbfield
      write (111, *) 'Default <NONCOBFIELD>= ', lbfield
    end if
    call ioinput('<CONSTR_FIELD>  ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lbfield_constr
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<CONSTR_FIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<CONSTR_FIELD>= ', lbfield_constr
      write (111, *) 'Default <CONSTR_FIELD>= ', lbfield_constr
    end if

    call ioinput('<SAME_BFIELD>   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lbfield_all
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<SAME_BFIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<SAME_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_all
      write (111, *) 'Default <SAME_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_all
    end if
    call ioinput('<TRANS_BFIELD>   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lbfield_trans
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<TRANS_BFIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<TRANS_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_trans
      write (111, *) 'Default <TRANS_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_trans
    end if
    call ioinput('<MT_BFIELD>   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lbfield_mt
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<MT_BFIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<MT_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_mt
      write (111, *) 'Default <MT_BFIELD>= ', lbfield_mt
    end if
    call ioinput('<TORQUE>   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ltorque
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<TORQUE>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<TORQUE>= ', ltorque
      write (111, *) 'Default <TORQUE>= ', ltorque
    end if
    ibfield= 0
    call ioinput('<IBFIELD>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ibfield
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<IBFIELD>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<IBFIELD>= ', ibfield
      write (111, *) 'Default <IBFIELD>= ', ibfield
    end if
    ibfield_constr= 0
    call ioinput('<ICONSTR>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ibfield_constr
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<ICONSTR>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<ICONSTR>= ', ibfield_constr
      write (111, *) 'Default <ICONSTR>= ', ibfield_constr
    end if
    ibfield_itscf0= 0
    call ioinput('<ITBFIELD0>     ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ibfield_itscf0
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<ITBFIELD0>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<ITBFIELD0>= ', ibfield_itscf0
      write (111, *) 'Default <ITBFIELD0>= ', ibfield_itscf0
    end if
    ibfield_itscf1= 10000
    call ioinput('<ITBFIELD1>     ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ibfield_itscf1
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<ITBFIELD1>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<ITBFIELD1>= ', ibfield_itscf1
      write (111, *) 'Default <ITBFIELD1>= ', ibfield_itscf1
    end if
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Start of the reading of variables that used to be in the inc.p
    !! @note JC: Read the IRM value from the inputcard. This in principle can be determined from
    !! the potential file, hence maybe it is best to do it that way instead
    !! @endnote
    call ioinput('IRMD            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) irmd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IRMD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IRMD= ', irmd
      write (111, *) 'Default IRMD= ', irmd
    end if

    call ioinput('IRNSD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) irnsd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IRNSD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IRNSD= ', irnsd
      write (111, *) 'Default IRNSD= ', irnsd
    end if

    call ioinput('NSHELD          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nsheld
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NSHELD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NSHELD= ', nsheld
      write (111, *) 'Default NSHELD= ', nsheld
    end if

    call ioinput('KNOSPH          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) knosph
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KNOSPH`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KNOSPH= ', knosph
      write (111, *) 'Default KNOSPH= ', knosph
    end if

    call ioinput('IEMXD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) iemxd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IEMXD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IEMXD= ', iemxd
      write (111, *) 'Default IEMXD= ', iemxd
    end if

    call ioinput('NRMESH          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nrd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NRMESH`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NRMESH= ', nrd
      write (111, *) 'Default NRMESH= ', nrd
    end if

    call ioinput('KPOIBZ          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kpoibz
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KPOIBZ`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KPOIBZ= ', kpoibz
      write (111, *) 'Default KPOIBZ= ', kpoibz
    end if

    call ioinput('NMAXD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nmaxd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NMAXD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NMAXD= ', nmaxd
      write (111, *) 'Default NMAXD= ', nmaxd
    end if

    call ioinput('ISHLD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ishld
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ISHLD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ISHLD= ', ishld
      write (111, *) 'Default ISHLD= ', ishld
    end if

    call ioinput('KNOCO           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) knoco
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KNOCO`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KNOCO= ', knoco
      write (111, *) 'Default KNOCO= ', knoco
    end if

    call ioinput('NTREFD          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ntrefd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NTREFD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NTREFD= ', ntrefd
      write (111, *) 'Default NTREFD= ', ntrefd
    end if

    call ioinput('NATOMIMPD       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) natomimpd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NATOMIMPD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NATOMIMPD= ', natomimpd
      write (111, *) 'Default NATOMIMPD= ', natomimpd
    end if

    call ioinput('NPRINCD         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nprincd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPRINCD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NPRINCD= ', nprincd
      write (111, *) 'Default NPRINCD= ', nprincd
    end if

    call ioinput('IPAND           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ipand
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IPAND`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IPAND= ', ipand
      write (111, *) 'Default IPAND= ', ipand
    end if

    call ioinput('NFUND           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nfund
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NFUND`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NFUND= ', nfund
      write (111, *) 'Default NFUND= ', nfund
    end if

    call ioinput('IRID            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) irid
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IRID`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IRID= ', irid
      write (111, *) 'Default IRID= ', irid
    end if

    call ioinput('NGSHD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ngshd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NGSHD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NGHSD= ', ngshd
      write (111, *) 'Default NGSHD= ', ngshd
    end if

    call ioinput('WLENGTH         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) wlength
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `WLENGTH`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'WLENGTH= ', wlength
      write (111, *) 'Default WLENGTH= ', wlength
    end if

    call ioinput('NACLSD          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) naclsd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NACLSD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NACLSD= ', naclsd
      write (111, *) 'Default NACLSD= ', naclsd
    end if

    call ioinput('NTOTD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ntotd
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NTOTD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NTOTD= ', ntotd
      write (111, *) 'Default NTOTD= ', ntotd
    end if

    call ioinput('KREL            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) krel
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KREL`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KREL= ', krel
      write (111, *) 'Default KREL= ', krel
    end if

    ! End of variables that used to be in the inc.
    ! Calculate derived parameters
    lm2d = (2*lmax+1)**2
    nclsd = naez + nemb
    mmaxd = 2*lmax + 1
    ncleb = (lmax*2+1)**2*(lmax+1)**2
    nspind = krel + (1-krel)*2     ! (KSP+1) where KSP is always 1
    npotd = (2*(krel+korbit)+(1-(krel+korbit))*nspind)*natyp
    lmmaxd = (krel+korbit+1)*(lmax+1)**2
    lmgf0d = (lmax+1)**2
    lassld = 4*lmax
    nembd1 = nemb + 1
    irmind = irmd - irnsd
    nofgij = natomimpd**2 + 1
    ntperd = natyp - ntrefd
    nspindd = nspind - korbit
    nsatypd = (natyp-1)*knosph + 1
    nspotd = (2*krel+(1-krel)*nspind)*nsatypd
    if (krel/=0 .or. korbit/=0 .or. knoco/=0) then
      lnc = .true.
      lnc = .false.
    end if
    ! End of calculation of the derived parameters

    ! Allocation of SOC arrays
    call allocate_soc(1, krel, natyp, lmax, socscale, cscl, socscl)
    allocate (imansoc(natyp), stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(imansoc))*kind(imansoc), 'IMANSOC', 'rinput13')
    imansoc = 0
    ! End of allocation of SOC arrays
    if (use_Chebychev_solver) then      ! Spin-orbit
      if (use_Chebychev_solver .and. (nspin/=2) .and. .not.decouple_spin_cheby) stop ' set NSPIN = 2 for SOC solver in inputcard'
      npan_log = 30
      npan_eq = 30
      ncheb = 10
      r_log = 0.1_dp
      call ioinput('NPAN_LOG        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      ier2 = 0
      if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) npan_log
      if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPAN_LOG`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('NPAN_EQ         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      ier2 = 0
      if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) npan_eq
      if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPAN_EQ`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('NCHEB           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      ier2 = 0
      if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) ncheb
      if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `NCHEB`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('R_LOG           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      ier2 = 0
      if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) r_log
      if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `R_LOG`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NPAN_LOG= ', npan_log
      write (111, *) 'NPAN_EQ= ', npan_eq
      write (111, *) 'NCHEB= ', ncheb
      write (111, *) 'R_LOG= ', r_log
    end if

    call ioinput('<SOCSCL>        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0 .and. .not.(set_cheby_nosoc .or. decouple_spin_cheby)) then
      write (111, '(A10)') '<SOCSCL>  '
      do i = 1, natyp
        call ioinput('<SOCSCL>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) socscale(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<SOCSCL>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(F6.3)') socscale(i)
        end if
      end do
      ! read (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) (SOCSCALE(I1),I1=1,NATYP)
      ! !Bernd - old way
      ! write(111,FMT='(A10,50E10.2)') '<SOCSCL>= ',(SOCSCALE(I1),I1=1,NATYP)
      ! !Bernd - old way
    elseif (set_cheby_nosoc .or. decouple_spin_cheby) then
      write(*,*) 'Skipped reading <SOCSCL> because <set_cheby_nosoc>= T or <decouple_spin_cheby>= T. Automatically use <SOCSCL>=0.'
      socscale(:) = 0.0_dp
      write (111, fmt='(A18,50E10.2)') '<SOCSCL>= ', (socscale(i1), i1=1, natyp)
      write (111, fmt='(A18,50E10.2)') 'Default <SOCSCL>= ', (socscale(i1), i1=1, natyp)
    end if
    ! End relativistic treatment information

