rhoval_new.f90 Source File

Source Code

module mod_rhoval_new

!> Summary: Main driver for valence charge density, new solver
!> Category: physical-observables, KKRimp
subroutine rhoval_new(eryd, ie, wez, cellnew, wavefunction, cell, gmatll, iatom, &
  lmaxd, energyparts, kspinorbit, use_fullgmat, nspinden, efermi, ldau)

use mod_constants, only: czero
use nrtype, only: dp, dpc
use type_cell, only: cell_type
use type_cellnew, only: cell_typenew
use type_shapefun, only: shapefun_type
use type_gauntcoeff, only: gauntcoeff_type
use type_density, only: density_type
use type_config, only: config_type
use type_wavefunction, only: wavefunction_type
use type_energyparts, only: energyparts_type
use mod_cheb2oldgrid, only: cheb2oldgrid
use mod_checknan, only: checknan
use mod_rllsll, only: rllsll
use mod_rhooutnew, only: rhooutnew
use mod_config, only: config_testflag
use mod_physic_params, only: cvlight
use mod_config, only: config_testflag
use type_ldau, only: ldau_type                          ! lda+u
use mod_intcheb_cell, only: intcheb_cell   ! lda+u

implicit none

integer, intent(in)                   :: ie
integer, intent(in)                   :: iatom
integer, intent(in)                   :: ispin
integer, intent(in)                   :: nspin
integer, intent(in)                   :: lmaxatom
integer, intent(in)                   :: lmaxd
integer, intent(in)                   :: kspinorbit
integer, intent(in)                   :: use_fullgmat
integer, intent(in)                   :: nspinden
integer, intent(in)                   :: lmmaxatom
real(kind=dp), intent(in)             :: zatom
real(kind=dp), intent(in)             :: efermi
complex(kind=dp), intent(in)          :: eryd
complex(kind=dp), intent(in)          :: wez
complex(kind=dp), intent(in)          :: gmatll(:,:)
type(cell_typenew), intent(in)        :: cellnew
type(wavefunction_type), intent(in)   :: wavefunction
type(cell_type), intent(in)           :: cell
type(shapefun_type), intent(in)       :: shapefun
type(gauntcoeff_type), intent(in)     :: gauntcoeff
type(config_type), intent(in)         :: config
type(ldau_type), intent(in)           :: ldau !! lda+u variables
type(density_type), intent(inout)     :: density
type(energyparts_type), intent(inout) :: energyparts

integer                       :: lval, imt1
integer                       :: lm1, ialpha, mval
integer                       :: jspin
integer                       :: lmslo, lmshi            ! lda+u
integer                       :: nspinstart, nspinstop
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: rho2ns_complex(:,:,:)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: rho2ns_complex_temp(:)
complex(kind=dp)              :: df, ek, temp1
complex(kind=dp)              :: rho2ns_integrated(4)
complex(kind=dp)              :: cden(cellnew%nrmaxnew, 0:lmaxd, nspinden)
complex(kind=dp)              :: cdenns(cellnew%nrmaxnew, nspinden)
complex(kind=dp)              :: cdenlm(cellnew%nrmaxnew, lmmaxatom, nspinden)  ! lm-dos
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: gflle_part(:,:) ! lda+u

if (use_fullgmat==1) then
end if

allocate(rho2ns_complex(cellnew%nrmaxnew, (2*lmaxatom+1)**2, nspinden))
allocate(gflle_part(wavefunction%lmsize, wavefunction%lmsize)) ! lda+u

if ( ubound(gmatll,1)/=wavefunction%lmsize ) then
  stop 'error in rhovalnew'
end if

rho2ns_complex = czero

df = wez/dble(nspin)

! Define the prefactor for the greens function
! (1.0D0+eryd/ (cvlight*cvlight))
! from the other Juelich KKR codes
if (config%nsra==1) ek = sqrt(eryd)
if (config%nsra==2) ek = sqrt( eryd + eryd*eryd / (cvlight*cvlight) ) * ( 1.0D0 + eryd / (cvlight*cvlight) )

! if the wavefunctions are stored in memory, then there
! is no need to recalculate them

if ( .not. allocated(wavefunction%rll)) then
  stop '[rhoval_new] rll not allocated'
end if

imt1=cellnew%ipan_intervall(cellnew%npan_log+cellnew%npan_eq) + 1

call rhooutnew(gauntcoeff, df, gmatll, ek, cellnew, wavefunction, rho2ns_complex( :,:,:), config%nsra, &
               lmaxd, lmaxatom, lmmaxatom, wavefunction%lmsize, wavefunction%lmsize2, (2*lmaxd+1)**2,  &
               cellnew%nrmaxnew, ispin, nspinden, imt1, cden, cdenlm, cdenns, shapefun, 0, gflle_part)

