mapblock.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: 
!> Author:
module mod_mapblock


  !> Summary: 
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: undefined, deprecated 
  !> Deprecated: True 
  integer function mapblock(ie, ie1, ne, iterstep, nodefirst, nodelast)
    ! **********************************************************************
    ! *                                                                    *
    ! *                                                                    *
    ! *                                                                    *
    ! **********************************************************************
    implicit none

    ! Arguments ..
    integer :: ie, ie1, ne, iterstep
    integer :: nodefirst, nodelast

    ! Locals ..
    integer :: inc, ip, ipp, iproc, je, ke
    integer, dimension(ne) :: iesort, iproce
    ! ......................................................................
    ipp = iterstep                 ! dummy use of argument iterstep
    do je = ie1, ne
      iesort(je) = je
      iproce(je) = 0
    end do

    ipp = 0
    do ip = nodefirst, nodelast
      ipp = ipp + 1
    end do
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (ipp>1) then
      iproc = 0
      inc = 1
      do je = ie1, ne - 1
        ke = iesort(je)
        iproc = iproc + inc

        if (iproc==ipp) then
          iproc = 0
          inc = 1
        else if (iproc==-1) then
          iproc = 0
          inc = 1
        end if

        iproce(ke) = iproc
      end do
      mapblock = iproce(ie)
      ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      mapblock = 0
    end if
    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  end function mapblock

end module mod_mapblock