mod_vxcdrv_kkrimp Module

Driver for the exchange-correlation potential and energy calculation. It wraps all the different exchange-correlation potentials and make sure to call the appropriate subroutines depending on the type of exchange correlation potential indicated in the inputcard


public subroutine VXCDRV(EXC, KTE, NSPIN, NATOM, density, VONS, CELL, kshape, GAUNTSHAPE, shapefun, LMAXD, LPOTD, LMPOTD, LMXSPD, nrmaxd, lmaxatom, INS)

Creative Commons License
xc-potential, KKRimp

D r i v e r

f o r

t h e

e x c h a n g e - c o r r e l a t i o n

p o t e n t i a l

a n d

e n e r g y

c a l c u l a t i o n

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
double precision :: EXC(0:LPOTD,NATOM)
integer :: KTE
integer :: NSPIN
integer :: NATOM
type(DENSITY_TYPE) :: density(natom)
double precision :: VONS(nrmaxd,LMPOTD,NSPIN,NATOM)
integer :: kshape
type(gauntshape_type) :: GAUNTSHAPE(LMAXD)
type(shapefun_type) :: shapefun(natom)
integer :: LMAXD
integer :: LPOTD
integer :: LMPOTD
integer :: LMXSPD
integer :: nrmaxd
integer :: lmaxatom(natom)
integer :: INS