    ! Begin cell control
    call ioinput('<FPRADIUS>      ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      write (111, '(A10)') '<FPRADIUS>'
      do i = 1, natyp
        call ioinput('<FPRADIUS>      ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) fpradius(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<FPRADIUS>`: check your inputcard'
        end if
        write (111, fmt='(F6.3)') fpradius(i)
      end do
      write (111, *) 'fpradius will be read in from pot-file'
    end if

    ins = 1
    call ioinput('INS             ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ins
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `INS`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'INS= ', ins
      write (111, *) 'Default INS= ', ins
    end if

    kshape = 2
    if (ins==0) kshape = 0
    call ioinput('KSHAPE          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kshape
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KSHAPE`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KSHAPE= ', kshape
      write (111, *) 'Default KSHAPE= ', kshape
    end if

    if ((krel==1) .and. (kshape/=0)) then
      write (1337, *) ' WARNING : KSHAPE set to ZERO for REL case'
      write (111, *) ' WARNING : kshape set to ZERO for REL case'
      kshape = 0
    end if

    ! Read cell information
    write (1337, *) 'Cell information <SHAPE>:'
    write (111, fmt='(A16)') '<SHAPE>         '
    do i = 1, natyp
      ntcell(i) = iqat(i)          ! Default: Different shape function per
      ! atom
      call ioinput('<SHAPE>         ', uio, i, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ntcell(i)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<SHAPE>`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, fmt='(I6)') ntcell(i)
      end if
    end do
    ! End cell control

    ! Begin exchange correlation treatment information
    kxc = 2                        ! 0=vBH 1=MJW 2=VWN 3=PW91
    call ioinput('KEXCOR          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kxc
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KEXCOR`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KEXCOR= ', kxc
      write (111, *) 'Default KEXCOR= ', kxc
    end if

    ! Scale magnetic moment (0 < Lambda_XC < 1,  0=zero moment, 1= full
    ! moment)
    ! MdSD: now atom dependent
    allocate (lambda_xc(natyp), stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(lambda_xc))*kind(lambda_xc), 'LAMBDA_XC', 'rinput13')
    ! MdSD: default behavior
    lambda_xc(1:natyp) = 1.0_dp
    ! MdSD: check if there is atom-dependent info for xc
    call ioinput('<BXCSCL>        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      write (111, '(A10)') '<BXCSCL>  '
      do i = 1, natyp
        call ioinput('<BXCSCL>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lambda_xc(i)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<BXCSCL>`: check your inputcard'
          write (111, fmt='(F6.3)') lambda_xc(i)
        end if
      end do
      write (111, *) 'Default LAMBDA_XC= ', lambda_xc(1)
    end if
    ! MdSD: old option is used as override
    call ioinput('LAMBDA_XC       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lambda_xc_all
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LAMBDA_XC`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'LAMBDA_XC= ', lambda_xc_all
      lambda_xc(1:natyp) = lambda_xc_all
      write (111, *) 'Default LAMBDA_XC= ', lambda_xc(1)
    end if

    ! LDA+U treatment
    ! Allocate the LDA+U arrays
    call allocate_ldau(1, natyp, lopt, ueff, jeff, erefldau)
    ! End of LDA+U array allocation

    if (use_ldau) then

      ! Check for LDA+U consistency -- if INS=0 suppress it
      if ((ins==0)) then
        write (1337, *)
        write (1337, *) ' WARNING: LDA+U should be used only in NON-SPHERICAL', ' case (INS=1) '
        write (1337, *) ' Running option LDA+U will be ignored'
        write (1337, *)
        use_ldau = .false.
      end if

      ! -> get number of atoms for lda+u:

      ier = 0
      call ioinput('NAT_LDAU        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) then
        nasoc = natyp
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nasoc
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NAT_LDAU`: check your inputcard'
        if (nasoc>natyp) stop ' main0: NAT_LDAU > NATYP'
      end if

      ! -> read in UEFF,JEFF,LOPT,EREFLDAU for the desired atoms

      il = 0
      do i = 1, nasoc
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('LDAU_PARA       ', uio, i, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) i1, lopt(i1), ueff(i1), jeff(i1), erefldau(i1)
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LDAU_PARA`: check your inputcard'
          il = il + 1
        end if
      end do
      if (il/=nasoc) then
        write (6, *) ' ERROR: LDA+U invoked for ', nasoc, ' atoms'
        write (6, *) '        Some (all) parameters are missing in the input-file'
      end if
      kreadldau = 0
      ier = 0
      ier2 = 0
      call ioinput('KREADLDAU       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier2) kreadldau
      if (ier2/=0) stop 'Error reading `KREADLDAU`: check your inputcard'

    end if
    ! End exchange correlation treatment information

    ! Begin external field control
    khfield = 0
    hfield = 0.0_dp
    call ioinput('HFIELD          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) hfield
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `HFIELD`: check your inputcard'
      if (abs(hfield)>eps) then
        khfield = 1
        write (*, *) 'WARNING: HFIELD>0.0 found, set KHFIELD to 1'
        write (1337, *) 'WARNING: HFIELD>0.0 found, set KHFIELD to 1'
      end if
      write (111, *) 'HFIELD= ', hfield
      write (111, *) 'Default HFIELD= ', hfield
    end if

    vconst = 0.0_dp
    call ioinput('VCONST          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) vconst
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `VCONST`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'VCONST= ', vconst
      write (111, *) 'Default VCONST= ', vconst
    end if

    call ioinput('IVSHIFT         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ivshift
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IVSHIFT`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IVSHIFT= ', ivshift
      write (111, *) 'Default IVSHIFT= ', ivshift
    end if

    ! Initial polarization
    linipol = .false.
    call ioinput('LINIPOL         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) linipol
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LINIPOL`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'LINIPOL= ', linipol
      write (111, *) 'Default: LINIPOL= ', linipol
    end if

    ! Allocate magnetization arrays
    call allocate_magnetization(1,naez,natyp,lmmaxd,inipol,ixipol,qmtet,qmphi,drotq)
    ! End of allocation of magnetization arrays

    if (linipol) then
      inipol(1:natyp) = 1
      call ioinput('XINIPOL         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(inipol(i), i=1, natyp)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `XINIPOL`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, fmt='(A10,80I2)') 'XINIPOL=  ', (inipol(i), i=1, natyp)
        write (111, fmt='(A18,80I2)') 'Default XINIPOL=  ', (inipol(i), i=1, natyp)
      end if
    end if

    write (1337, 230)(inipol(i), i=1, natyp)
    write (1337, 340)
    ! End external field control

    ! Begin Green function calculation control (diag./non-diag)
    igf = 0
    call ioinput('IGREENFUN       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) igf
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IGREENFUN`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IGREENFUN= ', igf
      write (111, *) 'Default IGREENFUN= ', igf
    end if

    if (write_pkkr_operators) then
      ! check if impurity files are present (otherwise no imp.
      ! wavefunctions can be calculated)
      operator_imp = .true.
      inquire (file='potential_imp', exist=lexist)
      if (.not. lexist) operator_imp = .false.
      inquire (file='shapefun_imp', exist=lexist)
      if (.not. lexist) operator_imp = .false.
      inquire (file='scoef', exist=lexist)
      if (.not. lexist) operator_imp = .false.
      operator_imp = .false.
    end if
    if (write_kkrimp_input .or. write_green_host .or. write_green_imp .or. operator_imp) then
      write (1337, *) 'Setting IGREENFUN=1 for KKRFLEX/WRTGREEN/GREENIMP/OPERATOR options'
      igf = 1
    end if

    icc = 0
    call ioinput('ICC             ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) icc
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ICC`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ICC= ', icc
      write (111, *) 'Default ICC= ', icc
    end if
    if (write_kkrimp_input .or. write_green_host .or. write_green_imp .or. operator_imp) then
      write (1337, *) 'Setting ICC=1 for KKRFLEX/WRTGREEN/GREENIMP/OPERATOR  options'
      icc = 1
    end if
    if ((calc_exchange_couplings) .or. (use_cond_LB)) icc = -1

    if (icc/=0 .and. igf==0) igf = 1
    if (icc==0 .and. igf/=0) icc = -1
    ! End Green function calculation control (diag./non-diag)

