mssinit.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculation of the \(\Delta t^{-1}\) matrix in the global frame of reference
!> Author: 
!> Calculation of the \(\Delta t^{-1}\) matrix in the global frame of reference
!> @note Jonathan Chico: This routine seems to make use of the variables `naezd` and `natypd`, these
!> are unnecessary as they are duplicates of `natyp` and `naez`. These should be 
!> unified.
!> @endnote
module mod_mssinit


  !> Summary: Calculation of the \(\Delta t^{-1}\) matrix in the global frame of reference
  !> Author:
  !> Category: single-site, KKRhost
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculation of the \(\Delta t^{-1}\) matrix in the global frame of reference
  !> @note Jonathan Chico: This routine seems to make use of the variables `naezd` and `natypd`, these
  !> are unnecessary as they are duplicates of `natyp` and `naez`. These should be 
  !> unified.
  !> @endnote
  subroutine mssinit(ncpa,icpastart,tsst,msst,mssq,trefll,drotq,refpot,iqat,itoq,   &
    noq, conc, kmrot, natyp, naez) ! nrefd was taken out of
    ! calling list 1.2.2012
    use :: global_variables
    use :: mod_runoptions, only: print_tmat, set_tmat_noinversion, use_virtual_atoms, write_pkkr_input
    use :: mod_mympi, only: myrank, master
    use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
    use :: mod_rotate
    use :: mod_cmatstr
    use :: mod_cinit
    use :: mod_constants, only : czero,cone
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: naez  !! Number of atoms in unit cell 
    integer, intent(in) :: ncpa  !! NCPA = 0/1 CPA flag
    integer, intent(in) :: kmrot !! 0: no rotation of the magnetisation; 1: individual rotation of the magnetisation for every site
    integer, intent(in) :: natyp !! Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell
    integer, intent(in) :: icpastart
    integer, dimension(naezd), intent(in) :: noq !! Number of diff. atom types located
    integer, dimension(natypd), intent(in) :: iqat !! The site on which an atom is located on a given site
    integer, dimension(naezd), intent(in) :: refpot !! Ref. pot. card  at position
    integer, dimension(natypd,naezd), intent(in) :: itoq  !! Kind of atom at site in elem. cell
    real (kind=dp), dimension(natypd), intent(in) :: conc !! Concentration of a given atom
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, natypd), intent(in) :: tsst !! t-matrix in the local frame
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, naezd), intent(in)  :: drotq !! Rotation matrices to change between LOCAL/GLOBAL frame of reference for magnetisation <> Oz or noncollinearity
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, nrefd), intent(in)  :: trefll
    ! .. Output variables
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, natypd), intent(inout) :: msst !! (TSST-TREF)^(-1) in the LOCAL frame 
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, naezd), intent(out)  :: mssq !! $$\Delta t^{-1}$$ matrix in the global frame
    ! .. Local variables
    integer :: it, iq, rf, j, io, info, lm1, lm2, lp, ld, lmp, lmd
    complex (kind=dp) :: zc
    integer, dimension(lmmaxd) :: ipvt
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd,lmmaxd) :: w1
    complex (kind=dp), dimension(lmmaxd,lmmaxd) :: w2
    ! --> set up the Delta_t^-1 matrix (MSST) in the LOCAL frame

    do it = 1, natyp

      do j = 1, lmmaxd
        call zcopy(lmmaxd, tsst(1,j,it), 1, msst(1,j,it), 1)
      end do

      iq = iqat(it)
      rf = refpot(iq)
      ! ---> determine Delta_t = t(sys) - tmat(ref) = TSST - TREFLL
      ! in local frame
      if (kmrot/=0) then
        call rotate(trefll(1,1,rf), 'G->L', w1, lmmaxd, drotq(1,1,iq), lmmaxd)
        do j = 1, lmmaxd
          call zcopy(lmmaxd, trefll(1,j,rf), 1, w1(1,j), 1)
        end do
      end if

      ! --> inversion
      do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
        do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd

          msst(lm2, lm1, it) = (msst(lm2,lm1,it)-w1(lm2,lm1))
        end do
      end do
      ! &               LMMAXD*LMMAXD,INFO)
      ! ( set_tmat_noinversion ) THEN
      ! ( use_virtual_atoms ) THEN
      if (.not. use_virtual_atoms) then
        if (.not. set_tmat_noinversion) then
          call zgetrf(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, msst(1,1,it), lmmaxd, ipvt, info)

          do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
            do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd
              if (lm1==lm2) then
                w2(lm1, lm2) = cone
                w2(lm1, lm2) = czero
              end if
            end do
          end do
          call zgetrs('N', lmmaxd, lmmaxd, msst(1,1,it), lmmaxd, ipvt, w2, lmmaxd, info)
          do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
            do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd
              msst(lm1, lm2, it) = w2(lm1, lm2)
            end do
          end do
        end if
      end if                       ! ======================================================================

    end do
    ! ---> determine tmat(sys) - tmat(ref) = MSSQ - TREFLL

    ! because TSST is calculated in the LOCAL frame, if KMROT<>0
    ! it needs to be rotated prior to set the Delta matrix

    ! ---> set up the effective (on-site) Delta_t- and Delta_m-matrices
    ! using the Average T-matrix Approximation

