mod_fermisurf_3D.F90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2016 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of kk-prime@juKKR and available as free software under the conditions !
! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE file in more detail.                     !

module mod_fermisurf_3D

  implicit none

  public :: find_fermisurface_3D

  integer, save :: tetcorners(4,6)=-1, tetdiags(2,4)=-1, cubedges(2,19)=-1, tetedges(6,6)=-1

  integer, parameter :: nkpmax = 512 ! shall be >> 32 to contain enough triangles per cube and band


  subroutine find_fermisurface_3D( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, symmetries, nCub3, nFSiter, nROOTiter, nstepsconnect, &
                                 & nCut_iter, roottype, rooteps, lrefine, nrefinenew, nkpts_int, kpoints_int, areas_int  )

    use type_inc,       only: inc_type
    use type_data,      only: lattice_type, cluster_type, tgmatrx_type
    use mod_symmetries, only: symmetries_type, get_IBZwedge_faces
    use mod_mympi,      only: myrank, nranks, master
    use mod_ioformat,   only: filename_cubesinfo, ext_formatted, fmt_fn_ext
    use mod_iohelp,     only: file_present
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: get_cubesinfo_filename, read_cubesfile, save_cubesfile, mark_cubes_FScross, find_kpoints_irredset, save_kpointsfile_vis
    use mod_timing, only: timing_start, timing_stop
    implicit none

    type(inc_type),     intent(in) :: inc
    type(lattice_type), intent(in) :: lattice
    type(cluster_type), intent(in) :: cluster
    type(tgmatrx_type), intent(inout) :: tgmatrx
    type(symmetries_type), intent(in) :: symmetries
    integer,               intent(inout) :: nCub3(3)
    integer,               intent(in) :: nFSiter, nROOTiter, lrefine, nrefinenew, nCut_iter(:), roottype(:), nstepsconnect(:)
    double precision,      intent(in) :: rooteps(:)

    integer, intent(out) :: nkpts_int
    double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: kpoints_int(:,:), areas_int(:)

    integer               :: nfaces
    double precision      :: bounds(3,2)
    double precision, allocatable :: nvec(:,:), dscal(:)

    integer :: nmarked, ntotal
    integer, allocatable :: imarked(:)

    integer :: nkpts_vis, nkpts_irr
    integer,          allocatable :: kpt2irr(:), irr2kpt(:), vis2int(:)
    double precision, allocatable :: kpoints_vis(:,:)

    integer :: icube, iter, iter2, ierr, ii, nCub3test(3), iterstart
    double precision :: dtmp
    character(len=256) :: filename, filetest
    logical :: l_cubesfile, l_exist

    call timing_start('  FS 3D - get cubes')

    call get_IBZwedge_faces(lattice%recbv, symmetries%nsym_used, symmetries%rotmat, symmetries%isym_used, nfaces, nvec, dscal, bounds)

    !initialize tetraeder indices arrays
    call init_cube2tetralines()

    !=== generate or read a cubesfile ====!
    write(filename,fmt_fn_ext) filename_cubesinfo, ext_formatted
    if(.not.file_present(trim(filename)).and.lrefine==1) stop 'cannot refine dataset: no cubesinfo present'

      call read_cubesfile(nCub3test, nmarked, imarked)
      if(any(nCub3 /= nCub3test).and.(myrank==master)) write(*,*) 'Warning!!! nCub3 inconsistent with cubesfile. Taking the values from cubesfile'
      nCub3 = nCub3test

        call read_cubesrefine(nCub3test, nmarked, imarked)
        if(any(nCub3/=nCub3test)) stop 'nCub3 not consistent between cubesinfo and cubesrefine'
          write(filename,'("cubes_refine_step=",I0,"_",A".vtp")') 0, 'read'
          call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
        end if!myrank==master
      end if!lrefine==1
!     write(*,*) 'readin of cubesfile done on rank', myrank


      !search for existing cubesfiles that match the grid of an iteration within the iterative refinements
      !try to take the densest file, therefore count from top to bottom:
      iter_loop: do iter=nFSiter,1,-1

        !find the density of the cubes of iteration #iter
        nCub3test = nCub3
        do iter2=2,iter
          nCub3test = nCub3test*nCut_iter(iter2-1)
        end do!iter2

        !search for the existing cubesfile
        filetest = get_cubesinfo_filename(nCub3test,.true.)
        l_exist = file_present(trim(filetest))

          call read_cubesfile(nCub3, nmarked, imarked, nCub3test)
          call cut_and_update_cubes(nCut_iter(iter), nCub3, nmarked, imarked)
          ntotal = nmarked
          if(myrank==master) then
            write(filename,'("cubes_iter=",I0,"_step=",I0,"_",(A),".vtp")') iter, 3, 'cut'
            call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
          end if!myrank==master

          !cubesfile found, so exit loop
          exit iter_loop
        end if!l_exist
      end do iter_loop

        !initialize cubes indices
        nmarked = product(nCub3)
        ntotal  = product(nCub3)
        allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
        if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in fermisurface'
        do icube=1,nmarked
          imarked(icube) = icube
        end do!icube
      end if!iterstart==1

    call timing_stop('  FS 3D - get cubes')

      != scan the cubes for intersections
      do iter=iterstart,nFSiter

        call timing_start('  FS 3D - FS iter - mark cubes in IBZ')
        !=== mark the cubes that lie (at least with one corner) within the first BZ ===!
        call mark_cubes_in_IBZ(nCub3, nfaces, nvec, dscal, bounds, nmarked, imarked)
        if(myrank==master) then
          write(filename,'("cubes_iter=",I0,"_step=",I0,"_",(A),".vtp")') iter, 1, 'IBZ'
          call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
          write(*,'("***** Iteration ",I0," *****")') iter
          write(*,'(2X,2(A,I0),(A,F5.1,A))') 'Cubes found within the IBZ: ', nmarked, ' of ', ntotal, ' (= ', real(nmarked*100)/ntotal,' %)'
        end if!myrank==master
        call timing_stop('  FS 3D - FS iter - mark cubes in IBZ')

        call timing_start('  FS 3D - FS iter - find FS crossings')
        !========= mark the cubes that cross the Fermi surface =========!
        !=== (only searching across the four diagonals of the cubes) ===!
        ntotal = nmarked
        call mark_cubes_FScross( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nCub3,          &
                               & nstepsconnect(iter), 8, 4, tetdiags, bounds,    &
                               & roottype(iter), rooteps(iter), nmarked, imarked )
        if(myrank==master) then
          write(filename,'("cubes_iter=",I0,"_step=",I0,"_",(A),".vtp")') iter, 2, 'mark'
          call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
          write(*,'(2X,2(A,I0),(A,F5.1,A))') 'Cubes found intersecting with FS: ', nmarked, ' of ', ntotal, ' (= ', real(nmarked*100)/ntotal,' %)'
          call save_cubesfile(nCub3, nmarked, imarked, lintermediate=.true.)
        end if!myrank==master
        call timing_stop('  FS 3D - FS iter - find FS crossings')

        call timing_start('  FS 3D - FS iter - divide cubes')
        !=== cut the remaining cubes into smaller pieces and update the indices ===!
!       write(1000+myrank,*) iter, nCut_iter(iter)
        call cut_and_update_cubes(nCut_iter(iter), nCub3, nmarked, imarked)
        ntotal = nmarked
        if(myrank==master) then
          write(filename,'("cubes_iter=",I0,"_step=",I0,"_",(A),".vtp")') iter, 3, 'cut'
          call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
        end if!myrank==master
        call timing_stop('  FS 3D - FS iter - divide cubes')

      end do!iter

      !=== mark the cubes that lie (maybe only partly) within the first BZ ===!
      iter = nFSiter+1
      call mark_cubes_in_IBZ(nCub3, nfaces, nvec, dscal, bounds, nmarked, imarked)
      if(myrank==master) then
        write(filename,'("cubes_iter=",I0,"_step=",I0,"_",(A),".vtp")') iter, 1, 'IBZ'
        call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
        call save_cubesfile(nCub3, nmarked, imarked)
      end if!myrank==master

    end if!cubesfile_present
    !=== generate or read a cubesfile ====!

    iter = nFSiter+1

    !=== refine the grid on a cubesfile ====!
      if(myrank==master) write(*,*) 'In REFINE mode...'

