relpotcvt Subroutine

public subroutine relpotcvt(icall, vm2z, zin, rin, drdiin, ircut, vtrel, btrel, zrel, rmrel, jwsrel, drdirel, r2drdirel, irshift, ipand, irmd, npotd, natypd)


Driving routine to convert the TB-KKR potential from the non-relativistic representation VM2Z(IRMD,NPOTD), with IPOTD the combined index for ATOM and SPIN to the relativistic one. Additionally, for compatibility with the relativistic routines included in the package, VTREL includes the Coulomb term, and the auxiliary arrays ZREL, RMREL, JWSREL, DRDI, R2DRDI and IRSHIFT are created. IRSHIFT(NATYPD) accounts for the shift in the radial mesh, since the first point (sometimes first two points) of VM2Z ( = 0D0 ) are skipped. The relativistic routines require an odd number of radial points (Simpson integration routine)


  • Because this routine is called only IF KREL.EQ.0, the number of spins in VM2Z is always 2
  • So far, only SPHERICAL part implemented


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: icall
real(kind=dp) :: vm2z(irmd,npotd)
real(kind=dp) :: zin(natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: rin(irmd,natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: drdiin(irmd,natypd)
integer :: ircut(0:ipand,natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: vtrel(irmd,natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: btrel(irmd,natypd)
integer :: zrel(natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: rmrel(irmd,natypd)
integer :: jwsrel(natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: drdirel(irmd,natypd)
real(kind=dp) :: r2drdirel(irmd,natypd)
integer :: irshift(natypd)
integer :: ipand
integer :: irmd
integer :: npotd
integer :: natypd