mod_readimppot Module

Reads the potential and shape functions of impurity


Jonathan Chico: There is an array called scale used in this routine, this is the same name than the FORTRAN intrinsic function scale(). It might be a good idea to change this name.


    • mod_datatypes


public subroutine readimppot(natomimp, ins, ipf, ipfe, ipe, kws, nspin, lpot, ipanimp, thetasimp, ircutimp, irwsimp, khfeld, hfield, vinsimp, vm2zimp, irminimp, rimp, zimp, irmd, irnsd, irid, nfund, ipand)

N. H. Long
Creative Commons License
input-output, shape-functions, potential, KKRhost

R e a d s

t h e

p o t e n t i a l

a n d

s h a p e

f u n c t i o n s

o f

i m p u r i t y

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: natomimp
integer :: ins
integer :: ipf
integer :: ipfe
integer :: ipe
integer :: kws
integer :: nspin
integer :: lpot
integer :: ipanimp(natomimp)
real(kind=dp) :: thetasimp(irid,nfund,natomimp)
integer :: ircutimp(0:ipand,natomimp)
integer :: irwsimp(natomimp)
integer :: khfeld
real(kind=dp) :: hfield
real(kind=dp) :: vinsimp((irmd-irnsd):irmd,(lpot+1)**2,natomimp*nspin)
real(kind=dp) :: vm2zimp(irmd,natomimp*nspin)
integer :: irminimp(natomimp)
real(kind=dp) :: rimp(irmd,natomimp)
real(kind=dp) :: zimp(natomimp)
integer :: irmd
integer :: irnsd
integer :: irid
integer :: nfund
integer :: ipand