calctmat_bauernew.f90 Source File

Source Code

!> Summary: Calculation of the single site t-matrix
!> Author: David Bauer
!> Category: KKRimp, single-site, spin-orbit-coupling, dirac, potential
module mod_calctmat_bauernew


  !> Summary: Calculate t-matrices including non-collinear magnetism and
  !> spin-orbit coupling
  !> Author: David Bauer
  !> Category: KKRimp, single-site, spin-orbit-coupling, dirac, potential
  subroutine calctmat_bauernew(cell, tmat, lmaxatom, eryd_in, ZATOM, cellnew, &
    wavefunction, ispin, nspin, kspinorbit, use_fullgmat, theta, phi, ncoll, &
    nsra, config, idotime, ie, ldau, iatom, cellorbit, calcleft)

  use mod_datatypes, only: dp
  use mod_constants, only: czero
  use global_variables, only: korbit
  use mod_gauntharmonics, only: gauntcoeff
  use mod_timing, only: timing_start, timing_stop
  use type_tmat, only: tmat_type
  use type_cell, only: cell_type
  use type_cellnew, only: cell_typenew
  use type_cellorbit, only: cell_typeorbit
  use type_wavefunction, only: wavefunction_type
  use type_config, only: config_type
  use type_ldau, only: ldau_type ! lda+u
  use mod_interpolpot, only: interpolpot
  use mod_vllmat, only: vllmat
  use mod_vllmatsra, only: vllmatsra
  use mod_rllsll, only: rllsll
  use mod_rll_global_solutions, only: rll_global_solutions
  use mod_sll_global_solutions, only: sll_global_solutions ! MdSD: TEST
  use mod_calccouplingconstants, only: calccouplingdeltat
  use mod_config, only: config_testflag
  use mod_spinorbit_ham, only: spinorbit_ham
  use mod_rllsllsourceterms, only: rllsllsourceterms
  use mod_physic_params, only: cvlight
  use Potential, only:  PotentialMatrixArray
  use mod_calcsph, only: calcsph
  use mod_checknan, only: checknan
  use mod_basistransform, only: rll_transform, vll_transform, jlk_transform, single_transform
  use mod_mathtools, only: conjugate2, conjugate3, conjugate4
  use mod_calctmat_bauernew_testtools, only: switch_jlk, switch_vll
  use mod_wronskian, only: calcwronskian
  use mod_types, only: t_inc

  implicit none

  ! interface
  integer, intent(in)                    :: lmaxatom !! lmax cutoff for the current atom
  integer, intent(in)                    :: iatom !! atom index
  integer, intent(in)                    :: ispin, nspin !! spin index and number of spin channels
  integer, intent(in)                    :: kspinorbit, use_fullgmat
  integer, intent(in)                    :: ncoll, idotime !! UNUSED, can be removed
  integer, intent(in)                    :: nsra
  integer, intent(in)                    :: ie !! energy index
  real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: zatom !! nuclear charge
  real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: theta, phi !! theta and phi angles for noncollinear direction
  complex(kind=dp), intent(in)           :: eryd_in !! complex energy value in Ry
  logical, intent(in)                    :: calcleft !! triggers calculation of left solutions (can often be skipped to save time)
  type(cell_type), intent(in)            :: cell
  type(cell_typenew), intent(in)         :: cellnew
  type(cell_typeorbit), intent(in)       :: cellorbit
  type(config_type), intent(in)          :: config
  type(ldau_type), intent(in)            :: ldau !! lda+u variables
  type(tmat_type), intent(inout)         :: tmat
  type(wavefunction_type), intent(inout) :: wavefunction

  ! local
  integer                       :: ir, lm1, lm2, lmpot, lmmax, lmsize, lmsize2, use_sratrick
  integer                       :: istat, ierror ! status
  integer                       :: lmlo, lmhi, mmax, imt1 ! lda+u
  character (len=100)           :: filename !! file names for writing test files
  complex(kind=dp)              :: eryd !! complex energy
  complex(kind=dp)              :: gmatprefactor !! kappa prefactor to KKR Green function (contains relativistic corrections)
  integer, allocatable          :: jlk_index(:) !! lm index mapping
  real(kind=dp), allocatable    :: vins(:,:,:) !! non-spherical potential in old radial mesh
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: vpotll(:,:,:)
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: vpotll2(:,:,:)
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: vnspll0(:,:,:) !! non-spherical potential matrix in new radial mesh
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: vnspll1(:,:,:) !! non-spherical potential matrix in new radial mesh
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: vnspll2(:,:,:) !! non-spherical potential matrix in new radial mesh
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: tmattemp(:,:) !! t-matrix
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: tmatsph(:) !! spherical part of the t-matrix
  complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: hlk(:,:), jlk(:,:), hlk2(:,:), jlk2(:,:) !! wave functions (regular/irregular & left/right)