    ! Begin accuracy parameters
    ! Brilloun zone mesh
    intervx = 10
    intervy = 10
    intervz = 10
    call ioinput('BZDIVIDE        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) intervx, intervy, intervz
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `BZDIVIDE`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, fmt='(A9,3I5)') 'BZDIVIDE=', intervx, intervy, intervz
      write (111, fmt='(A17,3I5)') 'Default BZDIVIDE=', intervx, intervy, intervz
    end if

    if (linterface .and. intervz>1) then
      write (1337, *) 'Found 2D mode: resetting BZDIVIDE(3) to 1'
      intervz = 1
    end if

    write (1337, 350)
    write (1337, 190) intervx, intervy, intervz
    write (1337, 330)

    if (write_green_imp) then
      write (*, *) 'WARNING! Found option GREENIMP: resetting BZDIVIDE to 1,1,1'
      write (1337, *) 'WARNING! Found option GREENIMP: resetting BZDIVIDE to 1,1,1'
      intervx = 1
      intervy = 1
      intervz = 1
    end if

    call ioinput('<set_kmesh_large>', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) set_kmesh_large
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `set_kmesh_large`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, fmt='(A18,L2)') '<set_kmesh_large>=', set_kmesh_large
      write (111, fmt='(A26,L2)') 'Default <set_kmesh_large>=', set_kmesh_large
    end if

    ! Energy contour
    npol = 7
    call ioinput('NPOL            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) npol
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPOL`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NPOL=', npol
      write (111, *) 'Default NPOL=', npol
    end if

    call ioinput('EMIN            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) emin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `EMIN`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'EMIN= ', emin
    else if (npol==0) then
      emin = -1.0_dp
      write (111, *) 'Default for DOS: EMIN= ', emin
      write (1337, *) 'Error in rinput13: EMIN not found'
      write (111, *) 'Error in rinput13: EMIN not found'
      stop 'Error in rinput13: EMIN not found'
    end if

    emax = 1.0_dp
    call ioinput('EMAX            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) emax
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `EMAX`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) ' EMAX=', emax
      write (111, *) 'Default  EMAX=', emax
    end if

    tk = 800.0_dp
    call ioinput('TEMPR           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) tk
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `TEMPR`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'TEMPR=', tk
      write (111, *) 'Default TEMPR=', tk
    end if

    npnt1 = 3
    if (npol==0) npnt1 = 0
    call ioinput('NPT1            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) npnt1
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPT1`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) ' NPT1=', npnt1
      write (111, *) 'Default  NPT1=', npnt1
    end if

    npnt2 = nint((emax-emin)*20.0_dp) ! 20 pts/Ryd
    if (npol==0) npnt2 = nint((emax-emin)*100.0_dp) ! For dos, 100 pts/Ryd
    call ioinput('NPT2            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) npnt2
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPT2`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) ' NPT2=', npnt2
      write (111, *) 'Default  NPT2=', npnt2
    end if

    npnt3 = 3
    if (npol==0) npnt3 = 0
    call ioinput('NPT3            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) npnt3
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPT3`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) ' NPT3=', npnt3
      write (111, *) 'Default  NPT3=', npnt3
    end if

    ! -> semicore
    ! initialise variables
    idosemicore = 0
    ebotsemi = emin
    emusemi = ebotsemi
    npolsemi = 0
    n1semi = 0
    n2semi = 0
    n3semi = 0
    fsemicore = 1.0_dp

    ier = 0
    if (use_semicore) then
      call ioinput('EBOTSEMI        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ebotsemi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `EBOTSEMI`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('EMUSEMI         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) emusemi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `EMUSEMI`: check your inputcard'

      ! -> EMUSEMI < EBOT
      if (emusemi>=emin) go to 100
      call ioinput('TKSEMI          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) tksemi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `TKSEMI`: check your inputcard'

      call ioinput('NPOLSEMI        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) npolsemi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NPOLSEMI`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('N1SEMI          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) n1semi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `N1SEMI`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('N2SEMI          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) n2semi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `N2SEMI`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('N3SEMI          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) n3semi
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `N3SEMI`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('FSEMICORE       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) go to 100
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) fsemicore
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FSEMICORE`: check your inputcard'
      idosemicore = 1
100   continue
      if (idosemicore==0) then
        write (1337, *)
        write (1337, *) ' WARNING: <use_semicore>', ' with incomplete/incorrect contour description'
        write (1337, *) ' Running option <use_semicore> will be ignored'
        write (111, *)
        write (111, *) ' WARNING: <use_semicore> used', ' with incomplete/incorrect contour description'
        write (111, *) ' Running option <use_semicore> will be ignored'

        use_semicore = .false.

      end if
    end if

    ! CPA convergence parameters
    cpatol = 1e-4_dp
    itcpamax = 20
    call ioinput('CPAINFO         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) cpatol, itcpamax
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `CPAINFO`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'Default cpainfo:'
    end if
    write (111, fmt='(A7)') 'CPAINFO'
    write (111, fmt='(E12.4,I5)') cpatol, itcpamax

    ! Begin screening cluster information
    rcutz = 11.0_dp/alat             ! Default 11 Bohr radii
    call ioinput('RCLUSTZ         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) rcutz
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RCLUSTZ`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'RCLUSTZ=', rcutz
      write (111, *) 'Default RCLUSTZ=', rcutz
    end if

    rcutxy = rcutz
    call ioinput('RCLUSTXY        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) rcutxy
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RCLUSTXY`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'RCLUSTXY=', rcutxy
      write (111, *) 'Default RCLUSTXY=', rcutxy
    end if

    write (1337, *) 'Parameters used for the cluster calculation'
    if (abs(rcutz-rcutxy)<1.0e-4_dp) then
      write (1337, *) 'Clusters inside spheres with radius R = ', rcutz
      write (1337, *) 'Clusters inside cylinders with '
      write (1337, *) 'Rz = ', rcutz, ' Rxy = ', rcutxy
    end if
    write (1337, 350)
    write (1337, 210)              ! rbasis
    write (1337, 320)
    do i = 1, naez
      write (1337, 260) i, (rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3), qmtet(i), qmphi(i), icpa(i), noq(i), (kaoez(j,i), j=1, noq(i))
    end do

    do i = 1, naez
      call ioinput('<RMTREF>        ', uio, i, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) rmtrefat(i)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<RMTREF>`: check your inputcard'
      end if
    end do
    if (ier==0) then
      write (111, fmt='(A18)') '        <RMTREF>  '
      write (111, fmt='(A18)') 'Default <RMTREF>  '
    end if
    do i = 1, naez
      write (111, fmt='(9X,F9.6)') rmtrefat(i)
    end do

    ! End screening cluster information
    ! Number of Born iterations
    icst = 2
    call ioinput('ICST            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) icst
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ICST`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ICST=', icst
      write (111, *) 'Default ICST=', icst
    end if

    ! Usage of Lloyd's formula
    lly = 0                        ! LLY Default=0 : do not apply Lloyds
    ! formula
    if (use_lloyd) then
        lly = 1
        write (1337, *) 'Applying Lloyds formula, LLY=', lly
    end if

    deltae = (1.0e-5_dp, 0.0_dp)         ! Difference for numer. derivative in
    ! Lloyds formula
    call ioinput('<DELTAE>        ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) deltae
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<DELTAE>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<DELTAE>=', deltae
      write (111, *) 'Default <DELTAE>=', deltae
    end if

    ! reset LLY to zero if certain options are found
    ! note: WRTGREEN depends on choice of LLY or not!
    if (write_pkkr_input .or. write_green_imp) then
      write (1337, *) 'found option FERMIOUT/GREENIMP: resetting LLY to 0'
      lly = 0
    end if

