madelung2d.f90 Source File

Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany           !
! This file is part of Jülich KKR code and available as free software under the conditions!
! of the MIT license as expressed in the file in more detail.                  !

!> Summary: Calculation of the Madelung potential coefficients for a 2D structure 
!> Author:
!> Calculation of the Madelung potential coefficients for a 2D structure, the coefficients
!> are then stored in an unformatted file, starting first writing the coefficients 
!> inside the slab, if a decimation run is performed also the left and right host
!> constants are written.
module mod_madelung2d
  use :: mod_datatypes, only: dp
  private :: dp


  !> Summary: Calculation of the Madelung potential coefficients for a 2D structure 
  !> Author: 
  !> Category: electrostatics, KKRhost, geometry 
  !> Deprecated: False 
  !> Calculation of the Madelung potential coefficients for a 2D structure, the coefficients
  !> are then stored in an unformatted file, starting first writing the coefficients 
  !> inside the slab layer by layer, if a decimation run is performed also the left
  !> and right hosts consntats are written. 
  !> @note All positions must be scaled with `ALAT` to get them correct
  !> The record index is: `(IQ1-1)*NAEZ + IQ2` for `(IQ1,IQ2)` within the slab 
  !> `NAEZ*NAEZ + (IQ1-1)*NLEFT*NLBASIS` for `(IQ1,(IL,IBL))`, `IQ1` in 
  !> `+ (IL-1)*NLEFT+IBL` slab, `(IL,IBL)` in the left `NAEZ*NAEZ + NAEZ*NLEFT*NLBASIS`
  !> `+ (IQ1-1)*NRIGHT*NRBASIS` for `(IQ1,(IR,IBR))`, `IQ1` in `+ (IR-1)*NRIGHT+IBR` slab, 
  !> `(IR,IBR)` in the right
  !> Jonathan Chico: There seems to be an array called sum in this routine, this is the
  !> same name than the `FORTRAN` instrinsic function called `sum()`, hence it is recommendable
  !> that this name is changed.
  !> @endnote
  subroutine madelung2d(lpot,yrg,wg,naez,alat,vol,bravais,recbv,rbasis,rmax,gmax,   &
    nlbasis,nleft,zperleft,tleft,nrbasis,nright,zperight,tright,lmxspd,lassld,      &

    use :: mod_madelgaunt, only: madelgaunt
    use :: mod_runoptions, only: use_decimation, write_madelung_file
    use :: mod_madelcoef, only: madelcoef
    use :: mod_madelout, only: madel2out
    use :: mod_ewald2d, only: ewald2d
    use :: mod_lattice2d, only: lattice2d
    use :: mod_types, only: t_madel
    implicit none
    ! ..
    ! .. Scalar Arguments ..
    integer, intent(in) :: lpot     !! Maximum l component in potential expansion
    integer, intent(in) :: naez     !! Number of atoms in unit cell
    integer, intent(in) :: nmaxd    !! Paremeters for the Ewald summations
    integer, intent(in) :: ishld    !! Paremeters for the Ewald summations
    integer, intent(in) :: lpotd    !! Maximum l component in potential expansion
    integer, intent(in) :: nleft    !! Number of repeated basis for left host to get converged electrostatic potentials
    integer, intent(in) :: nright   !! Number of repeated basis for right host to get converged electrostatic potentials
    integer, intent(in) :: lassld   !! 4*lmax
    integer, intent(in) :: lmpotd   !! (lpot+1)**2
    integer, intent(in) :: lmxspd   !! (2*lpot+1)**2
    integer, intent(in) :: nembd1   !! Number of 'embedding' positions +1
    integer, intent(in) :: wlength  !! Word length for direct access files, compiler dependent ifort/others (1/4)
    integer, intent(in) :: nlbasis  !! Number of basis layers of left host (repeated units)
    integer, intent(in) :: nrbasis  !! Number of basis layers of right host (repeated units)
    real (kind=dp), intent(in) :: vol
    real (kind=dp), intent(in) :: alat  !! Lattice constant in a.u.
    real (kind=dp), intent(inout) :: rmax  !! Ewald summation cutoff parameter for real space summation
    real (kind=dp), intent(inout) :: gmax  !! Ewald summation cutoff parameter for reciprocal space summation
    ! ..
    ! .. Array Arguments ..
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lassld), intent(in) :: wg !! Integr. weights for Legendre polynomials
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: zperight  !! Vector to define how to repeat the basis of the right host
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: zperleft  !! Vector to define how to repeat the basis of the left host
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: recbv   !! Reciprocal basis vectors
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: bravais !! Bravais lattice vectors
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3,*), intent(in) :: rbasis  !! Position of atoms in the unit cell in units of bravais vectors
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3,nembd1), intent(in) :: tleft  !! Vectors of the basis for the left host
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3,nembd1), intent(in) :: tright  !! Vectors of the basis for the right host
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lassld, 0:lassld, 0:lassld), intent(in) :: yrg  !! Spherical harmonics (GAUNT2)
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Scalars ..
    integer :: iq1, iq2, iend, nclebd, iprint
    integer :: i, ib, ih, ileft, iright
    integer :: lrecamad, irec, nleftoff, nrightoff, nleftall, nrightall
    integer :: ngmax, nrmax, nshlg, nshlr
    integer :: ierr
    ! ..
    ! .. Local Arrays ..
    ! .. Attention: LMXSPD*LMPOTD appears as NCLEB1 in other routines
    integer, dimension(ishld)                 :: nsg, nsr
    integer, dimension(lmxspd*lmpotd, 3)      :: icleb
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lmpotd)         :: bm
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lmxspd)         :: sum
    real (kind=dp), dimension(3)              :: vec2
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lmxspd*lmpotd)  :: cleb
    real (kind=dp), dimension(2,nmaxd)        :: gn2, rm2
    real (kind=dp), dimension(lmpotd, lmpotd) :: avmad
    ! ..
    ! .. External Functions/Subroutines
    ! ......................................................................
    iprint = 0
    nclebd = lmxspd*lmpotd