  if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) 'starting calctmatnew'

  eryd = (eryd_in)

  lmmax = (lmaxatom+1)**2
  lmpot = (2*lmaxatom+1)**2

  ! set the energy in case of a non-rel or SRA calculation
  if (nsra==1) then                   ! non-relativistc calculation
    wavefunction%nvec = 1               !   wave function just has one component
  elseif (nsra==2 .or. nsra==3) then  ! sra or full-relativistic
    wavefunction%nvec = 2               !   spinor with 2 components
  elseif (nsra==4) then               ! test option (might be deleted)
    wavefunction%nvec = 1
  end if

  ! set the size of the t-matrix and the wavefunctions
  ! in case of a spin-orbit calculation the tmatrix is twice as big!
  if (use_fullgmat==1) then           ! use_fullgmat means we treat a GF with spin up/down components.
    lmsize = 2*lmmax                    ! Thus, we need to multiply by 2
    lmsize = lmmax
  end if
  lmsize2=wavefunction%nvec*lmsize    ! lmsize2 is a combined index of (nvec, lmsize). A factor of 2
  wavefunction%lmsize = lmsize          ! is included in case of sra or full-relativistic calculation
  wavefunction%lmsize2 = lmsize2

  tmattemp = czero

  if (ubound(tmat%tmat,1) /= lmsize) stop 'calctmat: error in tmat dim'

  if ( config_testflag('tmatdebug') ) then

    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
      write(1001,'(50000E25.14)') cellnew%rmeshnew(ir), (cellnew%vpotnew(ir,lm1,ispin), lm1=1,lmpot)
    end do
    write(5000,'(50000E25.14)') cellnew%rmeshnew
    write(5001,'(50000E25.14)') cell%rmesh

  end if ! config_testflag('tmatdebug')

  ! set up the calculation of the VLL matrix
  !  according to formula 4.12 of Bauer,PhD Thesis
  IF (NSRA<=2) then ! non/scalar-relativistic case (+SOC)

    allocate(Vpotll(2*lmsize, 2*lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew), stat=istat)
    if (istat/=0) stop 'Error allocating Vpotll in calctmat_bauernew'
    Vpotll = czero

    if ( config_testflag('nosph') ) then
      use_sratrick = 0
      use_sratrick = 1

    allocate(vins(cellnew%nrmaxnew, lmpot, nspin), vnspll0(lmsize, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew), stat=istat)
    if (istat/=0) stop 'Error allocating vins in calctmat_bauernew'
    vins = czero
    vnspll0 = czero
    vins(1:cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1:lmpot, 1) = cellnew%Vpotnew(:,:,1)
    vins(1:cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1:lmpot, nspin) = cellnew%Vpotnew(:,:,nspin)
    call vllmat(1, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, lmmax, lmsize, vnspll0, vins, lmpot, gauntcoeff(lmaxatom)%cleb, gauntcoeff(lmaxatom)%icleb, &
      gauntcoeff(lmaxatom)%iend, nspin, zatom, cellnew%rmeshnew, use_sratrick, gauntcoeff(lmaxatom)%ncleb)

  else if (nsra==3) then ! use the full Dirac solver by Pascal Kordt, PhD thesis

    allocate(Vpotll(2*lmsize, 2*lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew))
    call PotentialMatrixArray(lmaxatom, lmaxatom, zatom, cellnew%rmeshnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, eryd, cellnew%vpotnew, Vpotll) ! cellnew%vpotnew(ir,lm1,ispin)

  end if ! NSRA<=2

  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! lda+u
  ! Add wldau to vpotll                                                                ! lda+u
  imt1 = cellnew%ipan_intervall(cellnew%npan_log+cellnew%npan_eq) + 1                  ! lda+u
  if (ldau%lopt>=0 .and. ie>=ldau%ieldaustart .and. ie<=ldau%ieldauend) then           ! lda+u
    if (nsra==3) stop 'lda+u not implemented for nsra=3'                              ! lda+u

