MOD_CNWF011 Module

of mathematical functions, y.l.luke, academic press,london 1977

Computes the coefficients in the chebychev expansion of 0f1(;c;z)

Description of variables: cp input - parameter c in 0f1(;c;z) w input - this is a preselected scale factor such that n input - two less than the number of coefficients to be generated c output - a vector containing the n+2 Chebychev coefficients sum output - the sum of the coefficients all other variables are for internal use


public subroutine CNWF011(CP, W, N, C, SUM)

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KKRimp, special-functions, numerical-tools

C o m p u t e s

t h e

c o e f f i c i e n t s

i n

t h e

C h e b y c h e v

e x p a n s i o n

o f

0 f 1 ( ; c ; z )

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=8) :: CP

Parameter c in 0f1(;c;z)

real(kind=8) :: W

Preselected scale factor such that

integer :: N

Two less than the number of coefficients !to be generated

real(kind=8) :: C(*)

Vector containing the n+2 Chebychev coeff !icients

real(kind=8) :: SUM

Sum of the coefficients