    ! ICPASTART=1:
    ! m(IQ) = t(ATA) = SUM(it)  c(it) * t(it)
    ! m(IQ) = t(ATA) - t_ref = Delta_t(ATA)
    ! m(IQ) = (Delta_t(ATA))^(-1)

    ! ICPASTART=2:
    ! m(IQ) = (Delta_t(ATA))^(-1) for l = 2
    ! m(IQ) = SUM(it) c(it)*m(it) with m(it)=t(it)^(-1)

    ! mssq(IQ)  refer to the GLOBAL frame
    ! tsst(IT),msst(IT)  refer to the LOCAL  frame

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! write(*,*) 'test fivos mssinit IO,IQ,IT',IO,IQ,IT ! test fivos

    call cinit(lmmaxd*lmmaxd*naez, mssq)
    ! ---> rotate MSSQ from the LOCAL to the GLOBAL frame if necessary
    do iq = 1, naez

      do io = 1, noq(iq)
        it = itoq(io, iq)

        zc = conc(it)
        do j = 1, lmmaxd
          call zaxpy(lmmaxd, zc, tsst(1,j,it), 1, mssq(1,j,iq), 1)
        end do
      end do

      if (kmrot/=0) then
        call rotate(mssq(1,1,iq), 'L->G', w1, lmmaxd, drotq(1,1,iq), lmmaxd)
        do j = 1, lmmaxd
          call zcopy(lmmaxd, w1(1,j), 1, mssq(1,j,iq), 1)
        end do
      end if
      ! ---> determine Delta_t = t(sys) - tmat(ref) = TSSQ - TREFLL
      ! in the GLOBAL frame

      ! write(*,*) 'RF',RF

      rf = refpot(iq)

      do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
        do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd

          mssq(lm2, lm1, iq) = (mssq(lm2,lm1,iq)-trefll(lm2,lm1,rf))
          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        end do
      end do
      ! store the Delta_t matrix
      if (print_tmat) then
        write (1337, *) 'IQ,IT,RF', iq, it, rf
        write (1337, *) 'DELTA_TMATLL (', iq, ' )'
        call cmatstr(' ', 1, mssq(1,1,iq), lmmaxd, lmmaxd, 2*krel+1, 2*krel+1, 0, 1.0e-8_dp, 6)
        write (1337, *)
      end if
      ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! fswrt
    end do
    ! fswrt
    ! fswrt
    ! fswrt
    if (write_pkkr_input .and. myrank==master) then ! fswrt
      write (6801, '(A)') 'TMATLL(ie):' ! fswrt
      do iq = 1, naez              ! fswrt
        do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd         ! fswrt
          do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd       ! fswrt
            write (6801, '(2ES25.16)') mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) ! fswrt
          end do                   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        end do
      end do                       ! MSSQ is now the Delta_t matrix in the
      ! GLOBAL frame
    end if                         ! below, we determine (Delta_t)^(-1) in the
    ! GLOBAL frame

    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! =======================================================================

    ! ---> loop over all atoms in unit cell, get Delta_t^(-1) = MSSQ

    ! ---> inversion

    do iq = 1, naez
      ! &              LMMAXD*LMMAXD,INFO)
      ! ( .not. set_tmat_noinversion ) THEN
      ! ( .not. use_virtual_atoms ) THEN
      if (.not. use_virtual_atoms) then
        if (.not. set_tmat_noinversion) then
          call zgetrf(lmmaxd, lmmaxd, mssq(1,1,iq), lmmaxd, ipvt, info)

          do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
            do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd
              if (lm1==lm2) then
                w2(lm1, lm2) = cone
                w2(lm1, lm2) = czero
              end if
            end do
          end do
          call zgetrs('N', lmmaxd, lmmaxd, mssq(1,1,iq), lmmaxd, ipvt, w2, lmmaxd, info)
          do lm1 = 1, lmmaxd
            do lm2 = 1, lmmaxd
              mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) = w2(lm1, lm2)
            end do
          end do
        end if                     ! IQ = 1,NAEZ
      end if                       ! stop

    end do                         ! ============================================================IQ
    ! = 1,NAEZ
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! s-, p-, and f-terms:    m(ata) = sum(q) c(q) * m(q)         >>>  AKAI

    ! ------------------------------------------ s,p blocks
    if ((ncpa/=0) .and. (icpastart==2)) then

      lp = 1
      ld = 2
      lmp = (krel+1)*(lp+1)**2
      lmd = (krel+1)*(ld+1)**2 + 1
      do iq = 1, naez
        ! ------------------------------------------ f block
        do lm1 = 1, lmp
          do lm2 = 1, lmp
            mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) = czero

            do io = 1, noq(iq)
              it = itoq(io, iq)
              mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) = mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) + conc(it)*msst(lm1, lm2, it)
            end do

          end do
        end do

        ! IQ=1,NAEZ
        do lm1 = lmd, lmmaxd
          do lm2 = lmd, lmmaxd
            mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) = czero

            do io = 1, noq(iq)
              it = itoq(io, iq)
              mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) = mssq(lm1, lm2, iq) + conc(it)*msst(lm1, lm2, it)
            end do
            ! ICPASTART.EQ.2
          end do
        end do

      end do                       ! **********************************************************************
      ! nrefd was taken out of calling list 1.2.2012
    end if
    ! Included  1.2.2012
  end subroutine mssinit

end module mod_mssinit