    lmlo = ldau%lopt**2 + 1                                                           ! lda+u
    lmhi = (ldau%lopt + 1)**2                                                         ! lda+u
    mmax = lmhi - lmlo + 1

    if (use_fullgmat==1) then                                                         ! lda+u
        ! 2x2 in spin space
        do ir = 1,imt1                                                                 ! lda+u
          vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) = vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) + ldau%wldau(1:mmax,1:mmax,1)      ! lda+u
        enddo                                                                          ! lda+u
        lmlo = lmlo + lmmax                                                            ! lda+u
        lmhi = lmhi + lmmax                                                            ! lda+u
        do ir = 1,imt1                                                                 ! lda+u
          vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) = vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) + ldau%wldau(1:mmax,1:mmax,2)      ! lda+u
        enddo                                                                          ! lda+u
    else                                                                              ! lda+u
        ! 1x1 in spin space
        do ir = 1,imt1
          vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) = vnspll0(lmlo:lmhi,lmlo:lmhi,ir) + ldau%wldau(1:mmax,1:mmax,ispin)  ! lda+u
        enddo                                                                          ! lda+u
    endif  ! use_fullgmat==1

  endif                                                                                ! lda+u
  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! lda+u

  if ( config_testflag('vlldebug') ) then

    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
        write(1233,'(50000E25.14)') Vnspll0(:,:,ir)
        if (kspinorbit==1) write(11233,'(50000E25.14)') Vpotll2(:,:,ir)
    end do

  end if ! config_testflag('vlldebug')

  ! add the spin-orbit Hamiltonian to the VLL matrix
  ! in case of spin-orbit coupling V_LL ist not any more symmetric in L-space. Thus,
  ! the left- and right solutions need to be calculated explicitly. We transpose the
  ! potential in L-space in order to calculate the the left solution.
  if (kspinorbit==1) then

    allocate(Vpotll2(2*lmsize, 2*lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew))
    allocate(vnspll1(lmsize, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew))
    allocate(vnspll2(lmsize, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew))
    vpotll2 = czero
    vnspll1 = czero
    vnspll2 = czero

    if (t_inc%i_write>0) write(1337,*) 'spinorbit index', '', 'atom', iatom, cellorbit%use_spinorbit(iatom)
    if (cellorbit%use_spinorbit(iatom) == 1) then

      ! for right solution
      call spinorbit_ham(lmaxatom, lmmax, vins, cellnew%rmeshnew, eryd, zatom, cvlight, 1.0_dp, nspin, &
        lmpot, theta, phi, cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, &
        cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, vnspll0, vnspll1, '1')

      ! for left solution
      call spinorbit_ham(lmaxatom, lmmax, vins, cellnew%rmeshnew, eryd, zatom, cvlight, 1.0_dp, nspin, &
        lmpot, theta, phi, cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%npan_tot, &
        cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, vnspll0, vnspll2, 'transpose')


      vnspll1 = vnspll0
      vnspll2 = vnspll0

    end if ! cellorbit%use_spinorbit(iatom) = =1

  end if ! kspinorbit==1

  if ( config_testflag('vlldebug') ) then

    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
        write(1234,'(50000E25.14)') vnspll1(:,:,ir)
        if (kspinorbit==1) write(11234,'(50000E25.14)') vnspll2(:,:,ir)
    end do

    open (7352834, file='vnspll_SOC.txt', form='formatted')
    write (7352834, '(A,3I9)') '# LMMAXSO,LMMAXSO,IRMDNEW=', lmsize, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew
    write (7352834, '(2F25.14)') vnspll1(:, :, :)
    close (7352834)

  end if ! config_testflag('vlldebug')