!      write(*,'("-->NREFINE= ",I0)') nrefinenew
      call cut_and_update_cubes(nrefinenew, nCub3, nmarked, imarked)
        write(filename,'("cubes_refine_step=",I0,"_",A".vtp")') 1, 'cut'
        call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
      end if!myrank==master

      ntotal = nmarked
      call mark_cubes_in_IBZ(nCub3, nfaces, nvec, dscal, bounds, nmarked, imarked)
        write(filename,'("cubes_refine_step=",I0,"_",A,".vtp")') 2, 'IBZ'
        call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
        write(*,'(2X,2(A,I0),(A,F5.1,A))') 'Cubes found within the IBZ: ', nmarked, ' of ', ntotal, ' (= ', real(nmarked*100)/ntotal,' %)'
      end if!myrank==master

      ntotal = nmarked
      call mark_cubes_FScross( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nCub3,                &
                             & nstepsconnect(nFSiter), 8, 4, tetdiags, bounds,       &
                             & roottype(nFSiter), rooteps(nFSiter), nmarked, imarked )
      if(myrank==master) then
        write(filename,'("cubes_refine_step=",I0,"_",A,".vtp")') 3, 'mark'
        call cubes2VTK(filename, nCub3, nmarked, imarked, bounds)
        write(*,'(2X,2(A,I0),(A,F5.1,A))') 'Cubes found intersecting with FS: ', nmarked, ' of ', ntotal, ' (= ', real(nmarked*100)/ntotal,' %)'
      end if!myrank==master

    end if!lrefine==1
    !=== refine the grid on a cubesfile ====!

!   write(3360+myrank,*) iter, nstepsconnect(iter), nROOTiter
!   write(3360+myrank,*) roottype(iter), rooteps(iter)
!   write(3360+myrank,*) nfaces
!   write(3360+myrank,*) nvec
!   write(3360+myrank,*) dscal
!   dtmp=0d0
!   do ii=1,10000000
!     dtmp=dtmp+datan(ii*0.1d0)/ii
!   end do!ii

    call timing_start('  FS 3D - find FS intersections')

!   write(*,*) 'before sub find_intesection_triangles, myrank=',myrank
    call find_intesection_triangles( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, symmetries,  &
                                   & nCub3, bounds, nmarked, imarked,             &
                                   & nstepsconnect(iter), nROOTiter,              &
                                   & roottype(iter), rooteps(iter), nfaces,       &
                                   & nvec, dscal, nkpts_vis, nkpts_int,           &
                                   & kpoints_vis, kpoints_int, areas_int, vis2int )

    call find_kpoints_irredset( bounds, nkpts_vis, kpoints_vis, nkpts_irr, kpt2irr, irr2kpt)

    call timing_stop('  FS 3D - find FS intersections')

    !save the visualization k-points to a file
    if(myrank==master) call save_kpointsfile_vis(nkpts_vis, nkpts_irr, kpoints_vis, symmetries%nsym_used, symmetries%isym_used, kpt2irr, irr2kpt, vis2int)

  end subroutine find_fermisurface_3D

  subroutine find_intesection_triangles( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, symmetries, &
                                       & nCub3, bounds, nmarked, imarked,            &
                                       & nsteps, niter, roottype, rooteps,           &
                                       & nfaces, nvec, dscal, npoints_vis_tot,       &
                                       & npoints_int_tot, kpoints_vis_all,           &
                                       & kpoints_int_all, areas_int_all, vis2int_all )

    use type_inc,       only: inc_type
    use type_data,      only: lattice_type, cluster_type, tgmatrx_type
    use mod_symmetries, only: symmetries_type
    use mod_parutils,   only: distribute_linear_on_tasks
    use mod_mympi,      only: myrank, nranks, master
    use mod_mathtools,  only: bubblesort, findminindex
    use mod_vtkxml,     only: write_pointdata_rot
    use mod_ioformat,   only: fmt_fn_ext, fmt_fn_sub_ext, ext_vtkxml, filemode_rot, filename_vtktest, fmt_fn_rank_ext, filename_outinfo, ext_formatted
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: roots_along_edge, compare_two_eigv_in_substeps, ROOT_IMAG, ROOT_REAL, generate_cubevertices
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    use mpi
    use mod_timing,     only: timing_start, timing_stop
    implicit none

    type(inc_type),     intent(in) :: inc
    type(lattice_type), intent(in) :: lattice
    type(cluster_type), intent(in) :: cluster
    type(tgmatrx_type), intent(in) :: tgmatrx
    type(symmetries_type), intent(in) :: symmetries
    integer,            intent(in) :: nCub3(3), nmarked, imarked(nmarked),&
                                    & nsteps, roottype, niter, nfaces
    double precision,   intent(in) :: bounds(3,2), rooteps, nvec(3,nfaces), dscal(nfaces)

    integer,            intent(out) :: npoints_vis_tot, npoints_int_tot
    integer,          allocatable, intent(out) :: vis2int_all(:)
    double precision, allocatable, intent(out) :: kpoints_vis_all(:,:),&
                                                & kpoints_int_all(:,:),&
                                                & areas_int_all(:)

    integer :: irank, npoints_vis,&
             & npoints_vis_tmpa(0:nranks-1),&
             & npoints_int_tmpa(0:nranks-1),&
             & ioffs_tmpa(0:nranks-1),&
             & ioffs_save(0:nranks-1),&
             & isendarr(0:nranks-1),&
             & ioffsarr(0:nranks-1)

    double precision, allocatable :: kpoints_vis(:,:),&
                                   & kpoints_int(:,:),&
                                   & areas_int(:),    &
                                   & scalardata(:,:), &
                                   & vectordata(:,:,:)

    character(len=256) :: scalarstring(3), vectorstring(1)

    integer,          allocatable :: vis2int(:)
    double complex,   allocatable :: eigw_vis(:), eigw_vis_all(:)

    integer :: curid, nbands, nroots(19), lmid(inc%nrootmax,19), lmroot(inc%nrootmax,19)

    double precision :: kverts(3,8),&
                      & kends(3,2),&
                      & kmidcube(3),&
                      & kroot_in_cube(3,inc%nrootmax,19),&
                      & ktriangle(3,3),&
                      & kroot_lm_tet(3,nkpmax)   ! nkpmax >> (3 intersections per triangle) * (2 triangles per tetrahedron) * (6 tetrahedra) x
                                                 !           (multiplication-factor for splitting the triangle if BZ-face is crossed)
    double complex   :: eigw_lm_tet(nkpmax),&
                      & eigw_triangle(3)

    double complex, allocatable :: LVroot(:,:,:,:), &
                                 & RVroot(:,:,:,:), &
                                 & eigwroot(:,:,:)

    double precision :: ksub(3,nsteps+1)
    double complex   :: eigwends(2,inc%nrootmax,19)

    integer :: iproblems, icubeproblems(2,10*nmarked/nranks), iproblems_tmpa(0:nranks-1), iproblems_tot
    integer, allocatable :: icubeproblems_all(:,:)

    integer :: ioff, nkpt, ntot_pT(0:nranks-1), ioff_pT(0:nranks-1), lb, ub
    integer :: ierr, ii, ivc, icub, itmp, itet, iedge, itetedge, itetroot,&
             & icount, iedge1, iedge2, iroot1, iroot2, lm0, lm1, lm2,     &
             & nfound_band, nfound_tet, lookup_tet(2,4), iverts_picked(4),&
             & sorted(4), sorted_tmp(4), i4edge(4), i4tet(4), isave,      &
             & kcounter_lm, kcounter_cub, printstep, itmparr(1)
    double precision :: dtmp_ri(4), dist(nkpmax), weight_lm
    double complex   :: eigw_picked(4)
    logical :: match
    character(len=256) :: filename
    integer, parameter :: iofile=69821

!   write(*,*) 'in sub find_intesection_triangles, myrank=',myrank

    call distribute_linear_on_tasks(nranks,myrank,master,nmarked,ntot_pT,ioff_pT,.true.)
    nkpt = ntot_pT(myrank)
    ioff = ioff_pT(myrank)

    icubeproblems = 0
    iproblems = 0
    npoints_vis = 0

    !allocate arrays
    allocate( LVroot(inc%almso,inc%almso,inc%nrootmax,19),&
            & RVroot(inc%almso,inc%almso,inc%nrootmax,19),&
            & eigwroot(inc%almso,inc%nrootmax,19),        &
            & STAT=ierr )
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating LVroot etc. in find_intesection_triangles'

    allocate(kpoints_vis(3,200*nkpt), eigw_vis(200*nkpt), kpoints_int(3,20*nkpt), areas_int(20*nkpt), vis2int(200*nkpt), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating kpoints_vis etc.'

