config.f90 Source File

Source Code

!> Summary: Read the information from config file
!> Author:
!> Date:
!> Read the information from config file
module mod_config
  use nrtype
  use mod_types, only: t_inc

!> Summary: Routine to read the information from the config file
!> Author:
!> Date:
!> Category: KKRimp, input-output
!> Deprecated: False

subroutine config_read(config)
  use type_config
  use mod_log, only: log_write
  use global_variables, only: pot_ns_cutoff

  implicit none
   type(config_type),intent(out) ::  config                       ! config type in which all
                                                                  ! keywords are stored
   integer,save               ::  first = 1                       ! make sure routine is called just once
   character(len=*),parameter ::  cfilename_config = 'config.cfg' ! name of the config file
   integer                    ::  ifile_config
   character(len=200)         ::  string1,string2
   character(len=200)         ::  keyword, keyword1, keyword2
   integer                    ::  ios,ios2,iline,itemp

   ! **********************************************************
   ! make sure the routine is just called once
   ! **********************************************************
   ifile_config     = 1000000
   if (first/=1) stop '[config_params] trying to change the config file twice is not permitted'

   ! **********************************************************
   ! setting default values
   ! **********************************************************


   open(unit=ifile_config, file=cfilename_config, status='old', iostat=ios)
   if (ios/=0) then
      write(*,*) '[read_config] config file does not exist'
   end if

   iline =0
   do while (ios/=-1)
      read(unit=ifile_config,fmt='(A)', iostat=ios) string1

      if (ios==-1) cycle
      if (string1(1:1) == "!" .or. string1(1:1) == "#") cycle
      if (len(trim(string1)) == 0) cycle

      string1 = eq2blanc(string1)            ! getting rid of '=' signs in string                               ! Benedikt 2014/12
      read(string1,*) keyword2               ! detach keyword from rest of string (i.e. values and/or comments) ! Benedikt 2014/12
   !   read(string1,*) keyword2
      keyword1=trim(get_uppercase(keyword2)) ! force keyword to be uppercase and get rid of blancs (' ')        ! Benedikt 2014/12
   !   keyword1=trim(keyword2)
      select case (keyword1)
         case ('NSPIN')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%nspin
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('INS')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%INS
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%wavefunc_recalc_threshhold
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('XC')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%modeexcorr
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('ICST')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%icst
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('HFIELD')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%hfield, config%hfield_apply_niter
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('HFIELD2')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%hfield2(1),config%hfield2(2), config%hfield_apply_niter2
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if

         case ('KVREL')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%kvrel
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
            if (config%kvrel==0) then
            elseif (config%kvrel==1) then
            elseif (config%kvrel==2) then
            elseif (config%kvrel==3) then
               stop '[config] error KVREL=?'
            end if
         case ('MIXFAC')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%mixfac
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('CALCFORCE')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%calcforce
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('CALCJIJMAT')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%calcJijmat
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('FCM')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%fcm
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('QBOUND')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%qbound
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('QBOUND_LDAU')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%qbound_ldau
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('IMIX')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%IMIX
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NSIMPLEMIXFIRST')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%NSIMPLEMIXFIRST
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('IMIXSPIN')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%IMIXSPIN
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('SPINMIXFAC')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%SPINMIXFAC
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('SPINMIXBOUND')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%spinmixbound
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('CALCORBITALMOMENT')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%calcorbitalmoment
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('ITDBRY')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%ITDBRY
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('LATTICE_RELAX')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%LATTICE_RELAX
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('SCFSTEPS')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%SCFSTEPS
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('SPINORBIT')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%kspinorbit
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NCOLL')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%ncoll
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NPAN_LOG')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%NPAN_LOG
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NPAN_EQ')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%NPAN_EQ
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NCHEB')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%NCHEB
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('NPAN_LOGPANELFAC')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%npan_logfac
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('RADIUS_LOGPANELS')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%RLOGPAN
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('RADIUS_MIN')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword1, config%RMIN
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('TESTFLAG')
            string2=' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x'
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword, testflag
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('RUNFLAG')
            string2=' x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x'
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword, runflag
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
         case ('POT_NS_CUTOFF')
            read(string1,*,iostat=ios2) keyword, pot_ns_cutoff
            if (ios2 /= 0) then
               write(*,*) 'error in config ', keyword1
            end if
      end select
   end do
   ! **********************************************************
   ! set some default values                          --
   ! **********************************************************

   if (pot_ns_cutoff<0) then ! this means it is unset yet
      ! default value is 10% of qbound value
      pot_ns_cutoff = 0.1_dp*config%QBOUND
      if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337, *) 'Use default POT_NS_CUTOFF= ', pot_ns_cutoff
      if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337, *) 'POT_NS_CUTOFF= ', pot_ns_cutoff
   end if