  ! Extend matrix for the SRA treatment
  ! according to formula 4.107 of Bauer, PhD thesis
  !V = ( 1/2M = 1/2M_0 l(l+1)/r**2 + V_LL;     0     )
  !    (             0                       2M-2M_0 )

  if (nsra==2) then

    if ( config_testflag('nosph') ) then
      call vllmatsra(vnspll1, Vpotll, cellnew%rmeshnew, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
        eryd, lmaxatom, 0, 'Ref=0')
      call vllmatsra(vnspll1, Vpotll, cellnew%rmeshnew, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
        eryd, lmaxatom, 0, 'Ref=Vsph')
    end if

    if (kspinorbit==1) then
      ! do the same with the potential matrix used for the left solution
      if ( config_testflag('nosph') ) then
        call vllmatsra(vnspll2, Vpotll2, cellnew%rmeshnew, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
          eryd, lmaxatom, 0, 'Ref=0')
        call vllmatsra(vnspll2, Vpotll2, cellnew%rmeshnew, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
          eryd, lmaxatom, 0, 'Ref=Vsph')
      end if

    end if

  end if ! nsra==2

  if ( config_testflag('vlldebug') ) then

    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
      write(1235,'(50000E25.14)') Vpotll(:,:,ir)
      if (kspinorbit==1) write(11235,'(50000E25.14)') Vpotll2(:,:,ir)
    end do

    open (7352834, file='vnspll_sra.txt', form='formatted')
    if (nsra==2) then
      write (7352834, '(A,3I9)') '# 2*LMMAXSO,2*LMMAXSO,IRMDNEW=', 2*lmsize, 2*lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew
      write (7352834, '(A,3I9)') '# LMMAXSO,LMMAXSO,IRMDNEW=', lmsize, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew
    end if
    write (7352834, '(2F25.14)') Vpotll(:, :, :)
    close (7352834)

  end if ! config_testflag('vlldebug')

  ! might be deleted in the future
  if ( config_testflag('kappamutest')) then
    call VLL_TRANSFORM(Vpotll,lmaxatom)
  end if

  if ( config_testflag('vlldebug') ) then
    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
      write(12351,'(50000E25.14)') Vpotll(1:lmsize,1:lmsize,ir)
      if (kspinorbit==1) write(112351,'(50000E25.14)') Vpotll2(1:lmsize,1:lmsize,ir)
    end do
  end if

  ! calculate the source terms in the Lippmann-Schwinger equation

  ! these are in priciple spherical hankel and bessel functions
  ! which are extended with derivates of j and h's for a SR calculation
  ! for details, check chapter 4 of Bauer, PhD thesis

  ! calculate the Bessel and Hankel functions
  allocate(jlk_index(wavefunction%nvec*lmsize), &
    hlk(1:nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew), &
    jlk(1:nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew), &
    hlk2(1:nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew), &
    jlk2(1:nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew), &
  if(istat/=0) stop 'Error allocating jlk_index etc. in calctmat_bauernew'
  jlk = czero
  hlk = czero
  jlk2 = czero
  hlk2 = czero
  ! this is needed since rllsllsourceterms uses this from global variables
  korbit = kspinorbit
  call rllsllsourceterms(nsra, wavefunction%nvec, eryd, cellnew%rmeshnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
    lmaxatom, lmsize, use_fullgmat, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, GMATPREFACTOR)

  ! might be deleted in the future
  if ( config_testflag('kappamutest')) then
    call JLK_TRANSFORM(jlk, lmaxatom, jlk_index)
    call JLK_TRANSFORM(hlk, lmaxatom, jlk_index)
    call JLK_TRANSFORM(jlk2, lmaxatom, jlk_index)
    call JLK_TRANSFORM(hlk2, lmaxatom, jlk_index)
          DO LM1=1,2*LMSIZE
            jlk_index(LM1) = LM1
          END DO
  end if

  if ( config_testflag('writesourceterms')) then
    do lm1=1,ubound(jlk,1)
      write(1661,'(50000E25.14)') jlk(lm1,:)
      write(1662,'(50000E25.14)') hlk(lm1,:)
      write(1663,'(50000E25.14)') jlk2(lm1,:)
      write(1664,'(50000E25.14)') hlk2(lm1,:)
    end do
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_source_jlk_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') jlk(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_source_hlk_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') hlk(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_source_jlk2_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') jlk2(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_source_hlk2_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') hlk2(:, :)
    close (888888)
  end if

  if ( config_testflag('conjgtest')) then
    call conjugate2(jlk )
    call conjugate2(jlk2)
    call conjugate2(hlk )
    call conjugate2(hlk2)
    call conjugate3(VPOTLL)
  end if