    ! End accuracy parameters

    ! Begin old-type of ATOMINFO
    latominfo = .false.
    ! Initialize all clusters to 1
    cls(1:naez+nemb) = 1
    write (1337, *) 'ATOMINFOC or ATOMINFO:'
    do i = 1, natyp
      call ioinput('ATOMINFOC       ', uio, i+1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        latominfo = .true.
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) zat(i), lmxc(i), (kfg(j,i), j=1, 4), j, ier, ntcell(i), mtfac(i), irns(i), rmtref(ier), iqat(i), conc(i)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ATOMINFOC`: check your inputcard'
        iq = iqat(i)
        refpot(iq) = ier
        rmtrefat(i) = rmtref(ier)
        cls(iq) = j
        noq(iq) = noq(iq) + 1
        if (noq(iq)>1) then
          icpa(iq) = 1
          ncpa = 1
        end if
        kaoez(noq(iq), iq) = i
        ier = 0
        call ioinput('ATOMINFO        ', uio, i+1, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          latominfo = .true.
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) zat(i), lmxc(i), (kfg(j,i), j=1, 4), j, refpot(i), ntcell(i), mtfac(i), irns(i), rmtref(refpot(i))
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ATOMINFO`: check your inputcard'
          iqat(i) = i
          rmtrefat(i) = rmtref(refpot(i))
          cls(i) = j
          conc(i) = 1.0_dp
          noq(i) = 1
          kaoez(1, i) = i
        end if
      end if
    end do

    ! If old-style ATOMINFO is present, and if a 2-dim calculation is
    ! performed,
    ! and also if the RMTREF of the "outside region" is not read in explicitly
    ! (LNEW is false) then assign the RMTREF of the outside region according
    ! to
    ! the already-read-in REFPOT under LEFTBASIS  and RIGHBASIS.
    if (latominfo .and. linterface .and. .not. lnew) then
      do i = naez + 1, naez + nemb
        rmtrefat(i) = rmtref(refpot(i))
      end do
    end if

    ! Determine total number of clusters
    ncls = 0
    do i = 1, natyp
      ncls = max(ncls, cls(iqat(i)))
    end do

    ! Determine total number of different reference potentials
    nref = 0
    do i = 1, naez + nemb
      nref = max(nref, refpot(i))
    end do

    ! in line 1792  this is done: NINEQ = NAEZ, so here NINEQ is still
    ! undefinded
    ! so we move this writeout back

    ! write(6,2016) NCLS,NREF,NINEQ
    ! write(6,2110)
    ! write(6,2103)

    do iq = 1, naez
      sum1 = 0.0_dp
      if (noq(iq)<1) then
        write (6, *) 'RINPUT13: CPA: SITE', iq, 'HAS NO ASSIGNED ATOM'
        stop 'RINPUT13: CPA'
      end if
      do io = 1, noq(iq)
        sum1 = sum1 + conc(kaoez(io,iq))
      end do
      if (abs(sum1-1.0_dp)>1.0e-6_dp) then
        write (6, *) ' SITE ', iq, ' CONCENTRATION <> 1.0 !'
        write (6, *) ' CHECK YOUR <ATOMINFO-CPA> INPUT '
        stop ' IN <RINPUT99>'
      end if
    end do
    ! End old-type of ATOMINFO

    ! Write out atominfo
    write (1337, 270) natyp
    write (1337, 350)
    write (1337, 140)(zat(i), lmxc(i), (kfg(j,i),j=1,4), cls(iqat(i)), refpot(iqat(i)), ntcell(i), mtfac(i), irns(i), iqat(i), conc(i), i=1, natyp)
    write (1337, 370)
    write (1337, 350)

    ! Begin SCF convergence control
    nsteps = 1
    call ioinput('NSTEPS          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier/=0) then
      write (111, *) 'Default NSTEPS=', nsteps
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nsteps
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NSTEPS`: check your inputcard'
    end if
    if (npol==0) then
      nsteps = 1
      write (1337, *) 'NPOL=0, setting NSTEPS to 1'
    end if
    if (igf/=0) then
      nsteps = 1
      write (1337, *) 'IGF.NE.0, setting NSTEPS to 1'
    end if
    if (icc/=0) then
      nsteps = 1
      write (1337, *) 'ICC.NE.0, setting NSTEPS to 1'
    end if
    if (calc_exchange_couplings) then
      nsteps = 1
      write (1337, *) 'RUNOPT XCPL used, setting NSTEPS to 1'
      set_kmesh_large = .true.
      write (1337, *) 'RUNOPT XCPL used, enabling set_kmesh_large'
    end if
    if (write_kkrimp_input) then
      nsteps = 1
      write (1337, *) 'RUNOPT KKRFLEX used, setting NSTEPS to 1'
    end if

    write (1337, 160) nsteps
    write (1337, 350)

    imix = 0
    call ioinput('IMIX            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) imix
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IMIX`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'IMIX= ', imix
      write (111, *) 'Default IMIX= ', imix
    end if
    if (imix==0) then
      call ioinput('<SPECIAL_STRAIGHT_MIXING>', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) special_straight_mixing
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<SPECIAL_STRAIGHT_MIXING>`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) '<SPECIAL_STRAIGHT_MIXING>= ', special_straight_mixing
        write (111, *) 'Default <SPECIAL_STRAIGHT_MIXING>= ', special_straight_mixing
      end if
    end if
    if (npol==0) then
      write (1337, *) 'NPOL=0, setting IMIX= 0'
      imix = 0
    end if

    strmix = 0.01_dp
    call ioinput('STRMIX          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) strmix
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `STRMIX`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'STRMIX= ', strmix
      write (111, *) 'Default STRMIX= ', strmix
    end if
    if (npol==0) then
      write (1337, *) 'NPOL=0, setting STRMIX= 0.'
      strmix = 0
    end if

    itdbry = 40
    call ioinput('ITDBRY          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) itdbry
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ITDBRY`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ITDBRY= ', itdbry
      write (111, *) 'Default ITDBRY= ', itdbry
    end if

    fcm = 20.0_dp
    call ioinput('FCM             ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) fcm
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FCM`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'FCM= ', fcm
      write (111, *) 'Default FCM= ', fcm
    end if

    qbound = 1.0e-7_dp
    call ioinput('QBOUND          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) qbound
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `QBOUND`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'QBOUND= ', qbound
      write (111, *) 'Default QBOUND= ', qbound
    end if

    brymix = 0.01_dp
    call ioinput('BRYMIX          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) brymix
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `BRYMIX`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'BRYMIX= ', brymix
      write (111, *) 'Default BRYMIX= ', brymix
    end if

    ! for broyden spin mixing of noncollinear directions
    ! only used with the <use_broyden_spinmix> run option
    call ioinput('SPINMIXALPHA    ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) mixfac_broydenspin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SPINMIXALPHA`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'SPINMIXALPHA= ', mixfac_broydenspin
      write (111, *) 'Default SPINMIXALPHA= ', mixfac_broydenspin
    end if
    call ioinput('SPINMIXNSIMPLE  ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ninit_broydenspin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SPINMIXNSIMPLE`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'SPINMIXNSIMPLE= ', ninit_broydenspin
      write (111, *) 'Default SPINMIXNSIMPLE= ', ninit_broydenspin
    end if
    call ioinput('SPINMIXMEMLEN   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) memlen_broydenspin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SPINMIXMEMLEN`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'SPINMIXMEMLEN= ', memlen_broydenspin
      write (111, *) 'Default SPINMIXMEMLEN= ', memlen_broydenspin
    end if
    call ioinput('SPINMIXQBOUND   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) qbound_spin
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SPINMIXQBOUND`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'SPINMIXQBOUND= ', qbound_spin
      write (111, *) 'Default SPINMIXQBOUND= ', qbound_spin
    end if
    call ioinput('ANGLES_CUTOFF   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) angles_cutoff
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ANGLES_CUTOFF`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ANGLES_CUTOFF= ', angles_cutoff
      write (111, *) 'Default ANGLES_CUTOFF= ', angles_cutoff
    end if

    ! do NSIMPLEMIXFIRST simple mixing iterations even for Broyden or Anderson mixing
    call ioinput('NSIMPLEMIXFIRST ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nsimplemixfirst
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `NSIMPLEMIXFIRST`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'NSIMPLEMIXFIRST= ', nsimplemixfirst
      write (111, *) 'Default NSIMPLEMIXFIRST= ', nsimplemixfirst
    end if

    call ioinput('RMAX            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier/=0) stop 'rinput13: RMAX not in the inputcard'
    read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) rmax
    if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RMAX`: check your inputcard'
    write (111, *) 'RMAX= ', rmax

    call ioinput('GMAX            ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier/=0) stop 'rinput13: GMAX not in the inputcard'
    read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) gmax
    if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `GMAX`: check your inputcard'
    write (111, *) 'GMAX= ', gmax
    ! End SCF convergence control

