mod_setgijtab Module

rapper for the calculation of the elements of the Greens function will calculate the pairs depending on wheter one wishes to calculate the conductivity of the pair-wise Heisenberg exchange interactions.


    • mod_datatypes


public subroutine setgijtab(linterface, icc, naez, iqat, rbasis, bravais, natomimp, atomimp, rclsimp, ijtabcalc, iofgij, jofgij, nqcalc, iqcalc, natomimpd, ijtabcalc_i)

Creative Commons License
input-output, reference-system, structural-greensfunction, KKRhost

W r a p p e r

f o r

t h e

c a l c u l a t i o n

o f

t h e

e l e m e n t s

o f

t h e

G r e e n s

f u n c t i o n

\ ( G _ { i j } \ )

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical :: linterface
integer :: icc
integer :: naez
integer :: iqat(*)
real(kind=dp) :: rbasis(3,*)
real(kind=dp) :: bravais(3,3)
integer :: natomimp
integer :: atomimp(*)
real(kind=dp) :: rclsimp(3,*)
integer :: ijtabcalc(*)
integer :: iofgij(*)
integer :: jofgij(*)
integer :: nqcalc
integer :: iqcalc(*)
integer :: natomimpd
integer :: ijtabcalc_i(*)