  ! if the option 'nosph' is not set then the wave functions of the
  ! spherical part of the potential is used as a reference
  ! function. The solutions of a sperical potential are calculated by using
  ! Bessel and Hankel functions and are stored in the same array:

  if ( .not. config_testflag('nosph') .and. nsra/=5 ) then

    allocate(tmatsph(nspin*(lmaxatom+1)), stat=istat)
    if(istat/=0) stop 'Error allocating tmatsph in calctmat_bauernew'
    tmatsph = czero
    call calcsph(nsra, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, lmaxatom, nspin/(2-kspinorbit), zatom, eryd, &
      lmpot, lmsize, cellnew%rmeshnew, vins, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%rpan_intervall, jlk_index, &
      hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor, tmatsph, tmattemp, use_sratrick, .true.)

  end if

  if ( config_testflag('writesourceterms')) then
    do lm1 = 1, ubound(jlk,1)
      write(1671,'(50000E25.14)') jlk(lm1,:)
      write(1672,'(50000E25.14)') hlk(lm1,:)
      write(1673,'(50000E25.14)') jlk2(lm1,:)
      write(1674,'(50000E25.14)') hlk2(lm1,:)
    end do
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'tmatsph_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') tmatsph(:)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_sph_jlk_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') jlk(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_sph_hlk_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') hlk(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_sph_jlk2_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') jlk2(:, :)
    close (888888)
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'rll_sph_hlk2_atom_', 1, '_energ_', 1, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(2ES21.9)') hlk2(:, :)
    close (888888)
  end if

  ! The Lippmann-Schwinger equation for the full-potential
  ! is solved using using the Chebyshev integration method
  ! see Chapter 5 of Bauer, PhD thesis

  if (.not. allocated(wavefunction%SLL)) then
    allocate (wavefunction%SLL(lmsize2, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1),&
              wavefunction%ULL(lmsize2, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1),&
              wavefunction%RLL(lmsize2, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1))
  ! MdSD: redundant
  !  wavefunction%SLL = czero
  !  wavefunction%RLL = czero
  end if

  wavefunction%rll = czero
  wavefunction%ull = czero
  wavefunction%sll = czero

  ! might be deleted in the future
  if ( config_testflag('sw') ) then
    write(*,*) 'switch source terms'
    call switch_jlk(jlk)
    call switch_jlk(jlk2)
    call switch_jlk(hlk)
    call switch_jlk(hlk2)
    call switch_vll(VPOTLL)
  end if

  call timing_start('---rll call---')

  if (nsra==4) then
    hlk = hlk  / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0) + (eryd) / cvlight**2 )
    jlk = jlk  / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0) + (eryd) / cvlight**2 )
    hlk2= hlk2 / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0) + (eryd) / cvlight**2 )
    jlk2= jlk2 / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0) + (eryd) / cvlight**2 )
  end if

  ! calculate the right-hand side solution of the single-site wave functions
  tmat%tmat = czero
  if ( config_testflag('use_rllsll') ) then
    call rllsll(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll, wavefunction%RLL(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%SLL(:,:,:,1), &
      tmat%tmat, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
      jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, GMATPREFACTOR, '1', '1', '0', use_sratrick, tmattemp)
    ! MdSD: if using the old rllsll this is needed for rhooutnew
    wavefunction%ULL(:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%RLL(:,:,:,1)
    call rll_global_solutions(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll, wavefunction%ULL(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%RLL(:,:,:,1), &
      tmat%tmat, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
      jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor, '1', use_sratrick, tmattemp)
    call sll_global_solutions(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll, wavefunction%SLL(:,:,:,1), &
      cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
      jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor, '1', use_sratrick)
  end if
  if (nsra==2) then
    ! for nummerical reasons a factor of cvlight has been added to the equations which needs to be removed now
    wavefunction%RLL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%RLL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1)/cvlight
    wavefunction%ULL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%ULL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1)/cvlight
    wavefunction%SLL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%SLL(lmsize+1:,:,:,1)/cvlight
  end if