    !print header of statusbar
    if(myrank==master) write(*,'("Loop over cubes: |",5(1X,I2,"%",5X,"|"),1X,I3,"%")') 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100

    printstep = nkpt/50
    if(printstep==0) printstep=1

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
    write(filename,fmt_fn_rank_ext) filename_outinfo, myrank, ext_formatted
    open(unit=iofile, file=trim(filename), action='write', form='formatted')

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
    if(myrank==master) call cubes2VTK('testcubes.vtp',nCub3,nmarked,imarked,bounds)
    write(iofile,'(A,4I8)') 'nCub3, nmarked=', nCub3, nmarked
    write(iofile,'(A,3ES18.9)') 'bounds(:,1)=', bounds(:,1)
    write(iofile,'(A,3ES18.9)') 'bounds(:,2)=', bounds(:,2)
    write(iofile,'(A,16I8)') 'ntot_pT', ntot_pT
    write(iofile,'(A,16I8)') 'ioff_pT', ioff_pT
    write(iofile,'(A,2I8)') 'nkpt, ioff=', nkpt, ioff
    write(iofile,'(A)') 'imarked:'
    write(iofile,'(20I8)') imarked

    !************* B E G I N **************!
    !*** (parallelized) loop over cubes ***!
    if(myrank==master) write(*,FMT=190) !beginning of statusbar
    areas_int = 0d0
    do icub=1,nkpt

      !update statusbar
      if(mod(icub,printstep)==0 .and. myrank==master) write(*,FMT=200)
      if (icub==1) call timing_start('  FS 3D - find FS intersections - time1')
      if (icub==1) call timing_start('  FS 3D - find FS intersections - time10')

!     write(iofile,'(A,I0)') 'starting cube ', imarked(icub+ioff)

      call generate_cubevertices(nCub3,imarked(icub+ioff), bounds, kverts)
      !find middle point of the cube
      kmidcube = (kverts(:,1)+kverts(:,8))/2

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
      write(iofile,'(2X,"kverts(:,i)= ",3ES18.9)') kverts

      !=== find roots along the edges ===!
      do iedge=1,19
        !pick k-points
        kends(:,1) = kverts(:,cubedges(1,iedge))
        kends(:,2) = kverts(:,cubedges(2,iedge))
        call roots_along_edge( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nsteps, kends, niter,&
                             & roottype, rooteps, nroots(iedge), lmroot(:,iedge),   &
                             & kroot_in_cube(:,:,iedge), LVroot(:,:,:,iedge),       &
!                            & RVroot(:,:,:,iedge), eigwroot(:,:,iedge), 500+iedge, &
                             & RVroot(:,:,:,iedge), eigwroot(:,:,iedge), -1,        &
                             & eigwends(:,:,iedge)                                  )
      end do!iedge

      if (icub==1) call timing_stop('  FS 3D - find FS intersections - time1')
      if (icub==10) call timing_stop('  FS 3D - find FS intersections - time10')

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
      write(iofile,'(2X,"#roots found on the edges:")')
      do iedge=1,19
        write(iofile,'(4X,"iedge= ",I0,", # = ",I0)') iedge, nroots(iedge)
      end do

      !=== determine which kroots belong to the same band ===!
      ! the array lmid(iroot,iedge) will contain a unique id to which band a k-point belongs.
      do iedge1=1,19
        do iroot1=1,nroots(iedge1)
          !pick a first root
          lm1 = lmroot(iroot1,iedge1)
          if(lmid(iroot1,iedge1)>0) cycle !this root has already an ID

          curid = curid+1
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
          write(iofile,'(4X,"Set (iedge,iroot)=( ",I0,",",I0,") to curid= ",I0)') iedge1, iroot1, curid

!         write(*,'("Next cur-id= ",I0)'), curid
          !compare to all other roots on different edges which are not yet treated
          loop3: do iedge2=iedge1+1,19
            loop4: do iroot2=1,nroots(iedge2)
              if(lmid(iroot2,iedge2)>0) cycle
              lm2 = lmroot(iroot2,iedge2)
              kends(:,1) = kroot_in_cube(:,iroot1,iedge1)
              kends(:,2) = kroot_in_cube(:,iroot2,iedge2)
              call compare_two_eigv_in_substeps( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nsteps,&
                                               & kends, lm1, LVroot(:,:,iroot1,iedge1), &
                                               & RVroot(:,lm2,iroot2,iedge2),           &
                                               & eigwroot(lm2,iroot2,iedge2), match     )

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
              write(iofile,'(6X,"Compare (iedge,iroot)=( ",I0,",",I0,") with (iedge,iroot)=( ",I0,",",I0,"), matching=",L1)') iedge1, iroot1, iedge2, iroot2, match

              if(match) then
                cycle loop3
              end if!match
            end do loop4!iroot2
          end do loop3!iedge2

        end do!iroot1
      end do!iedge1
      nbands = curid

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
      write(iofile,'(2X,A)') 'LM-check'
      do iedge=1,19
          write(iofile,'(4X,"iedge= ",I0," - ",20I8)') iedge, lmid(1:nroots(iedge),iedge)
      end do!iedge

      write(iofile,'(2X,A,I0)') 'nbands= ', nbands

!     !delete multiple bands on the same edge
!     do lm0=1,nbands
!       do iedge1=1,19
!         itmp=0
!         do iroot1=1,nroots(iedge1)
!           if(lmid(iroot1,iedge1)==lm0) itmp=itmp+1
!           if(lmid(iroot1,iedge1)==lm0 .and. itmp>1) lmid(iroot1,iedge1)=0
!         end do
!       end do
!     end do!lm0

!     write(*,*) 'LM-check 2'
!     do iedge=1,19
!         write(*,'(4X,"iedge= ",I0," - ",20I8)') iedge, lmid(1:nroots(iedge),iedge)
!     end do!iedge

      !=== scan the tetrahedra for each band  ===!
      !===  and find the triangles and areas  ===!
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
          write(iofile,'(2X,A)') 'Scan all bands ands tetraheda'
      !loop over all bands
      do lm0=1,nbands

        !scan all tetrahedra
        do itet=1,6
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
          write(iofile,'(4X,2(A,I0))') 'lm0= ', lm0, ', itet= ', itet

          nfound_tet = 0

          !find all roots belonging to this this tetrahedron and this band
          edgeloop: do iedge1=1,6
            itetedge = tetedges(iedge1,itet)
!           write(*,'(20(A,I0))') 'itetedge= ', itetedge, ', #roots=', nroots(itetedge)
            do iroot1=1,nroots(itetedge)
                nfound_tet = nfound_tet+1
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
                  write(iofile,'(I0,A)') imarked(icub+ioff), ' =imarked: more than 4 intersections of band with tetrahedron --> skip'
                  iproblems = iproblems+1
                  icubeproblems(1,iproblems) = imarked(icub+ioff)
                  icubeproblems(2,iproblems) = 1
                  exit edgeloop
                end if
                lookup_tet(:,nfound_tet) = (/ iroot1, itetedge /)
              end if
            end do!iroot1
          end do edgeloop!iedge1