! Copy to correct position in array gflle                                                ! lda+u
if (use_fullgmat==1) then                                                                ! lda+u
   lmslo = 1                                                                             ! lda+u
   lmshi = wavefunction%lmsize                                                           ! lda+u
else                                                                                     ! lda+u
   lmslo = (ispin - 1) * lmmaxatom + 1                                                   ! lda+u
   lmshi = lmslo - 1 + lmmaxatom                                                         ! lda+u
endif                                                                                    ! lda+u
density%gflle(lmslo:lmshi,lmslo:lmshi,ie) = &                                            ! lda+u
                     gflle_part(1:wavefunction%lmsize,1:wavefunction%lmsize)             ! lda+u
! Integration step for gfint.                                                            ! lda+u
density%gfint(lmslo:lmshi,lmslo:lmshi) = density%gfint(lmslo:lmshi,lmslo:lmshi) + &      ! lda+u
                     gflle_part(1:wavefunction%lmsize,1:wavefunction%lmsize) * df        ! lda+u

do jspin=nspinstart,nspinstop

    do lval=0,lmaxd
      call intcheb_cell(cden(:,lval,jspin),rho2ns_integrated(jspin), cellnew%rpan_intervall, &
                        cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
      density%rho2ns_integrated(jspin) = density%rho2ns_integrated(jspin) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin) * df
      if (jspin<=2) then
        density%den(lval,jspin,ie) = density%den(lval,jspin,ie) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin)
      end if
    end do

    if (jspin<=2) then
      do lm1=1,(lmaxd+1)**2
        call intcheb_cell(cdenlm(:,lm1,jspin),density%denlm(lm1,jspin,ie), cellnew%rpan_intervall, &
                          cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
      end do
      call intcheb_cell(cdenns(:,jspin),density%den(lmaxd+1,jspin,ie), cellnew%rpan_intervall, &
                        cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
      density%rho2ns_integrated(jspin) = density%rho2ns_integrated(jspin) + density%den(lmaxd+1,jspin,ie) * df
    end if

    call cheb2oldgrid(cell%nrmax, cellnew%nrmaxnew, (2*lmaxatom+1)**2, cell%rmesh, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, &
                      cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%ipan_intervall, rho2ns_complex(:,:,jspin), density%rho2ns_complex(:,:,jspin), cell%nrmax)

    if (config_testflag('write_rho2complex')) then
      write(4420,'(50000E25.14)') cellnew%rmeshnew
      write(4421,'(50000E25.14)') cell%rmesh
      do lm1=1,(2*lmaxatom+1)**2
        write(4424,'(50000E25.14)') rho2ns_complex(:,lm1,jspin)
        write(4425,'(50000E25.14)') density%rho2ns_complex(:,lm1,jspin)
      end do
    end if

end do

 do jspin=nspinstart,nspinstop
   if (jspin<=2) then
      do lval = 0,lmaxatom+1
        density%ncharge(lval,jspin) = density%ncharge(lval,jspin) + DIMAG(density%den(lval,jspin,ie) * df)
      end do
      do lval = 0,lmaxatom+1
        energyparts%espv(lval,jspin,iatom) = energyparts%espv(lval,jspin,iatom) + dimag( (eryd-efermi) * density%den(lval,jspin,ie) * df)
      end do
   end if
 end do

    if (config_testflag('write_rho2nscompnew')) then
     if (.not. allocated ( density%rho2ns_complexnew ) ) then
       allocate (density%rho2ns_complexnew(cellnew%nrmaxnew, (2*lmaxatom+1)**2, nspinden))
       density%rho2ns_complexnew = czero
     end if
     density%rho2ns_complexnew = density%rho2ns_complexnew + rho2ns_complex
    end if

if (.not. config_testflag('noscatteringmoment')) then
!                                    EK=0.0 here !!!!!!
  call rhooutnew(gauntcoeff, df, gmatll, czero, cellnew, wavefunction, rho2ns_complex(:,:,:), config%nsra, &
                 lmaxd, lmaxatom, lmmaxatom, wavefunction%lmsize, wavefunction%lmsize2, (2*lmaxd+1)**2, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
                 ispin, nspinden, imt1, cden, cdenlm, cdenns, shapefun, 0, gflle_part)

  do jspin=nspinstart,nspinstop

    do lval=0,lmaxd
      call intcheb_cell(cden(:,lval,jspin),rho2ns_integrated(jspin), cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%ipan_intervall, &
                        cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
      density%rho2ns_integrated_scattering(jspin) = density%rho2ns_integrated_scattering(jspin) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin) * df
    end do

    if (jspin<=2) then
      call intcheb_cell(cdenns(:,jspin),temp1, cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
      density%rho2ns_integrated_scattering(jspin) = density%rho2ns_integrated_scattering(jspin) + temp1*df
    end if

  end do

end if

if (config%calcorbitalmoment==1) then
  ! EK=0.0 here !!!!!!
  do ialpha=1,3
    call rhooutnew(gauntcoeff, df, gmatll, ek, cellnew, wavefunction, rho2ns_complex(:,:,:), config%nsra, &
                  lmaxd, lmaxatom, lmmaxatom, wavefunction%lmsize, wavefunction%lmsize2, (2*lmaxd+1)**2, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
                  ispin, nspinden, imt1, cden, cdenlm, cdenns, shapefun, ialpha, gflle_part)

    do jspin=nspinstart, nspinstop
      if (jspin<=2) then

        do lval=0,lmaxd
          call intcheb_cell(cden(:,lval,jspin),rho2ns_integrated(jspin), cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%ipan_intervall, &
                            cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
          density%orbitalmom(ialpha) = density%orbitalmom(ialpha) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin) * df
          density%orbitalmom_sp(jspin,ialpha) = density%orbitalmom_sp(jspin,ialpha) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin) * df
          density%orbitalmom_lm(lval,ialpha) = density%orbitalmom_lm(lval,ialpha) + rho2ns_integrated(jspin) * df
        end do
        if (jspin<=2) then
          call intcheb_cell(cdenns(:,jspin),temp1, cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%ipan_intervall, &
                            cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
          density%orbitalmom_ns(ialpha) = density%orbitalmom_ns(ialpha) + temp1 * df
        end if
      end if
    end do
  end do !alpha

end if

end subroutine rhoval_new

end module mod_rhoval_new