sphere_gga Subroutine

public subroutine sphere_gga(lmax, yr, wtyr, rij, ijd, lmmaxd, thet, ylm, dylmt1, dylmt2, dylmf1, dylmf2, dylmtf)


Generate an angular mesh and spherical harmonics at those mesh points. For an angular integration the weights are also generated. This is needed for the calculation of the GGA exchange correlation potentials.


Phivos Mavropoulos, July 2007: New call to subroutine ylmderiv for accurate derivatives of spherical harmonics.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: lmax
real(kind=dp) :: yr(ijd,*)
real(kind=dp) :: wtyr(ijd,*)
real(kind=dp) :: rij(ijd,3)
integer :: ijd
integer :: lmmaxd
real(kind=dp) :: thet(ijd)
real(kind=dp) :: ylm(ijd,lmmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dylmt1(ijd,lmmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dylmt2(ijd,lmmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dylmf1(ijd,lmmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dylmf2(ijd,lmmaxd)
real(kind=dp) :: dylmtf(ijd,lmmaxd)