vxcspo Subroutine

public subroutine vxcspo(exc, fpirho, vxc, kxc, ijend, ijd)

Calculate the spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential and the spin-polarized exchange-correlation energy kxc=0 means : spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential U. Von Barth and l.hedin, J. Phys. C5,1629 (1972) with parametrization of Moruzzi, Janak, Williams kxc=1 means : spin-polarized exchange-correlation potential U. Von Barth and L. Hedin, J. Phys. C5,1629 (1972) with parametrization of Von Barth, Hedin use as input the density generated on an angular mesh (see subroutine vxclm). fpirho(.,1) contains the charge density times and fpirho(.,2) the spin density times . Then the ex.-cor. potential and the ex.-cor. energy on those mesh points is calculated . the spin-down potential is stored in vxc(.,1).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(*) :: exc


real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(ijd, 2) :: fpirho

spin resolved density

real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(ijd, 2) :: vxc

spin polarized xc-potential

integer, intent(in) :: kxc

Type of xc-potential 0=vBH 1=MJW 2=VWN 3=PW91

integer, intent(in) :: ijend
integer, intent(in) :: ijd