rhocore.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE.md file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Driver for the calculation of core state
!> Author: 
!> Driver for the calculation of core state
module mod_rhocore


  !> Summary: Driver for the calculation of core state
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: core-electrons, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Driver for the calculation of core state
  subroutine rhocore(nsra,ispin,nspin,i1,drdi,r,visp,a,b,zat,ircut,rhoc,ecore,ncore,& 
    lcore,cscl,vtrel,btrel,rmrel,drdirel,r2drdirel,zrel,jwsrel,irshift,ecorerel,    &

    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: global_variables
    use :: mod_corel
    use :: mod_drvcore
    implicit none
    real (kind=dp) :: a, b, zat
    integer :: jwsrel, zrel, irshift
    integer :: i1, ispin, ncore, nspin, nsra

    real (kind=dp) :: drdi(irmd), ecore(20*(krel+1)), r(irmd), rhoc(irmd, 2), visp(irmd)
    integer :: ircut(0:ipand), lcore(20*(krel+1))
    ! ===================================================================
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Scalars ..
    ! ..
    real (kind=dp) :: ecorerel(krel*20+(1-krel), 2)
    integer :: nkcore(20), kapcore(20*2)
    real (kind=dp) :: cscl(krel*lmaxd+1)
    real (kind=dp) :: vtrel(irmd*krel+(1-krel))
    real (kind=dp) :: btrel(irmd*krel+(1-krel))
    real (kind=dp) :: drdirel(irmd*krel+(1-krel)), r2drdirel(irmd*krel+(1-krel)), rmrel(irmd*krel+(1-krel))
    ! .. External Subroutines ..
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------
    ! ipr=0 : do not write state dependent information
    real (kind=dp) :: qc, qc1, rmax
    integer :: ipr, nr
    save :: qc
    ! ipr=1 : write something
    ! ipr=2 : write all (for debugging)
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------

    ! =======================================================================
    ! non/scalar-relativistic OR relativistic
    ipr = 0

    if (ispin==1) qc = 0.0e0_dp
    nr = ircut(1)
    rmax = r(nr)

    ! =======================================================================
    if (krel==0) then
      ! =======================================================================
      call corel(nsra, ipr, i1, rhoc(1,ispin), visp, ecore, lcore, ncore, drdi, zat, qc1, a, b, ispin, nspin, nr, rmax, irmd)
      ! non/scalar-relativistic OR relativistic
      if (ipr/=0) write (1337, fmt=100) i1
      qc = qc + qc1
      if (ispin==nspin) write (1337, fmt=110) zat, qc
      ! =======================================================================
      call drvcore(ipr, i1, lcore, ncore, cscl, vtrel, btrel, rmrel, a, b, drdirel, r2drdirel, zrel, jwsrel, irshift, rhoc, ecorerel, nkcore, kapcore, ecore, lmaxd, irmd)
    end if
100 format (1x, 5('*'), ' core-relaxation for ', i3, 'th cell', ' was done ', 5('*'))
110 format (4x, 'nuclear charge  ', f10.6, 9x, 'core charge =   ', f10.6)
  end subroutine rhocore

end module mod_rhocore