mod_rhototb Module

In the paramagnetic case (nspin=1) the core valence charge times is added to the valence charge density times then only rho2ns(irmd,lmxtsq,natypd,1) is used . In the spin-polarized case (nspin=2) the spin-splitted core charge density times is converted into core charge density times and core spin density times . then these parts are added to corresponding parts of the valence densities times , that are rho2ns(...,1) which contains the charge density and rho2ns(...,2) which contains in that case the spin density . (see notes by b.drittler)


-V. Popescu March 2002: Total orbital moment within the WS sphere is also calculated in the relativistic case; orbital density is normalised in the same way as the charge density.


The core density is spherically averaged and multiplied by therefore the core density is only added to l=0 part.


public subroutine rhototb(ipf, natyp, naez, nspin, rho2ns, rhoc, rhoorb, z, drdi, irws, ircut, nfu, llmsp, thetas, ntcell, kshape, ipan, chrgnt, itc, nshell, noq, conc, kaoez, catom, irm, nemb, lmpot)

B. Drittler
Creative Commons License
core-electrons, physical-observables, KKRhost

A d d

c o r e

a n d

v a l e n c e

d e n s i t y

e x p a n d e d

i n

s p h e r i c a l

h a r m o n i c s

( c o n v e n t i o n

s e e

s u b r o u t i n e

r h o l m


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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipf
integer, intent(in) :: natyp

Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell

integer, intent(in) :: naez

Number of atoms in unit cell

integer, intent(in) :: nspin

Counter for spin directions

real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension (irm, lmpot, natyp, *) :: rho2ns
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (irm, *) :: rhoc

core charge density

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (irm*krel+(1-krel), natyp) :: rhoorb

Orbital density

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (*) :: z
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (irm, *) :: drdi

Derivative dr/di

integer, intent(in), dimension (*) :: irws

R point at WS radius

integer, intent(in), dimension (0:ipand, *) :: ircut

R points of panel borders

integer, intent(in), dimension (*) :: nfu

number of shape function components in cell 'icell'

integer, intent(in), dimension (natyp, *) :: llmsp

lm=(l,m) of 'nfund'th nonvanishing component of non-spherical pot.

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (irid, nfund, *) :: thetas

shape function THETA=0 outer space THETA =1 inside WS cell in spherical harmonics expansion

integer, intent(in), dimension (*) :: ntcell

Index for WS cell

integer, intent(in) :: kshape

Exact treatment of WS cell

integer, intent(in), dimension (*) :: ipan

Number of panels in non-MT-region

real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: chrgnt
integer, intent(in) :: itc
integer, intent(in), dimension (0:nsheld) :: nshell

Index of atoms/pairs per shell (ij-pairs); nshell(0) = number of shells

integer, intent(in), dimension (naez) :: noq

Number of diff. atom types located

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension (natyp) :: conc

Concentration of a given atom

integer, intent(in), dimension (natyp, naez+nemb) :: kaoez

Kind of atom at site in elem. cell

real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension (natyp, 2*krel+(1-krel)*nspin) :: catom
integer, intent(in) :: irm

Maximum number of radial points

integer, intent(in) :: nemb

Number of 'embedding' positions

integer, intent(in) :: lmpot
