ESPCB Subroutine

public subroutine ESPCB(ESPC, NSPIN, NATOM, corestate)

Attention : energy zero ---> electro static zero

Since input potential and single particle energies are using muffin tin zero as zero the energy shift is cancelled in the kinetic energy contribution!

Calculate the core contribution of the single particle energies l and spin dependent. Attention : here are the results of the subroutine corel (stored in the common block core) used. (see notes by B. Drittler)

modified for bandstructure code B. Drittler Jan 1990


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
double precision :: ESPC(0:3,NSPIN,NATOM)
integer :: NSPIN
integer :: NATOM
type(corestate_type) :: corestate(NATOM)