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
          write(iofile,'(6X,A,I0)') 'nfound_tet= ', nfound_tet

          select case ( nfound_tet )
            case( 0 ); cycle
            case( 3 )

              !store the triangle k-points
              ktriangle(:,1) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,1),lookup_tet(2,1))
              ktriangle(:,2) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2))
              ktriangle(:,3) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3))
              eigw_triangle(1) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,1),lookup_tet(2,1)),lookup_tet(1,1),lookup_tet(2,1))
              eigw_triangle(2) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2)),lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2))
              eigw_triangle(3) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3)),lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3))
              !split triangle if BZ-face is crossed
              call split_triangle(ktriangle, eigw_triangle, kroot_lm_tet(:,:), eigw_lm_tet(:), kcounter_lm, nfaces, nvec, dscal)
!cccccccc     kroot_lm_tet(:,kcounter_lm+1:kcounter_lm+3) = ktriangle
!cccccccc     kcounter_lm = kcounter_lm+3

            case( 4 )

              !pick the eigenvalues at the four vertices of the tetrahedron
              icount = 0
              iverts_picked = 0
              eigw_picked = (0d0, 0d0)
              do iedge=1,4
                itetroot = lookup_tet(1,iedge)
                itetedge = lookup_tet(2,iedge)
                do ii=1,2
                  ivc = cubedges(ii,itetedge)
                  if(any(iverts_picked==ivc)) cycle
                  icount = icount+1
                  iverts_picked(icount) = ivc
                  eigw_picked(icount) = eigwends(ii,itetroot,itetedge)
                end do!ii
              end do
              if(icount>4) stop 'icount>4 sould not happen'

#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
              write(iofile,'(6X,"iverts_picked= ",4I8)') iverts_picked
              write(iofile,'(8X,"eigws_picked= ",2ES18.9)') eigw_picked

              write(iofile,'(6X,A)') 'Test-eigws:'
              do iedge=1,4
                itetroot = lookup_tet(1,iedge)
                itetedge = lookup_tet(2,iedge)
                do ii=1,2
                  write(iofile,'(8X,A,I0,A,I0,A,2ES18.9)') 'itetedge=',itetedge,', icorner=', cubedges(ii,itetedge),&
                                                         & ', eigw= ', eigwends(ii,itetroot,itetedge)
                end do!ii
              end do!iedge

              select case (roottype)
                case(ROOT_REAL); dtmp_ri = dble(eigw_picked)
                case(ROOT_IMAG); dtmp_ri = aimag(eigw_picked)
                case default; stop 'option not known: only real/imag'
              end select!roottype

              !sort the values
              call bubblesort(4, dtmp_ri, sorted_tmp)
              do ii=1,4
                sorted(ii) = iverts_picked(sorted_tmp(ii))
              end do
              i4edge(1) = get_edgeindex(sorted(1),sorted(3))
              i4edge(2) = get_edgeindex(sorted(1),sorted(4))
              i4edge(3) = get_edgeindex(sorted(2),sorted(3))
              i4edge(4) = get_edgeindex(sorted(2),sorted(4))

              !reorder the indices
              i4tet =0
              do ii=1,4
                do iedge=1,4
                    icount = icount+1
                    i4tet(icount) = iedge
                  end if
                end do!iedge
              end do!ii

              if(any(i4tet==0) .or. any(i4tet>4))then
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
                write(iofile,'(I0,A)') imarked(icub+ioff), ' =imarked: it does not hold (1 <= i4tet(ii) <= 4) --> skip'
                iproblems = iproblems+1
                icubeproblems(1,iproblems) = imarked(icub+ioff)
                icubeproblems(2,iproblems) = 2
              end if

              !store the first triangle k-points
              ktriangle(:,1) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(1)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(1)))
              ktriangle(:,2) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(2)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(2)))
              ktriangle(:,3) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(3)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(3)))
              eigw_triangle(1) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,1),lookup_tet(2,1)),lookup_tet(1,1),lookup_tet(2,1))
              eigw_triangle(2) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2)),lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2))
              eigw_triangle(3) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3)),lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3))
              !split triangle if BZ-face is crossed
              call split_triangle(ktriangle, eigw_triangle, kroot_lm_tet(:,:), eigw_lm_tet(:), kcounter_lm, nfaces, nvec, dscal)
!cccccccc     kroot_lm_tet(:,kcounter_lm+1:kcounter_lm+3) = ktriangle
!cccccccc     kcounter_lm = kcounter_lm+3

              !store the second triangle k-points
              ktriangle(:,1) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(2)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(2)))
              ktriangle(:,2) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(3)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(3)))
              ktriangle(:,3) = kroot_in_cube(:,lookup_tet(1,i4tet(4)),lookup_tet(2,i4tet(4)))
              eigw_triangle(1) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2)),lookup_tet(1,2),lookup_tet(2,2))
              eigw_triangle(2) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3)),lookup_tet(1,3),lookup_tet(2,3))
              eigw_triangle(3) = eigwroot(lmroot(lookup_tet(1,4),lookup_tet(2,4)),lookup_tet(1,4),lookup_tet(2,4))
              !split triangle if BZ-face is crossed
              call split_triangle(ktriangle, eigw_triangle, kroot_lm_tet(:,:), eigw_lm_tet(:), kcounter_lm, nfaces, nvec, dscal)
!cccccccc     kroot_lm_tet(:,kcounter_lm+1:kcounter_lm+3) = ktriangle
!cccccccc     kcounter_lm = kcounter_lm+3

            case default
#ifdef CPP_DEBUG
              write(iofile,'(I0,A)') imarked(icub+ioff), ' =imarked: neither 3 nor 4 intesections found for --> skip'
              iproblems = iproblems+1
              icubeproblems(1,iproblems) = imarked(icub+ioff)
              icubeproblems(2,iproblems) = 3
          end select

        end do!itet

        !if cube is empty, proceed to next cube
        if(kcounter_lm==0) cycle

        !===  Find the k-point and  ===!
        !=== weight for integration ===!

        !update the counter for integration k-points
        kcounter_cub = kcounter_cub+1

        !find kpoint-index representing this cube
        do ii=1,kcounter_lm
          dist(ii) = sum((kroot_lm_tet(:,ii) - kmidcube)**2)
        end do
        call findminindex(kcounter_lm, dist(1:kcounter_lm), isave)

        !save the k-point
        kpoints_int(:,kcounter_cub) = kroot_lm_tet(:,isave)

        !find the weight of the representing cube (=area of all triangles)
        weight_lm = 0d0
        do ii=1,kcounter_lm/3
          weight_lm = weight_lm + area_triangle(kroot_lm_tet(:,ii*3-2:ii*3))
        end do!ii
        areas_int(kcounter_cub) = weight_lm

        !if weight for this triangle is negligible, forget this k-point
        if(abs(weight_lm)<1d-16) kcounter_cub = kcounter_cub - 1

        !===  Store the visualization  ===!
        !=== information in temp array ===!

        !add the visualization-triangles to the temporary storage array
        kpoints_vis(:,npoints_vis+1:npoints_vis+kcounter_lm) = kroot_lm_tet(:,1:kcounter_lm)
        eigw_vis(npoints_vis+1:npoints_vis+kcounter_lm) = eigw_lm_tet(1:kcounter_lm)
        vis2int(npoints_vis+1:npoints_vis+kcounter_lm) = kcounter_cub
        npoints_vis = npoints_vis + kcounter_lm

      end do!lm0

    end do!icub

    if(myrank==master) write(*,*) ''
    !*** (parallelized) loop over cubes ***!
    !*************** E N D ****************!