    write (1337, '(79("="))')
    write (1337, '(18X,A)') 'MADELUNG2D: setting 2D Madelung coefficients'
    write (1337, '(79("="))')
    write (1337, *)

    ! ======================================================================
    call lattice2d(alat,bravais,recbv,ngmax,nrmax,nshlg,nshlr,nsg,nsr,gn2,rm2,rmax, &
    ! ======================================================================

    lrecamad = wlength*2*lmpotd*lmpotd
    if (write_madelung_file) then
      open (69, access='direct', recl=lrecamad, file='avmad.unformatted', form='unformatted')
      if (use_decimation) then
        nleftoff = naez*naez
        nrightoff = naez*naez + naez*nleft*nlbasis
        nleftall = nleft*nlbasis
        nrightall = nright*nrbasis
        irec = nright*nrbasis + nrightall*(naez-1) + nrightoff
        irec = naez*naez
      end if
      allocate(t_madel%avmad(irec, lmpotd, lmpotd), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr/=0) stop 'Error allocating t_madel%avmad'
    end if

    ! --> calculate the gaunt coefs

    call madelgaunt(lpot,yrg,wg,cleb,icleb,iend,lassld,nclebd)

    ! --> calculate the madelung coefficients to be used for VMAD

    ! **********************************************************************
    ! ********************************************** loop over atoms in slab
    do iq1 = 1, naez

      ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
      ! 1.  Summation in all layers in the slab
      ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
      ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loop over all other sites in the slab
      do iq2 = 1, naez

        if (iq1==1 .and. iq2==1) then
          write (1337, '(5X,2A,/)') '< EWALD2D > : calculating 2D-lattice sums ', 'inside the slab'
          if (iprint>=2) write (1337, 100)
        end if

        ! make ewald sumation in plane and inverse space
        ! sum if rz<>0 (out of plane)

        ! WRITE(99,*) 'Layer pair:',IQ1,IQ2
        call ewald2d(lpot,alat,rbasis(1,iq1),rbasis(1,iq2),iq1,iq2,rm2,nrmax,nshlr, &
        ! WRITE(99,*) 'SUM: ',SUM

        if (iprint>=2) then
          write (1337, 110) iq1, iq2, sum(1)
          if (iq2==naez .and. iq1/=naez) write (1337, '(20X,20("-"))')
        end if

        call madelcoef(.true.,lpot,avmad,bm,sum,cleb,icleb,iend,lpotd,lmpotd,lmxspd,&

        irec = iq2 + naez*(iq1-1)
        if (write_madelung_file) then
          write (69, rec=irec) avmad
          t_madel%avmad(irec,:,:) = avmad(:,:)
        end if
      end do
      ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    end do
    if (iprint>=2) write (1337, '(18X,22("-"),/)')
    ! ********************************************** loop over atoms in slab

    ! ######################################################################
    if (use_decimation) then

      nleftoff = naez*naez         ! record offsets
      nrightoff = nleftoff + naez*nleft*nlbasis ! left and right
      nleftall = nleft*nlbasis
      nrightall = nright*nrbasis