   ! now consistency checks

   if ( .not. config_testflag('tmatnew') .and. config%kspinorbit==1 ) then
      stop '[config] spinorbit only works with the new solver'
   end if

   if ( .not. config_testflag('tmatnew') .and. config%ncoll==1 ) then
      stop '[config] non-collinear magnetism only works with the new solver'
   end if

   if (config%kvrel==2 .and. config%nspin==1) then
      stop '[config] nspin=1 and kvrel=2 conflicts'
   end if

   if (config%kspinorbit==1 .and. config%ncoll==0) then
      stop '[config] ncoll=0 does not work if spinorbit=1'
   end if

   if (config%kspinorbit==1 .and. config%NSRA==3) then
      stop '[config] config%kspinorbit==1 does not work if KVREL=2'
   end if

   if (config%calcjijmat==1 .and. config%ncoll==0) then
      stop '[config] config%calcjijmat==1 does not work if NCOLL=0'
   end if

   if (config_testflag('nosph') .and. .not.config_testflag('use_rllsll')) then
      stop '[config] test option "nosph" only work if you also use test option "use_rllsll"!'
   end if

   !--  write out config                                  --

   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '#######  Config Parameter   ############'
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'ICST     = ',config%ICST
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'INS      = ',config%INS
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'KVREL    = ',config%KVREL
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'NSRA     = ',config%NSRA
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'NSPIN    = ',config%NSPIN
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'IMIX      = ',config%IMIX
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A,F17.3)') 'MIXFAC   = ',config%MIXFAC
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A,F17.3)') 'FCM      = ',config%FCM
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A,E22.3)') 'QBOUND   = ',config%QBOUND
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*)          'SCFSTEPS =  ',config%SCFSTEPS
   ! write(1337,*) 'RCUT   =  ',config%RCUT
   ! write out test- and running flag information
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) ' TESTFLAG=         '
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'

   do itemp = 1,dim_flags
      if (trim(testflag(itemp))/='x') then
         if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A)',advance='no') testflag(itemp)
      end if
   end do

   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A)') ''
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) ' RUNFLAGS         '
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'
   do itemp = 1,dim_flags
      if (trim(runflag(itemp))/='x') then
         if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,'(A)',advance='no') runflag(itemp)
      end if
   end do
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) ''
   if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) '########################################'

end subroutine config_read

function config_testflag(ctestflag) result(istestflag)
  use type_config, only: testflag,dim_flags
  implicit none
  ! interface variables
  character(len=*),intent(in)       :: ctestflag
  logical                           :: istestflag
  ! local variables
  integer                           :: itemp

do itemp=1,dim_flags
!    if (trim(ctestflag)==trim(testflag(itemp))) istestflag=.true.
    if (trim(get_uppercase(ctestflag))==trim(get_uppercase(testflag(itemp)))) istestflag=.true. ! now comparison is case-insensitive ! provided by Benedikt, December 2014
end do
end function config_testflag

function config_runflag(crunflag) result(isrunflag)
  use type_config, only: runflag,dim_flags
  implicit none
  ! interface variables
  character(len=*),intent(in)      :: crunflag
  logical                          :: isrunflag
  ! local variables
  integer                :: itemp

do itemp=1,dim_flags
!    if (trim(crunflag)==trim(runflag(itemp))) isrunflag=.true.
    if (trim(get_uppercase(crunflag))==trim(get_uppercase(runflag(itemp)))) isrunflag=.true. ! now comparison is case-insensitive ! provided by Benedikt, December 2014
end do
end function config_runflag

    !******** following functions get_uppercase and eq2blanc provided by Benedikt ***********
    !********                          (December 2014)                            ***********

    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  function get_uppercase(strIn) result (strOut)
      ! added by Benedikt 2014/07
      ! Adapted from (25 May 2012)

      implicit none

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: strIn
      character(len=len(strIn))    :: strOut
      integer           :: i,j

      if (iachar("a")-32 .ne. iachar("A") ) stop '[function get_uppercase] Alphabetical order in character list is not ASCII format.'

      do i = 1, len(strIn)
           j = iachar(strIn(i:i))
           if (j>= iachar("a") .and. j<=iachar("z") ) then
                strOut(i:i) = achar(iachar(strIn(i:i))-32)
                strOut(i:i) = strIn(i:i)
           end if
      end do

  end function get_uppercase

    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  function eq2blanc(strIn) result (strOut)
      ! added by Benedikt 2013/07
      ! Equal signs ('=') in incoming string  are replaced in outgoing string by blancs (' ')

      implicit none

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: strIn
      character(len=len(strIn))    :: strOut
      integer           :: i,j

      do i = 1, len(strIn)
           j = iachar(strIn(i:i))
           if ( j == iachar("=") ) then
                strOut(i:i) = " "
                strOut(i:i) = strIn(i:i)
           end if
      end do

  end function eq2blanc

    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

end module mod_config