    !************* B E G I N *************!
    !*** collect the problematic cubes ***!
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    !collect the numbers of problematic arrays
    call MPI_Allgather( iproblems,      1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & iproblems_tmpa, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr              )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgather npoints_vis_glob'
    iproblems_tot = sum(iproblems_tmpa)
    allocate(icubeproblems_all(2,iproblems_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating icubeproblems_all'

    !calculate offsets
    do irank=1,nranks-1
      ioffs_tmpa(irank) = ioffs_tmpa(irank-1)+iproblems_tmpa(irank-1)
    end do!irank
    ioffs_save = ioffs_tmpa

    !collect the problematic cubes
    isendarr = 2*iproblems_tmpa
    ioffsarr = 2*ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( icubeproblems, isendarr(myrank), MPI_INTEGER, &
                       & icubeproblems_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,        &
                       & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr               )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv icubeproblems'
    iproblems_tot = iproblems
    allocate(icubeproblems_all(2,iproblems_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating icubeproblems_all'
    icubeproblems_all = icubeproblems(:,1:iproblems_tot)

#ifndef CPP_DEBUG
      write(filename,fmt_fn_rank_ext) filename_outinfo, myrank, ext_formatted
      open(unit=13512, file=trim(filename), action='write', form='formatted')
      do ii=1,iproblems_tot
        select case (icubeproblems_all(2,ii))
          case(1); write(13512,'(I0,A)') icubeproblems_all(1,ii), ' =imarked: more than 4 intersections of band with tetrahedron --> skip'
          case(2); write(13512,'(I0,A)') icubeproblems_all(1,ii), ' =imarked: it does not hold (1 <= i4tet(ii) <= 4) --> skip'
          case(3); write(13512,'(I0,A)') icubeproblems_all(1,ii), ' =imarked: neither 3 nor 4 intesections found for --> skip'
          case default; write(13512,'(I0,A,I0,A)') icubeproblems_all(1,ii), ' =imarked: identifier ', icubeproblems_all(2,ii), ' not known'
        end select
      end do!ii
    end if!myrank==master
    !*** collect the problematic cubes ***!
    !************** E N D ****************!

    !************ B E G I N *************!
    !*** output of visualization data ***!

#ifdef CPP_MPI
    !collect the number of points
    call MPI_Allgather( npoints_vis,      1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & npoints_vis_tmpa, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr              )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgather npoints_vis_glob'
    npoints_vis_tot = sum(npoints_vis_tmpa)

    do irank=1,nranks-1
      ioffs_tmpa(irank) = ioffs_tmpa(irank-1)+npoints_vis_tmpa(irank-1)
    end do!irank
    ioffs_save = ioffs_tmpa

    !allocate result arrays
    allocate(kpoints_vis_all(3,npoints_vis_tot), eigw_vis_all(npoints_vis_tot), vis2int_all(npoints_vis_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating kpoints_vis_all etc.'

    !collect the k-points
    isendarr = 3*npoints_vis_tmpa
    ioffsarr = 3*ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( kpoints_vis, isendarr(myrank), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,&
                       & kpoints_vis_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,                &
                       & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr          )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv kpoints_vis_glob'

    !collect the eigenvalues
    isendarr = npoints_vis_tmpa
    ioffsarr = ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( eigw_vis, isendarr(myrank), MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,&
                       & eigw_vis_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,              &
                       & MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr       )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv eigv_vis_glob'

    !collect the translation array
    isendarr = npoints_vis_tmpa
    ioffsarr = ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( vis2int, isendarr(myrank), MPI_INTEGER, &
                       & vis2int_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,        &
                       & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr       )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv vis2int_glob'
    !adapt the offsets for the translation array --> done below (!!!!!)
    npoints_vis_tot = npoints_vis
    allocate(kpoints_vis_all(3,npoints_vis_tot), eigw_vis_all(npoints_vis_tot), vis2int_all(npoints_vis_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating kpoints_vis_all etc.'
    kpoints_vis_all = kpoints_vis(:,1:npoints_vis_tot)
    eigw_vis_all = eigw_vis(1:npoints_vis_tot)
    vis2int_all = vis2int(1:npoints_vis_tot)

    deallocate( kpoints_vis, eigw_vis, STAT=ierr )
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem deallocating kpoints_vis etc.'


      scalardata(:,1) = abs(eigw_vis_all)
      scalardata(:,2) = dble(eigw_vis_all)
      scalardata(:,3) = aimag(eigw_vis_all)
      scalarstring(1) = 'eigw_abs'
      scalarstring(2) = 'eigw_real'
      scalarstring(3) = 'eigw_imag'

      write(filename,fmt_fn_ext) filename_vtktest, ext_vtkxml
      itmparr(1) = 1
!     write(*,*) 'prepare fstest with nsym=1.. done'
      call write_pointdata_rot( trim(filename),npoints_vis_tot,kpoints_vis_all, &
                              & 3,scalardata,scalarstring,   &
                              & 0,vectordata,vectorstring,   &
                              & 1,symmetries%rotmat, itmparr )

!     write(*,*) 'write fstest with nsym=1.. done'

      write(filename,fmt_fn_sub_ext) filename_vtktest, filemode_rot, ext_vtkxml
      call write_pointdata_rot( trim(filename),npoints_vis_tot,kpoints_vis_all, &
                              & 3,scalardata,scalarstring,&
                              & 0,vectordata,vectorstring,&
                              & symmetries%nsym_used,symmetries%rotmat, &
                              & symmetries%isym_used)
!     write(*,*) 'write fstest with nsym=48.. done'

    end if!myrank==master
    !*** output of visualization data ***!
    !************** E N D ***************!

    !************ B E G I N **************!
    !*** gathering of integration data ***!
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    !collect the number of points
    call MPI_Allgather( kcounter_cub,     1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & npoints_int_tmpa, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
                      & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr              )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgather npoints_int_tmpa'
    npoints_int_tot = sum(npoints_int_tmpa)

    do irank=1,nranks-1
      ioffs_tmpa(irank) = ioffs_tmpa(irank-1)+npoints_int_tmpa(irank-1)
    end do!irank

    !allocate result arrays
    allocate(kpoints_int_all(3,npoints_int_tot), areas_int_all(npoints_int_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating kpoints_int_all etc.'

    !collect the k-points
    isendarr = 3*npoints_int_tmpa
    ioffsarr = 3*ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( kpoints_int, isendarr(myrank), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,&
                       & kpoints_int_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,                &
                       & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr          )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv kpoints_int_all'

    !collect the areas
    isendarr = npoints_int_tmpa
    ioffsarr = ioffs_tmpa
    call MPI_Allgatherv( areas_int, isendarr(myrank), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,&
                       & areas_int_all, isendarr, ioffsarr,                &
                       & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr        )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in allgatherv kpoints_int_all'

    !adapt the offsets for the translation array --> from above (!!!!!)
    do irank=1,nranks-1
      lb = ioffs_save(irank)+1
      ub = ioffs_save(irank)+npoints_vis_tmpa(irank)
      vis2int_all(lb:ub) = vis2int_all(lb:ub) + ioffs_tmpa(irank)
    end do!irank
    npoints_int_tot = kcounter_cub
    allocate(kpoints_int_all(3,npoints_int_tot), areas_int_all(npoints_int_tot), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating kpoints_int_all etc.'
    kpoints_int_all = kpoints_int(:,1:npoints_int_tot)
    areas_int_all = areas_int(1:npoints_int_tot)

!   write(iofile,'(2(A,ES18.9))') 'Test: sum of areas on all tasks=', sum(areas_int_all)
!   write(iofile,'(2(A,ES18.9))') 'Test: sum of areas on this task=', sum(areas_int)


190 FORMAT('                 |'$)
200 FORMAT('|'$)

  end subroutine find_intesection_triangles

  subroutine cut_and_update_cubes(ncut, nCub3, nmarked, imarked)
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: unroll_ixyz
    implicit none

    integer,              intent(in)    :: ncut
    integer,              intent(inout) :: nCub3(3)
    integer,              intent(inout) :: nmarked
    integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: imarked(:)

    integer :: nCub3in(3), nmarked_tmp, imarked_tmp(nmarked)
    integer :: ii3(3), ix, iy, iz, icub, icount, ierr

    !save input to temporary arrays
    nCub3in     = nCub3
    nmarked_tmp = nmarked
    imarked_tmp = imarked

