mod_outpothost Module

Writes decimation potential-file 'decimate.pot' to be later used for 2D systems with the DECIMATE option. Based on the host potentials, the single-site matrices of the host can be calculated directly on each particular energy-mesh


So far, only SPHERICAL case implemented


    • mod_datatypes


public subroutine outpothost(alat, ins, krel, kmrot, nspin, naez, natyp, efermi, bravais, rbasis, qmtet, qmphi, noq, kaoez, iqat, zat, conc, ipan, ircut, solver, soc, ctl, irws, rmt, rws, rr, drdi, visp, irshift, rmrel, drdirel, vtrel, btrel, lmaxd, natypd, naezd, ipand, irmd)

V. Popescu
Creative Commons License
potential, single-site, input-output, KKRhost

W r i t e s

d e c i m a t i o n

p o t e n t i a l - f i l e

d e c i m a t e . p o t

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: alat

Lattice constant in a.u.

integer, intent(in) :: ins

0 (MT), 1(ASA), 2(Full Potential)

integer, intent(in) :: krel
integer, intent(in) :: kmrot

0: no rotation of the magnetisation; 1: individual rotation of the magnetisation for every site

integer, intent(in) :: nspin

Counter for spin directions

integer, intent(in) :: naez

Number of atoms in unit cell

integer, intent(in) :: natyp

Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: efermi

Fermi energy

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3, 3) :: bravais

Bravais lattice vectors

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3, *) :: rbasis

Position of atoms in the unit cell in units of bravais vectors

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: qmtet

angle of the agnetization with respect to the z-axis

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: qmphi

angle of the agnetization with respect to the z-axis

integer, intent(in), dimension(naezd) :: noq

Number of diff. atom types located

integer, intent(in), dimension(natypd, *) :: kaoez

Kind of atom at site in elem. cell

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: iqat

The site on which an atom is located on a given site

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: zat

Nuclear charge

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: conc

Concentration of a given atom

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: ipan

Number of panels in non-MT-region

integer, intent(in), dimension(0:ipand, *) :: ircut

r points of panel borders

character(len=10), intent(in) :: solver

Type of solver

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(krel*lmaxd+1, *) :: soc
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(krel*lmaxd+1, *) :: ctl
integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: irws

R point at WS radius

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: rmt

Muffin-tin radius of true system

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(*) :: rws

Wigner Seitz radius

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd, *) :: rr

Set of real space vectors (in a.u.)

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd, *) :: drdi

Derivative dr/di

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd, *) :: visp

Spherical part of the potential

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: irshift

shift of the REL radial mesh with respect no NREL

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd*krel+(1-krel), *) :: rmrel

radial mesh

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd*krel+(1-krel), *) :: drdirel

derivative of radial mesh

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd*krel+(1-krel), *) :: vtrel

potential (spherical part)

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(irmd*krel+(1-krel), *) :: btrel

magnetic field

integer, intent(in) :: lmaxd

Maximum l component in wave function expansion

integer, intent(in) :: natypd

Number of kinds of atoms in unit cell

integer, intent(in) :: naezd

Number of atoms in unit cell

integer, intent(in) :: ipand
integer, intent(in) :: irmd

Maximum number of radial points