    ! Begin file name definitions

    call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      ! check if sub string 'files' is part of something else and is therefore read in incorrectly
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i12
      if (len_trim(i12(index(i12, 'FILES')+5:40)) > 0) then
        ! this means there is something fishy
        write(1337,'(A,A,A)') ' Read line: "', i12, '" which should only have "FILES" and nothing else.'
        write(1337,'(A)') ' Skip reading this and use default file names:'
        ! skip reading the files input by setting ier to a non-zero value
        ier = -1
      end if
    end if
    if (ier==0) then
      ! read file names from the lines following the FILES keyword
      il = 1
      call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, il, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i12
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FILES` (dummy line): check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, il+1, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i13
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FILES` (potential): check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, il+2, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i40
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FILES` (dummy line): check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, il+3, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i19
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FILES` (shapefun): check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('FILES           ', uio, il+4, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt='(A40)') i25
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `FILES` (scoef): check your inputcard'
      ! default file names
      i13 = 'potential                               ' ! 40 chars
      i19 = 'shapefun                                ' ! 40 chars
      i25 = 'scoef                                   ' ! 40 chars
      i12 = '                                        ' ! 40 chars (not used)
      i40 = '                                        ' ! 40 chars (not used)
    end if

    write (1337, '(A,A,A)') ' I12="', i12, '"'
    write (1337, '(A,A,A)') ' I13="', i13, '"'
    write (1337, '(A,A,A)') ' I40="', i40, '"'
    write (1337, '(A,A,A)') ' I19="', i19, '"'
    write (1337, '(A,A,A,/)') ' I25="', i25, '"'

    ! End file name definitions

    ifile = 13
    call ioinput('<IFILE>         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ifile
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<IFILE>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<IFILE>= ', ifile
      write (111, *) 'Default <IFILE>= ', ifile
    end if

    ipe = 1                        ! Used to print out in calrmt
    ishift = 0
    call ioinput('ISHIFT          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ishift
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `ISHIFT`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'ISHIFT= ', ishift
      write (111, *) 'Default ISHIFT= ', ishift
    end if
    if (use_rigid_Efermi .or. use_decimation) then
      ishift = 2
      write (1337, *) ' Rigid Fermi Energy, ISHIFT is set to ', ishift
      write (111, *) ' Rigid Fermi Energy, ISHIFT is set to ', ishift
    end if
    if (disable_charge_neutrality) then
      ishift = 1
      write (1337, *) 'No charge neutrality required, ISHIFT is set to', ishift
      write (111, *) 'No charge neutrality required, ISHIFT is set to', ishift
    end if

    eshift = 0.0_dp
    insref = 0
    kws = 2
    khyp = 0

    tolrdif = 0.5_dp                ! Set free GF to zero for r<tolrdif
    ! (a.u.)(vir. atoms)
    call ioinput('<TOLRDIF>       ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) tolrdif
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `<TOLRDIF>`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) '<TOLRDIF>=', tolrdif
      write (111, *) 'Default <TOLRDIF>=', tolrdif
    end if

    ! -------------------------------------------------
    kte = 1
    ! call IoInput('KTE       ',UIO,1,7,IER)
    ! read (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) kte

    kpre = 1
    ! call IoInput('KPRE      ',UIO,1,7,IER)
    ! read (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) kpre

    kefg = 0
    ! call IoInput('KEFG      ',UIO,1,7,IER)
    ! read (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) kefg

    kvmad = 0
    call ioinput('KVMAD           ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kvmad
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KVMAD`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'KVMAD= ', kvmad
      write (111, *) 'Default KVMAD= ', kvmad
    end if

    ! Determination of properties at Fermi level
    if (calc_GF_Efermi) then
      igf = 1
      if (npol>0) npol = 0
      if (npol<0) then
        npnt1 = 0
        npnt3 = 0
      end if
      npnt2 = 1
    end if

    if (calc_DOS_Efermi) then
      npol = 0
      npnt2 = 1
    end if
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    kforce = 0
    if (ins>0) then
      call ioinput('KFORCE          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) kforce
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `KFORCE`: check your inputcard'
        write (111, *) 'KFORCE= ', kforce
        write (111, *) 'Default KFORCE= ', kforce
      end if
    end if

    kfrozn = kcor
    if (kcor==0) kcor = 2

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    write (1337, 560) lmax
    write (1337, 680)
    write (1337, 570) emin, emax, tk
    write (1337, 690)
    write (1337, 580) npol, npnt1, npnt2, npnt3
    write (1337, 710)
    write (1337, 700)
    write (1337, 590) ifile, ipe, ishift, eshift
    write (1337, 720)
    write (1337, 600) kshape, irmd, ins, icst, insref
    write (1337, 760)
    write (1337, 610) kcor, kvrel, kws, khyp, khfield, kxc
    write (1337, 730)
    write (1337, 670) kte, kpre, kefg, kvmad
    write (1337, 760)
    write (1337, 630) imix, igf, icc
    write (1337, 710)
    write (1337, 640) itdbry
    write (1337, 740)
    write (1337, 650) strmix, fcm, qbound
    write (1337, 690)
    write (1337, 660) brymix
    write (1337, 750)
    write (1337, 620) hfield, vconst
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ipf = 1337
    ipfe = ipf + 3

    if (search_Efermi) then
      imix = 0
      mixing = 0.0_dp
      strmix = mixing
      itdbry = 1
      qbound = 1.0e-10_dp
      write (1337, '(1X,A)') 'Option SEARCHEF used overriding INPUT for'
      write (1337, '(1X,A)') 'IMIX,MIX,QBOUND,ITDBRY: 0, 0.0, 1E-10, 1'
      write (1337, *)
    end if

    if (imix>2) then
      fcm = 1.0_dp
      mixing = brymix
      mixing = strmix
    end if

    if (imix>=6) write (1337, fmt=490)(imix-5), itdbry - 1

    write (1337, fmt=450) mixing, qbound
    ! --------------------------------------------------------
    write (1337, fmt=460) cpaflag(ncpa)
    if (ncpa/=0) write (1337, 470) itcpamax, cpatol
    ! --------------------------------------------------------

    lmmax0d = (lmax+1)**2
    lpot = 2*lmax
    lmpot = (lpot+1)*(lpot+1)
    lmxspd = (2*lpot+1)**2

    write (1337, fmt=400) lmax, lmax, natyp, natyp, irmd, irmd, nspin, nspind

    if (ins>0) then
      write (1337, fmt=510)
      write (1337, fmt=520)
      do i = 1, natyp
        write (1337, fmt=530) i, irns(i), irnsd
        if (irns(i)>irnsd) call rcstop('19      ')
      end do
    end if

    write (1337, fmt=510)

    if (khfield==1) write (1337, fmt=410) hfield
    if (kvrel<=1) then
      write (1337, fmt=420) tspin(nspin)
      write (1337, fmt=420) tspin(nspin+1)
    end if
    write (1337, fmt=550) tvrel(kvrel)
    write (1337, fmt=550) tkcor(kfrozn)
    if (kshape==0) then
      write (1337, fmt=430) tkws(kws+1)
      write (1337, fmt=550) tshape
    end if

    write (1337, fmt=480) txc(kxc+1)
    if (ins>0) write (1337, fmt=540) tins(ins), icst
    write (1337, fmt=440)

    vbc(1) = vconst
    vbc(2) = vbc(1)

    lrhosym = .false.
    call ioinput('LRHOSYM         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) lrhosym
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `LRHOSYM`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'LRHOSYM= ', lrhosym
      write (111, *) 'Default LRHOSYM= ', lrhosym
    end if

    if ((ncpa/=0) .and. lrhosym) then
      write (1337, *) '        YOUR SETTING IN INPUT FILE IS OVERRIDDEN'
      lrhosym = .false.
    end if

    if (lrhosym) then
      call ioinput('IXIPOL          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(ixipol(i), i=1, natyp)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `IXIPOL`: check your inputcard'
      write (1337, 240)(ixipol(i), i=1, natyp)
      write (1337, 340)
      do i = 1, natyp
        if (ixipol(i)/=0 .and. abs(ixipol(abs(ixipol(i))))/=i) then
          write (6, *) 'Error in IXIPOL at atom ', i, '.'
          stop 'IXIPOL'
        end if
      end do
      do i = 1, natyp
        ixipol(i) = 0
      end do
      write (1337, 240)(ixipol(i), i=1, natyp)
      write (1337, 340)
    end if
    write (1337, 250) naez, nemb
    write (1337, 380)

    nineq = naez
    write (1337, 200) ncls, nref, nineq
    write (1337, 380)
    write (1337, 340)

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Special options
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call ioinput('POT_NS_CUTOFF   ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) pot_ns_cutoff
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `POT_NS_CUTOFF`: check your inputcard'
      write (111, *) 'POT_NS_CUTOFF= ', pot_ns_cutoff
      ! default value is 10% of qbound value
      pot_ns_cutoff = 0.1_dp*qbound
      write (111, *) 'Default pot_ns_cutoff= ', pot_ns_cutoff
    end if