    !determine size of output-array
    nmarked = nmarked_tmp * ncut**3
    allocate( imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr )
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in "cut_and_update_cubes"'
    nCub3 = nCub3in*ncut

    icount = 0
    do icub=1,nmarked_tmp
      call unroll_ixyz(imarked_tmp(icub), nCub3in, ii3)
      do iz=0,ncut-1
       do iy=0,ncut-1
        do ix=0,ncut-1
          icount = icount+1
          imarked(icount) = (ii3(1)*ncut+ix+1) + (ii3(2)*ncut+iy)*nCub3(1) + (ii3(3)*ncut+iz)*product(nCub3(1:2))
        end do!ix
       end do!iy
      end do!iz
    end do!icub

  end subroutine cut_and_update_cubes

  subroutine mark_cubes_FScrossold(inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nCub3, nsteps, bounds, roottype, rooteps, nmarked, imarked)

    use type_inc,       only: inc_type
    use type_data,      only: lattice_type, cluster_type, tgmatrx_type
    use mod_parutils,   only: distribute_linear_on_tasks
    use mod_mympi,      only: myrank, nranks, master
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: connect_eigw_in_substeps, find_roots_any_eigw, generate_cubevertices
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    use mpi
    implicit none

    type(inc_type),     intent(in) :: inc
    type(lattice_type), intent(in) :: lattice
    type(cluster_type), intent(in) :: cluster
    type(tgmatrx_type), intent(in) :: tgmatrx
    integer,            intent(in) :: nCub3(3), nsteps
    double precision,   intent(in) :: bounds(3,2)
    integer,            intent(in) :: roottype
    double precision,   intent(in) :: rooteps
    integer,              intent(inout) :: nmarked
    integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: imarked(:)

    integer :: ncubmarked_tmp, ioff, nkpt, ntot_pT(0:nranks-1), ioff_pT(0:nranks-1)
    integer :: ncubmarked_pT(0:nranks-1), iioff(0:nranks-1)
    double precision :: kverts(3,8)
    integer, allocatable :: icubmarked_tmp(:)

    integer          :: connection(inc%almso,nsteps+1)
    double precision :: ksub(3,nsteps+1), kends(3,2)
    double complex   :: LVeig(inc%almso,inc%almso,nsteps+1),&
                      & RVeig(inc%almso,inc%almso,nsteps+1),&
                      & eigw(inc%almso,nsteps+1)

    integer :: iedge, irank, icub, ierr
    logical :: edgeroot(19)

    call distribute_linear_on_tasks(nranks,myrank,master, nmarked, ntot_pT, ioff_pT, .false.)
    nkpt = ntot_pT(myrank)
    ioff = ioff_pT(myrank)

    !Create temp arrays
    allocate(icubmarked_tmp(nkpt), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating icubmarked_tmp in mark_cubes_FScross'
    ncubmarked_tmp = 0
    icubmarked_tmp = -1

    !Test whether cubes cross FS
    do icub=1,nkpt
      if(mod(icub,10)==0 .and. myrank==master) write(*,"(2X,F8.3,A)") dble(icub)/nkpt*100, ' percent done'
      call generate_cubevertices(nCub3,imarked(icub+ioff), bounds, kverts)
      do iedge=1,4
        kends(:,1) = kverts(:,tetdiags(1,iedge))
        kends(:,2) = kverts(:,tetdiags(2,iedge))
        call connect_eigw_in_substeps( inc, lattice, cluster, tgmatrx, nsteps, kends, &
                                     & connection, ksub, eigw, LVeig, RVeig           )
        call find_roots_any_eigw( inc%almso, nsteps, connection, eigw, &
                                & roottype, rooteps, edgeroot(iedge)   )
      end do!iedge
        ncubmarked_tmp = ncubmarked_tmp + 1
        icubmarked_tmp(ncubmarked_tmp) = imarked(icub+ioff)
      end if!l_cut
    end do!icub


#ifdef CPP_MPI
    !Combine results
    call MPI_Allgather(ncubmarked_tmp, 1, MPI_INTEGER, ncubmarked_pT, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Allgather(ncubmarked_tmp) in mark_cubes_FScross'

    nmarked = sum(ncubmarked_pT)
    allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in mark_cubes_FScross'

    iioff = 0
    do irank=1,nranks-1
      iioff(irank) = sum(ncubmarked_pT(0:irank-1))
    end do

    call MPI_Allgatherv( icubmarked_tmp, ncubmarked_tmp, MPI_INTEGER, &
                       & imarked, ncubmarked_pT, iioff, MPI_INTEGER,  &
                       & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Allgatherv(icubmarked_tmp) in mark_cubes_FScross'

    allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in mark_cubes_FScross'
    imarked = icubmarked_tmp(1:ncubmarked_tmp)

  end subroutine mark_cubes_FScrossold

  subroutine mark_cubes_in_IBZ(nCub3, nfaces, nvec, dscal, bounds, nmarked, imarked)
    use mod_parutils,   only: distribute_linear_on_tasks
    use mod_mympi,      only: myrank, nranks, master
    use mod_symmetries, only: points_in_wedge
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: generate_cubevertices
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer,              intent(in)    :: nCub3(3), nfaces
    double precision,     intent(in)    :: nvec(3,nfaces), dscal(nfaces), bounds(3,2)
    integer,              intent(inout) :: nmarked
    integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: imarked(:)

    integer :: ncubmarked_tmp, ioff, nkpt, ntot_pT(0:nranks-1), ioff_pT(0:nranks-1)
    integer :: ncubmarked_pT(0:nranks-1), iioff(0:nranks-1)
    double precision :: kverts(3,8)
    integer, allocatable :: icubmarked_tmp(:)

    integer :: irank, icub, ierr
    logical :: cubeinwedge

    call distribute_linear_on_tasks(nranks,myrank,master, nmarked, ntot_pT, ioff_pT, .false.)
    nkpt = ntot_pT(myrank)
    ioff = ioff_pT(myrank)

    !Create temp arrays
    allocate(icubmarked_tmp(nkpt), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating icubmarked_tmp in mark_cubes_in_IBZ'
    ncubmarked_tmp = 0
    icubmarked_tmp = -1

    !Test whether cubes lie in wedge
    do icub=1,nkpt
      call generate_cubevertices(nCub3,imarked(icub+ioff),bounds,kverts)
      cubeinwedge = points_in_wedge(nfaces, nvec, dscal, 8, kverts, 'any')
        ncubmarked_tmp = ncubmarked_tmp + 1
        icubmarked_tmp(ncubmarked_tmp) = imarked(icub+ioff)
      end if!cubeinwedge
    end do!icub


#ifdef CPP_MPI
    !Combine results
    call MPI_Allgather(ncubmarked_tmp, 1, MPI_INTEGER, ncubmarked_pT, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Allgather(ncubmarked_tmp) in mark_cubes_in_IBZ'

    nmarked = sum(ncubmarked_pT)
    allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in mark_cubes_in_IBZ'

    iioff = 0
    do irank=1,nranks-1
      iioff(irank) = sum(ncubmarked_pT(0:irank-1))
    end do

    call MPI_Allgatherv( icubmarked_tmp, ncubmarked_tmp, MPI_INTEGER, &
                       & imarked, ncubmarked_pT, iioff, MPI_INTEGER,  &
                       & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Allgatherv(icubmarked_tmp) in mark_cubes_in_IBZ'

    allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
    if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in mark_cubes_in_IBZ'
    imarked = icubmarked_tmp(1:ncubmarked_tmp)

  end subroutine mark_cubes_in_IBZ

  subroutine cubes2VTK(filename,nCub3,nmarked,imarked,bounds)
    use mod_fermisurf_basic, only: generate_cubevertices
    use mod_vtkxml
    implicit none

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
    integer,          intent(in) :: nCub3(3), nmarked, imarked(nmarked)
    double precision, intent(in) :: bounds(3,2)

    integer          :: faces(4,6), offsets(6)
    double precision :: kverts(3,8)
    integer :: icub, ivert, iface
    character(len=80) :: fmtstr

    open(unit=123894, file=trim(filename), action='write', form='formatted')

