DSORT_NCOMP Subroutine



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=8) :: W(NCOMP,*)
integer :: NCOMP

@# KKRtags: VORONOI undefined

 Phivos Mavropoulos 2014
 Sorting according to multiple components
 W   is the original array returned unchanged
 IND is an array that holds the new positions 
 max number of ellements to be sorted
 pos the position where the first element is found
 NCOMP is the number of components:
 First sort according to the 1st component, then according to the 2nd etc.
 Uses integer function CMPR

logical :: LTEST
integer :: IND(*)
integer :: MAX

@# KKRtags: VORONOI undefined

 Phivos Mavropoulos 2014
 Sorting according to multiple components
 W   is the original array returned unchanged
 IND is an array that holds the new positions 
 max number of ellements to be sorted
 pos the position where the first element is found
 NCOMP is the number of components:
 First sort according to the 1st component, then according to the 2nd etc.
 Uses integer function CMPR

integer :: POS

@# KKRtags: VORONOI undefined

 Phivos Mavropoulos 2014
 Sorting according to multiple components
 W   is the original array returned unchanged
 IND is an array that holds the new positions 
 max number of ellements to be sorted
 pos the position where the first element is found
 NCOMP is the number of components:
 First sort according to the 1st component, then according to the 2nd etc.
 Uses integer function CMPR