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    kmrot = 0

    do i = 1, naez
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! Atoms equivalent by inversional symmetry
      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      qmtet(i) = 0.0_dp
      qmphi(i) = 0.0_dp
      ier = 0
      call ioinput('RBASISANG       ', uio, i, 7, ier)

      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier)(rbasis(j,i), j=1, 3), qmtet(i), qmphi(i)
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RBASISANG`: check your inputcard'
        if (abs(qmtet(i))>1.0e-6_dp) kmrot = 1
        if (abs(qmphi(i))>1.0e-6_dp) kmrot = 1
      end if
    end do                         ! I=1,NAEZ
    call idreals(rbasis(1,1), 3*naez, iprint)
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (nemb>0) write (1337, *)
    write (1337, 280)((rbasis(j,i),j=1,3), i, refpot(i), i=naez+1, naez+nemb)

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (.not. use_virtual_atoms) then
      do i = 1, naez
        do io = 1, noq(i)
          if (kaoez(io,i)<1) stop 'Error in KAOEZ'
        end do
      end do
    end if
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    write (1337, 390)

    ! Check for DECIMATE consistency
    if (use_decimation) then
      if (mod(nprincd,nlbasis)/=0) then
        write (6, *) ' Decimation cannot continue '
        write (6, *) 'NPRINCD=', nprincd, ' NLBASIS=', nlbasis
      end if
      if (mod(nprincd,nrbasis)/=0) then
        write (6, *) ' Decimation cannot continue '
        write (6, *) 'NPRINCD=', nprincd, ' NRBASIS=', nrbasis
      end if
    end if

    ! Check for ITERMDIR consistency -- if KMROT=0 suppress it
    if ((relax_SpinAngle_Dirac) .and. (kmrot==0)) then
      write (1337, *)
      write (1337, *) ' WARNING: <relax_SpinAngle_Dirac> running option used with collinear/', 'parallel Oz starting'
      write (1337, *) '          system (KMROT = 0 ). Please check token', ' RBASISANG in your input'
      write (1337, *) ' Running option <relax_SpinAngle_Dirac> will be ignored'
      write (1337, *)

      relax_SpinAngle_Dirac = .false.

    end if

    ! Check for XCPL consistency
    manctl = (kmrot==0) .and. (krel==0) .and. (nspin>1)
    if ((calc_exchange_couplings) .and. (.not. manctl)) then
      write (1337, *)
      write (1337, *) ' WARNING: <calc_exchange_couplings> running option requires collinear ', 'magnetic systems'
      write (1337, *) ' in a NON/SCALAR/SCALAR+SOC relativistic mode (KREL=0)'
      write (1337, *) ' Running option <calc_exchange_couplings> will be ignored'
      write (1337, *)

      calc_exchange_couplings = .false.
    end if

    ! Initialise SOLVER, SOC and CTL parameters in REL case
    cscl(:, :) = cvlight
    mansoc = .false.
    manctl = .false.

    if (krel==1) then
      solver = 'BS        '
      call ioinput('SOLVER          ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
      if (ier==0) then
        read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) solver
        if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SOLVER`: check your inputcard'
        if (solver(1:2)=='BS') then
          solver = 'BS        '
          if (solver/='ABM-OP    ') solver = 'ABM-OP    '
        end if
      end if

      ! SOC-MAN
      ! For Dirac-ASA
      if (modify_soc_Dirac) then
        call ioinput('SOSCALE         ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) soscale
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SOCSCALE`: check your inputcard'
          if (soscale>-2.5_dp) then
            if (soscale>=0.0_dp) then ! SOC-I
              solver = 'ABM-SOC   '
              mansoc = .true.
            else                   ! SOC-II
              solver = 'ABM-SOC-II'
              mansoc = .true.
              do i = 1, natyp
                socscl(1:lmax+1, i) = soscale
              end do
              write (1337, 960) socii(nint(soscale))
            end if
            write (1337, 870) '< SOC >'
            write (1337, 890)
          end if
          write (1337, 880) '< SOC >'
          write (1337, 890)
        end if

        if (mansoc .and. (soscale>=0.0_dp)) then
          imansoc(1:natyp) = 1
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          ! Now look for a possible include/exclude list (SOCLIST= +/- NASOC)
          ! if SOCLIST is not found, ALL the atoms will have SOC modified with
          ! SOSCALE (+NASOC=only NASOC atoms, -NASOC=all but these NASOC
          ! atoms)
          ! Note that this is allowed only for SOC-I manipulation
          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
          call ioinput('SOCLIST         ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
          if (ier==0) then
            read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) nasoc, (isp(i), i=1, abs(nasoc))
            if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `SOCLIST`: check your inputcard'

            if (nasoc/=0) then
              if (nasoc<0) then    ! exclude this atoms
                do i = 1, -nasoc
                  imansoc(isp(i)) = 0
                end do
                imansoc(1:natyp) = 0
                do i = 1, nasoc
                  imansoc(isp(i)) = 1
                end do
              end if
            end if
          end if

          write (1337, 310)
          do i = 1, natyp
            if (imansoc(i)==1) then
              socscl(1:lmax+1, i) = soscale
            end if
          end do
          write (1337, 900, advance='no')
          if (nasoc==0) write (1337, 910)
          if (nasoc>0) then
            write (1337, 920)
            write (1337, 940)(isp(i), i=1, nasoc)
          end if
          if (nasoc<0) then
            write (1337, 930)
            write (1337, 940)(isp(i), i=1, abs(nasoc))
          end if
          write (1337, 950) soscale
          write (1337, 310)
        end if
      end if
      ! SOC-MAN

      write (1337, '('' SOLVER used for the DIRAC equation : '',2X,A)') solver
      write (1337, 310)

      ! CTL-MAN

      if (dirac_scale_SpeefOfLight) then
        call ioinput('CTLSCALE        ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
        if (ier==0) then
          read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) ctlscale
          if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `CTLSCALE`: check your inputcard'
          if (ctlscale>=1.0e-12_dp) then
            manctl = .true.
            write (1337, 870) '< CSCALE >'
            write (1337, 970)
          end if
          write (1337, 880) '< CSCALE >'
          write (1337, 970)
        end if

        if (manctl) then
          cscl(:, :) = cscl(:, :)/sqrt(ctlscale)
          write (1337, 980, advance='no')
          write (1337, 910)
          write (1337, 950) 1.0_dp/sqrt(ctlscale)
        end if
        write (1337, 310)
      end if

      ! CTL-MAN
    end if
    ! Initialise SOLVER, SOC and CTL parameters in REL case

    if (use_qdos) then
      allocate (t_params%qdos_atomselect(natyp), stat=i_stat) ! INTEGER
      call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(t_params%qdos_atomselect))*kind(t_params%qdos_atomselect), 't_params%qdos_atomselect', 'rinput13')

      t_params%qdos_atomselect(:) = 1
      ! for now this is not used. Later this should be used to speed up the
      ! qdos calculations if not all atoms are supposed to be calculated Then
      ! if fullinv was not chosen then tmatrix is only needed for the
      ! principle layer of the atom of interest and the calculation of G(k)
      ! can be done only on that subblock.
      ! CALL IoInput('qdosatoms       ',UIO,1,7,IER)
      ! IF (IER.EQ.0) THEN
      ! READ (UNIT=UIO,FMT=*) (t_params%qdos_atomselect(I),I=1,NATYP)
      ! WRITE(111,FMT='(A10,80I2)') 'qdosatoms=  ',
      ! (t_params%qdos_atomselect(I),I=1,NATYP)
      ! ELSE
      ! WRITE(111,FMT='(A18,80I2)') 'Default qdosatoms=  ',
      ! (t_params%qdos_atomselect(I),I=1,NATYP)
      ! ENDIF

      ! WRITE (1337,'(A)') 'atom selective writeout for qdos:'
      ! WRITE (1337,'(A,1000I5)') 'qdosatoms=',
      ! (t_params%qdos_atomselect(I),I=1,NATYP)

      if (.not. MPI_scheme==1) then
        ! enforce MPIenerg since this is usually faster for qdos option
      end if
    end if

    ! =============================================================         !
    ! fswrt
    ! check and correct some settings automatically for FERMIOUT writeout   !
    ! fswrt
    if (write_pkkr_input .or. write_pkkr_operators) then ! fswrt
      if (nsteps/=1) then          ! fswrt
        write (6, 170)             ! fswrt
        nsteps = 1                 ! fswrt
      end if                       ! fswrt
      stop_1b = .true.             ! fswrt
    end if                         ! fswrt
    ! =============================================================         !
    ! fswrt