    !write header
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_ivtkfile)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_ipolydata)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_ipiece) 8*nmarked, 6*nmarked

    !write points
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_ipoints)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_idata_points)
    write(fmtstr,'("(",I0,"X,3ES14.5)")') vtkfmxXdata
    do icub=1,nmarked
      call generate_cubevertices(nCub3,imarked(icub),bounds,kverts)
      do ivert=1,8
        write(123894, FMT=fmtstr) kverts(:,ivert)
      end do!ivert
    end do!icub
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fdata)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fpoints)

    faces(:,1) = (/ 0,1,3,2 /)
    faces(:,2) = (/ 0,1,5,4 /)
    faces(:,3) = (/ 0,2,6,4 /)
    faces(:,4) = (/ 1,3,7,5 /)
    faces(:,5) = (/ 2,3,7,6 /)
    faces(:,6) = (/ 4,5,7,6 /)

    offsets = (/ 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 /)

    !write polys
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_ipolys)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_idata_connectivity)
    do icub=1,nmarked
      do iface=1,6
        write(123894, FMT='(10X,4I8)' ) faces(:,iface)+(icub-1)*8
      end do!iface
    end do!icub
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fdata)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_idata_offsets)
    write(fmtstr, '("(",I0,"X,6(I0,X))")') vtkfmxXdata
    do icub=1,nmarked
      write(123894, FMT=fmtstr) offsets + (icub-1)*24
    end do!icub
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fdata)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fpolys)

    !write tail
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fpiece)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fpolydata)
    write(123894, FMT=vtkfmt_fvtkfile)


  end subroutine cubes2VTK

  subroutine init_cube2tetralines()

    ! A cube is cut into 6 tetrahedra.
    !  - itetcorner(j,i)   is the corner-index of the cube of the jth corner of the ith tetrahedron.
    !  - lines(1,l) and lines(2,l) contains the cube-index of the
    !     start- and end-points of the l-th edge of the tetrahedron in this triangle.
    !  - itetlines(l,i) is the lth edge of the ith tetrahedron

    integer :: itet

    tetdiags = reshape( (/ 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 /), (/ 2,4 /))

!   do ii=1,4
!     write(*,*) 't', tetdiags(:,ii)
!   end do!ii

    !define the endpoints of the edges of the tetraeda. cubedge(1,j) = k means:
    !the startpoint of the j-th edge is the k-th corner-point of the cube 

    cubedges(:,1) = (/ 1, 2 /) !\
    cubedges(:,2) = (/ 1, 3 /) ! \ = the 4 cube-edges in the base
    cubedges(:,3) = (/ 2, 4 /) ! /
    cubedges(:,4) = (/ 3, 4 /) !/

    cubedges(:,5) = (/ 1, 5 /) !\
    cubedges(:,6) = (/ 2, 6 /) ! \ = the 4 cube-edges from the base to the top
    cubedges(:,7) = (/ 3, 7 /) ! /
    cubedges(:,8) = (/ 4, 8 /) !/

    cubedges(:,9)  = (/ 5, 6 /) !\
    cubedges(:,10) = (/ 5, 7 /) ! \ = the 4 cube-edges in the top
    cubedges(:,11) = (/ 6, 8 /) ! /
    cubedges(:,12) = (/ 7, 8 /) !/

    cubedges(:,13) = (/ 1, 4 /) !\
    cubedges(:,14) = (/ 1, 6 /) ! \
    cubedges(:,15) = (/ 1, 7 /) !  \ = the diagonals along the 6 faces
    cubedges(:,16) = (/ 2, 8 /) !  /
    cubedges(:,17) = (/ 3, 8 /) ! /
    cubedges(:,18) = (/ 5, 8 /) !/

    cubedges(:,19) = (/ 1, 8 /) ! = diagonal across the cube

    tetcorners(:,1) = (/ 1, 2, 4, 8 /)
    tetcorners(:,2) = (/ 1, 3, 4, 8 /)
    tetcorners(:,3) = (/ 1, 2, 6, 8 /)
    tetcorners(:,4) = (/ 1, 5, 6, 8 /)
    tetcorners(:,5) = (/ 1, 3, 7, 8 /)
    tetcorners(:,6) = (/ 1, 5, 7, 8 /)

    do itet=1,6
      tetedges(:,itet) = get_tedges(tetcorners(:,itet))
    end do

  end subroutine init_cube2tetralines

  function get_tedges(tcorners) result(tedges)

    integer, intent(in) :: tcorners(4)
    integer :: tedges(6)

    integer :: ii, jj, icount, iedge, pair(2)

    !loop over pairs
    iloop: do ii=1,3
      jloop: do jj=ii+1,4
        icount = icount+1

        !order the pair
          pair = (/ tcorners(ii), tcorners(jj) /)
          pair = (/ tcorners(jj), tcorners(ii) /)
        end if

        do iedge=1,19
          if(all( pair == cubedges(:,iedge) ))then
            tedges(icount) = iedge
            cycle jloop
          end if
        end do
        stop 'edge not found'
      end do jloop
    end do iloop

  end function get_tedges

  integer function get_edgeindex(icorner1, icorner2)

    integer, intent(in) :: icorner1, icorner2 
    integer :: ivc(2), iout, iedge

    end if


    do iedge=1,19
      end if
    end do

#ifdef DEBUG
      if(iout==0) stop 'get_edgeindex: no matching case found!'

    get_edgeindex = iout
  end function get_edgeindex

  double precision function area_triangle(kpoints)

    use mod_mathtools, only: crossprod

    double precision, intent(in) :: kpoints(3,3)
    double precision :: k21(3), k31(3), kcross(3)

    k21 = kpoints(:,3) - kpoints(:,1)
    k31 = kpoints(:,3) - kpoints(:,2)
    call crossprod(k21, k31, kcross)

    area_triangle = 0.5d0*sqrt(sum(kcross**2))

  end function area_triangle

  subroutine read_cubesrefine(nCub3, nmarked, imarked)

    use mod_mympi,     only: myrank, nranks, master
    use mod_ioformat,  only: filename_cubesrefine, ext_formatted, fmt_fn_ext
    use mod_iohelp,    only: get_nLines
    use mod_mathtools, only: bubblesort_int
#ifdef CPP_MPI
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer, intent(out) :: nCub3(3), nmarked
    integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: imarked(:)
    integer :: ierr, ii, ipointer, iline, istart, istop, nlines, ncubsplit, nCub3in(3), icubtmp, nrefine, nmarkedtmp
    integer, allocatable :: imarkedtmp(:), srtidx(:), imarked2(:), imarked3(:)
    character(len=256)  :: filename
    integer, parameter  :: iounit=15369

      write(filename,fmt_fn_ext) filename_cubesrefine, ext_formatted
      open(unit=iounit, file=filename, form='formatted', action='read')

      ncubsplit = 0

      nlines = get_nLines( iounit )

      !check the input data and get total number of split cubes
      do iline = 1,nlines
        read(iounit,*)  nCub3in, nrefine, icubtmp
!       write(*,'(5I8)') nCub3in, nrefine, icubtmp
        if(iline==1) nCub3 = nCub3in*nrefine
        if(any(nCub3in*nrefine/=nCub3)) stop 'nCub3 not consistent in refine' 
        ncubsplit = ncubsplit + nrefine**3
      end do!iline

      allocate(imarked2(ncubsplit), imarked3(ncubsplit), STAT=ierr)
      if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in readin on master'

      istop =0
      do iline = 1,nlines
        nmarkedtmp = 1
        read(iounit,'(5I8)')  nCub3in, nrefine, imarkedtmp
        call cut_and_update_cubes(nrefine, nCub3in, nmarkedtmp, imarkedtmp)
          write(*,'(A,I0,A,I0)') 'Something went wrong. nmarkedtmp= ', nmarkedtmp, ', nrefine=', nrefine
          stop 'Error in read_cubesrefine'
        end if

        istop =istart-1+nrefine**3
        imarked2(istart:istop) = imarkedtmp


      end do!iline
      nmarkedtmp = istart-1

      if(nmarkedtmp/=ncubsplit) then
        write(*,'(A,I0,A,I0)') 'Something went wrong. nmarkedtmp= ', nmarkedtmp, ', ncubsplit=', ncubsplit
        stop 'Error in read_cubesrefine'
      end if

