mod_sll_global_solutions Module

Wrapper for the calculation of the irregular solutions


public subroutine sll_global_solutions(rpanbound, rmesh, vll, sll, ncheb, npan, lmsize, lmsize2, lbessel, nrmax, nvec, jlk_index, hlk, jlk, hlk2, jlk2, gmatprefactor, cmodesll, use_sratrick1)

Creative Commons License
single-site, KKRhost

W r a p p e r

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i r r e g u l a r

s o l u t i o n s

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp) :: rpanbound(0:npan)
real(kind=dp) :: rmesh(nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: vll(lmsize*nvec,lmsize*nvec,nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: sll(lmsize2,lmsize,nrmax)
integer :: ncheb
integer :: npan
integer :: lmsize
integer :: lmsize2
integer :: lbessel
integer :: nrmax
integer :: nvec
integer :: jlk_index(2*lmsize)
complex(kind=dp) :: hlk(lbessel,nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: jlk(lbessel,nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: hlk2(lbessel,nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: jlk2(lbessel,nrmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: gmatprefactor
character(len=1) :: cmodesll
integer :: use_sratrick1