    ! WF_SAVE
    call ioinput('MEMWFSAVE       ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `MEMWFSAVE`: check your inputcard'

      ! if LLOYD is used turn off wave func saving since in main1a and main1c
      ! different energy points are used (in 1a the derivative of the t-matrix is
      ! computed with finite differences)
      if (lly>0) then
        write (1337, *) 'wavefunctions cannot be stored if Lloyd is used: reset automatically to 0'
        t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number = 0
      end if

      write (1337, *) '< MEMWFSAVE >', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number
      write (111, *) 'MEMWFSAVE=', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number
      t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number = 0
      write (1337, *) '< MEMWFSAVE >, use default:', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number
      write (111, *) 'Default MEMWFSAVE= ', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number
    end if
    call ioinput('UNITMEMWFSAVE   ', uio, 0, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `UNITMEMWFSAVE`: check your inputcard'
      write (1337, *) '< UNITMEMWFSAVE >', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units, ' (max memory= UNITMEMWFSAVE*1024**MEMWFSAVE)'
      write (111, *) 'UNITMEMWFSAVE=', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units
      t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units = 2
      write (1337, *) '< UNITMEMWFSAVE >, use default:', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units, '(MB) (max memory= MEMWFSAVE*1024**UNITMEMWFSAVE)'
      write (111, *) 'Default UNITMEMWFSAVE= ', t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units, '(MB)'
    end if

    ! the following makes saving of the wavefunctions obsolete:
    if (.not.(set_cheby_nospeedup .or. calc_exchange_couplings .or. write_pkkr_operators)) then
        write (1337, *) 'automatically speeding up calculation (use option <set_cheby_nospeedup> to prevent this)'
        write (1337, *) 'this diables wf saving automatically'
        t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number = 0
    end if

    ! default flags: save only rll from main1a>tmatnewsolver since left
    ! solutions can be calculated always in main1c>rhovalnew and sll is not
    ! used
    t_wavefunctions%save_rll = .true.
    t_wavefunctions%save_sll = .false.
    t_wavefunctions%save_rllleft = .false.
    t_wavefunctions%save_sllleft = .false.

    if (write_pkkr_operators) then
      write (1337, *) 'Found option "OPERATOR"'
      write (1337, *) 'Overwrite MEMWFSAVE input with big numbers'
      t_wavefunctions%maxmem_number = 5
      t_wavefunctions%maxmem_units = 3
    end if

    ! Begin Godfrin inversion scheme control                       ! GODFRIN Flaviano
    if (invmod==3) then
      write (111, *) 'Godfrin inversion scheme parameters'
      write (1337, *) 'Godfrin inversion scheme parameters'
      ! MdSD: write couplings.dat file

      t_godfrin%na = naez
      call ioinput('GODFRIN         ', uio, 2, 7, ier)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'RINPUT: GODFRIN not found!'
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) t_godfrin%nb, t_godfrin%ldiag, t_godfrin%lper, t_godfrin%lpardiso
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `GODFRIN` (nb, ldiag, lper, lpardiso): check your inputcard'

      ! MdSD: nprincd is not used by godfrin
      if (nprincd /= 1) then
        write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! setting nprincd=1'
        write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! setting nprincd=1'
        nprincd = 1
      end if

      ! MdSD: Lloyd's formula needs the full matrix inverse
      if (use_lloyd .and. t_godfrin%ldiag) then
        write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! use_lloyd=T, setting ldiag=F'
        write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! use_lloyd=T, setting ldiag=F'
        t_godfrin%ldiag = .false.
      end if

      ! MdSD: for Jij's or connection to KKRimp also the full matrix inverse is needed
      if (icc/=0 .and. t_godfrin%ldiag) then
        write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! ICC/=0, setting ldiag=F'
        write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! ICC/=0, setting ldiag=F'
        t_godfrin%ldiag = .false.
      end if

      ! MdSD: in 3D mode the sparse matrix has additional corner blocks
      if (linterface) then ! 2D
        if (t_godfrin%lper) then
          write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! linterface=T, setting lper=F'
          write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! linterface=T, setting lper=F'
          t_godfrin%lper = .false.
        end if
      else ! 3D
        if (.not.t_godfrin%lper) then
          write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! linterface=F, setting lper=T'
          write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! linterface=F, setting lper=T'
          t_godfrin%lper = .true.
        end if
      end if

      call ioinput('GODFRIN         ', uio, 4, 7, ier)
      allocate (t_godfrin%bdims(t_godfrin%nb))
      read (unit=uio, fmt=*, iostat=ier) t_godfrin%bdims(:)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `GODFRIN (bdims)`: check your inputcard'

      ! Inconsistency check
      if (t_godfrin%na/=sum(t_godfrin%bdims)) stop 'godfrin: na/=sum(bdims)'

      ! can only use pardiso solver with intel mkl at the moment, probably only
      ! a linking issue that should be solved in the future
      if (t_godfrin%lpardiso) stop 'No pardiso library available. Try the intel compiler or fix the linking issues'

      write (111, '("na=",i8,"  nb=",i8,"  ldiag=",l2,"  lper=",l2,"  lpardiso=",l2)') t_godfrin%na, t_godfrin%nb, t_godfrin%ldiag, t_godfrin%lper, t_godfrin%lpardiso
      write (1337, '("na=",i8,"  nb=",i8,"  ldiag=",l2,"  lper=",l2,"  lpardiso=",l2)') t_godfrin%na, t_godfrin%nb, t_godfrin%ldiag, t_godfrin%lper, t_godfrin%lpardiso
      write (111, '("bdims(1:nb)=",100i8)') t_godfrin%bdims(:)
      write (1337, '("bdims(1:nb)=",100i8)') t_godfrin%bdims(:)

      ! multiply blocks by angular momentum dimension
      ! MdSD: this has to happen after checking the correctness of the blocking
      ! t_godfrin%na = t_godfrin%na*lmmaxd
      ! t_godfrin%bdims = t_godfrin%bdims*lmmaxd
      if (t_godfrin%nb == 1) then
        write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! nb=1, setting invmod=0'
        write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! nb=1, setting invmod=0'
        invmod = 0
      else if (t_godfrin%nb == 2) then
        write (111, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! nb=2, setting lper=F'
        write (1337, fmt='(A)') 'rinput13: Warning! nb=2, setting lper=F'
        t_godfrin%lper = .false.
      end if

    end if
    ! End Godfrin inversion scheme control                         ! GODFRIN Flaviano

    write (1337, 310)
    write (1337, 300) kmrot
    write (1337, 380)
    write (1337, *) ' >>>>>>>>> RINPUT13 EXITS NOW <<<<<<<<<< '

    close (111)                    ! Close file inputcard_generated.txt

    if (allocated(imansoc)) then
      i_all = -product(shape(imansoc))*kind(imansoc)
      deallocate (imansoc, stat=i_stat)
      call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'IMANSOC', 'rinput13')
    end if

