rhoout Subroutine

public subroutine rhoout(cden, df, gmat, ek, pns, qns, rho2ns, thetas, ifunm, ipan1, imt1, irmin, irmax, lmsp, cdenns, nsra, cleb, icleb, iend, cdenlm, cwr)


Calculates the charge density from r(irmin) to r(irc) in case of a non spherical input potential. Fills the array cden for the complex density of states


The gaunt coeffients are stored in an index array (see subroutine gaunt) the structure part of the greens-function (gmat) is symmetric in its lm-indices, therefore only one half of the matrix is calculated in the subroutine for the back-symmetrisation. The gaunt coeffients are symmetric too (since the are calculated for real spherical harmonics). That is why the lm2-loop only goes up to lm1 and the summands are multiplied by a factor of 2 in the case of lm1 not equal to lm2.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex(kind=dp) :: cden(irmd,0:*)
complex(kind=dp) :: df
complex(kind=dp) :: gmat(lmmaxd,lmmaxd)
complex(kind=dp) :: ek
complex(kind=dp) :: pns(lmmaxd,lmmaxd,irmind:irmd,2)
complex(kind=dp) :: qns(lmmaxd,lmmaxd,irmind:irmd,2)
real(kind=dp) :: rho2ns(irmd,lmpotd)
real(kind=dp) :: thetas(irid,nfund)
integer :: ifunm(*)
integer :: ipan1
integer :: imt1
integer :: irmin
integer :: irmax
integer :: lmsp(*)
complex(kind=dp) :: cdenns(*)
integer :: nsra
real(kind=dp) :: cleb(*)
integer :: icleb(ncleb,4)
integer :: iend
complex(kind=dp) :: cdenlm(irmd,*)
complex(kind=dp) :: cwr(irmd,lmmaxd,lmmaxd)