      !sort the index and filter out double indices
      allocate(srtidx(ncubsplit), STAT=ierr)
      if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating srtidx in readin on master'
      call bubblesort_int(nmarkedtmp, imarked2, srtidx)
      imarked3 = -1
      imarked3(1) = imarked2(srtidx(1))
      ipointer = 1
      do iline=2,nmarkedtmp
          imarked3(ipointer+1) = imarked2(srtidx(iline))
          ipointer = ipointer+1
        end if
      end do

      nmarked = ipointer
      allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
      imarked = imarked3(1:nmarked)

!      write(666,'(I8)') nmarked, imarked

    end if!myrank==master

#ifdef CPP_MPI
    call MPI_Bcast(nCub3, 3, MPI_INTEGER, master, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Bcast(nCub3)'
    call MPI_Bcast(nmarked, 1, MPI_INTEGER, master, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Bcast(nmarked)'
      allocate(imarked(nmarked), STAT=ierr)
      if(ierr/=0) stop 'Problem allocating imarked in readin on slaves'
    end if!myrank/=master
    call MPI_Bcast(imarked, nmarked, MPI_INTEGER, master, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    if(ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) stop 'Problem in Bcast(imarked)'

!   write(*,'("myrank=",I0," imarked=",10I8)') myrank, imarked
!   write(2000+myrank,'(I8)')   nmarked
!   write(2000+myrank,'(10I8)') imarked
  end subroutine read_cubesrefine

  subroutine split_triangle(ktriangle, eigw_triangle, kstore, eigw_store, kcounter, nfaces, nvec, dscal)

    use mod_symmetries, only: singlepoint_in_wedge
    implicit none
    integer,            intent(in)    :: nfaces
    double precision,   intent(in)    :: ktriangle(3,3), nvec(3,nfaces), dscal(nfaces)
    double complex,     intent(in)    :: eigw_triangle(3)
    integer,            intent(inout) :: kcounter
    double precision,   intent(inout) :: kstore(3,nkpmax)
    double complex,     intent(inout) :: eigw_store(nkpmax)

    integer :: ntri, ii, iface, itri, cutcase, its(0:2), ikp(3), nLines, nLinesINP
    double precision :: dtmp, ktmp1(3,nkpmax), ktmp2(3,nkpmax), denom, rscal, ki0new(3,2)
    double complex :: etmp1(nkpmax), etmp2(nkpmax), ei0new(2)
    logical :: linIBZ(3), lplane(3)

    double precision, parameter :: eps=1d-10

    !test whether the points lie inside the IBZ
    do ii=1,3
      linIBZ(ii) = singlepoint_in_wedge(nfaces, nvec, dscal, ktriangle(:,ii))
    end do!ii


      !the triangle lies completely inside the IBZ --> just copy
      do ii=1,3
        kstore(:,ii+kcounter) = ktriangle(:,ii)
        eigw_store(ii+kcounter) = eigw_triangle(ii)
      end do
      kcounter = kcounter+3

    elseif(any(linIBZ))then ! DISTINGUISG THE DIFFERENT CASES !

      !the triangle lies partly in the IBZ --> cut it

      ktmp1(:,1:3) = ktriangle
      etmp1(1:3) = eigw_triangle

      !===== BEGIN =====!
      ! loop over faces !
      do iface=1,nfaces

        nLines=0!init counter for all triangles found

        !(updated) loop over triangles
        do itri=1,ntri

          ikp(1) = 3*(itri-1)+1
          ikp(2) = 3*(itri-1)+2
          ikp(3) = 3*itri

          !check if points are inside or outside the plane
          lplane(:) = .true.
          do ii=1,3
            dtmp = sum(nvec(:,iface)*ktmp1(:,ikp(ii)))-dscal(iface)+eps
              lplane(ii) = .false.
            end if!eps
          end do!ii

          if(all(lplane))then ! distinguish the different cases --- part 2 !

            !the whole triangles lies on the corect side of the plane
            ktmp2(:,nLines+1:nLines+3) = ktmp1(:,ikp)
            etmp2(nLines+1:nLines+3) = etmp1(ikp)
            nLines = nLines+3

          elseif(any(lplane))then ! distinguish the different cases --- part 2 !

            !the triangles crosses the plane --> cut it

            !=== BEGIN ===!
            !get the single point and the cutcase
            its(:)  = -1
            cutcase = 0


              do ii=1,3
                if(lplane(ii)) its(0)=ii
              end do!ii


              do ii=1,3
                if(.not.lplane(ii)) its(0)=ii
              end do!ii

              stop 'this case should not happen'
            end if!count
            !get the single point and the cutcase
            !===  END  ===!

            !get the indices of the other points
            its(1)=mod(its(0),  3)+1 

            !=== BEGIN ===!
            ! cut the triangle according to the case
            do ii=1,2
              denom = sum(ktmp1(:,ikp(its(ii)))*nvec(:,iface)) - sum(ktmp1(:,ikp(its(0)))*nvec(:,iface))
              rscal = ( dscal(iface) - sum(ktmp1(:,ikp(its(0)))*nvec(:,iface)) )/denom
!             if(abs(rscal-1d0)<eps)then
!               ki0new(:,ii) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(ii)))
!             else!abs(rscal)
                ki0new(:,ii) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(0))) + rscal*( ktmp1(:,ikp(its(ii))) - ktmp1(:,ikp(its(0))) )
                ei0new(ii)   = etmp1(ikp(its(0)))   + rscal*( etmp1(ikp(its(ii))) -   etmp1(ikp(its(0))) )
!             end if!abs(rscal)
            end do!ii

              ktmp2(:,nLines+1) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(0)))
              ktmp2(:,nLines+2) = ki0new(:,1)
              ktmp2(:,nLines+3) = ki0new(:,2)
              etmp2(nLines+1) = etmp1(ikp(its(0)))
              etmp2(nLines+2) = ei0new(1)
              etmp2(nLines+3) = ei0new(2)
              nLines = nLines+3
              ktmp2(:,nLines+1) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(1)))
              ktmp2(:,nLines+2) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(2)))
              ktmp2(:,nLines+3) = ki0new(:,1)
              ktmp2(:,nLines+4) = ktmp1(:,ikp(its(2)))
              ktmp2(:,nLines+5) = ki0new(:,2)
              ktmp2(:,nLines+6) = ki0new(:,1)
              etmp2(nLines+1) = etmp1(ikp(its(1)))
              etmp2(nLines+2) = etmp1(ikp(its(2)))
              etmp2(nLines+3) = ei0new(1)
              etmp2(nLines+4) = etmp1(ikp(its(2)))
              etmp2(nLines+5) = ei0new(2)
              etmp2(nLines+6) = ei0new(1)
              nLines = nLines+6
              stop 'this case may not happen = 3'
            end if!cutcase
            ! cut the triangle according to the case
            !=== END ===!

          else! distinguish the different cases --- part 2 !

            !the triangle lies on the wrong side of the plane --> throw away

          end if! distinguish the different cases --- part 2 !

          ktmp1(:,1:nLines) = ktmp2(:,1:nLines)
          etmp1(1:nLines)   = etmp2(1:nLines)
          nLinesINP = nLines

        end do!itri

      end do!iface
      ! loop over faces !
      !=====  END  =====!

      !copy here to big array
      do ii=1,nLinesINP
        kstore(:,ii+kcounter) = ktmp1(:,ii)
        eigw_store(ii+kcounter) = etmp1(ii)
      end do
      kcounter = kcounter+nLinesINP

      !the triangle lies completely outside of the IBZ --> throw it away


  end subroutine split_triangle

end module mod_fermisurf_3D