      ! ********************************************** loop over atoms in slab
      do iq1 = 1, naez
        ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        ! 2.  Summation in the LEFT bulk side
        ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        ileft = 0
        ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loop over all sites in the left host
        do ih = 1, nleft
          do ib = 1, nlbasis
            do i = 1, 3
              vec2(i) = (tleft(i,ib)+(ih-1)*zperleft(i))
            end do
            ileft = ileft + 1

            ! OUTPUT
            if (iq1==1 .and. ileft==1) then
              write (1337, '(5X,2A,/)') '< EWALD2D > : calculating 2D-lattice sums ', 'slab - left host'
              if (iprint>=2) write (1337, 100)
            end if
            ! OUTPUT

            ! -->  make ewald sumation for m= 0 l<5 rz=0 (in plane) and
            ! Inverse space sum if rz<>0 (out of plane)

            call ewald2d(lpot,alat,rbasis(1,iq1),vec2,iq1,ih,rm2,nrmax,nshlr,nsr,   &

            ! OUTPUT
            if (iprint>=2) then
              write (1337, 110) iq1, ileft, sum(1)
              if (ileft==nleftall .and. iq1/=naez) write (1337, '(20X,20("-"))')
            end if
            ! OUTPUT

            call madelcoef(.true.,lpot,avmad,bm,sum,cleb,icleb,iend,lpotd,lmpotd,   &

            irec = ileft + nleftall*(iq1-1) + nleftoff
            if (write_madelung_file) then
              write (69, rec=irec) avmad
              t_madel%avmad(irec,:,:) = avmad(:,:)
            end if
          end do                   ! ib loop in left host basis
        end do                     ! ih loop in layers to get convergence
        ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        if (ileft/=nleftall) then
          write (6, *) ' < MADELUNG2D > : index error ', 'ILEFT <> NLEFT*NLBASIS'
        end if
      end do                       ! ILAY1 loop
      ! **********************************************************************

      if (iprint>=2) write (1337, '(18X,22("-"),/)')

      ! ********************************************** loop over atoms in slab
      do iq1 = 1, naez
        ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        ! 3.  Summation in the RIGHT bulk side
        ! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loop over all sites in the right host
        iright = 0
        do ih = 1, nright
          do ib = 1, nrbasis
            do i = 1, 3
              vec2(i) = (tright(i,ib)+(ih-1)*zperight(i))
            end do
            iright = iright + 1

            ! OUTPUT
            if (iq1==1 .and. iright==1) then
              write (1337, '(5X,2A,/)') '< EWALD2D > : calculating 2D-lattice sums ', 'slab - right host'
              if (iprint>=2) write (1337, 100)
            end if
            ! OUTPUT

            ! -->  make ewald sumation (in plane) and
            ! Inverse space sum if rz<>0 (out of plane)

            call ewald2d(lpot,alat,rbasis(1,iq1),vec2,iq1,ih,rm2,nrmax,nshlr,nsr,   &

            ! OUTPUT
            if (iprint>=2) then
              write (1337, 110) iq1, iright, sum(1)
              if (iright==nrightall .and. iq1/=naez) write (1337, '(20X,20("-"))')
            end if
            ! OUTPUT

            call madelcoef(.true.,lpot,avmad,bm,sum,cleb,icleb,iend,lpotd,lmpotd,   &

            irec = iright + nrightall*(iq1-1) + nrightoff
            if (write_madelung_file) then
              write (69, rec=irec) avmad
              t_madel%avmad(irec,:,:) = avmad(:,:)
            end if
          end do                   ! ib loop in right host basis
        end do                     ! ih loop in layers to get convergence
        ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        if (iright/=nrightall) then
          write (6, *) ' < MADELUNG2D > : index error ', 'IRIGHT <> NRIGHT*NRBASIS'
        end if
      end do                       ! ILAY1 loop
      ! **********************************************************************

      if (iprint>=2) write (1337, '(18X,22("-"),/)')

    end if
    ! ######################################################################
    if (write_madelung_file) close (69)

    if (iprint<1) return
    ! ======================================================================

    call madel2out(iprint,naez,lrecamad,lmpotd,nleftoff,nrightoff,nleftall,nrightall)

100 format (8x, '2D Lattice sum (LMXSP = 1)', /, 18x, '  IQ1  IQ2  SUM', /, 18x, 23('-'))
110 format (18x, 2i5, d12.4)
  end subroutine madelung2d

end module mod_madelung2d