  ! Full-relativistic: Transformation from kappa-mu to Lms basis
  if (nsra==3) then
  ! Pascal
    write(*,*) "Transforming wavefunctions to real spherical harmonics basis."
    do ir=1,cellnew%nrmaxnew
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%RLL(1:lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%RLL(lmsize+1:2*lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%ULL(1:lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%ULL(lmsize+1:2*lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%SLL(1:lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
        call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, wavefunction%SLL(lmsize+1:2*lmsize,1:lmsize,ir,1), 'REL>RLM')
    end do
    call SINGLE_TRANSFORM(lmaxatom, (lmaxatom+1)**2, tmat%tmat, 'REL>RLM')
    write(*,*) "done."
  end if

  if ( config_testflag('conjgtest')) then
    call  conjugate4(wavefunction%RLL)
    call  conjugate4(wavefunction%ULL)
    call  conjugate4(wavefunction%SLL)
  end if

  call timing_stop('---rll call---')

  if ( config_testflag('kappamutest')) then
    call RLL_TRANSFORM(wavefunction%RLL(:,:,:,1), lmaxatom, 'REL>RLM')
    call RLL_TRANSFORM(wavefunction%ULL(:,:,:,1), lmaxatom, 'REL>RLM')
    call RLL_TRANSFORM(wavefunction%SLL(:,:,:,1), lmaxatom, 'REL>RLM')
  end if

  ! In case the option 'nosph' is not set. The output t-matrix
  ! just contains the non-sph part of the t-matrix. Thus,
  ! the sperical needs to be added
  if ( .not. config_testflag('nosph') .or. nsra==5 ) then
    do lm1=1,lmsize
      tmat%tmat(lm1,lm1) = tmat%tmat(lm1,lm1) + tmatsph(jlk_index(lm1))
    end do
  end if

  if (config_testflag('write_tmat_all')) then
    write (filename, '(A,I0.3,A,I0.3,A)') 'tmat_atom_', iatom, '_energ_', ie, '.dat'
    open (888888, file=trim(filename), form='formatted')
    write (888888, '(A,I9,A,I9,A,2ES15.7)') '# dimension: lmmaxd=', lmsize, ' lmmaxd=', lmsize, ' ; ERYD=', eryd
    write (888888, '(2ES25.16)') tmat%tmat(:, :)
    close (888888)
  end if
  if ( config_testflag('tmatdebug') ) then
    do lm1=1,lmsize
      do lm2=1,lmsize
        write(4000,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%RLL(lm2, lm1, :, 1)
        write(4001,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%SLL(lm2, lm1, :, 1)
      end do
    end do
  end if

  if (wavefunction%nvec==2) then
    if ( config_testflag('tmatdebug') ) then
      do lm1=1,lmsize
        do lm2=lmsize+1,2*lmsize
          write(4010,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%SLL(lm2, lm1, :, 1)
          write(4011,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%RLL(lm2, lm1, :, 1)
        end do
      end do
    end if
  end if

  ! If spin-orbit coupling is used the left solution of the
  ! Hamiltonian is non-trivial and needs to be calculated explicitly
  if ((kspinorbit==1).and.calcleft) then

    if (.not. allocated(wavefunction%SLLleft)) then
      allocate (wavefunction%SLLleft(lmsize2, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1),&
                wavefunction%RLLleft(lmsize2, lmsize, cellnew%nrmaxnew, 1))
    ! MdSD: redundant
    !  wavefunction%SLLleft = czero
    !  wavefunction%RLLleft = czero
    end if

    wavefunction%SLLleft = czero
    wavefunction%RLLleft = czero

    jlk_index = czero
    hlk = czero
    jlk = czero
    jlk2 = czero
    hlk2 = czero
    call rllsllsourceterms(nsra, wavefunction%nvec, eryd, cellnew%rmeshnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, &
      lmaxatom, lmsize, use_fullgmat, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, GMATPREFACTOR)

    ! MdSD: I put this here just in case it's needed
    ! if (nsra==4) then
    !   hlk = hlk  / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0)+(eryd)/cvlight**2)
    !   jlk = jlk  / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0)+(eryd)/cvlight**2)
    !   hlk2= hlk2 / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0)+(eryd)/cvlight**2)
    !   jlk2= jlk2 / sqrt( (1.0D0,0.0D0)+(eryd)/cvlight**2)
    ! end if

    if ( .not. config_testflag('nosph') .and. nsra/=5 ) then
      call calcsph(nsra, cellnew%nrmaxnew, cellnew%nrmaxnew, lmaxatom, nspin/(2-kspinorbit), zatom, eryd, &
        lmpot, lmsize, cellnew%rmeshnew, vins, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%rpan_intervall, jlk_index, &
        hlk2, jlk2, hlk, jlk, gmatprefactor, tmatsph, tmattemp, use_sratrick, .true.)
    end if