140 format ((f4.0,i4,4x,4i1,3i4,f8.4,i4,i5,1x,f8.5))
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 format (' NSPIN ', /, i4)
160 format (' NSTEPS', /, i4)
170 format (' WARINING: Setting NSTEPS to 1 for runoption FERMOUT')
180 format ('          ALAT = ', f15.8)
190 format ('   INTERVX   INTERVY   INTERVZ', /, 3i10)
200 format ('    NCLS    NREF   NINEQ', /, 3i8)
210 format (' RBASIS', /, 'SITE                BASIS VECTORS                 ', 'THETA   PHI CPA OCC KAOEZ')
220 format ('         ABASIS         BBASIS         CBASIS', /, 3f15.8)
230 format (' INIPOL', /, (10i4))
240 format (' IXIPOL', /, (10i4))
250 format ('    NAEZ    NEMB  ', /, 2i8)
260 format ((i4,3f15.8,2f6.1,2(1x,i3),4i3))
270 format (' NATYP ', /, i4, /, '   Z lmx     KFG cls pot ntc  MTFAC irns SITE  CONC')
280 format ((3f15.8,2i6))
290 format (' NTCELLR', /, (10i4))
300 format (' KMROT', /, 4i8)
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 format (79('-'))
320 format (3('-'), '+', 3(14('-'),'+'), 30('-'))
330 format (3(9('-'),'+'), 49('-'))
340 format (10(3('-'),'+'), 39('-'))
350 format (3('-'), '+', 75('-'))
360 format (3(14('-'),'+'), 34('-'))
370 format (2(3('-'),'+'), 7('-'), '+', 3(3('-'),'+'), 7('-'), '+', 3('-'), '+', 39('-'))
380 format (3(7('-'),'+'), 55('-'))
390 format (7(7('-'),'+'), 23('-'))
400 format (/, 33x, 'check of dimension-data consistency', /, 33x, 35('-'), /, 40x, 'lmax   : (', i6, ',', i6, ')', /, 40x, 'natyp  : (', i6, ',', i6, ')', /, 40x, 'irm    : (', &
      i6, ',', i6, ')', /, 40x, 'nspin  : (', i6, ',', i6, ')', /)
410 format (1x, 10('*'), ' external magnetic field applied hfield=', f8.5)
420 format (20x, a4, 'spin polarized calculation')
430 format (1x, 20x, ' calculation with', a8, '-potential')
440 format (1x, 79('*'))
450 format (' mixing factor used           :', f15.6, /, ' convergence quality required :', 1p, d15.2)
460 format (' make use of CPA algorithm    :', 1x, a14)
470 format ('         max. iterations      :', i15, /, '         req. CPA convergency :', 1p, d15.2)
480 format (1x, 20x, a24, 'exchange-correlation potential')
490 format (/, 20x, 'broyden"s method# :', i3, ' is used up to iteration-      ', /, 20x, 'depth :', i3, '  then jacobian is fixed and potential      ', /, 20x, &
      'is updated using that jacobian')
500 format (13x, ' in case of calculating non - spherical wavefcts ', 'the parameter lmaxd has to be set equal lmax ')
510 format (/)
520 format (20x, 'full potential calculation ', '- cut off of non spherical potential', /, ' >', /)
530 format (31x, 'representive atom no.', i3, ' irns :', i5, ' irnsd :', i5)
540 format (21x, a43, /, 21x, ' using', i3, '-th. born approximation ')
550 format (21x, a43)
560 format (' lmax', /, i4)
570 format ('          EMIN        EMAX        TK', /, 3f12.6)
580 format ('   NPOL  NPNT1  NPNT2  NPNT3', /, 4i7)
590 format ('  IFILE    IPE ISHIFT ESHIFT', /, 3i7, f12.6)
600 format (' KSHAPE    IRM    INS   ICST INSREF', /, 5i7)
610 format ('   KCOR  KVREL    KWS   KHYP KHFIELD   KXC', /, 6i7)
620 format (' external magnetic hfield     :', f15.4, /, ' VCONST                       :', f15.6)
630 format ('   IMIX    IGF    ICC', /, 3i7)
640 format (' ITDBRY', /, i7)
650 format ('      STRMIX        FCM       QBOUND', /, 3f12.6)
660 format ('      BRYMIX', /, f12.6)
670 format ('    KTE   KPRE   KEFG  KVMAD ', /, 5i7)
680 format (3('-'), '+', 75('-'))
690 format (3(11('-'),'+'), 43('-'))
700 format (3(6('-'),'+'), 58('-'))
710 format (4(6('-'),'+'), 51('-'))
720 format (3(6('-'),'+'), 11('-'), '+', 46('-'))
730 format (6(6('-'),'+'), 37('-'))
740 format (6('-'), '+', 72('-'))
750 format (11('-'), '+', 67('-'))
760 format (5(6('-'),'+'), 44('-'))
770 format ('*** SLAB - INTERFACE CALCULATION ***', /)
780 format (i5, 3f14.8, i5)
790 format ('Number of LEFT  Host Layers : ', i5, ' with ', i5, ' basis')
800 format ('Number of RIGHT Host Layers : ', i5, ' with ', i5, ' basis')
810 format ('Left  side periodicity : ', 3f10.5)
820 format ('Right side periodicity : ', 3f10.5)
830 format ('    Geommetry used : ', /, ' ATOM       TX          TY          TZ ')
840 format ('--------------- Left  Host -------------- ')
850 format ('---------------   S L A B  -------------- ')
860 format ('--------------- Right Host -------------- ')
870 format (/, 1x, 'WARNING: Option ', a, ' used with an INVALID ', 'scaling parameter.')
880 format (/, 1x, 'WARNING: Option ', a, ' found but NO value given for the', ' scaling parameter.')
890 format (15x, '++++++++++   SOC option will be IGNORED   ++++++++++', /, 1x, 'Please use SOCSCALE= XXX (real>-2.5) in the inputcard', ' to make your option valid ', /)
900 format (1x, 'The SOC will be SCALED')
910 format (' for ALL the atoms in the unit cell.')
920 format (' for the FOLLOWING atoms in the unit cell :')
930 format (' for all the atoms in the unit cell EXCLUDING :')
940 format (1x, 6(2x,i3))
950 format (1x, 'Scaling factor = ', 1p, d9.2)
960 format (1x, 'The SOC is manipulated', ' -- part of the SOC kept: ', a)
970 format (15x, '+++++++++  CSCALE option will be IGNORED  ++++++++++', /, 1x, 'Please use CTLSCALE= X (real>=1D-12) in the inputcard', ' to make your option valid ', /)
980 format (1x, 'The CLIGHT will be SCALED')

  end subroutine rinput13

  !> Summary: Read the old-style of run- and testoptions from the inputcard
  !> Author: Bernd Zimmermann
  !> Category: input-output, KKRhost 
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Read the old-style of run- and testoptions (i.e. fixed format to 8 characters)
  !>   from the inputcard
  subroutine read_old_runtestoptions(invmod,verbosity,MPI_scheme,oldstyle)

    use :: mod_ioinput, only: ioinput
    use :: mod_runoptions, only: set_old_runoption
    use :: mod_profiling, only: memocc

    implicit none

    integer, intent(inout) :: invmod,verbosity,MPI_scheme
    logical, intent(out)   :: oldstyle

    integer :: i, ier, i_stat, i_all
    logical :: first
    character (len=:), allocatable :: uio
    character (len=8), dimension (:), allocatable :: optc
    character (len=8), dimension (:), allocatable :: testc

    allocate (testc(32), stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(testc))*kind(testc), 'TESTC', 'read_old_runtestoptions')
    testc(1:32) = '        '
    allocate (optc(32), stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, product(shape(optc))*kind(optc), 'OPTC', 'read_old_runtestoptions')
    optc(1:32) = '        '

    oldstyle = .false.
    first    = .true.

    ! Read RUNNING options
    call ioinput('RUNOPT          ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      oldstyle = .true.
      if (first) write (1337, *) 'Old style of run- and test-options found. Testing input:'
      first = .false.

      read (unit=uio, fmt=130, iostat=ier)(optc(i), i=1, 8)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `RUNOPT`: check your inputcard'

      !write result to inputcard_generated
      write (111, fmt='(A6)') 'RUNOPT'
      write (111, fmt=130)(optc(i), i=1, 8)

      !make keywords uppercase to introduce case insensitivity
      do i = 1,8
        call set_old_runoption(optc(i),invmod,verbosity,MPI_scheme)
      end do
    end if

    ! Read TEST options
    call ioinput('TESTOPT         ', uio, 1, 7, ier)
    if (ier==0) then
      oldstyle = .true.
      if (first) write (1337, *) 'Old style of run- and test-options found. Testing input:'
      first = .false.

      read (unit=uio, fmt=130, iostat=ier)(testc(i), i=1, 8)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `TESTOPT`: check your inputcard'
      call ioinput('TESTOPT         ', uio, 2, 7, ier)
      read (unit=uio, fmt=130, iostat=ier)(testc(8+i), i=1, 8)
      if (ier/=0) stop 'Error reading `TESTOPT` (line 2): check your inputcard'

      !write result to inputcard_generated
      write (111, fmt='(A7)') 'TESTOPT'
      write (111, fmt=130)(testc(i), i=1, 8)
      write (111, fmt=130)(testc(8+i), i=1, 8)

      do i = 1,16
        call set_old_runoption(testc(i),invmod,verbosity,MPI_scheme)
      end do
    end if

    if (oldstyle) then
      write (1337, 110)(optc(i), i=1, 8)
      write (1337, 120)(testc(i), i=1, 16)
    end if

    i_all = -product(shape(optc))*kind(optc)
    deallocate (optc, stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'OPTC', 'read_old_runtestoptions')

    i_all = -product(shape(testc))*kind(testc)
    deallocate (testc, stat=i_stat)
    call memocc(i_stat, i_all, 'TESTC', 'read_old_runtestoptions')

110 format (79('-'), /, ' EXECUTION OPTIONS:', /, 1x, a8, 7('//',a8), /, 79('-'))
120 format (79('-'), /, ' TEST OPTIONS:', /, 2(1x,a8,7('//',a8),/), /, 79('-'))
130 format (8a8)

  end subroutine read_old_runtestoptions

end module rinput