allocate_mesh Subroutine

public subroutine allocate_mesh(flag, irm, natyp, a, b, rmesh, drdi)

Subroutine handling the allocation/deallocation of arrays that describe the integration mesh


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: flag
integer, intent(in) :: irm
integer, intent(in) :: natyp

number of kinds of atoms in unit cell

real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension (:), allocatable :: a

Constants for exponential R mesh

real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension (:), allocatable :: b
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension (:, :), allocatable :: rmesh

Radial mesh ( in units a Bohr)

real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension (:, :), allocatable :: drdi

Derivative dr/di