readldaupot.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Reads in LDA+U arrays from formatted file `ldaupot`
!> Author: 
!> Reads in LDA+U arrays from formatted file `ldaupot`
module mod_readldaupot
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Reads in LDA+U arrays from formatted file `ldaupot`
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: lda+u, input-output, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False
  !> A More detailed explanation with the math, concepts, etc necessary to understand the routine
  subroutine readldaupot(itrunldau,lopt,ueff,jeff,erefldau,natyp,wldau,uldau,       &

    use :: mod_version_info
    implicit none
    ! ..
    integer :: irmd, mmaxd, natypd, nspind, irws(natypd)
    ! ..
    ! .. Arguments ..
    integer :: itrunldau, natyp, ntldau
    integer :: lopt(natypd), itldau(natypd)
    real (kind=dp) :: ueff(natypd), jeff(natypd), erefldau(natypd)
    real (kind=dp) :: wldau(mmaxd, mmaxd, nspind, natypd)
    real (kind=dp) :: uldau(mmaxd, mmaxd, mmaxd, mmaxd, natypd)
    ! ..OUBLE PRECISION, allocatable :: ULDAU(:,:,:,:,:)
    complex (kind=dp) :: phildau(irmd, natypd)
    ! ..
    ! ..  Locals
    integer :: ios, ir, m1, m2, m3, m4, it, i1, i2, is
    integer :: irunldau, ntloc
    integer :: loptldau(natypd)
    real (kind=dp) :: ueff0, jeff0, eref0
    ! ======================================================================

    open (67, file='ldaupot', form='FORMATTED', status='OLD', iostat=ios)
    call version_check_header(67)
    if (ios>0) then
      write (6, 110) 'Could not find LDA+U file'
      itrunldau = 0
    end if
    ! ======================================================================
    ! -> READ IN : itrunldau, natyp

    read (67, *, err=100) irunldau
    read (67, *, err=100) ntloc
    if (ntloc/=natyp) then
      close (67)
      write (6, 120) 'Inconsistent NATYP value in LDA+U file'
      itrunldau = 0
    end if
    read (67, *, err=100)
    ! ======================================================================
    ! -> READ IN : lopt(1..natyp) - set NT = no. of atoms lda+u treated

    read (67, *, err=100)(loptldau(i2), i2=1, natyp)
    do i2 = 1, natyp
      if (loptldau(i2)/=lopt(i2)) then
        close (67)
        write (6, 120) 'Inconsistent LOPT values in LDA+U file'
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
    end do
    ! ======================================================================
    ! -> READ IN : ueff,jeff,erefldau for the NTLDAU atoms

    read (67, *, err=100)
    do it = 1, ntldau
      read (67, *, err=100) i2, ueff0, jeff0, eref0
      i1 = 0
      do ir = 1, ntldau
        if (i2==itldau(ir)) i1 = 1
      end do
      if (i1==0) then
        close (67)
        write (6, 120) 'Inconsistent UEFF/JEFF/EREF values in LDA+U file'
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
      ueff0 = abs(ueff0-ueff(i2))
      jeff0 = abs(jeff0-jeff(i2))
      eref0 = abs(eref0-erefldau(i2))
      if ((ueff0>1e-8_dp) .or. (ueff0>1e-8_dp) .or. (eref0>1e-8_dp)) then
        close (67)
        write (6, 120) 'Inconsistent UEFF/JEFF/EREF values in LDA+U file'
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
    end do
    ! ======================================================================
    ! -> READ IN : wldau,uldau for the NTLDAU atoms

    do it = 1, ntldau
      read (67, *, err=100) i2
      i1 = 0
      do ir = 1, ntldau
        if (i2==itldau(ir)) i1 = 1
      end do
      if (i1==0) then
        close (67)
        write (6, 110) 'Inconsistent WLDAU/ULDAU in LDA+U file'
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- WLDAU
      do is = 1, nspind
        do m1 = 1, mmaxd
          read (67, *, iostat=ios)(wldau(m1,m2,is,i2), m2=1, mmaxd)
          if (ios/=0) then
            write (6, 110) 'Corrupted WLDAU array in LDA+U file'
            close (67)
            itrunldau = 0
          end if
        end do
      end do
      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ULDAU
      read (67, *, err=100)

      read (67, *, iostat=ios)((((uldau(m1,m2,m3,m4,i2),m4=1,mmaxd),m3=1,mmaxd),m2=1,mmaxd), m1=1, mmaxd)
      if (ios/=0) then
        write (6, 110) 'Corrupted ULDAU array in LDA+U file'
        close (67)
        itrunldau = 0
      end if

      ! DO M1 = 1,MMAXD
      ! DO M2 = 1,MMAXD
      ! DO M3 = 1,MMAXD
      ! READ(67,*,IOSTAT=IOS)
      ! &                 (ULDAU(M1,M2,M3,M4,I2),M4=1,MMAXD)
      ! IF ( IOS.NE.0 ) THEN
      ! WRITE(6,99001)
      ! &                    'Corrupted ULDAU array in LDA+U file'
      ! CLOSE(67)
      ! ITRUNLDAU = 0
      ! RETURN
      ! END IF
      ! END DO
      ! END DO
      ! END DO
      ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! END DO
      ! ======================================================================
      ! -> READ IN : phildau

      ! DO IT = 1,NTLDAU
      read (67, *, err=100) i2
      i1 = 0
      do ir = 1, ntldau
        if (i2==itldau(ir)) i1 = 1
      end do
      if (i1==0) then
        close (67)
        write (6, 110) 'Inconsistent PHILDAU values in LDA+U file'
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
      read (67, '(5E16.8)', iostat=ios)(phildau(i1,i2), i1=1, irws(i2))
      if (ios/=0) then
        write (6, 110) 'Corrupted PHILDAU array in LDA+U file '
        close (67)
        itrunldau = 0
      end if
    end do
    ! ======================================================================

    if (irunldau==0) write (6, 120) 'ITRUNLDAU=0 found in the (otherwise consistent) LDA+U file'
    itrunldau = irunldau
    close (67)

100 write (6, 110) 'Problems reading in LDA+U file'
    itrunldau = 0
    close (67)
110 format (9x, 'WARNING: ', a, /, 18x, 'LDA+U potentials set to zero, iteration reinitialised')
120 format (9x, 'WARNING: ', a, /, 18x, 'input-card data will be used, iteration reinitialised')
  end subroutine readldaupot

end module mod_readldaupot