    if ( config_testflag('use_rllsll') ) then
      call rllsll(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll2, wavefunction%RLLleft(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%SLLleft(:,:,:,1), &
        tmattemp, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
        ! ------------>    watch out here changed the order for left and right solution <-----------
        jlk_index, hlk2, jlk2, hlk, jlk, GMATPREFACTOR, '1', '1', '0', use_sratrick, tmattemp)
      ! MdSD: here SLLleft is being used to save memory, as ULLleft is never needed
      call rll_global_solutions(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll2, wavefunction%SLLleft(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%RLLleft(:,:,:,1), &
        tmattemp, cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
        jlk_index, hlk2, jlk2, hlk, jlk, gmatprefactor, '1', use_sratrick, tmattemp)
      wavefunction%SLLleft = czero
      call sll_global_solutions(cellnew%rpan_intervall, cellnew%rmeshnew, Vpotll2, wavefunction%SLLleft(:,:,:,1), &
        cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, lmsize, lmsize2, nsra*(1+kspinorbit)*(lmaxatom+1), cellnew%nrmaxnew, nsra, &
        jlk_index, hlk2, jlk2, hlk, jlk, gmatprefactor, '1', use_sratrick)
    end if
    if (nsra==2) then
      wavefunction%RLLleft(lmsize+1:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%RLLleft(lmsize+1:,:,:,1)/cvlight
      wavefunction%SLLleft(lmsize+1:,:,:,1) = wavefunction%SLLleft(lmsize+1:,:,:,1)/cvlight
    end if

    if ( config_testflag('tmatdebug') ) then
      do lm1=1,lmsize
        do lm2=1,lmsize
          write(4100,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%RLLleft(lm2,lm1,:,1)
          write(4101,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%SLLleft(lm2,lm1,:,1)
        end do
      end do
    end if

    if (wavefunction%nvec==2) then
      if ( config_testflag('tmatdebug') ) then
        do lm1=1,lmsize
          do lm2=lmsize+1,2*lmsize
            write(4110,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%RLLleft(lm2,lm1,:,1)
            write(4111,'(50000E25.14)') wavefunction%SLLleft(lm2,lm1,:,1)
          end do
        end do
      end if
    end if

  end if !(kspinorbit==1)

  ! calculation of Jij's by a Lichtenstein-like approach
  ! check section 6.3.3 Bauer, PhD

  if (.not. allocated (tmat%deltaT_Jij)) then
    allocate(tmat%deltaT_Jij(lmsize,lmsize,3) )
  end if

  if (config%calcJijmat==1) then
    call calccouplingdeltat(wavefunction, tmat%deltaT_Jij, cellnew, gauntcoeff(lmaxatom), theta, phi, lmmax, lmsize, lmaxatom, lmpot, cellnew%nrmaxnew)
  end if

  ! calculation of the Wronskian. Just for nummerical checks

  if ( config_testflag('wronskian') ) then

    if (kspinorbit==1) then
      call calcwronskian(wavefunction%rll(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%sll(:,:,:,1), &
        wavefunction%rllleft(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%sllleft(:,:,:,1), &
        cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%rpan_intervall)
      call calcwronskian(wavefunction%rll(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%sll(:,:,:,1), &
        wavefunction%rll(:,:,:,1), wavefunction%sll(:,:,:,1), &
        cellnew%ncheb, cellnew%npan_tot, cellnew%ipan_intervall, cellnew%rpan_intervall)
    end if

  end if

  if ( config_testflag('checknan') ) then

        call checknan( wavefunction%rll ,ierror)
        if (ierror==1) stop '[calctmat_bauernew] wavefunction%rll nan'
        call checknan( wavefunction%sll ,ierror)
        if (ierror==1) stop '[calctmat_bauernew] wavefunction%sll nan'

  end if

  ! clean up allocations
  deallocate(Vpotll, tmattemp, vins, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, stat=istat)
  if (istat/=0) stop 'Error deallocating arrays in calctmat_bauernew'
  if ( .not. config_testflag('nosph') .and. nsra/=5 ) then
    deallocate(tmatsph, stat=istat)
    if (istat/=0) stop 'Error deallocating arrays in calctmat_bauernew'
  end if

  end subroutine calctmat_bauernew

end module mod_calctmat_bauernew