mod_projtau Module

Calculate the component projected TAU - matrices


It is assumed that all equivalent sites IQ have the same TAU-matrix TAUQ(IQ). To get TAU(IT) the first site IQ occupied by type IT is taken to be representative for all other (NAT(IT)-1) sites occupied by IT.

Allows an atom type IT to have different orientation of its moment on different but equivalent sites IQ


    • mod_datatypes


public subroutine projtau(icpaflag, cpachng, kmrot, wrtau, wrtaumq, ifiltau, eryd, nt, nq, nkmq, msst, mssq, nlinq, iqat, conc, tauq, taut, tautlin, ikm1lin, ikm2lin, drotq, ntmax, nqmax, nkmmax, linmax)

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single-site, coherent-potential-approx, KKRhost

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t h e

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: icpaflag
real(kind=dp) :: cpachng
integer :: kmrot
logical :: wrtau
logical :: wrtaumq
integer :: ifiltau
complex(kind=dp) :: eryd
integer :: nt
integer :: nq
integer :: nkmq(nqmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: msst(nkmmax,nkmmax,ntmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: mssq(nkmmax,nkmmax,nqmax)
integer :: nlinq(nqmax)
integer :: iqat(ntmax)
real(kind=dp) :: conc(ntmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: tauq(nkmmax,nkmmax,nqmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: taut(nkmmax,nkmmax,ntmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: tautlin(linmax,ntmax)
integer :: ikm1lin(linmax)
integer :: ikm2lin(linmax)
complex(kind=dp) :: drotq(nkmmax,nkmmax,nqmax)
integer :: ntmax
integer :: nqmax
integer :: nkmmax
integer :: linmax